Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2702 Wonderful Wheel Chapter

Chapter 2702 Wonderful Reincarnation
To become bigger and stronger, enterprises cannot do without financial and technical support. The federal governments and financial institutions at all levels in southern Africa have done a good job. The survival rate of enterprises is still very impressive. More than 90.00% of start-ups cannot survive for three years .

90.00% of the enterprises that have successfully survived the first three years will go bankrupt within ten years, and the remaining ones will be the industry leaders with a relatively strong ability to resist risks. This part is the key support object of the federal government and financial institutions.

"We are cooperating with Nyasaland University and other scientific research institutions to improve the level of cassava processing. For us, the biggest competitor is not from abroad, but from China—" Xiao Ade hesitated to speak, this topic Quite a bit taboo.

The largest agricultural product company in southern Africa is the South Africa Company, and the most powerful is the Nyasaland Company. The bosses of these two companies are Stoudemire and Roque, both of whom are present.

"One or two large-scale companies in an industry is enough, any more is a waste." Stoudemire doesn't care, he understands monopoly.

The current situation is much better than before. At the time of the Second Boer War, there were not many companies in southern Africa that could be named, and they were seriously lacking in competitiveness.

During Rock's tenure, he worked hard to change this situation and fully introduced competition, which allowed small businesses to survive.

If there are no restrictions on South African companies with industry monopoly, small and medium-sized enterprises will either go bankrupt or be merged, and they will have no chance of survival at all.

What Stoudemire said actually has a certain truth. Only when the scale is strong enough can it be qualified to fully participate in international competition.

It is not that small and medium-sized enterprises are not qualified to participate in international competition, but because of lack of funds and technology, and insufficient competitiveness, compared with large enterprises such as South African companies, they only have one advantage of low cost, so they fight a price war and lose both sides. .

Fortunately, there are trade associations that can protect prices.

Otherwise, even big companies like the South African Company and Nyasaland Company would not be able to handle it.

Stoudemire also complained about this issue.

"If SMEs are not given enough opportunities, how can SMEs grow into large enterprises?" Xiao Ade had a different opinion with Stoudemire on this issue.

The key is to have different positions.

Ade Jr. is the governor of North Tanganyika. Everything must be considered from the standpoint of North Tanganyika. No matter how strong the South African company is, it has nothing to do with North Tanganyika.

Stoudemire just expressed his feelings. There are many companies under his name. The South African company is a giant to the agricultural enterprises in North Tanganyika, but to Stoudemire, it is just a part of the huge financial empire.

And it's an insignificant part.

"The market is only so big, and there is no room for a third South African company, or Nyasaland." If you eat meat, you are overreaching your capabilities.

So the key is to expand the market.

The cassava industry is a microcosm of the southern African industry. Under the general environment of industrial transformation all over the world, there is a new round of big waves washing the sand. Enterprises that only eat their laurels will not take long, and may be on the verge of extinction within a few months. No matter how much blood you lose, it's useless.

Strong companies will inevitably suffer losses in a short period of time, but they will be beneficial in the long run. As long as they survive the economic crisis, they will only grow stronger in the future and be reborn from the ashes.

Without Rock's reminder, Gavin is already prepared to deal with difficulties.

Gavin was already in charge of aid to Europe before he became prime minister, and now he is even more familiar with it, using aid to Europe as the engine of economic transformation in southern Africa.

Don't be afraid if you have no money, financial institutions can provide loans.

It doesn't matter if you don't have technology, the federal government can make a bridge.

Don't worry about the orders. After the end of the world war, although the orders related to the war have decreased sharply, the orders from other fields have poured in, flying to southern Africa like a snowflake.

Steel, cement, wood, all daily necessities closely related to food, clothing, housing, and transportation, as well as luxury goods that were seriously insufficient due to economic reasons during the World War, were snapped up by European countries one after another, as much as they wanted, and all payments were made in rand .

Compared with Roque's era, Southern Africa after Gavin became Prime Minister is more moderate.

Compared with Rock's strong promotion of rand at the beginning, Gavin did not strictly require that all foreign trade be settled in rand.

This has a lot to do with the substantial increase in the international status of the rand.

So far, the rand is the only currency in the world that is linked to gold and has never been untied.

After the collapse of the British gold standard system, it tried to use the gold bullion standard system. After the outbreak of World War II, the gold bullion standard system also collapsed, and its international currency status was in jeopardy.

Due to the poor reputation of the United States in the world, the situation of the U.S. dollar is not very good. Except for some countries with good relations with the United States, no country chooses the U.S. dollar.

As for the franc, no one cares about it except that the French overseas colonies still use the franc.

In the post-battery era, the rand became the only trustworthy currency among the many currencies. Other countries took the initiative to choose the rand as the settlement currency without the request of the federal government of southern Africa.

Europeans are quite reserved. In Brazil, some members of Congress even proposed to fully use the rand and abolish the national currency.

Brazil's currency fluctuates frequently and depreciates at a rate comparable to that of the depreciation mark. It is one of the most financially unstable countries in the world.

The rapid depreciation of the mark is due to the war. Brazil is far away from Europe, so the war did not spread to the mainland. On the contrary, as a resource-exporting country, Brazil made huge profits during the war. In theory, the economic situation should be good and the currency should be stable.

No one expected that Brazil's resources are being sold more and more, but the country is getting poorer and poorer. After the rich earn money, they don't choose to repay the society, but immigrate immediately and transfer their wealth abroad.

Former President Vargas immigrated to Southern Africa after he stepped down. He is currently living in Los Angeles and accepting the protection of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

If you don't leave, you will definitely be liquidated if you stay in Brazil.

Carlos, who replaced Vargas as president, is also not doing well.

Although no war broke out in Brazil, southern Africa sent expeditionary troops to Europe to join the war, with a total strength of 20 at its peak.

At the end of the world war, Brazil was also facing a major disarmament, but the Brazilian government failed to properly accommodate the veterans who were about to be discharged, which aroused strong opposition from the military.

"Politicians only know how to make money, rich people have emigrated abroad, ordinary people have not shared the dividends of economic development, soldiers have fought bloody battles in Europe for six years, and their pensions are only a pitiful one thousand cruzeros, you may not know, a Thousands of Cruzeiros, you can’t even buy a single loaf of bread in Brazil, this was the standard set by the federal government six years ago, without taking into account the devaluation of the currency, and the current government has no plans to change this standard.” Secretary of the Army Dutra was the supreme commander of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force during the World War. He should be responsible to his subordinates and to the country of Brazil.

Yes, Dutra has decided to carry out a coup d'état and overhaul the Brazilian government.

Considering the influence of southern Africa on Brazil, Dutra first came to Pretoria to enlist Gavin's support before launching the coup.

Dutra's coup could not have succeeded without the support of Southern Africa.

"Then raise the standard of retirement benefits—" Gavin was curious, where did the money earned by the Brazilian government go over the years?

Brazil has never been poor. It has a vast land and rich products. It exports a large amount of timber and iron ore to southern Africa.

The Locke family owns a large number of shares in Iron Four Corners, which is mainly engaged in iron ore, and Minas Company, which is mainly engaged in timber. Gavin is very clear about the operating conditions of these companies.

It is true that these companies have made the bulk of Brazil's export of resources.

However, the tax paid by these companies to the Brazilian government is not less than a penny, and the dividends for shareholders are also very generous. Former Brazilian President Vargas and current President Carlos are shareholders of these companies.

Dutra let out a long sigh, and he couldn't explain why: "The wealth owned by Brazil has never belonged to Brazil."

This is indeed true.

Gavin also had nothing to say, because he didn't understand the brain circuits of those officials in Brazil.

Vargas relied on the support of Iron Four Corners to overthrow the then Brazilian military government and become the president of Brazil.

After Vargas became president, the situation in Brazil has not improved. Politicians are still making money, and rich people are still immigrating. Vargas wanted to change the status quo, but due to many resistances, the final policies became minor repairs and were unable to return. sky.

However, during his tenure as president, Vargas still accumulated a considerable amount of wealth, with a total amount of about tens of millions of rand. In southern Africa, he is also an out-and-out rich man.

Now the situation is obvious.

Vargas made a fortune as president, and that can't stop others from getting rich.

So don't listen to Dutra's good words now. When he launches a coup to overthrow the current Brazilian government, he may go too far than Vargas and Carlos.

Gavin was also helpless.

After Carlos became the president of Brazil, the first country he visited was southern Africa. Roque was also optimistic that Carlos could bring some changes to Brazil after he became the president of Brazil.

Unexpectedly, looking at it now, it still looks like a ghost.

This is also normal, not all countries can change their fate against the sky like southern Africa.

In this world, things like Brazil are normal.

"What kind of changes can you bring to Brazil?" Gavin pushed the boat smoothly.

If Carlos can stabilize the situation in Brazil, Gavin will definitely be happy to see it, because it is also beneficial to southern Africa. Southern Africa needs a stable Brazil to provide southern Africa with a steady stream of industrial raw materials.

The same goes for other countries.

As long as it can provide raw materials for southern Africa stably, Roque actually doesn't care whether the ruler of those countries is the king or the president.

Rock didn't even mind the nature of the party.

No matter how hypocritical the Monroe Doctrine is, the saying that America is the Americas of Americans is essentially true.

"I will reform Brazil in a tough way, dismiss unqualified officials, hold accountable those who should be held accountable, check off, kill those who should be killed, and strictly supervise the taxation of the rich, especially for the transfer of wealth. Going abroad must be strictly prohibited, and some unreasonable clauses in the contracts signed with foreign companies also need to be amended—” Dutra watched Gavin’s expression carefully when he was speaking.

It doesn't matter anything else, the contract with a foreign company must involve Iron Four Corners and Minas.

"A way that is too explosive will cause harm to Brazil." Gavin reminded Dutra not to do things that should not be done.

Gavin can be indifferent, Iron Four Corners and Minas are not owned by Rock alone, it is impossible for others not to care.

At the beginning, it was because the military government coveted the income of the Iron Four Corners, which eventually led to the outbreak of the civil war. Vargas replaced the military government as the president of Brazil.

History is a helpless reincarnation. Everything starts with profit and ends with profit.

"A gentle way won't alert people. Without enough deterrence, how can we let those with vested interests give up their fat meat—" Dutra obviously thought about it, Vargas and Carlos Failure, in the mild manner that has been proven, will not do anything for Brazil.

"You can try, but you can only control the war in Rio de Janeiro." Getulio, the general manager of the Iron Four Corners who arrived in Pretoria with Dutra, did not go around in circles with Dutra.

Controlling the war in Rio will not have too much impact on Brazil. For the Iron Four, it doesn't matter who wins or loses between Dutra and Carlos.
It’s not that Getulio doesn’t trust Dutra. Dutra is not alone. He is also surrounded by a group of people. Can they all be clean and clean, and won’t become the next Vargas or Carlos after taking important positions? ?

This is the consequence of taking turns to sit in the bank. The right does not expire and become invalid. People who have never been in contact with power are more likely to get lost in power.

A very contradictory reality, if a rich man like Gavin becomes the president, at least he will not pursue wealth excessively, because the wealth Gavin owns has surpassed the stage of wealth at all costs.

To put it bluntly, when you have money to a certain extent, wealth is no longer the most attractive thing, but the value of life is.

Dutra is the Minister of the Brazilian Army and the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force. He has no shortage of rights and status.

The people under Dutra are not necessarily.

Brazil's 20 expeditionary force has only one commander-in-chief. As long as Dutra himself does not make too many mistakes, others will have no chance to serve as commander-in-chief.

Since there is no chance to pursue the highest power, you can only chase what you can get. This is the terrible consequence of lack of belief.

Because they have nothing to pursue except money, and other things are simply out of their consideration.

Gavin has ideals. He has been instilled by people around him since he was a child, and he wants to lead southern Africa to move forward.

Although Rock never asked for it, everything went with the flow, and he couldn't help other people think like this.

(End of this chapter)

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