Chapter 2687
The economic liberalism of a democratic country, translated into classical Chinese, means that those who eat money should not compete with the people for profit, and those who receive the big should not take the small.

It probably means that the state should not compete with private individuals for profit, and hide wealth from the people.

It is naturally good to hide wealth among the people, and the federal governments at all levels in southern Africa do the same, but it has changed in the United States.

What Henry Ford is most proud of is that he created the first batch of middle class in the United States and laid the social foundation of the American spindle structure. Therefore, the United States has been the place where many people’s dreams come true, and the U.S. government has officially launched The concept of the American Dream attracts immigrants from all over the world.

But in fact, the middle class is just a false concept. It is just a more advanced wage earner. The real masters of the United States are Wall Street tycoons. Free trade did not make all Americans rich, but only some people. Rather than hiding wealth from the people, it is better It is said that wealth is hidden in the Hebrews.

Roque didn't have much hope for Truman. What Roosevelt failed to do, Truman is even more impossible. However, the United States has not fallen to the point of no hope. The greedy tycoon is led into the abyss.

"The Manhattan Project is a great plan. Your government has demonstrated extraordinary organizational skills, so you are fully capable of doing better, so as not to shame the entire country for a small number of selfish desires." Rock said to the United States Comprehension is complicated, like GI.

In Manila, the American soldiers were indeed badly disciplined, and they were not doing well in Europe, strictly speaking, they were not much better than the Germans.

However, on the issue of discipline, only the Federal Government of Southern Africa in the world will restrain the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Almost all other countries, including allies, have not imposed too strict discipline in terms of discipline, even in order to encourage Morale, the deliberate guidance of the army, magnifies the dark side of human nature.

It's not surprising that people know etiquette when they have enough food and clothing, and they know etiquette when they have enough food and clothing. In old capitalist countries such as Britain and France, only a small number of people get rich. Most of the British and French are living in dire straits and cannot use Too high a moral standard to demand of them.

Even Britain and France have this virtue, and the United States, which has a history of only a hundred years, can be imagined.

Although the moral standards of the Americans are not high, they are still very brave when fighting the German and Japanese troops.

Think of those torpedo pilots who went on to attack Japanese warships one after another.

There are also those American soldiers who braved artillery fire to charge to the Liege Fortress.

Regardless of whether they joined the army passively, or whether they really joined the war with the mentality of saving the world, they did make great contributions to this war.

Compared with those American soldiers, those so-called high-society people on Wall Street who did not hesitate to provoke two world wars for profit are even more odious.

"The Manhattan Project is only a special product of a special period, and it cannot be continued in the United States." Truman didn't like the Manhattan Project. He didn't even know about it when he was vice president. How could he like it?

"Think about how President Roosevelt led the United States to defeat the Great Depression—" Rock can only do so much, and how much Truman can understand is his own business.

The situation Truman is facing now is not much better than when Roosevelt first came to power.

When Roosevelt came to power, although the United States was in a deep economic crisis, Roosevelt had the support of the entire United States. All Americans were full of expectations for Roosevelt. Wall Street tycoons also hoped that Roosevelt could lead the United States out of the Great Depression, so that they could continue to make money.

Although the economic crisis has not yet broken out in the United States, the economic crisis is already brewing and may be detonated at any time.

Truman did not have the same level of support as Roosevelt. He not only faced provocations from opposition parties, but also faced pressure from within the Democratic Party. Even a political amateur like MacArthur was eager to move for Truman's position. It is conceivable how much pressure Truman was under.

"The economic crisis is inevitable. This time it may be as bad as the Great Depression. Do you have any specific plans to deal with it?" A large part of Truman's purpose in coming to southern Africa this time was also to learn from Roque.

It was Roosevelt who led the United States out of the Great Depression by referring to the method of southern Africa. Truman naturally followed suit. Why not refer to it if he has ready-made experience.

"It won't be that serious—" Rock didn't think the economic crisis this time was comparable to the Great Depression.

This issue also needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

For the United States, the damage caused by this economic crisis is not too much, if not less than that of the Great Depression.

Southern Africa began to adjust its economy more than two years ago to minimize the negative impact of the economic crisis.

Considering the friendly relations between Southern Africa and European countries, the Federal Government of Southern Africa will devote more energy to the post-war reconstruction of European countries, so that Southern Africa will not suffer too much in the next economic crisis. A loss, maybe a blessing in disguise.

Although it doesn't sound right to base one's own happiness on the suffering of others, but a dead friend is not a poor man, and Roque will not be soft on this issue.

Of course, softness does not mean that they are not soft on killing European countries, but that they are not soft on aid.

Asking is win-win.

"I'm not alarmist. The situation in southern Africa may be a little better than in the United States. In the United States, the economic crisis has actually begun." Truman was burning with anxiety, and this was a big test for him.

With the end of the war, European countries' demand for military orders has decreased sharply, and many undelivered orders have even been canceled directly, causing huge losses to related US companies.

Although the deposit can make up for the loss of the order to a certain extent, the products that have been produced must lose money.

In the past, orders from the military industry were easy to place, and the deposit could earn two copies. Anyway, the shelf life is only a few decades, so there is no need to worry about the expiration of the product.

The two world wars completely shattered Europe. For a long period of time, no country would talk about war lightly. Who will sell the products produced?

The key is not the commodities that have already been produced, but the pessimism about the future that has led to a large number of layoffs in companies, unemployed workers, loss of income and inability to consume. This is the big problem.

Therefore, Truman came to southern Africa this time, and the two purposes did not conflict. Aiding Europe and economic transformation are fundamentally the same thing. As long as Roque agrees to be consistent with the United States, then it will be Truman's greatest political achievement.

Rock will definitely not let go.

It's still the same old problem, the cake is only so big, if southern Africa wants to cut an extra piece, the Americans won't get enough, who would think it's too much money.

So Rock tried every means to stir up conflicts between the U.S. government and U.S. private companies.

"I remember that two years ago, economists called for attention to this issue in newspapers. Haven't you guys paid attention to it?" Rock didn't show much concern.

Roque is the prime minister of southern Africa, the life and death of Americans, what's the matter with Roque?

As for economists and newspapers—

When Roque was under pressure to transform the company, he must have spread the word through different channels. Economists will have to give full play to their role at this time. It is one thing to listen to it, and another thing to say it.

If you don't teach, you call it abuse. If the Southern African Federal Government doesn't even say hello, then the relevant supporting companies will be out of luck.

Rock first let the economists and newspapers give a briefing, and the smart people will naturally know what to do next.

Don’t worry about the unintelligent ones. The money earned by luck will eventually be lost due to speculation. Many people go bankrupt in the market every day. Some people are unlucky, and some people just deserve it.

"You can't ask companies to reduce profits for unknown risks when the company is going smoothly. This is not in line with economic laws." Truman also had no choice. It is unrealistic to ask American entrepreneurs to be rational.

Some enterprises just make quick money, so we can’t ask them to have long-term plans. When the business is good, they rush in, and when the business is not good, they simply close down. It doesn’t matter to them whether the workers are unemployed or not.

In southern Africa, Roque himself is the largest arms dealer. His personal interests are deeply bound to those of the federal government. One prospers and one loses. American arms dealers will not transform in advance because of the possible economic crisis, but Roque can accept short-term The profit within a certain period of time has declined, which is the biggest difference between the two countries.

To put it bluntly, even if Rock was unprepared at the beginning, now he can not make money in a short period of time, retrain the workers and renovate the factory, and Rock can afford it.

Is it possible for American businessmen not to make money?That was worse than killing them.

So those who advocate a free economy are either stupid or have ulterior motives.

Rock was busy with affairs, and it was impossible to accompany Truman all day long, and Truman would not stare at Rock all day long. He had more important goals.

Roque said a long time ago that he would retire after the end of the world war, but now he has entered retirement ahead of schedule, just waiting for the general election in southern Africa.

Roque has already confirmed that he will not participate in the general election, and there is no party nomination. Gavin is running on behalf of the Liberal Party.

The primary election in the Liberal Party was almost without any disturbance. As everyone predicted, the Liberal Party only conducted one vote, and it was confirmed that Gavin would represent the Liberal Party in the general election.

Gavin's opponent is also very weak, which is inseparable from the strength of the Liberal Party. If there is no accident, Gavin will be elected with an absolute advantage just like Thomas Dewey.

In this case, Rock is naturally not Truman's only target, and Gavin is Truman's key target.

Gavin is also very busy now. The southern African general election has been confirmed to be held at the end of the year. The new prime minister will officially take office on January [-] next year. Gavin is not busy canvassing votes, but is busy organizing southern African companies to actively participate in Europe During the reconstruction, his current official position is the first member of the European Construction Committee.

Interestingly, the European Construction Committee is not a newly established institution, but has a long history of more than 20 years——

This is really not a spoof, referring to the history of southern Africa, 20 years is a long time.

The European Construction Committee was established in 1920. The first first member was none other than Roque, who was also the commander-in-chief of the Southern African Expeditionary Force at that time.

What Gavin is doing now is the same as that of Roque back then. This is a very influential position, and no one except Gavin is capable of taking it.

The large-scale enterprises in southern Africa are basically controlled by the three companies. Gavin is related to the three companies, and they are the ones with inheritance rights in terms of blood. Naturally, they are the best choice for this position.

It is not yet the deadline, but more than [-] southern African companies have signed up to participate in the reconstruction of Europe. From this perspective, Gavin has already exercised the power of the prime minister of southern Africa ahead of schedule.

"Of course we welcome American companies to actively participate in the reconstruction of Europe. In fact, many of our companies have maintained close relations with American companies over the years, which has become the best bond of friendly relations between our two countries." The headquarters of the European Construction Committee entertained Truman, neither seriously nor rude.

The headquarters of the European Construction Committee is just opposite the Governor's Palace in the Palace of Justice. Compared with the Governor's Palace, the building where the European Construction Committee is located is not grand, and it is seriously inconsistent with its strength. It is just an inconspicuous three-story building. It was this three-story building that aroused Truman's strong interest.

Truman's interest was certainly not in architecture, but in the way European construction committees worked.

"Our job is very simple. We organize southern African enterprises to actively participate in the post-war reconstruction in Europe. We will provide European countries with all the resources needed for reconstruction. Therefore, enterprises will do their best, even if it is only a small part, and we will Give enough attention." Compared with the old and cunning Rock, Gavin is honest to a certain extent.

This is also inseparable from the environment in which they grew up.

When Rock came to Southern Africa, he was a policeman, and he was still a less popular part of the police group, not even the third brother.

When Gavin was born, southern Africa was already self-governing. In the following decades, the economy of southern Africa was developing at a high speed. Compared with southern Africa, Europe is an old continent, and the United States is a country founded by heretics and vagrants. Looking at the world, there is no A country is comparable to Southern Africa, so Gavin and his generation have enough reason to be proud. No matter from which point of view, Southern Africa is the best.

Against this background, Gavin was naturally modest, and would not give Truman any special treatment because of Truman's status. Just an American president who came to southern Africa to learn lessons was not much different from the Brazilian president or the Australian prime minister.

Of course, this is only in terms of attitude, and we still need to pay attention to strategy, so Gavin will not be defenseless and pick what he can say.

(End of this chapter)

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