Australia spent a lot of money to buy two ships that have been in service for more than 20 years, but their performance is not too backward. They can use the aircraft carrier for another 20 years instead of equipping their own fleet. It is better to hand over the aircraft carrier to the southern African navy. This is a kind of What spirit?
In fact, there is no need to go in such a big circle at all. The Australians can directly transfer [-] million rand to the Southern African Ministry of Defense as a protection fee. The Southern African Navy will definitely guarantee Australia's security.

This is the benefit of having golden fingers.

When the United Kingdom and the United States were still fighting battleships, southern Africa began to study aircraft carriers.

Now the battleships of the United Kingdom and the United States have been completely reduced to tasteless, and no one cares about them, but the aircraft carriers in southern Africa have become popular. If they are simply rich and their relationship with southern Africa is not good enough, they are not eligible to buy them at all.

There are a total of eight "city" class aircraft carriers in southern Africa. Australia has recognized two, Najd has recognized two, France and Italy have one each, and the last two have been divided up by East India and Brazil. It's over.

Seeing the popularity of aircraft carriers in Southern Africa, the British and Americans were naturally moved.

During the World War, the United Kingdom and the United States rushed to build a large number of escort aircraft carriers.

There is only one advantage of an escort aircraft carrier, which is low cost, but there are a lot of disadvantages, such as short voyage, small aircraft capacity, weak protection, etc., and so on. The disadvantages can be barely accepted, and adding one is thorough. Tragedy, not to mention people spending money to buy, no one wants to give it away for free.

Like the dreadnoughts that were decommissioned after World War I, the cost of dismantling and selling scrap iron is not enough.

So the Americans bombed battleships with atomic bombs, on the one hand to test the power of the atomic bombs, and on the other hand to save dismantling costs, killing two birds with one stone.

Southern Africa has a way to "turn waste into treasure". The United States is strong and does not feel bad for playing, but the United Kingdom is not willing to just watch the warships built at a high price go to waste. George VI urgently summoned Winston , I also hope that Winston can come up with a more reasonable solution.

Don't expect to make money, as long as you can recover the cost.

King George VI felt that his requirements were not high. The retired aircraft carriers in southern Africa are so popular. After 20 years of service, they can still be sold for the price of a brand new aircraft carrier. The British retired aircraft carrier is sold at cost price, which is enough to show sincerity.

Winston was in a difficult situation.

The British aircraft carrier is fundamentally different from the southern African aircraft carrier. The southern African aircraft carrier is a real aircraft carrier that can support a battle.

The United Kingdom only assembled an aircraft carrier fleet by patchwork. Not to mention the navies of other countries, the Royal Navy itself despises it.

The first batch of temporary escort aircraft carriers in the UK are called cargo aircraft carriers. It can be seen from the name that the British War Department did not report much hope for this cargo.

This batch of temporary escort aircraft carriers are all converted from cargo ships, with a crew of 3, the level is similar to that of destroyers, and the number of aircraft on board is generally only 4 or [-], and they can only carry light fighters with light weight. Originally, the Ministry of War did not If you plan to hold it for too long, it will be scrapped when you run out.

The Ministry of War placed high hopes on the fleet aircraft carrier. The Ministry of War ordered a total of 16 ships, only six of which have been delivered, two have been launched, two are still on the berth, and construction of the other six has not yet started.

The six ships that have been delivered have not participated in any naval battles, and have not come in handy at all.

Therefore, the Ministry of War urgently stopped the six ships that had not yet started construction, and converted the two ships that had not been launched into other warships.

Under such circumstances, before Winston stepped down, he actually signed an order to start the construction of a new type of aircraft carrier, which is really inappropriate.

All fleet carriers and escort carriers were approved for construction during Winston's tenure.

Since it was Winston who caused the trouble, it seemed reasonable to ask Winston to deal with it now.

"Temporary escort aircraft carriers are cheap and can be decommissioned directly. Fleet aircraft carriers can still find buyers—" Winston learned a lot after running around with Rock.

Southern Africa can sell decommissioned aircraft carriers to countries that have good relations with southern Africa, and the UK can work hard.

There are Union countries in Southern Africa, and the United Kingdom has members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Not to mention the temporary escort aircraft carrier, a fleet aircraft carrier with a carrying capacity of 50 aircraft still has some residual value.

For example, Argentina is very interested in the British fleet aircraft carrier.

Argentina is not a small country, but it has strength but not much. The key is to have the ambition to become a powerful regional country.

There are not many countries in the world that can afford aircraft carriers, and even fewer can build them.

Argentina can't afford too advanced aircraft carriers, and fleet carriers are just right for Argentina.

In addition to Argentina, there are many potential buyers for British aircraft carriers.

Like Australia.

Although Australia has embraced the thigh of southern Africa, if the United Kingdom gives Australia greater autonomy on the condition of purchasing a fleet aircraft carrier, then the Australians will surely pay the bill.

For the same reason, India and Canada are also potential buyers of British aircraft carriers.

However, because this is a one-off deal, the UK will suffer even greater losses in the long run.

"If there is gain, there must be loss. If the result is doomed, we can only strive for better interests." Winston's heart is infinitely sad, and it is not easy to be a tinkerer.

India is fighting for independence, and Australia is also making trouble. Although Canada has not made a clear statement, it is mostly watching the reaction of the British government. If India and Australia successfully secede from the Commonwealth, Canada will not hesitate. They are both prime ministers and presidents. There is also an overlord.

It's really a tree falling and a hozen scattered.

"The Commonwealth is our final bottom line, and the mistakes made in southern Africa cannot be repeated." George VI did not admit defeat, he was a man of courage.

When George VI came to the throne, the British royal family was facing a serious crisis of confidence caused by the relationship between Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson.

The situation at that time was very dangerous. The majesty of the royal family was not only questioned in the United Kingdom, but also internationally because of the relationship between Edward VIII and Germany.

George VI was ordered to turn the tide when he was in danger, and became a symbol of courage and perseverance, restoring the image of the royal family in the minds of the British people.

George VI did not think that the situation was so dangerous that the Commonwealth of Nations had to be dissolved. The mistake he said was to allow southern Africa to become independent.

Winston did not speak, and the objective laws of this world would not be changed by personal will.

When the United Kingdom was strong, the loyalty of the overseas colonies and territories to the United Kingdom was unquestionable, and they could ask for anything.

Britain's national strength is weak, and even the most basic security cannot be guaranteed. At this time, it is not surprising that overseas leaders will be moved if someone poachs the wall.

"Maintaining a strong navy is the only way to fully protect the interests of the empire. You have served as the Secretary of the Navy. Do you have any better suggestions?" Although George VI had ideals, he had no plans.

Insufficient strength, no matter how tough the words are, it is useless.

The British government has reached the point where it has to borrow money for post-war reconstruction, and George VI has not seen the royal family's private property to subsidize the treasury.

Not to mention subsidizing the national treasury, Attlee hoped that the royal family could reduce expenses, but he did not get the consent of George VI.

It means that if you have difficulties, you ministers should find a way to solve them, and you must make sure that you should make offerings to the royal family every year.

It's very onsa.

"My suggestion is to strengthen the alliance with southern Africa, make full use of southern Africa, and protect the interests of the empire." Winston's suggestion disappointed George VI.

The United States is a rebellious son, and southern Africa is not much better. Australia has begun to pay protection fees to southern Africa. Southern Africa should bear the greatest responsibility for the weakening of the empire.

If Australia's [-] million rand was given to Britain, King George VI would not be in a hurry to call Winston back.

"Southern Africa is no longer what it was before—" George VI reminded Winston not to forget his position.

George VI knew that Winston had a good personal relationship with Roque, and also knew that Winston had a large investment in southern Africa, which earned huge profits every year.

George VI also invested in southern Africa, and part of the income from the Rand Gold Mine belonged to the royal family.

But personal relationships cannot override national interests.

"But we have no better choice." Winston directly revealed the biggest dilemma in Britain at present.

When Attlee came to power, he pinned his hopes on Russia, but in the end, he pinned his hopes on Russia.

Winston also didn't want to rely on Southern Africa, but at present there was no better choice besides Southern Africa.

You can't rely on the Hebrews in the United States.

If it weren't for the Hebrews in the United States to sow discord for their own interests, the two world wars would not have been fought at all.

At least not to the current level.

As the biggest victims of the two world wars, the British have finally come to their senses and seen through the true colors of the Americans.

This is also thanks to the presence of Southern Africa.

With southern Africa, Winston has the confidence to reject the Americans.

Otherwise, even if they see through the sinister intentions of the Americans, Britain will have to hold its nose to cooperate with the Americans, accept the so-called "aid" from the Americans, and be at the mercy of the Americans.

After the end of the First World War, the fourteen points put forward by US President Wilson were nominally aimed at Germany, but it was Britain that suffered the most in the end.

Leaving aside other things, the self-determination of the colonies directly hit the lifeblood of Britain.

Not long ago, Eisenhower proposed a "Reconstruction of Europe Plan", and the conditions were also very harsh. If Britain accepted it, then Britain would become a colony of the United States.

Compared with Americans, southern Africans can be described as kind.

"The Rockman is in Cyprus, why don't you go to Cyprus and talk to Locke face to face?" Winston had some things to say, so he asked George VI to go to Rock to receive education in person.

Are you going to Cyprus?

George VI looked at the smog outside the window and thought of the sunny beaches of Cyprus, and his heart was instantly moved.

Go to the fucking foggy city, whoever loves to treat, I'm going to Cyprus to enjoy the fresh air.

Even the King of England thinks so, and the attraction of Cyprus to ordinary Europeans can be imagined.

During the World War, Cyprus became the rear of the Allied forces on the Eastern Front. Many Russian wounded were also taken to Cyprus for treatment. Some wounded did not choose to return to Russia after recovering, but stayed in Cyprus unwilling to leave.

Compared with Cyprus, Russia, where it is winter for more than half of the year, really has nothing to miss.

Another reason why so many Russian tycoons in time and space have been recruited by the US sanctions is that the sun and the beach are also irresistible to Russians.

"The Russians are not demanding, and they have taken away many Ottoman job opportunities. As long as you give a Russian a piece of meat and a bottle of wine, you can make the Russians do anything." Arthur's view of the Russians has completely changed, no wonder Russians are called "gray cattle" by Europeans.

Like the Africans in the surrounding countries of southern Africa, the Russians are also of good quality and cheap compared with the southern Africans, but to an acceptable extent, the Russians are much better than the Africans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm talking about aesthetic acceptance here, not other nonsense.

"You still have to be careful with the Russians. This may be the infiltration of the Russians." Stoudemire's impression of the Russians is not very good.

In the cooperation of the Mir Diamond Mine, Stoudemire was hit hard by the Russians. Although Stoudemire was very upset, he recognized it with his nose.

Without cooperation, the reserves of the Mir Mine are too large. If it is handed over to the Russians, it may cause a collapse in global diamond prices. At that time, the biggest loss will be the De Beers Unified Mining Company.

What did the Russians lose? Diamonds are essentially stones. Without the Mir Mine, the Russians would not have been able to share the profits of the diamond industry. Therefore, the collapse of diamond prices did not cause any loss to the Russians.

However, the De Beers Unified Mining Company has lost the financial resources that it has worked tirelessly for decades, implanted in countless movies, brought goods through various rich and noble ladies, and used various channels to publicize, and forcibly tied diamonds and marriage together.

Cooperating with the Russians, although De Beers will lose some profits, it is still acceptable to Stoudemire.

If the Russians are upset, the Russians will turn the table, and by then everyone in the entire interest chain will be done together.

"I know, so I will not open positions in key fields to Russians." Arthur only changed some views, but did not change completely.

Not only key positions are not open to Russians, but all key positions in Cyprus are closed to all non-Southern Africans.

It is even stricter, and it is not open to all non-Chinese, even those who are not pure Chinese.

For Arthur, a southern African of mixed blood, it is very strange to have such a firm bottom line.

In the education Arthur received when he was a child, he had a deep understanding of the saying that people who are not me must have different hearts.

Cooperation is possible, but there must be a bottom line.

This also became the basis for the meeting between Rock and George VI.

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