Attlee's disarmament was done from a financial point of view, but the king paid more attention to national security.

There is a country where there is a family. This sentence is really not high-profile for the royal family. There are too many kingdoms that have perished in Europe in the past 20 years. Some royal families fled before the turmoil broke out. Take your time.

Those royal families who couldn't escape were really miserable. Not to mention all kinds of insults, they couldn't escape the fate of death and family extinction in the end.

If the British Empire dies, the royal family will naturally cease to exist. George VI does not want to follow the example of those unlucky kings who go into exile abroad, let alone be executed in the basement or sent to the guillotine. Therefore, the British Empire retains a certain strength of the navy. necessary.

In fact, at the end of the day, the royal family still needs the protection of the Royal Navy when they flee.

So Attlee's two disarmament plans, regardless of whether they are reasonable or not, are far behind Winston's in terms of guesswork.

Only then did George VI think of Winston's kindness.

Compared with Attlee, who came from the grassroots, Winston, who was born in a top aristocrat, was obviously closer to the king.

Although some of Winston's remarks are indeed out of line sometimes, and his thinking is not up to date, but because Winston always puts national security first when formulating national policies, Winston is more important than Attlee. Qualified helm of the kingdom.

Based on this premise, it is not surprising that Winston received an urgent telegram from George VI in Cyprus.

Winston was in no hurry to see the King, and had a long talk with Roque before leaving Cyprus.

"Oh, I'll come to you when I'm in trouble. I'm really using you as a tinkerer—" Stoudemire sneered, and complained for Winston.

Stoudemire's personal relationship with Winston is very good, despite his daily confrontation with Winston, after all, he has been an old friend for decades.

Britain really owed too much to Winston. Winston stepped forward at every critical moment, and after Winston led Britain successfully through the crisis, Winston was swept out in a way that was almost humiliating.

Here we can see how deep Winston's feelings for Britain are.

If it was Stoudemire, Stoudemire would have quit long ago.

"This is not the best time for you to come back." Rock is also not optimistic. While Winston is digging holes for Attlee, Attlee is also digging holes for Winston.

After Attlee came to power, he actively fulfilled his promise and worked hard to build Britain into a welfare state. For this reason, he formulated many welfare policies, which were very popular among the British.

It is not bad to increase social welfare, the key is to do what we can.

The current situation in the UK actually does not allow the British government to do so.

In other words, Attlee sacrificed the national interests of the United Kingdom to please the British voters.

Now the situation is very complicated. No matter who takes over the position of prime minister, the social welfare and Attlee's promises can only be more or less, otherwise the future will be worrisome.

"Serving the empire is my mission. I cannot escape. No matter how difficult it is, I will face it bravely." Winston is a man of faith, and his courage is commendable.

"How are you going to deal with the current situation?" Rock was also curious, as Winston had no homework to copy this time.

Looking closely at the UK under Winston's administration, the way of coping with the crisis is similar to that of southern Africa, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is copying homework.

It is not impossible to copy now, but the situation in the UK no longer allows copying homework.

At present, the social security system in southern Africa is relatively complete in various countries, especially there are many welfare policies for vulnerable groups.

Guaranteeing welfare means more fiscal expenditures. Britain now even has to borrow money to carry out post-war reconstruction. Attlee is actually a picture, and in fact it cannot be done at all.

It doesn't matter whether you can do it or not, the key is attitude. As long as you have a correct attitude, you can gain the trust of voters.

"Disarmament must be carried out, and post-war reconstruction is also urgent. Soldiers who have retired from the army can fully participate in post-war reconstruction. Don't worry too much about this part. Social welfare and post-war reconstruction can be carried out at the same time—"Wen Although the people of Ston are not in the UK, they always pay attention to the development of the situation in the UK.

"Attlee has promised to provide free medical care for every British person. Can the UK do this now?" Stoudemire is also very concerned about the UK. He has too many interests in the UK.

Although Britain has gradually fallen behind in competition with southern Africa and the United States, Britain's position in Europe can still be guaranteed.

This is not how good the British are, but that other countries are worse.

"Do you think Attlee can do it? I have studied his free medical plan carefully, and it is impossible to implement it at all." Winston originally wanted to see a joke, but now he decided to expose Attlee's lies after returning to China .

Attlee's universal free is divided into two parts, one part is the nationalization of hospitals, and the other part is universal free.

It is not difficult to nationalize hospitals, what is difficult is the level of service.

The medical resources in southern Africa are still not free for all, and Attlee's promise is just a beautiful soap bubble.

But the British are willing to believe it.

"You're wrong, as long as Attlee is willing, he can do it." Rock knows too well what is going on with free medical care in the West.

Attlee's purpose is not free medical care at all, but to win votes.

Now that the votes have been obtained, it is no longer important whether the promise is fulfilled, or to what extent it is fulfilled.

The hospital is indeed free, but due to limited medical resources, you have to wait in line for a week for an appendix operation. If you can't bear it, you will have to pay a high price to go to a private clinic.

Let’s not talk about how disgusting the process is, just ask you if it’s free.

Therefore, Attlee can completely launch the policy first, whether it can achieve the goal or not.

The effect is good, because Attlee's ability is outstanding, and the Labor Party is united.

If the effect is not good, it is due to the non-cooperation of the private hospital and the interference of a certain opposition party. In short, it is a non-war crime.

"If he does this, the British Empire will be over—" Winston was in pain. He wanted to kill the thief, but he was powerless.

The point is that he doesn't even know who the enemy is.

Is Attlee an enemy?
Obviously not, at most they are political enemies.

Southern Africa and the United States are not enemies, but allies.

Not even Russia is an enemy at all.

Rock was expressionless.

No matter how Winston struggles, the outcome of Britain is already doomed, at most it will be a more influential regional country.

The ever-mighty sun never sets, is dead
"There's no need to be so pessimistic. At least in Europe, the United Kingdom still has influence." Roque could only be relieved that the current United Kingdom, at least, has not been reduced to the point where an Indian is the prime minister.

Indians have a characteristic of being in groups. As long as there is one Indian in a certain place, a large group of Indians will soon appear.

The same goes for the Prime Minister's Office.

Only then is the real incomprehension.

"Locke, you have to help me—" The British had trouble finding Winston, and Winston had trouble finding Rock.

"A loan? No problem." Rock knew what Britain needed most.

Regardless of post-war reconstruction or free medical care, they all need strong financial backing.

What Britain needs most now is money. If Attlee had money, he wouldn't pay attention to the royal family's budget.

"You haven't paid off the money you owed in the last world war, have you?" Stoudemire himself is one of the creditors of the British Empire.

Not only did they not pay it off, but they also saved more and more. One percent of the UK's annual fiscal revenue is not enough to pay interest.

After Attlee's disarmament, Britain's annual military expenditure was only about five-thousandths of its fiscal revenue.

According to the current situation, if the financial situation of the UK does not improve fundamentally, the UK may never be able to pay off its arrears.

"What else can we do? You can't just leave your life alone." Winston was confident that if the British Empire collapsed, the debts owed before would be cancelled.

Stoudemire frowned, are you trying to be a rascal with this attitude or what?

Ordinary people playing rogues will at most be restricted from high consumption.

If Britain dares to imitate Russia and forfeit the money owed to Southern Africa, Southern Africa will make Britain pay a higher price.

Among other things, as long as the Commonwealth of Nations is dismantled, Britain will be completely reduced to a second-rate country, and it will never be possible to stand up.

There will be no second empire on which the sun never sets, just like the good luck of the Age of Discovery, just that one time.

"Of course not, that's not how we treat our friends." Rock reassured Winston that a loan could be granted, and the corresponding collateral must also be available.

Rock believed that Winston would not play tricks.

After all, Winston is already in his 80s, and even if he becomes prime minister again, he can only serve for one term at most.

Roque doesn't know if the next prime minister will play tricks.

So a mortgage has to be there.

As for the mortgage, Winston had to discuss it with Gavin. Rock is a retired old man who doesn't care about world affairs.

After sending Winston away, Rock and Stoudemire continued to have a small meeting, not discussing how to add insult to injury, but discussing how to seek greater benefits for southern Africa under the current circumstances.

In other words, it's a win-win.

Win-win is a brand-new concept for European and American countries. There was no such thing as win-win in European and American countries before.

The logic of the Angsa people is to grab what they see, what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine.

Rock can help Winston, and at the same time seek more benefits for Southern Africa.

"60 billion pounds is a lot of money, and the UK has to use India as a mortgage." Stoudemire started ruthlessly, hitting the lifeblood of the UK.

Don't look at the fact that Britain is already considering releasing India, but that is a helpless choice.

As long as there is a way, Britain will never let India become independent.

"Why do you want India?" Rock was surprised. Is Stoudemire confused?

"Selling food, do you know that severe famines often occur in India?" Stoudemire took a fancy to the Indian market.

"You must be crazy. Indian civilians don't need to eat." Of course Rock knew, but Rock knew better about the reasons why severe famines often occur in India.

India is not short of food, but the distribution system is unreasonable. Food is concentrated in the hands of landlords and earth kings. The poor class, which occupies a larger population, has nothing to eat, so famines often occur.

During World War I, India sent food to Britain to feed cattle, resulting in the starvation of 2000 million people in India.

The figure of 2000 million is a conservative estimate, because even the British Governor in India does not know how many people there are in India, and the statistics are naturally impossible to be accurate.

Similar things happened again in World War II. India is currently experiencing an unprecedented food shortage, and the situation is expected to be more serious than during World War I.

"I have always been curious, since India is short of food, why doesn't the Indian government import food from southern Africa?" Stoudemire is very entangled in this issue, because he owns the most powerful food company in the world.

Unlike India, southern Africa solved the food problem a long time ago. Africa is really a land of geomantic omen, and whatever you plant will bring you a good harvest.

Of course, the casual planting here is only for the Chinese. If the Africans plant casually, it depends on the sky how much they can harvest.

India actually owns a lot of land, and its food production is so-so. Under normal circumstances, it would not import food from abroad.

But since people starve to death in India every year, it is hard to understand that the Indian government does not import food.

"I said long ago that India is a country with a population of only 3000 million." Rock didn't want India, not even giving it away.

India has a population of 3.78 million, only 3000 million of the upper caste live like humans, and the remaining 90.00% are slaves.

If you look at it this way, many strange behaviors in India can be explained.

"Then take Australia as a mortgage." Stoudemire chose the next best thing. Australia's relationship with southern Africa has been heating up over the years. If Britain agrees to mortgage Australia to southern Africa, then southern Africa can prepare to annex Australia.

"This will only make the British cheaper." Roque had a plan for Australia.

Annexation or something is too imperialistic. Southern Africa is going to become a beacon for the future world. This kind of thing cannot be done, it is a shame.

Australia is now one of the most important sources of raw materials in southern Africa. Southern Africa imports a large amount of iron ore, wool, and agricultural products such as wheat from Australia every year.

Australians don’t have high requirements. The population of this country is too small. Just selling and selling can make Australians live a good life.

As a purely resource-importing country, Britain naturally covets Australia's resources.

Australia is still a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and Britain can also benefit from trade between southern Africa and Australia.

This makes Australians very unhappy.

In addition, during the war, Britain ignored Australia's interests and insisted on putting Europe first before Asia, which completely hurt the hearts of Australians.

No mortgage is required, and Australia will also take the initiative to leave the Commonwealth and move closer to Southern Africa.

After the end of the world war, other countries were disarming, but Australia purchased two decommissioned "island" class aircraft carriers from southern Africa at a price of [-] million rand.

The cost of the latest British aircraft carrier is only 2500 million, and the external sales are doubled to only 5000 million.

It is well known that Sima Zhao's intention is to buy decommissioned warships from southern Africa instead of lending money to the United Kingdom.

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