Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2685 Catch the American who is about to escape

Chapter 2685 Catch the American who is about to escape
Most of the unscrupulous American soldiers in the Philippines are mediocre in the United States. They have ordinary family backgrounds, peaceful lives, and ordinary lives. If they hadn’t come to the Philippines, their lives might have no bright spots.

Although the United States abolished slavery, domestic discrimination is very serious, so for the vast majority of American soldiers—especially African American soldiers, the Philippines is really a paradise on earth, where they will not be discriminated against, and You can still be superior to others, but there are still girls who take the initiative to throw themselves into your arms, what is this if it is not a paradise on earth.

Filipino girls probably don’t know that for the vast majority of Africans, the concept of “responsibility” does not exist in their minds, so thinking that mothers are more valuable than their children and going to the United States with American soldiers will probably fail.

This is not because African-American soldiers became "scumbags" after they arrived in the Philippines. They are also "scumbags" in the United States. Among all ethnic groups, African-American families have the highest proportion of single mothers.

Eisenhower was a smart guy who helped exonerate GIs while dodging questions about responsibility.

MacArthur was not so smart.

As the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Theater, the Philippines was the theater MacArthur was in charge of. Even Eisenhower was inevitably harassed by reporters, and the reporters who wanted to interview MacArthur were even more like a gentleman crossing the river.

MacArthur was not as close to the people as Eisenhower. He was a very successful guy and never let go of any opportunity to show his face in front of the media. MacArthur also chose to cover up the evil deeds of American soldiers.

But the way of covering up is not so smart.

"Gentlemen, we all know that there are Americans in Manila, as well as southern Africans, British, and Australians, so those guys who shirk their responsibilities may not be Americans—" MacArthur said at a press conference in Kyoto. Speaking of which, he has been in a good mood recently.

After the surrender ceremony, MacArthur came to Kyoto and officially served as the commander-in-chief of the US military stationed in Japan.

Following the provisions of the Tydings-MacDuffie Act, the Philippines should have gained independence in 1944, which was last year.

Due to the war, the time for Philippine independence has been postponed. The latest timetable given by Washington is 1946, which is next year.

Now that MacArthur is no longer the governor of the Philippines, and the Pacific theater is about to be abolished, MacArthur is more casual in his attitude towards Manila, far less cautious than Eisenhower.

It may be that he has been away from Washington for too long, or it may be that MacArthur's political sensitivity is not very good. In short, MacArthur did not take this matter to heart. Instead, he showed his diplomatic achievements in the past few days to the reporters present.

"I visited His Majesty the Emperor yesterday. We had a cordial and friendly exchange and took a group photo—" MacArthur showed reporters a photo. In the photo, MacArthur put his hands in his pockets, relaxed, and Hirohito next to him was trying to hold his head up. chest, but the height is still a big difference.

MacArthur's height is 1.8 meters.

Hirohito's official height is 1.5 meters eight, even if this data is not mixed with water, the height difference between the two is a full 22 centimeters.

MacArthur also did it on purpose. Under normal circumstances, if he has enough respect for Hirohito, the two of them should be sitting for a group photo, so that the height contrast between the two will not be too prominent.

MacArthur chose to take a photo with Hirohito in a standing position, and the picture was a bit funny.

Hirohito is the "god" in Japan, and his status is supreme.

The Supreme God took a photo with the Americans, and the height difference was so big, it was like an adult raising a child. This would have a huge impact on Hirohito's image in the hearts of the Japanese people.

As mentioned many times before, since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has been committed to "Turning Asia into Europe", and in the end it was really hopeless, so it proposed to establish the so-called Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

So Japan's worship of the West has been deeply rooted for a long time.

The root is still not confident.

Since the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, Japan has won consecutive foreign wars, and even European military police such as Russia have been defeated. The improvement in the self-confidence of the Japanese people is obvious.

Now the gap between Japan and the West is fully revealed through a photo, and Japan has been beaten back to its original shape. This is not an over-interpretation.

"Can we take pictures and keep them?" A reporter asked immediately.

MacArthur may have indeed had problems with political sensitivity.

However, MacArthur is indeed good at establishing his own image, otherwise he would not have made so many mistakes and still call the wind and rain.

"I've prepared it for you all, and you can publish it in tomorrow's newspaper." MacArthur was well prepared, and there were plenty of photos.

The gifts MacArthur prepared for the reporters were not only photos, but also a Parker pen for each of them.

The five pens used by MacArthur when he signed the instrument of surrender were all Parker pens.

Parker is an American brand. The founder, George Parker, works in a school. In order to increase income, George Parker sells pens to students and is responsible for after-sales service.

With this, George Parker has accumulated a wealth of after-sales experience, and he has improved the shortcomings of the pen, so there is a Parker pen.

"In addition to photos, don't you want to do something for those poor girls in Manila?" The reporters were not satisfied. It was no problem to post the photos in the newspapers, and MacArthur had to provide the reporters with more and more exciting news.

It is also mutually beneficial.

MacArthur's face sank immediately.

"As the commander-in-chief of the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces, I have not forgotten those Filipinos who betrayed us in the Philippine campaign. This is a shameful betrayal. After all, they have accepted the severe punishment of the court—" MacArthur did not respond positively, implying that the Filipinos deserved it .

This is understandable.

The U.S. government can spend tens of millions of dollars a year to help the Philippines improve its infrastructure and educate Filipinos.

But there is no obligation to help Filipinos grow.

Those girls are indeed pitiful, but when they choose to make friends with American soldiers, their purpose is not pure, and the starting point is not all love.

If there is, it is not all admiration for American soldiers.

The yearning for the United States may be more.

From this point of view, the really poor person must have something to hate.

Taking a step back, the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards for 300 years before, and then by the United States for nearly half a century. Do the Filipinos know nothing about the nature of the Spaniards and Americans?

It is impossible not to know that over the past few hundred years, there are countless Filipino girls who have been misfortune by the Spaniards and Americans, and how many mothers get what they want with their sons.

So knowing that making friends with American soldiers is risky, but choosing to rush forward without hesitation, you have to bear the consequences of the risk.

Although the truth is this truth, MacArthur will definitely not tell the truth, it is too cold-blooded, and it does not meet the personality that MacArthur wants.

So condemn those mutinous Filipinos.

"Aren't those girls innocent?" There are still reporters who don't know what to do and continue to pursue this issue.

This is not a question of being smart or not. The reporters are also good people. Of course, MacArthur's impatience can be seen.

Knowing that MacArthur was impatient and continued to ask, it was with ulterior motives.

"From a personal point of view, I sympathize with what happened to them—but from an adult point of view, we should all be responsible for our own choices. This is the most important lesson life has taught them." MacArthur is still not sensitive enough, he may Unexpectedly, his understatement, written with a reporter's pen, would be distorted.

During this period of time, if you choose the most holy newspaper in the world, it must be the "Singapore Daily".

Does what happened to the girl in Manila have anything to do with the Lion City Daily?
It doesn't matter at all, let alone the "Lion City Daily", even if it is zoomed in on the entire Lion City, the vigilance effect of Manila girls is limited, because the girls in the Lion City will not be full of illusions about Americans like Filipino girls.

American soldiers in the Lion City did not dare to be as presumptuous as they were in Manila.

What MacArthur said, although a little cold, is not wrong strictly speaking. Every adult should be responsible for his own life and should not pin all his hopes on others, even if the relationship between that person and you is a negative distance.

The editors of the Lion City Daily didn't seem to notice this, and focused more on the tragic experience of the girls in Manila.

As a battlefield, the Philippines has changed hands many times and has been greatly damaged by wars. The lives of Filipinos are already very difficult.

Those girls who are abandoned by American soldiers, if they don't have children, their lives will be easier and they will have a chance to start again.

For girls with children, life is very difficult. The most basic guarantees cannot be guaranteed, and the clothes are not covered, and the food is not enough.

The "Lion City Daily" still has a bottom line, and it doesn't just accuse the Americans of being irresponsible from a moral standpoint, but actually appeals in the newspaper to raise funds for those Manila girls and improve their living conditions.

"Our ability is limited, and the funds and materials we have raised are not much. We can only improve the lives of those girls and children in a short period of time. After a period of time, if there is no more help, their lives will still be in trouble—— —” Li Jia has been in the limelight during this time, she has become the head of a charity organization, and her first charity project is to help those girls and children.

It's really a girl. According to Li Jia's statistics, most of those Filipino women who were abandoned from beginning to end are under the age of 20, and many of them are not even adults.

The standard of adulthood in the Philippines is different from that in southern Africa. It is normal to get married under the age of 20.

Even so, attacking minors has broken through the moral bottom line of most people——

It is the moral bottom line of southern Africans that has broken through.

For Americans, the Philippines seems to have no moral bottom line. In the eyes of most American soldiers, the Philippines is a novel adventure paradise.

"——So we call on the US government to pay attention to this matter, not turn a blind eye to it, American soldiers can disappear, the US government should be responsible for those girls and children, this also reminds us that Asia is Asia for Asians, not an adventure for outsiders Paradise, we must be self-reliant and self-reliant in order to truly stand up." Li Jia's words imply that the US government can also disappear, but with additional money.

Following the provisions of the "Tydings-MacDuffie Act", the United States will pay the Philippines a sum of money when the Philippines becomes independent as compensation for the half century of Philippine colonization.

Of course, the Americans did not say this, but described it as "thanks to the Filipinos for their cooperation over the years."

The "Tydings-MacDuffie Act" was passed 10 years ago. The compensation standard at that time is not suitable today. After all, after a world war, the US dollar has depreciated a lot, and the compensation should also take this into account. Layer factor, increase appropriately.

Since it is "appropriate", it must not only satisfy Americans and Filipinos, but also satisfy audiences in Lion City.

In short, the Americans don't want to run away without bleeding once.

"The tragedy of the girl in Manila was not only caused by American soldiers. The Spanish colonized the Philippines for 300 years, and they were also responsible. Therefore, not only the United States, but Spain should also compensate the Philippines." When Li Jia said about the United States It's still quite polite. When it comes to Spain, the word "compensation" is unceremoniously used.

When Spain sold the Philippines to the United States, it did not make any compensation to the Philippines.

Spain expressed its grievance: It sold a total of 2000 million US dollars, half-selling and half-giving is not even a question, but the Philippines has 29 square kilometers, and I have suffered a big loss!

"There is also Japan. I hope that the tragic experience of the girl in Manila can give Japanese girls enough vigilance-oh, Japan is a comfort station organized by the Japanese government, so it's okay-" Li Jia, as a native of Lion City, Draw a line with Japan.

"Is it possible that the Japanese government took the initiative to organize that because of the tragic experience of the girl in Manila—" Polly, who interviewed Li Jia, couldn't say it. The United States is hateful, and Japan is simply disgusting.

As a reporter for The Times, Polly prided herself on being well-informed, but she had never seen a country that she paid so much respect to before and after the meeting.

During World War II, the Japanese were more brutal than the Germans. Tens of thousands of US-Philippine allied prisoners of war were killed, and even their own people were killed. During the Battle of Ryukyu, more than [-] Ryukyu people were forced to jump into the sea.

Now that Japan is defeated, there seems to be no conflict at all, seamlessly connecting the status of the defeated country, abandoning all dignity to serve the occupying army.

The point is that if the Japanese man goes to battle in person, then Polly will still have a high opinion of the Japanese man.

It was Japanese women who were first dedicated to the occupying forces by the Japanese government. It is really bad luck to be a Japanese woman.

During the war, men either joined the army or entered factories to produce all kinds of military supplies, and women were not idle, taking care of the elderly, taking care of children, doing farm work and housework.

Now the Japanese man is completely lying down, and the Japanese woman has to come forward to atone for the man, what a face!
(End of this chapter)

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