Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2686 teaches you how to be president

Chapter 2686 teaches you how to be president
If the Japanese wanted face, they wouldn't have so many ridiculous and shameless jokes.

All countries have black history, but Japan is the only one that can make people jaw-dropping. This country really has no bottom line. Americans can still use arrogance to describe it. It is difficult for Japan to use a specific word. To describe, you have to look through the dictionary to find all the derogatory words.

For Li Jia, pushing Japan is just a side effect. The point is to create greater pressure on the United States. Doesn’t the United States want to replace the United Kingdom as the new "empire on which the sun never sets?" The standards must also be raised appropriately, and we can no longer demand ourselves by the previous standards.

The international influence of the "Lion City Daily" is limited, and external forces need to intervene in order to arouse sufficient influence.

The influence of The Times is greater than that of The Lion City Daily. After Li Jia’s interview was published in The Times, the tragic experience of the girl in Manila attracted more attention around the world, and the pressure on Washington doubled. .

Countless reporters flocked to Whitehall to hear what Truman thought of the issue.

Truman did not respond immediately, and he did not escape on purpose, but went to southern Africa.

This was Truman's first visit to southern Africa as President of the United States.

As the two most outstanding countries in the world war, the United States and southern Africa, there are many issues between Truman and Rock that need to be communicated in depth.

Roque welcomed Truman's visit and held a welcoming ceremony for Truman at the Palace of Justice.

The grand occasion of the welcome ceremony does not need to be repeated. No matter how much Rock does not like Truman, he will give Truman the reception standards he deserves. Truman is still very curious about southern Africa. Pretoria is only the first stop, and he will go to Nigeria next. Asaland, there is the center of southern Africa.

This "center" is not only geographically, but also economically and culturally. Although Los Angeles is not the capital of southern Africa, it is the largest city in southern Africa, number one in every sense.

"When President Roosevelt was alive, southern Africa and the United States maintained close relations and signed a series of cooperation agreements. We should continue to deepen cooperation on this basis to achieve our common goals." Truman is looking forward to this trip to southern Africa. Quite high, as in Roosevelt's time, southern Africa and the United States still share broad common interests.

For example, continue to dig the corner of the UK.

Another example is the confrontation with Russia in Europe and East Asia.

As for Africa and South America, both Southern Africa and the United States have maintained a certain degree of restraint. The United States does not extend its hand to Southern Africa, and Southern Africa has not expanded its interests in South America.

"Of course, this is what we have always insisted on—" Rock's response was not very positive. You must be careful when making friends with Americans, it is more dangerous than being an ally with the British.

As an ally with the British, the biggest worry is that you may be abandoned at any time.

Making friends with Americans is risky.

One rib comes from the enemy, and the other rib comes from the United States.

The two world wars showed the selfishness of Americans to the fullest, and Europeans have a deep understanding.

Another space-time Europe has to rely on the United States, that is, facing the threat of Russia, its own strength is not enough, and it has to rely on the United States to resist Russia's pressure.

Not to mention other countries, at that time, Winston of the United Kingdom and Charles de Gaulle of France, which one looked like a fool, did not know the consequences of being attached to the United States, but considering the influence of Russia, the consequences of changing the sky were more serious, so they only Can seek skin from a tiger.

As long as there is a second option, smart people like Winston and de Gaulle are unlikely to ask for US aid.

This is why Truman took the initiative to come to southern Africa.

The current war in Europe has ended, and post-war reconstruction has become the theme. Compared with arms sales, this is another big cake. If the Americans want to have a taste, they must first seek the consent of southern Africa.

If Rock is unwilling to share this piece of interest with the Americans, the cake will become tasteless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

"The fierce competition between the companies of our two countries will only give Europeans the opportunity to profit from it, and will seriously damage the interests of the companies of our two countries. On the contrary, if we can reach an agreement and maintain a certain level of profit, then we are the best. Best mate." Truman made it clear that he had something to ask of Roque on this issue.

Leaving aside the United Kingdom, for a large number of continental European countries, under the same conditions, European countries are more willing to accept help from southern Africa and will not leave the opportunity to the Americans.

During the two world wars, southern Africa was the same from the beginning to the end, unlike the United States, which fought on both sides, I am afraid that the world war will not start.

It can be said that the United States has to bear a great deal of responsibility for Europe's degeneration to this point. Even if the Europeans are stupid and naive, it is time to recollect it now.

This can't be blamed on the greed of the Americans. Europeans are also self-inflicted, and they are cut off by the Americans one after another. The United States can have today's glory, which cannot be separated from the blood transfusion of old Europe.

Cutting leeks has consequences. What Truman and the American capital behind him are most worried about is the bottomless competition of southern African companies, which will be a disaster for the profit-hungry American capital.

"Before the Pearl Harbor incident in 41, the United States did not stop trade with Germany and Japan. How can I trust your sincerity now?" Rock also bluntly said that the United States is not trustworthy for southern Africa.

The trade with Germany is nothing, and the loss in southern Africa is not big.

It is impossible to say that Rock does not hold grudges against Japan's trade, which directly touches Rock's restricted area.

"Locke, you know that Washington's influence on New York is limited, just like Pretoria is on Los Angeles—" Truman hoped that Rock could understand the embarrassment of the American president.

The translation of this sentence means that the president of the United States cannot control the capitalists on Wall Street, and the president serves the capitalists.

This sentence sounds right. National leaders are meant to serve the country.

But think deeply, can capital represent the country, can it represent the interests of all Chinese people, and then this becomes a false proposition.

"No, no, no, Pretoria is the capital of Southern Africa, and the city of Los Angeles must also be managed by Pretoria." Rock disagreed, and Southern Africa is not the United States.

Truman overlooked one thing. Roque is not only the prime minister of southern Africa, but also the largest capitalist in southern Africa. Los Angeles is Roque's headquarters, and Pretoria is Roque's office. This is the root of New York and Washington. Two different things.

If you don't care about geography, some people may think that New York is the capital of the United States.

Los Angeles has never been the capital of southern Africa, and it is more appropriate to describe it as an uncrowned king.

"What I just said is also the common will of all of us Americans." Truman's expression was serious. If Roque did not make concessions, Truman would not be able to explain to Wall Street.

Truman was not willing to leave a note on the list of Presidents of the United States in the name of Roosevelt's successor. He would run for election in three years. If he offended Wall Street, Truman might even pass the party's primary election. no.

Domestically, Truman was significantly behind New York Governor Thomas Dewey in the election.

Only if Truman's trip to southern Africa was fruitful could Truman qualify to compete with Thomas Dewey.

Even that did not guarantee a Truman victory.

"Congratulations, you finally got the key to the gate of Whitehall." Rock's congratulations made Truman confused.

Truman may be the first U.S. president to truly take the civilian route in U.S. history.

Although the president of the United States has always been elected by popular vote, in fact, almost all the presidents of the United States before Truman followed the business line. The feelings of ordinary Americans have limited influence on the results of the presidential election.

Thomas Dewey is the presidential candidate who was withdrawn by the American elite under the traditional business model.

Truman in another time and space, facing the pressure of Thomas Dewey, had to leave the presidential office and go to lobby all over the United States, trying his best to win the votes of ordinary people.

Truman almost achieved the ultimate. He took the train and gave speeches at every train station. He really walked from the TV and radio to ordinary Americans, sold himself like ordinary Americans, and won votes from the bottom Americans, thus defeating Thomas in one fell swoop. Dewey.

Rather than hating the United States, Roark hates Wall Street tycoons. They are parasites that really suck blood on the United States. American attitude.

It is useless to treat the United States step by step. You have to take advantage of his illness to kill him and not give him any chance to make a comeback.

Regardless of whether Truman really understood the way to win the hearts of the people, Roque then showed Truman the mode of getting along between the federal government of southern Africa and the capital of southern Africa.

How can capital become the driving force behind the country? That is the way to kill. The correct model should be to complement and achieve each other, so that we can make progress together.

The first thing Roque introduced to Truman was the railway in southern Africa.

The development method of railways in southern Africa is similar to that of the United States. It is to introduce private capital to intervene, and use the power of capital to complete the laying of railways and connect the entire country together.

In order to attract capital to intervene, southern Africa and the United States have transferred part of their interests to capital, using the land on both sides of the railway as bait to attract capital to invest in railway construction, and achieved good results.

The difference lies in the treatment after the rail network is laid.

After the laying of the American railway network is completed, it is operated by private railway companies, and it is difficult for the federal government at all levels to intervene. The railway companies can continue to exert influence by virtue of the right to operate the railways.

The federal government of Southern Africa has gradually acquired shares from private railway companies since a long time ago, and gradually transferred the railway operating rights from private hands to the federal government. Now most of the railways in southern Africa are controlled by federal governments at all levels In the hands of private railway companies, the influence of private railway companies has become smaller and smaller, and more and more marginalized.

The "marginalization" here is literally.

"The construction of railways cannot be completed overnight. Now in West Africa and Tanganyika, private railway companies are still building railways. The price is the land on both sides of the railway and the right to operate it for a period of time. Infrastructure construction similar to railways. How can private companies control it for a long time, it will affect the control of the federal government." Roque was also conflicted, wondering if he should remind Truman.

From the standpoint of southern Africa, the more chaotic the United States and the more problems it has, the better it will be for southern Africa. From this perspective, Roque can make false promises, make a lot of promises, and happily send Truman back to the United States on business. Slowly dig holes for the Americans.

Reminding Truman certainly has its benefits.

If Truman attacks the American private railway company after returning to the United States, then the American private railway company cannot wait to die.

Therefore, Rock did not introduce to Truman the role played by Nyasaland and Rhodesia when the Southern African federal government took back the right to operate the railway.

The owner of Nyasaland Company is Roque, and the owner of Rhodesia Company is Stoudemire. These two companies have the most railway operation rights in Southern Africa. When the railway network was laid in Southern Africa, they played an important role. substitute role.

When the Federal Government of Southern Africa withdrew the right to operate the railway, Nyasaland Company and Rhodesia Company did not resist at all, and even actively cooperated, and other small companies were easily solved. possible tasks.

The reason is also very simple.

Roque and Stoudemire, no matter whether it is based on personal interests or family interests, have been deeply bound to the interests of the Southern African Federal Government, and have reached an inseparable level. The stronger the Southern African Federal Government, the stronger Roque and Xiaosi will be. Sri Lanka's interests can be more effectively guaranteed.

Not so with private American railroads.

As we all know, the Hebrews are stateless, and they can run away at any time if they can't live in a country, and they can't have too high expectations for the loyalty of the Hebrews.

"During President Roosevelt's tenure, we were working hard to disperse the influence of private enterprises on the country, but you also know that the situation in the United States is different from that in southern Africa." Truman is not stupid. The southern African method may not be suitable for the United States.

The influence of the trusts on the United States is much greater than that of Whitehall.

So there is no need to look at the jokes of the people in the peninsula, Renqin's father is like this, step by step becoming a beacon of cooking.

With Roosevelt's influence on the United States, when facing the American trusts, he can only disperse them, and cannot kill them with a single stick, otherwise the United States will fall into chaos, and Roosevelt cannot bear the consequences.

Again, in the face of the constraints of the US government, it is impossible for American companies to sit still. Rockefeller took the initiative to split up, but only completed the formal decentralization. In fact, the control power has not only not been reduced, but has been strengthened in disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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