Russia in the era of the Grand Duchy was just a tiny place, a barbarian Rongdi in the Roman population.

Russia is now the world's largest country across the Eurasian continent, which is why Russia is called the "European Gendarmerie" and "European Steamroller".

For a long time, European countries have been wary of Russia. Napoleon and Mustache both regarded Russia as the last goal of conquering the European continent. This is definitely not a coincidence, but a concrete manifestation of Russia's status in Europe.

The character of the Russians is not as rough as it looks, and the treachery hidden under the brutal appearance is no less than that of the Hebrews. Perhaps the early Russians would benefit the Abyssinian Empire for some purposes. Look, Russia is by no means a good partner.

With this premise, Brad and Umbrella can target.

The Boulevard of Glory in Addis Ababa is lined with Southern African Embassies in the Abyssinian Empire and Russian Embassies.

The southern African embassy was established earlier, and its main building was the most magnificent building in Addis Ababa at that time, but it is no longer.

Haile Selassie I renovated the palace last year, and the height of the main building has surpassed the southern African embassy in the Abyssinian Empire.

In the planning of the Russian embassy in the Abyssinian Empire this year, its main building is only one meter higher than the southern African embassy in the Abyssinian Empire, which makes the Russian embassy in the Abyssinian Empire Ambassador Igor Akinfeev was satisfied.

With the prestige of the victorious country in World War II, Russia has indeed been proud recently. Not only Europe, Russia has extended its tentacles to Africa and South America. These two places are the strongholds of southern Africa and the United States respectively.

Now Africa is still in a three-legged situation. Southern Africa is the only one. Britain and France are mainly overseas colonies. Italy is doomed to lose its colonies in northern Africa because of its defeat. It is indeed a great thing for Russia to set foot in Africa at this time. easy job.

"The Marquis of Nyasaland may become our biggest X factor. The attitude of the Abyssinian Empire may change because of the visit of the Marquis of Nyasaland. We have to find a way to save the situation, otherwise we may encounter an unprecedented situation." failure.” Russian Counselor in Addis Ababa Obyakov went all out, although Roque stepped down as prime minister, no one dared to underestimate Roque’s influence.

From 1925 to 1945, Roque served as Prime Minister of Southern Africa for 20 years.

These 20 years have been 20 years of sudden changes in the world. The United Kingdom has gradually fallen from the sun never sets to the current United Kingdom. Southern Africa has jumped from a member of the Commonwealth of Nations during World War I to one of the most powerful countries. This process has played an irreplaceable role, and no one can avoid the existence of Rock when referring to this period of history.

In the past 20 years, the only one who can be compared with Roque is probably Roosevelt in the United States.

But Roosevelt was dead, and Truman was working hard to eliminate Roosevelt's influence on the United States.

It is Rock's eldest son, Gavin, who succeeds Rock as Prime Minister in Southern Africa, which determines that Rock's influence on Southern Africa and the world will continue to play a role.

During the World Wars, the bearded man dealt with Roque a lot, and spoke highly of Roque, so that when these Russian officials heard Roque's name, they subconsciously cheered up 100%.

"As long as the bait we throw is attractive enough, there is no need to worry that the Abyssinians will not take the bait." Akinfeev is full of ambition. Russia has indeed invested a lot in the Abyssinian Empire.

Unlike those countries in Europe that have been occupied by Russia, in Abyssinia, Russia does not have an absolute advantage, so Russia can only increase its bargaining chips, hoping to win over the Abyssinian Empire and become Russia's most important country in Africa. allies.

This is also no way, because the Abyssinian Empire is Russia's only chance.

There are only a handful of independent countries in Africa, not including Southern Africa, only the Congo, Egypt, and the Abyssinian Empire.

The two Congos are both members of the Southern African Union, and are completely controlled by Southern Africa from the economy to the military. Even if Russia wants to win over, it will not be able to enter.

The situation in Egypt is similar to that of the two Congos. Britain is on strict defense in Egypt, and Russia has no chance to take advantage of it.

In this way, the Abyssinian Empire became Russia's only chance.

"We don't have enough bargaining chips, at least not to the extent that the Abyssinians can't refuse." Special Commissioner Ibisevic hopes to increase the intensity. Part of the reason is that the chips given by Russia were not enough for Haile Selassie I to make up his mind.

What Russia gave to the Abyssinian Empire is actually limited, let alone military assistance, if it competes with southern Africa for economic assistance, Russia will definitely not be able to do it.

Neither does the military.

What Russia promised, Southern Africa can also give, and is even doing. Referring to the performance of the Russian army during World War II, it is not very convincing.

In terms of troop losses alone, Russia suffered far more losses during World War II than southern Africa.

This led Haile Selassie I to have doubts about the combat effectiveness of the Russian army.

Russia can't do it by itself, and with the help of southern Africa and the United States, it almost lost to the Germans. The army of the Abyssinian Empire was handed over to the Russians for training. At best, they trained a group of miniature "gray cattle".

European Gendarmerie and European Steamroller are barely praiseworthy terms.

Gray cattle is a downright pejorative term.

Needless to say, the mercenaries of the umbrella company.

Few people have noticed that since the establishment of the umbrella company, it has never lost a frontal military conflict. This is something that even the Southern African Expeditionary Force has not done.

The most dazzling achievement of the Umbrella Company was defeating the U.S.-Brazilian Army in the Brazilian Civil War. Although the Americans have always refused to admit it, as long as they understand the process of the Brazilian Civil War, they know that the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company played a very important role in the Brazilian Civil War. what kind of effect.

Umbrella companies were deeply involved in both world wars.

Surprisingly, Umbrella never lost a head-on fight, which is nothing short of a miracle.

Actually not.

The key umbrella company has self-knowledge, and some battles where the gap in strength is too great, the umbrella company will take the initiative to avoid.

"The domestic situation is also very difficult. It is impossible for us to spend too many resources on the Abyssinian Empire." Akinfeev is also helpless. Russia has more than just the Abyssinian Empire to export.

Even on Russia's aid list, the Abyssinian Empire is still relatively backward.

Since the end of World War I, Russia has been dormant for 20 years and has soared into the sky. The list of assistance is very long. The top of the list is a large number of Eastern European countries, and then it is the turn of the Abyssinian Empire.

For Russia, Eastern European countries are the basic market.

The Abyssinian Empire took the initiative to attack. It was good to win, but it didn't matter if it failed.

This determines Russia's bottom line.

No matter how ambitious Big Beard is, the status quo in Russia is not enough to support Big Beard's ambition.

The key is position.

In Europe, Britain is Russia's most staunch opponent.

Africa and the Americas are the private territories of southern Africa and the United States respectively, and Russia is playing away games.

The only East Asia that Russia can intervene in, and because of the policy of first Europe and then Asia, it lost the initiative, allowing southern Africa and the United States to seize the opportunity, and now it is twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, the assistance that Russia can give to the Abyssinian Empire is limited. If the Abyssinians know about this, I am afraid that Haile Selassie I will completely fall to southern Africa.

"Gentlemen, we are in trouble—" First Secretary Panchenko rushed into the meeting room, holding a copy of "Free Press" published by Addis Ababa in his hand.

"Free Press" belongs to the Times News Group and is the newspaper with the largest circulation in Addis Ababa. Its circulation accounts for more than 80.00% of all newspapers and magazines in Addis Ababa.

This is the role of the mouthpiece of public opinion.

In the era without self-media, it is so simple to guide public opinion.

"Free Press" used an entire page to introduce Russia's performance during the World War, focusing on the relationship between Russia and Germany in the early days of the World War.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the World War, Russia almost joined the Axis Powers.

If it weren't for Russia's too stretched hips in the Battle of Finland, the outcome of the World War would be hard to say.

Akinfeev didn't say a word after reading the report, his face was livid and frightening.

This could not have been the whim of the editor of Liberty, let alone isolated. Akinfeev still has a keen sense of politics, and he already smelled the storm.

"Does this matter have something to do with the Abyssinian Empire?" Obyakov immediately suspected that Haile Selassie I had made a choice and completely fell to southern Africa.

"Whether there is a relationship or not, the consequences may be very serious." Akinfeev was in a state of confusion. He was not a qualified diplomat, and he didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Southern Africa lacks qualified diplomats, and Russia does not have many diplomatic talents. Otherwise, Russia would not be rejected by mainstream countries in the world for a long time.

With all the advantages, Akinfeev can maximize Russia's advantages and completely defeat the opponent.

Now evenly matched, even in an away game, Akinfeev has no way to refute, after all, the report of "Free Press" is true.

"I'm going to find His Majesty Selassie I. The report of the "Free Press" is too excessive and must be rectified!" Ibisevic was furious, which was a great disrespect to Russia.

Today's newspapers and magazines are either busy reporting the collective out-of-control behavior of the Axis countries during the war, or they are busy reporting the economic crisis and mass disarmament. What about Russia?

This is not the privilege of the victor.

The agreed winner takes all!
"It's useless, the Abyssinian government, it can't affect the "Free Press"—" Akinfeev was in a state of confusion. He knew where the problem was, but he didn't know how to solve it.

Liberal democracy in southern Africa exists only in the propaganda of the federal government of southern Africa.

Journalists have never been neutral and objective uncrowned kings, and all reports are biased.

Did the Southern African Expeditionary Force never make mistakes during the world wars?

How is it possible, even Roque dare not say that.

Then why are there no newspapers exposing the Southern African Expeditionary Force?

Not to mention newspaper editors and reporters, even political leaders from various countries will appropriately beautify the behavior of the Southern African Expeditionary Force when writing their memoirs in the future, or briefly mention it, without getting to the bottom of it.

"But we can't let the "Free Press" slander us like this." Ibisevic also knew some unspoken rules of the media industry in southern Africa, but he didn't expect that the negative effects would come to Russia so quickly.

This is also used to.

Since the end of World War I, almost all European countries have demonized Russia to varying degrees when referring to Russia. The descriptions used by European countries to report on Russia are simply childish.

When Russia was excluded from the international mainstream society, Russia could not care about the slander of European countries.

Now that Russia is determined to forge ahead and vows to become a major country with a considerable say in international affairs, it is inappropriate to demonize it.

Russia also needs to save face.

"Let the "People's Daily" publish a supplement and give it to people to watch at will for free. We have to take the initiative." Akinfeev finally had an idea.

The editors of the "Free Press" all know to launch public opinion attacks on Russia, and Russia can naturally fight back.

"People's Daily" is a newspaper invested by the Russian government and is famous for its many discounts.

"Liberty" is the only one in Addis Ababa. "People's Daily" wants to compete with "Liberty". Conventional methods are too slow to take effect, so they can only adopt unconventional methods.

The price of the newspaper "Free Press" is low, mainly relying on the advertisements provided by the merchants for profit, and the newspaper itself is enough.

The People's Daily is backed by the Russian government, and its strength is equally strong. In order to compete with the Free Press for market share, the People's Daily even adopted the form of free gifts to expand the influence of the People's Daily.

Since there are free newspapers, who would spend money to buy newspapers? Therefore, the circulation of "People's Daily" is increasing month by month, which has already formed a certain threat to "Free Press".

"The Abyssinian Empire has just established a joint press and publication agency. From now on, all news or stories published in newspapers and magazines in southern Africa must be reviewed by the military and police in advance." Don't give the "People's Daily" a chance to fight back.

"Send a telegram to Moscow to report our situation." Akinfeev asked for help. He never expected that southern Africa would only take action, and the Russian side was already defeated. (end of this chapter)

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