Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2716 Disarmament, disarmament, or disarmament

Chapter 2716 Disarmament, disarmament, or disarmament
Affected by Rock, Arthur also didn't like living in a noisy urban area. The last time he moved was not far enough. With the influx of a large number of new immigrants, the city expanded rapidly. 50 kilometers.

The environment is really good. The small lake surrounded by green hills is surrounded by green trees and flowers blooming all over the hillside. A doe and a fawn walk in it, carefree.

There is a checkpoint at the intersection leading to the main road, and the nearest neighbor is ten kilometers away. There is also a military camp nearby, where Arthur's personal guards are stationed, so there is no need to worry about safety.

When he came to Cyprus, Rock must be most concerned about Russia.

Russia did not have a planned disarmament after the end of the world war like Southern Africa, and still maintained a large army. In East Asia and North Africa, Russia has shown strong aggressiveness. Rock and Winston blocked Russia in Europe. The sub-continent's plan has failed to a certain extent.

This is not Rock's problem, because the relationship between Yugoslavia and Russia has been unable to completely lock Russia. Rock can only hope that the leader of Yugoslavia, Walter, can withstand Russia's pressure and not completely fall to Russia.

"Eastern European countries have always had a close relationship with Russia. Our democratic plan in Eastern Europe has encountered unprecedented difficulties. The Communist International has gained an absolute advantage in this area. Our most important thing now is to ensure the safety of the Black Sea outlet." Arthur Faced with the current situation, they are also helpless. The bourgeoisie in Eastern European countries are too disappointed.

World War II was a complete reshuffle for Eastern European countries. With the jewels of France in front, under the strong deterrence of the Axis countries, Eastern European countries joined the Axis camp one after another. Romania alone lost in the war against Russia. 62.4 people.

Due to the mistakes made by the Allied Forces on the Western Front, the war in Eastern Europe was mainly led by Russia, which led to the pro-Russian forces in these countries gaining an absolute advantage after the war ended.

The weakness of the ruling class and the bourgeoisie was fully exposed in this war.

Both the ruling class and the capitalists have money, and they cherish life more. They have no awareness of living and dying with the country, so when the war is approaching, they flee their homeland one after another.

When the war was over and these people wanted to return to the country to receive the fruits of victory, they found that the whole country had changed. Even if a temporary coalition government was formed, after the transition period ended, the power of the whole country would be taken away by pro-Russian forces.

The Hungarian Republican Army, which Roque placed high hopes on, did not withstand the counterattack of the pro-Russian forces. It was completely defeated in the first general election after the war. The materials and weapons that Southern Africa supported Hungary during the war are now Russia booty.

"I said a long time ago that with those people, nothing can be done." Winston said in hindsight, which was also alluding to Attlee.

From this perspective, Winston's defeat in the election is fortunate. At least he does not need to be responsible for the current embarrassing situation. After all, these things happened after Attlee became Prime Minister.

"How's the situation in Osman?" Rock didn't expect much from the Eastern Europeans.

Eastern European countries are dominated by Slavs. They have been under the high-pressure deterrence of Russia for a long time and are greatly influenced by Russia.

Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria were able to become independent from the Ottoman Empire because of the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, so they naturally have a good impression of Russia.

During the World War, the Allies on the Western Front procrastinated in every possible way and watched Russia and Germany consume each other. As a result, Russia once again became the liberator of Eastern European countries. How could Eastern European countries have a good impression of the Allies on the Western Front under such circumstances.

Russia is not a big threat to southern Africa because Russia is too far away from southern Africa.

If Russia borders southern Africa, I'm afraid Rock won't be able to sleep at night.

"Ottoman's situation is okay. We have given Russian civilian ships the right to freely enter and exit the Black Sea outlet in peacetime. Military ships need to apply in advance and strictly follow our requirements to pass." Arthur also has no way to leave the Black Sea. Haikou was completely locked, and it was impossible for the Ottomans to agree.

Ottoman, which is at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has tolls as one of the most stable incomes. Commodities traveling to and from Eurasia, as well as Russian merchant ships, are heavily taxed by Ottoman. This situation did not ease until the opening of the Suez Canal .

It was also after the opening of the Suez Canal that the situation of the Ottoman Empire went from bad to worse, and finally fell apart in World War I.

It is impossible to completely ban the passage of Russian military ships, and the relationship between Russia and the Western camp has not yet been completely broken.

Even if it breaks up, Europe needs to import a lot of resources from Russia, which is an unchangeable reality.

Southern Africa and the United States are still too far away for Europe, and distance plays a key role, especially in bulk commodity trade. It is difficult for European countries to refuse relatively cheap Russian goods.

So even if Russia does not make a request, the outlet of the Black Sea must be open to Russian civilian ships, otherwise the Europeans will be hungry, which is not an exaggeration at all.

It is hard to imagine that for a country like Britain that relies heavily on the supply of colonial materials, the cost of food imported from India is actually higher than that imported from Russia. It is no wonder that the voice of Britain to allow India's self-government has become louder recently.

Gandhi's non-violent non-cooperation is essentially lying flat, and the cost of colonization has skyrocketed. The British have already begun to consider releasing India.

For the UK, India's greatest value lies in its almost inexhaustible human resources.

After Gandhi launched the non-violent non-cooperation movement, Indians were no longer willing to work for the British. Coupled with the poor performance of the British and Indian troops in the two world wars, India's status in the Commonwealth plummeted.

If it cannot provide the UK with a large amount of low-cost human resources, India will become a complete burden for the UK. Southern Africa, which has spent hundreds of millions of pounds, can allow autonomy, and it is not unacceptable to release India.

Through the two world wars, everyone has a deep understanding of the destructiveness of war. Now even the most belligerent people dare not easily provoke a war. The pressure on Britain's national defense has been greatly reduced, which also prompted Britain to abandon India.

The deeper reason is that Britain's current strength is obviously weaker than that of southern Africa and the United States. Even if there is another world war in the future, it will be dominated by southern Africa and the United States. Britain only needs to prepare a plan to move its capital at any time.

"Does Russia still have warships?" Winston didn't miss any chance to laugh at Russia.

Although the strength of the United Kingdom is declining, and the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, the Royal Navy can still show it.

Russia is a country with traditional land power. It has one of the few naval warships. It fell into a slump in the Russo-Japanese War and has not recovered its strength until now.

However, with a bearded character, this situation will not last for too long. If Russia goes all out, not to mention building a navy comparable to southern Africa and the United States, it is still very easy to surpass the United Kingdom.

Just as Roque and his party were on their way to Cyprus, the Attlee cabinet finally came up with the second version of the disarmament plan amidst the long-awaited calls.

After the Potsdam Conference, Attlee only did three things, disarmament, disarmament, and disarmament.

In 1944, the British army reached its peak, with a total strength of 450 million troops.

It is impossible to maintain such a large number of troops for too long. In the later period of Winston's tenure, the British government had already begun to formulate a disarmament plan.

Winston was kicked out of the prime minister's office before the disarmament began, Attlee took over the job, and Winston escaped.

Disarmament is inevitable, but whoever proposes it will be scolded, and Attlee is no exception.

When Winston left office, he dug a hole for Attlee.

The United Kingdom went all out to build ships during World War II. It built a total of 8 fleet aircraft carriers and 24 light aircraft carriers. Compared with southern African and American aircraft carriers, the British aircraft carrier has a small number of aircraft, backward performance, and low efficiency. It seriously does not meet the requirements of the Royal Navy. During the war, the Royal Navy repeatedly asked the British government to start building a new aircraft carrier.

The requirements of the Royal Navy are not too high. The new aircraft carrier is not to say surpassing the aircraft carriers in Southern Africa and the United States. At least the comprehensive combat capability must be on par with the latest aircraft carriers in Southern Africa and the United States.

During World War II, Britain owed a total of 45 billion pounds in foreign debts. Winston really couldn't squeeze out the money to build an aircraft carrier, so he could only use fleet aircraft carriers and light aircraft carriers.

It would be fine if it could be done consistently, but before leaving Downing Street, Winston approved the plan to build a new type of aircraft carrier for the Navy, quietly digging a big hole for Attlee.

Now Attlee probably hated Winston to death.

The new aircraft carrier approved by Winston has a full-load displacement of 5.8 tons, a flight deck length of 280 meters, a maximum speed of 33 knots, 80 aircraft, and a cruising range of 1.3 kilometers. The data is compared with the various types of aircraft carriers currently in use in the UK. Greater improvement.

The cost of the new aircraft carrier is 2500 million pounds, and Winston plans to build four.

Not to mention four ships, Attlee doesn't want to build one, and also wants to decommission all the battleships and aircraft carriers currently in service.

The first version of the disarmament plan formulated by the Attlee Cabinet faithfully reflected this line of thinking.

In the plan, Attlee only reserved one aircraft carrier as a training ship for the Royal Navy, and all other aircraft carriers and battleships were dismantled and sold.

Note that it is disassembled and sold, not sealed, it is directly cut to the lifeblood of the Royal Navy.

Needless to say, Attlee's plan was strongly opposed by the British ruling and opposition parties.

Not only is the Royal Navy firmly opposed to Attlee's plan, members of Congress also said that if the disarmament is followed by Attlee's plan, the British army after disarmament will not be strong enough to guarantee British security.

This is disarmament, not suicide!
In fact, Attlee also knew that this version of his plan was impossible to pass, and he was originally asking for directions, but he didn't expect that after the disarmament plan was announced, the public opinion would be so great that even the king would be alarmed.

Attlee's second edition of the disarmament plan was still tampered with.

The reason why the Royal Navy is fierce is not only because Attlee wants to decommission all aircraft carriers and battleships, but also because Attlee has rejected the shipbuilding plan that Winston has approved.

Britain is now facing a comprehensive post-war reconstruction, which is expected to require around £60 billion in reconstruction funds.

Now, let alone 60 billion, the UK can’t get 6 million. The Attlee cabinet is discussing with southern Africa and the United States, hoping to borrow from southern Africa and the United States.

If the money for reconstruction is not available, where can I get the money for building a new aircraft carrier?

In the second version of the disarmament plan, Attlee agreed to continue the shipbuilding plan, but postponed the start of the shipbuilding plan until after 1950.

From August to the present, Attlee has been prime minister for less than half a year, and he is physically and mentally exhausted. It is hard to say whether he can last until 8.

Regardless of whether the plan started as scheduled in 1950, Attlee's decision still gave the Royal Navy hope, and the emotions of the marshals were temporarily appeased.

Attlee's attitude towards the battleships in active service has not changed. Those who should be decommissioned still have to be decommissioned. In the future, the Royal Navy will mainly focus on frigates, and the main task is to protect the safety of the Atlantic shipping lanes.

It is the responsibility of the Royal Navy to protect the safety of the waterway, and the Royal Navy is duty bound.

But with only frigates, how can they complete the task of protecting the waterway?
In 1588, the British Navy defeated the Spanish Armada. Since then, the term the most powerful fleet in the world has become exclusive to the Royal Navy.

A fleet composed entirely of frigates doesn't matter how powerful it looks.

Even France and Italy have plans for new aircraft carriers, but the United Kingdom is gradually falling behind, which makes the generals and marshals of the Royal Navy almost anxious.

The new aircraft carriers of France and Italy are all going to be purchased from southern Africa, and southern Africa will refurbish the "city" class aircraft carriers in service and sell them to France and Italy.

The furious admirals couldn't influence Attlee's decision, so they went to the king and cried, hoping that the king would come forward to make Attlee change his mind, not to mention building more warships, at least to reserve a few more large warships for the Royal Navy.

The king was actually depressed too.

Attlee's stinginess is not only stingy to the navy, but also to the royal family. At the same time of disarmament, he hopes that the king will lead by example and take the initiative to reduce the annual financial allocation to relieve the pressure on the British government.

When Attlee first came to power, King George VI had high hopes for Attlee. Unexpectedly, not long after Attlee came to power, he began to attack the royal family.

This is actually reasonable, because the British royal family not only has financial allocations every year, but also has a large amount of territorial income and investment income, so the King of England is the richest person in the UK.

The point is that no one knows how much wealth the King of England owns.

The British royal family are all smart people. They will not foolishly deposit money in the bank to earn interest, but make various investments to generate money. This habit has lasted for hundreds of years. The wealth owned by the royal family has swelled to the point that it needs a wealth management bureau. degree of management.

This is still wealth on the surface, and no one knows how many company shares the royal family owns behind the scenes.

This is not counting the value of the royal collection.

(End of this chapter)

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