Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2712 Generous Death

Chapter 2712 Generous Death
In terms of guiding public opinion, Russia's experience is far worse than that of southern Africa, not even the Abyssinian Empire.

As mentioned earlier, the mistakes made by the Russian army during the World Wars were actually made by the armies of European and American countries.

But why only the mistakes of the Russian army are highlighted, but no one is staring at the British and American troops?
In the final analysis, Russia has been separated from the international mainstream society for too long. It does not know where the bottom line of Western countries is. It thinks that it can exchange honesty for the trust of Western countries, but it does not know that it has fallen into the trap of Western countries.

In terms of military discipline, the governments of various countries, including those in southern Africa, are too busy defending their shortcomings. Only the Russian government faces the mistakes made by the Russian army.

But not only did this not get praise from Western countries, but it became evidence that Western countries attacked the Russian army, which the Russians could not understand.

It can only be said that it will take time to recognize the true colors of Western countries.

Alexander and Kleist would not give the Russians enough time, and the offensive wave after wave.

The public opinion offensive of the "Free Press" has not yet ended, and there was another shooting incident in Addis Ababa. The victim was Malthus Fielding, a columnist for the "Free Press". The series of reports on the Russian army was Malthus Fielding Aldin is in charge.

Now it's lively, and even people who didn't pay much attention to this matter before began to participate in the discussion.

Although the media is biased, under the repeated emphasis of media people, journalists are portrayed as neutral and objective "uncrowned kings". Whoever dares to attack them is destroying the right to speak rooted in the foundation of Western democracy and freedom. is unforgivable.

Although no criminals were captured at the scene, based on the principle that whoever benefits is the mastermind, it is obvious that the Russians are the most suspected.

At the press conference held by the Addis Ababa Police Station, Amelia, the editor-in-chief of "Free Press", was full of sorrow.

"Mr. Fielding is a respectable person. He is upright, brave, never flinching, and fearless of power. I actually reminded him not to do a series of reports against a certain country, even if it is true - Fielding firmly refused , He said that as a reporter, he has the responsibility to let people know the truth. The night before the shooting, we were drinking together. Mr. Sean from the umbrella company reminded Fielding to pay attention to safety. Fielding also smiled and said that he had done it for We prepared the coffin by ourselves, and we all thought he was joking, because he was an optimistic person—but such an optimistic person has left us forever—” Amelia said sadly, unable to bear it I burst into tears.

Officer Miller, who was in charge of hosting the press conference, reminded embarrassingly: "Ms. Amelia, Mr. Fielding is still receiving rescue in the hospital and has not been declared medically dead."

Amelia burst into tears and laughed: "Great, this is the best news in two days!"

Reporters raised their hands, they had too many questions.

Officer Miller's seemingly random nomination was a reporter from The Times.

"Who fired Mr. Fielding, or who is most suspected?"

This question was too directional. Officer Miller did not answer it immediately. He discussed with the officer next to him before he ambiguously said: "This matter is still under investigation and there is no conclusion, but witnesses indicated that the gunman fled. The direction is Glory Street."

There was a moment of silence at the scene.

There are Russian and Southern African embassies on Glory Street.

Although Fielding is an Abyssinian, he graduated from Nyasaland University. He has a deep affection for Nyasaland University. He loves his house and Ukraine, and never speaks ill of southern Africa. Naturally, southern Africans have no reason to complain to Fielding fired.

Linked to Fielding's recent reports, the suspect was on the verge of coming out.

"So the suspect is Russian?" The reporters asked one after another.

Officer Miller looked embarrassed and looked at his companion next to him.

The companion frowned and shook his head slowly.

Officer Miller pursed his lower lip before replying with difficulty: "Sorry, I can't answer this question—"

This answer is no different from a direct confirmation. The reporters are all masters at observing words and deeds.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be listened to by the Addis Ababa police.

The reporters didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. After the press conference of the Addis Ababa Police Station, swarms flocked to the Russian embassy in the Abyssinian Empire.

"Who is Fielding? We don't know each other at all, but since he was shot, he must have offended someone—" The embassy staff who were temporarily stopped for interviews at the gate of the embassy did not realize the seriousness of the matter .

This answer not only did not play its due role, but seemed to cover up, and was a bit gloating.

The reporters were naturally unwilling to be satisfied, and gathered in front of the Russian embassy, ​​hoping to get a response from the Russian embassy.

This wait is three days.

Akinfeev is really inexperienced. He probably thinks that as long as the embassy does not respond and the reporters don't get what they want, they will leave on their own and won't waste too much time in the embassy.

Akinfeev underestimated the patience of journalists in their quest for the truth.

While the reporters waited, things continued to ferment.

First, the hospital responsible for treating Fielding announced that although Fielding's injuries have been brought under control, his condition is not optimistic. He is currently in a deep coma and has not yet awakened.

Then Fielding's wife accused the Addis Ababa police station of the Russians shooting her husband. Although Fielding's wife could not provide any evidence, all the newspapers who paid attention to this matter immediately carried out reports.

Even Rock, who happened to be on vacation in Addis Ababa, was interviewed by The Times about it.

"The police investigation has not yet concluded. Everything is still based on the results of the police investigation. However, we have always opposed any violence, especially against the media industry staff. If this matter is related to southern Africa, I can guarantee that it will definitely Severely punish the parties involved." With compassion, Roque, on behalf of the Felice Foundation, announced that he would bear all of Fielding's medical expenses, and at the same time decided to donate [-] rand to Fielding's family as a reward for bravery and integrity.

Standing on the standpoint of evil intentions, Roque's generosity may be regarded as a guilty conscience to keep silent.

But under the brilliant pen of the reporters, Roque became an angel upholding justice.

Akinfeev waited for three days. Not only did the matter not subside, but it became more and more troublesome. It had reached the point where the Russian embassy had to come forward to respond.

"If you let me know who did this, I will tear him to pieces with my own hands. This kind of behavior is too shameless and a ruthless slander of fairness and justice. You don't have to guess, if we did this Yes, we will openly admit that Russia is not noble, but when dealing with enemies, Russians never shoot in the back." Akinfeev is full of confidence, it seems that this matter really has nothing to do with him.

The well-prepared reporters did not listen to Akinfeev's defense at all. Someone in the corner of the scene said a name with a voice that could just be heard by the audience: "Lev Tor Lowski."

This name is widely known not only as the founder of the modern Russian army, but also as the founder of the Fourth International.

Four years earlier, Trotsky had been murdered in Mexico by a Canadian, or perhaps a Belgian.

Later, prison detectives learned that the murderer was neither Canadian nor Belgian, but Spanish.

Although these identities have nothing to do with Russia, but in the second year after Trotsky was assassinated, the murderer's mother was rewarded by the Russian government.

The truth is about to come out.

For Russians, the name Leon Trotsky is absolutely taboo.

So Akinfeev's expression instantly became ugly.

"Then Mr. Fielding was murdered because he reported on the atrocities committed by the Russian army during the World War?" The reporter continued to ask in another way.

Akinfeev was not lying.

The Russians do not shoot in the back, but they do hack in the back with an axe.

And it's an ice axe.

Could it be that after the ice melts, people can't find the murder weapon?

"It may be, or it may not be. In any case, this matter has nothing to do with the Russian embassy." Akinfeev couldn't argue, and he didn't know who to tear up.

When Roque was interviewed, he did not insinuate that the murderer was Russian.

Kleist's reason is more credible. If the Umbrella Company did it, Fielding would have no chance of receiving treatment.

When it comes to killing people, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are experts. There are a hundred ways to make Fielding die silently, and they will never use such a rough method.

The key has not been killed, who is looking down on.

As for Brad—

No reporters went to interview Brad at all, either because they didn't dare, or because the reporters didn't think it was necessary.

"Mr. Akinfeev, I would like to ask a question about Russia's aid." The reporter of "The Times" made Akinfeev overjoyed. Sure enough, the big newspaper is reliable, and it depends on how professional this question is.

"Russia is facing a serious economic crisis. The life of many Russians is in extreme difficulty. Millions of people may not be able to survive this winter. Under such extreme circumstances, Moscow ignores the victims of the disaster and sells precious food Does it mean that Abyssinians are more noble than Russians to the Russian government?"

The big newspapers are reliable, and Akinfeev wanted to scold his mother for asking this question.

Russia does have difficulties domestically, but it is equally important to expand its international living space.

For Russia, the opportunity to win over the Abyssinian Empire and insert nails in North Africa is rare and fleeting. Maybe this opportunity is missed and it will be gone forever.

Compared with the tens of millions of people Russia lost in the world wars, the temporary difficulties are bearable, because Russia has more to gain.

But this statement is absolutely unacceptable in front of the media.

"During the World War, millions of German women were humiliated, but only a few Russian soldiers were punished, and many more went unpunished. Does this mean that the Russian military has widespread cover-up behavior?"

If Akinfeev could endure the problem just now, he finally couldn't help but explode now.

"It's not just the Russian soldiers who insulted German women. The British, Americans, and even southern Africans have done it, but only the Russian army has strict military discipline and punished those responsible. You should go to London and Washington, or Biller Toria asked."

"You mean that only Russia is a well-disciplined army, and the other allied forces are indisciplined, have bad military discipline, and indulge in military crimes—"

"I didn't say that, nor did I mean it. I mean that Russia can face up to its mistakes. Why can't the British, Americans and southern Africans?" The reporter's thinking was too jumpy, and Akinfeev couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. .

In Russia, the questions raised by journalists are all communicated in advance, and the questions and answers are well known, and there will be no such tricky questions.

Akinfeev was also prepared to face difficulties before coming to Addis Ababa.

But he still underestimated the sinister heart. Compared with experienced journalists, Akinfeev was as innocent as a college student who had just left school.

"As a southern African, I seriously ask you to take back all irresponsible remarks. The federal government of southern Africa and the military in southern Africa have never encouraged or even organized large-scale robbery, massacres, and acts against women's will. , please point out the time and place where it happened, and I will verify it, and if it is true, I will publicly apologize to you in the newspaper, if not, please also publicly apologize in the newspaper!" The reporter was also furious.

Akinfeev froze for a moment.

Apologizing is not the same as apologizing.

As a reporter, he was only representing himself if he publicly apologized in the newspaper.

Akinfeev is Russia's ambassador to the Abyssinian Empire. If he publicly apologized in the newspaper, the impact would be completely different from that of reporters apologizing, and it would even affect Russia's national image.

"Yes, you cannot accuse our brave soldiers for no reason. I will report your outrageous remarks to London."

"Although I have never been to Europe, if American soldiers want to solve their personal physical problems, they will choose to pay—" the American reporters on the scene taunted and ridiculed, Russia is poor, and even this kind of money depends on it.

"Gentlemen, let's go back to the original question—" Panchenko, who hosted the press conference, tried to bring the topic back to normal.

"I care more about the image of the United Kingdom and the British army than the shooting of journalists. If my question embarrasses and humiliates you, please execute me too. My only request is to use an ice axe. Execute head-on!" The journalist from the UK was furious, and seemed to die generously, but in fact he was already thinking about how to leave Addis Ababa as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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