Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2703 Can't wait for trial

Although Rock didn't want to, the Shoji family inevitably appeared in southern Africa.

It also has a lot to do with Rock's outstanding performance in the position of prime minister. Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes. Instead of choosing an amateur who has not proven himself, it is better to continue to place his trust in Gavin. Make mistakes financially.

Just look at Brazil to see how important this is.

When Vargas and Carlos first came to power, they also had ambitions to lead Brazil to replicate the miracle of southern Africa and turn Brazil into the second southern Africa.

Time has passed, but the two presidents have lost to reality. It is not that they did not work hard, but that objective conditions do not allow it. There is only one in the world, and there can only be one in Southern Africa.

Another one, the whole world can't afford it.

Apart from other things, both Vargas and Carlos have tried to develop industries in Brazil, at least some rough processing of iron ore and wood, in order to generate more profits.

Can't even do that.

The industrial upgrading in southern Africa is just to transfer the enterprises with high pollution, low efficiency and low profit from the core central states to remote areas, not to eliminate them from southern Africa.

Work such as rough processing of industrial raw materials is now the responsibility of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. If Brazil keeps this part of the processing business in Brazil, the Brazilian government and Brazilians will definitely increase their income, but Southwest Africa and Tanganyika What about Nika?
Moreover, it will change the current trade model, and it will also affect the interests of vested interests in Brazil. The attitude of these people must also be considered by the Brazilian government.

It can only be said that mosquito leg meat is also meat.

Since Southern Africa does not let go, Brazil can only honestly export industrial raw materials to Southern Africa, earning the meager profits in the entire processing chain.

After coming down again and again, no matter how ambitious, the edges and corners are finally smoothed in front of reality.

If nothing else, Dutra is just the next Vargas and Carlos.

Although Dutra does not think so.

"The rough processing of industrial raw materials is not profitable, and requires a lot of workers. The world war is over, and Brazil has 20 soldiers who are about to retire. As the Minister of the Army, I must be responsible to them." Dutra has a public opinion base, if If you want to step onto the stage of higher power, now is the best opportunity.

Dutra is a soldier and has self-knowledge. If he competes with Carlos in a normal way, Dutra basically has no chance.

Although Carlos is mediocre in governing the country, he is definitely a master in the election. If Dutra participates in the general election in the normal way, Carlos can even make Dutra disappear from the media and let the Brazilians know nothing about Dutra. Opportunity.

In other words, they didn't even give them a chance to draw cakes.

What kind of competition is this?

"There are as many as 20—" Gavin was startled, he really didn't know that the rough processing industry could provide so many jobs.

The three major families in southern Africa have a clear division of labor. Rock is in military industry and manufacturing, Stoudemire is in agriculture, and Henry is in steel and cement. Strictly speaking, only Henry's business is related to iron ore.

The raw materials of Fawalt Steel Group mainly come from Australia, and the Brazilian iron ore is mainly used to suppress American steel companies, and it is dispensable to southern Africa.

Gavin has just become the prime minister, and his focus is limited to companies with high technological content and high profits. He really doesn't know much about rough processing of industrial raw materials.

"Yes, but in southern Africa, the workers employed in factories are all Africans. Even if this part of the enterprise is lost, it will not have much impact on southern Africa." Dutra did his homework before coming here, so he dared to Make this request.

If it is really a company dominated by southern African workers, Dutra will probably not dare to move.

Most of the companies dominated by southern Africans have high technological content. Even if Gavin is generous and gives Brazil a chance, Brazil will not be able to accept it.

So it's better to make some realistic demands.

Gavin was still cautious on this issue, sending Dutra away and leaving Getulio alone.

Getulio is the general manager of Iron Four Corners. If Getulio also thinks there is no problem, then Gavin needs to learn more about the situation before making a decision.

"It's just 20 soldiers. It's actually very easy for a country of Brazil's size to accommodate them—" Getulio knows the situation in Brazil better, and Dutra probably followed the trend.

Even pushed behind the scenes.

"Brazil's problems are very complicated and hard to return. Many problems left over from the colonial era have not been resolved. We have worked hard to make Brazil a paradise for the rich over the years, and the effect is still good." Although Getulio has become a Brazilian citizen, the essence Or Southern Africans.

Don't think that southern Africa can perform miracles, but Brazil can too.

The key is people.

If Rock had not immigrated a large number of Chinese, Southern Africa would not have developed so fast. The population is inherently short, with millions of square kilometers and 10 people. At best, it can only become the next Australia, and there is no way to compete with European and American countries.

Some things in the Brazilian character cannot be fundamentally changed by relying on education, such as crisis awareness.

A sense of crisis is common to all resource-rich countries.

For example, in southern Africa, even in the colonial era, Africans in southern Africa did not have to worry about not being able to eat, so naturally they did not have much sense of crisis and no motivation to struggle.

To put it bluntly, we still have too many resources. It is like spring all year round without a house and you can’t freeze to death. There are fruit trees everywhere and you can’t starve to death.

The same is true of Brazil.

During the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom, people had to be driven into factories by "sheep eating people". Brazil is so large that Brazilians can survive without hard work. How could it be possible for Brazilians to work overtime in factories voluntarily? Woolen cloth.

"—Even if the primary processing is handed over to the Brazilians, it is difficult for the Brazilians to do it well. Vargas and Carlos have also tried it. The biggest lesson for human beings is that they never learn the lesson." Getulio mentioned the Brazilians as well. Hate iron but not steel.

From the standpoint of southern Africans, it is difficult to understand the mentality of Brazilians.

With Brazil's rich resources, as long as Brazilians are willing to work, it doesn't take long for the whole country to be completely new.

Brazilians also envy the lives of southern Africans, but they are just envious. If Brazilians are forced to give up their leisurely life and go to factories, life would be worse than death for many Brazilians.

People are willing to rot in the mud, and you don't need to save them.

"If Dutra becomes the president of Brazil, will it affect our interests?" Gavin doesn't care whether Carlos or Dutra is the president. Whether it is beneficial to the interests of southern Africa is the only criterion.

"Dutra is a soldier, and his trustworthy subordinates are also soldiers, so—" The reason why Getulio is willing to come to Pretoria with Dutra is definitely profitable.

Although Vargas and Carlos are bad, they are professional politicians after all. Although they are not outstanding, they rarely make mistakes. They are considered quite satisfactory among current politicians.

Dutra is a soldier, lacks experience in governing, and has few available people under his command. Once the mutiny succeeds, he will be more dependent on southern Africa.

After chatting with Getulio, Gavin went to Alvin to learn more about the situation in Brazil.

Brazil is still very important in the Southern African Union. As the largest fulcrum of Southern Africa in the Americas, Gavin will not trust any party.

"Dutra is a very fickle person. He is a descendant of the Portuguese. In the early stages of the Brazilian Civil War, he supported the military government and later changed to support Vargas. During the World War, Dutra had frequent contacts with the Americans, which may affect To Dutra's ruling." Alvin knew everything about Dutra, and he was also clear about some of Dutra's little secrets.

After all, Dutra is the Minister of the Brazilian Army. He must be under the surveillance of Brad's office. Maybe there are agents from Brad's office around Dutra.

As part of the Allied Forces, it is normal for Dutra to have frequent contacts with the Americans, but this has aroused Gavin's vigilance. If Dutra gets too close to the United States, the interests of southern Africa in Brazil will be affected.

"But don't worry, if Dutra behaves out of line, I have a way to make him step down." Alvin is truthful, and this is the most dreadful part of special work.

No one is perfect, and no one can guarantee that they will not make any mistakes, especially politicians. A slight mistake is infinitely magnified by competitors, and the consequences may be fatal.

"Speaking of Americans, I have some black material here, do you want it?" Alvin has a lot of black material in his hand.

A spy leader like Alvin has a lot of black material in his hands.

Why did Edgar Hoover serve as FBI director for 48 years?
A very important reason is that Edgar Hoover has enough black material, so no one dares to touch Edgar Hoover.

"What?" Gavin asked casually, he was actually not very interested in American scandals.

"About the United States conducting human experiments on prisoners - the Americans are in contact with the Japanese, trying to exchange the asylum of relevant personnel in exchange for Japanese research materials, and those research materials are also obtained through human experiments." Alvin sneered. , The Americans finally revealed their true colors and were about to make a deal with the devil.

Americans really have no bottom line in many aspects. Using mercenary to describe the United States is seriously insufficient. Some policymakers in the United States, like many Indians, have no sense of shame and cannot be judged by common sense.

"Tell me in detail—" Gavin finally became serious. Under the influence of Roque, Gavin didn't have a good impression of Japan from top to bottom.

This is not discrimination, but Japan has done too much evil, and it is itself to blame.

Alvin then introduced to Gavin the deal between the Americans and some 731 researchers.

"We must prevent this from happening. We cannot allow the Americans to do what they want, and we cannot allow the Japanese to escape punishment." Gavin has a clear attitude. If the research data of the Japanese are only used in medicine, it will benefit mankind.

If used in war, the consequences would be terrible.

Given the geographical location of southern Africa, unless aliens invade one day, it will be difficult for the flames of war to reach the mainland of southern Africa.

Biological warfare is very hidden, and it is difficult to prevent it with the medical level in southern Africa, which makes Gavin very passive.

The Americans have obtained Japanese research materials. If a biological weapon is developed based on the physique of the southern Africans, it will be impossible to guard against.

So Gavin's first reaction was to sabotage the deal between the Americans and the Japanese.

"It's already been done. I can assure you that no Japanese can escape punishment." Alvin has the right to kill first and act later. Anyway, there is no proof.

The nature of the work on the hidden front is special. It is impossible for Alvin to come to Gavin for everything. This kind of thing is the simplest to eliminate physically, and it is also easy to cover up. Since the end of the war, a senior Japanese general has been in prison because of illness. Several died.

The prison environment is very harsh, especially in places like Japan.

Japan's senior generals are generally old. Japan's defeat has severely affected the confidence of all Japanese. Old men struggle to walk, and it is normal for them to get sick in prison.

The average life expectancy in this era is very touching. Many senior Japanese generals have underlying diseases, serious illnesses, or new diseases. It is not too normal.

Fortunately, the United States, southern Africa built a prison in Hiroshima not long ago, and sent many Japanese prisoners of war criminals to Hiroshima to serve their sentences.

Hiroshima is a place where the atomic bomb has just been detonated, and it is not suitable for human habitation at all. It is well known that the Southern African Expeditionary Force set up prisons in such a place.

What is even more speechless is that southern Africans are worried that radiation will affect their health, so the guards in the prison are either Japanese or Peninsular, and it is true that they use the consumables to the extreme.

In just one or two months, six senior military officers have died due to various accidents.

Those who died of illness are not worth mentioning. The most outrageous is Major General Komori Taro, who served in Unit 731. This buddy accidentally fell into the toilet when he got up in the middle of the night, and then drowned alive.

It's winter in Japan now, and it's been extremely cold this winter. Don't expect any good heat preservation measures in the prison, as long as you don't freeze to death.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force still attaches great importance to the health of those war criminals, and will send military doctors to check the war criminals in detail every day.

Considering that the place of serving the sentence is in Hiroshima, the military doctors who checked the body wrapped themselves in three layers of protective clothing, but did not provide any protection for the war criminals, so the physical examination changed. How do you see it? They all seem to be assessing the damage caused by radiation to the human body.

As in southern Africa, accidents continue in the US prisoner-of-war camps.

Just last month, a total of 11 American prisoners of war died. The cause of death was also strange. The most outrageous one was suffocation. After the autopsy, the military doctor said that he choked to death while eating. Stretch marks are obviously not as simple as choking to death. (end of this chapter)

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