Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2710 Cut off the black hand from the north

If the status quo cannot be changed, the official cooperation between the Abyssinian Empire and southern Africa has no prospect, basically it can only go to the current level.

There are too many problems in the Abyssinian Empire. The resources in the territory are not as good as Neji Brazil, even Congo West Africa, and most of them are still in an undeveloped state. The Abyssinian Empire does not even have an outlet to the sea. In the direction of the Red Sea Can't do much for Southern Africa either.

For some reason, Rock always felt that the attitude of Haile Selassie I was not normal, and this was not an attitude of asking others.

After sending Haile Selassie I away, Rock called Joe Kleist over. He was the head of the Umbrella Company in the Abyssinian Empire and also served as the southern African ambassador to Abyssinia.

It is normal to serve as an ambassador concurrently in southern Africa. Qualified diplomats are very valuable. They will not be stationed in a country like Abyssinia. It is more appropriate to use the executives of an umbrella company.

In Abyssinia, diplomats are not necessarily better than mercenaries.

"Two months ago, Russia and the Abyssinian Empire established diplomatic relations. The Russian embassy is just opposite our embassy. The area is larger than our embassy, ​​and the planned building is also taller than our embassy. The Russians gave Haile Selassie I a lot of promises, including assistance in terms of materials and human resources—" Kleist provided the situation as Rock expected, and Haile Selassie I did have more Emboldened.

If Haile Selassie I could only rely on southern Africa, then Haile Selassie I would not have this attitude, and he was not qualified to make conditions with Rock at all.

Although the scope of Russia's control is limited to the Eurasian continent, its influence is expanding rapidly, which Rock had expected before.

A country like Russia is different from southern Africa and the United States.

Southern Africa and the United States decide to aid a certain country, and they still need to be approved by Congress, which is more or less a process.

Big Beard can make a decision with one word in Russia, without even going through the process, and does not even need to consider the actual situation in Russia when providing foreign aid. This is something that southern Africa and the United States cannot do.

Southern Africa and the United States must first ensure that they can eat enough, and then consider exporting.

Russia is also rich in resources. Although Russia was very difficult during the world wars, Russia has always been the largest food supplier in Europe in peacetime. Even France and the United Kingdom secretly imported food from Russia.

Don't think that if you have different positions, you will never communicate with each other. Winston and de Gaulle are not stupid. Although limited by public opinion, they cannot conduct direct transactions with Russia, but they can do it through "middlemen". After all, Russia's food is too cheap. There is simply no way to say no.

Britain and France are not counted as overseas colonies, and the land area is relatively small. British farmers are busy herding sheep, French farmers are planting grapes, and ordinary residents have gardens behind lawns in front of their homes. Land waste is extremely serious. Where does food come from?

Can only be looted from colonies.

If the harvest in the colony is not good, it can only be purchased from outside.

So as long as Russia is given a relaxed environment, Russia is capable of exporting to the outside world.

During the two wars, the League of Nations shut Russia out, and Russia did not perish, but the better it was.

Now Russia's influence can no longer be suppressed, and southern Africa will inevitably be affected.

"The Russians promised to help the Abyssinian Empire build factories, and at the same time send people to help the Abyssinian Empire train the army, and they can also provide the Abyssinian Empire with weapons and equipment for free - the damn thing is, Many of the weapons and equipment that Russia used to aid the Abyssinian Empire have been aided to Russia by us in the past few years!" Kleist gritted his teeth, and it would be fine to help the Abyssinian Empire train the army. As for weapons and equipment, it forms a direct competition with the umbrella company's business.

Haile Selassie I was still sensible, and did not accept all the assistance from the Russians, at least in terms of military affairs, he did not dare to act rashly.

In time, the situation will be difficult to say.

Rock remained silent, the situation was indeed a bit tricky.

Although the federal government of Southern Africa talks about fairness and justice, it actually implements a single colonial economic policy, otherwise it would not even leave the Brazilians with the opportunity for rough processing.

Switching to Roque, standing on the standpoint of Haile Selassie I, it would be difficult to refuse Russia's assistance.

The assistance in the military field is okay. The help in the industrial base is too important. If the Abyssinian Empire really has basic industrial capabilities with the help of the Russians, then the influence of southern Africa on the Abyssinian Empire will plummet.

"According to the situation of the Abyssinian Empire, we have made some preparations. If Haile Selassie I fully falls into the arms of Russia, then we can only change a king." Kleist in the Abyssinian Empire , the status is comparable to that of the Regent.

This is just a headache, and if the source of the conflict cannot be resolved, it will be useless to change the king, and sooner or later he will fall into the arms of the Russians.

However, in the face of such Russia, Roque also felt helpless.

The current role of Russia is similar to that of southern Africa back then. This is another story of a boy who slays a dragon and eventually becomes a dragon.

"It's not easy. As long as we give more benefits than Russia, we can guarantee the loyalty of the Abyssinians—" Stoudemire is simple and rude, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"This is not just a problem with the Abyssinian Empire. Haven't you noticed that the current situation in Europe is similar to that of the Abyssinian Empire?" Rock's distaste for wall grass reached its peak at this moment. You guys are really not firm.

The operations of the French during the World Wars set the worst example for the whole world, and now almost all countries are a bit vacillating in their choice of positions.

In other words, it can be said that it is both right and left, and it is up for grabs.

To put it bluntly, it means helping whoever benefits the most.

Although Southern Africa is not afraid of competition, the price to be paid is actually much higher, which makes Rock very uncomfortable.

Things that could have been done for ten yuan now cost 100 yuan.

Although it's not that I can't afford it, I always feel that I have been blackmailed.

"If they want to be bad, let them be bad. Russia is a country led by the working class." Stoudemire is not worried about Europe's defection, and European politicians are not stupid.

For the vested interests in European countries, maintaining the Western camp is at most a matter of eating more and eating less. If you learn from Russia, you will be hanged by the street lights.

European politicians are also very smart, knowing that the Russian model is too attractive to the people, so they simply took the initiative to form the Labor Party, follow the Russian path, and make Russia have nowhere to go.

It is easy for the public to be fooled, and they will not carefully study the essential difference between the Labor Party in European countries and the Labor Party in Russia.

After the first failure of the British Labor Party in power, some British people even laughed at the Russians because of the poor performance of the British Labor Party during its ruling period. They did not realize that the British Labor Party's governance was essentially a farce directed and performed by the British ruling class.

The script is actually not very clever.

It is also amazing that the British eat this set.

Probably subconsciously, people only believe what they want to believe.

"We must pay attention to the threat of Russia, but there is no need to exaggerate too much. The matter is not so serious that it cannot be worse." Southern Africa should stop dreaming of a "world policeman" as soon as possible.

The Umbrella Company’s method is still too simple and rude. Haile Selassie is still the king no matter what, and he cannot be abandoned at any time. Southern Africa is different from the United States, and he has to face.

It seemed more appropriate to leave the matter to Brad's office.

Brad is also very powerful in the Abyssinian Empire, and has a clear division of labor with the umbrella. The umbrella took over the defense of the Abyssinian Empire, and Brad took over the economic lifeline of the Abyssinian Empire.

Most of the resources in the Abyssinian Empire were taken over by Brad, and only Brad had the strength to run a country.

Of course, whether it can run well is another matter.

"Abyssinia is not southern Africa. There is no possibility or need to establish an industrial system at all. The plans of the Russians are doomed to fail." Brad Alexander, the head of the Abyssinian Empire, is confident that Haile Sai No matter how ambitious Lacy is, the Abyssinian Empire must have the strength to match his ambition.

In Abyssinia today, even the currency is the southern African rand, and almost all domestic industrial products are imported from southern Africa.

This brings up the question, if the Abyssinian Empire develops industry, who will sell the products produced?
As we all know, the cost of industrial production is very high. Even if the human resources of the Abyssinian Empire are cheap, the price of technology and equipment will not be cheap, and the products produced will face crazy competition from southern African products. If the products sell If you can’t make money if you don’t go out, how long can Haile Selassie’s enthusiasm for industry last.

Not just any country has the courage and determination to endure hardships.

This is the norm in the Abyssinian Empire.

Although Haile Selassie I had great ambitions, the situation of the Abyssinian Empire did not allow it. There were no resources, no talents, no market, and no standard products. Can only end sadly.

"What if the Russians are willing to give up part of the market?" Stoudemire is still very good at the business field. He doesn't make money now because he wants to make more money in the future.

"That depends on how long Russia's enthusiasm can last—" Alexander did not think that Russia had enough capital to compete with southern Africa.

The premise of having a jujube or no jujube is that the investment should not be too large, and the cost of avoiding sinking is too high to get out in time. The value of the Abyssinian Empire is dispensable for southern Africa. Is it irreplaceable for Russia? ?

Impossible, no matter how willful the bearded man is, he will not send milk and bread to Abyssinia while the Russians are eating grass.

If you have to give it away, then it can only be grass.

Southern Africa can deliver milk and bread.

Because southern Africa does not need to feed all the Abyssinians, it only needs to feed the nobles of the Abyssinian Empire.

So unless Russia sends troops to Abyssinia, Southern Africa really doesn't have to worry too much about Russia's output.

Isn't it just soliciting corruption? In this regard, southern Africa has also won the true heritage of the British Empire.

"Tell His Majesty Selassie that if the Abyssinian Empire wants to join the Southern African Union, then the Abyssinian Empire must be reformed more democratically." Rock dug a hole for Haile Selassie I, democratic There is a price.

Although Congo and Najd are monarchies, their models are similar to those of the United Kingdom. There is a parliament in the country, and the king cannot do whatever he wants.

After Haile Selassie I came to power, he also carried out some democratic reforms, but they were not thorough. There is even slavery in the Abyssinian Empire, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Southern African Union.

Southern Africa does not say that everyone is equal in the true sense, at least from the legal level. In essence, the prime minister and the homeless, as a natural person, have similar powers.

The values ​​of slavery are seriously inconsistent with the values ​​advocated by the Southern African Union, so the Southern African Union has not accepted Haile Selassie I's application for a long time.

Haile Selassie I himself hoped to abolish slavery, and issued decrees many times to abolish slavery.

However, the situation in the Abyssinian Empire is also relatively complicated, and the implementation of the laws is not thorough, especially the princes and nobles, who have great resistance to the abolition of slavery.

It was precisely because of his concern about the instability of the domestic regime that Haile Selassie I dared not forcefully promote it.

If Haile Selassie I was determined to abolish slavery, then Haile Selassie I would have to rely more on the help of southern Africa to stabilize his rule.

Otherwise, without the help of Umbrella and Brad, the elite in the Abyssinian Empire would overthrow the rule of Haile Selassie I.

"Perhaps we can create some trouble for the Russians and drive them away." Alexander was ruthless. On the one hand, he let Haile Selassie I cut himself off from the "people", and on the other hand, he cut off Russia's aid.

"You can figure it out, just don't make it too ugly." Rock didn't want to turn against the Russians, not to that extent.

Alexander and Kleist smiled at each other, this is what they are best at.

Competition at the national level is too big for Umbrella and Brad. Umbrella is notorious, while Brad is more used to hiding in the dark and does not want to expose more strength.

Russia's external export is also conditional. Although it is not harsh now, if the Abyssinian Empire is completely invested in the Russian camp, then Russia will let Haile Selassie I know what the European military police is.

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