How can there be the best of both worlds in the world? It is just the best fantasy, and most of it does not exist in real life.

Rock has never concealed his ambitions, and the benefits that Southern Africa has gained from the British Empire have already far exceeded expectations.

George VI and Winston were not unaware of the threat of southern Africa to the British Empire, but they still chose to cooperate with southern Africa. This was not because George VI and Winston had no sense of crisis, but because of the African cooperation is more in the interests of the British Empire.

Southern Africa is the enemy of the whole world, and Britain is not like this.

Will the Americans offer better terms than southern Africa?
Impossible, it will only be more harsh than southern Africa, it's just the lesser of two evils, but if the conditions offered by the Americans are a little bit better than those in southern Africa, George VI will not appear in Cyprus.

Although Cyprus is very developed, there is still a gap compared with southern Africa.

Even so, what George VI saw and heard along the way was enough to shock him.

When Europeans mention Cyprus, their first impression is a holiday paradise or a tourist destination. The two have a common feature of a developed service industry, which is usually not related to industry.

This is obviously not the case in Cyprus. The oil produced in Port Elizabeth is processed in Cyprus and then sold to Europe, which keeps Cyprus' industry at a very high level.

Especially after entering the East Capet Industrial Zone, the continuous factory buildings and towering chimneys left a deep impression on George VI.

Under normal circumstances, developed industries will definitely cause serious pollution to the environment.

However, in Cyprus, these factories seem to have little impact on the environment. King George VI quietly opened the car window and did not smell any pungent smell in the air, which made George VI difficult to understand.

The smog in London actually symbolizes the developed industry in London to some extent, so it seems that the smog is not so unacceptable.

The air in Cyprus is very fresh. The warm sea breeze is mixed with the fresh earthy smell, which is as refreshing as the fields after the rain, with a sweetness exclusive to nature.

The smog in London is desperate, forcing people to wear masks, so they can't see the sun and the future.

Instead of choosing the British embassy in Cyprus, King George VI stayed in the presidential suite at the East Capelodesia Hotel.

In any city, the Rhodesia Hotel is a landmark building. The building where the East Capelor Rhodesia Hotel is located has a total of 101 floors and a total height of 338 meters. It is the tallest building in the Mediterranean Sea.

When he learned the figure of 368 meters, George VI couldn't help being amazed.

The tallest building in London is St Paul's Cathedral, built in 1710, at 111 meters.

Britain is not incapable of building skyscrapers, it just doesn't like it.

George VI can only comfort himself with such a poor excuse.

What made George VI dissatisfied was that the Rhodesia Hotel did not close the hotel because of the arrival of George VI, and specially received George VI and his party.

This is also helpless, the status of King George VI is of course distinguished, but the Rhodesia Hotel has dignitaries from various countries and members of European royal families staying there all the year round, and the Nezhi royal family has long-term private rooms in the Rhodesia Hotel.

The package is the same as the presidential package, which is empty when no one lives in it. If you have money, you will be willful.

The presidential suite at the Rhodesia Hotel is not cheap, and even King George VI feels a little pained.

Thinking about it this way, George VI's mood is more complicated.

Najd is similar to Port Elizabeth in that he got rich from oil.

The United Kingdom also discovered oil fields in North Africa, but they were forced to hand them over to private companies and could not enjoy the benefits of the oil fields. This account still has to be recorded in southern Africa.

George VI couldn't care about the oil field now, and he didn't even take a break after arriving at the hotel, so he had a more in-depth exchange with Rock.

"Why is there no Labor Party in Southern Africa?" George VI didn't know much about Southern Africa.

"How could there be none? It's just that the Southern African Labor Party is different from the British Labor Party." Rock looked at it calmly with a smile.

The Southern African Labor Party was established around the same time as the British Labor Party, probably around 1906.

The British Labor Party, formerly known as the Labor Representative Committee, was renamed the Labor Party in 1906.

The Southern African Labor Party was established in 1907 and was independent from the Engineers Association. Unfortunately, it has not been able to develop rapidly, and it has less than [-] members.

Although the number of members is small, it occupies the name of the Labor Party. If someone wants to establish the Labor Party, the name will not be justified, and they can only borrow other names.

"Since the independence of Southern Africa, the Liberal Party has always been in power—" George VI was very curious, not knowing how Southern Africa did it.

The United Kingdom has had a multi-party system since the constitutional monarchy. In the early days, the Conservative Liberal Party took turns in power, and now the Conservative Labor Party takes turns. The political instability in the United Kingdom in recent years has a lot to do with the multi-party system.

"Yes, the Liberal Party has performed well and is deeply trusted by southern Africans." Rock kept his secrets. Even if he told George VI plainly, Britain would not be able to learn.

The bourgeois revolution in Europe was crooked from the very beginning, and it is now hopeless.

Democracy and freedom are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which is a good thing in a sense, but the disadvantages are also obvious. After all, everyone knows that democracy and freedom in an absolute sense do not exist at all, so what is the point of shouting slogans all day long.

In theory, southern Africa also has a multi-party system. Unfortunately, the Progressive People's Party has failed to live up to expectations, leading to the dominance of the Liberal Party.

"One family dominates" in southern Africa is of course hidden dangers. If one day the Liberal Party loses the trust of southern Africans, then the future of southern Africa will be difficult to say.

"Aren't you worried that one day, southern Africa will fall into a predicament similar to that of Britain or France?" George VI was in a mixed mood. Britain is not bad, but France is the worst.

It's okay, at least Britain is not the worst.

"If that day does come, Southern Africa may ban all political parties except the Liberal Party." Roque will never allow Southern Africa to fall into partisanship.

"How can you do this, don't you know the danger of doing this?" George VI was shocked, so that southern Africa may become the second Germany.

Rock smiled and said nothing, he didn't want to deceive himself like George VI.

The current situation in the UK is enough to prove the disadvantages of the two-party or multi-party system. To paraphrase a bad saying, the truth will always be in the hands of a few people. , what's the fuss about?

Aristide Briand, who has served the most times as prime minister in France, has served as prime minister 25 times in 11 years and has been a minister for most of the rest of the time, a total of 15 times.

Apart from Briand, there are only a few evergreens in the French political arena. What's the point in exchange for eliminating the consumption of national resources?
Therefore, it is not as good as in southern Africa, at least it can guarantee the continuity of the policy, and there will be no problems like the death of people and the rest of the government.

"Winston told me that you are facing a lot of trouble now—" Rock did not get entangled with George VI on this issue, he had already talked about this, and the rest had to be understood by himself.

"Lord Attlee is a man with ideals, but his ideals are too far ahead and not suitable for today's Britain." Roque put eye drops on Attlee, and Britain still has to return to the road of the empire on which the sun never sets. in the interests of Southern Africa.

To put it bluntly, it is militarism.

"Mr Prime Minister needs time to prove himself." George VI was patient, but not much.

It cannot be said that there is a problem with Attlee's thinking. The UK really needs to change its direction now. The continental balance policy is no longer suitable for the current UK.

To put it simply, Britain no longer has the strength to influence the balance of Europe, and even national security has to rely on southern Africa or the United States to guarantee it. It is not a good feeling to rely on others.

George VI also hoped that Attlee would be successful, but the reality is that Attlee was ousted after only serving one term as prime minister, and then was named the greatest prime minister in history by the British, which is really ironic.

"Yeah, that's the biggest problem. You don't have enough time for him now." Rock still prefers Winston to be the British Prime Minister.

Winston also came to Cyprus with George VI. When Roque and George VI were discussing whether the prime minister was qualified, Winston took the initiative to find Stoudemire, hoping that Stoudemire could increase investment in Britain.

If the British economy is to recover, more job opportunities must be provided for the British, so that the income of the British will increase, and the British government will also receive more taxes.

For the current UK, small-scale investment will not have much effect, and only someone as important as Stoudemire can play a sufficient demonstration effect.

People like Stoudemire don't even need to invest too much money. They only need to express their optimism about the British economy to the outside world to attract the attention of capital.

"The investment is fine, what return can I get?" Stoudemire said directly, without going around in circles with Winston.

Why invest in the UK if you have money? Southern Africa or East Asia, even Australia and South America have countless opportunities.

"In the next five years, all grain imported by the UK will go through the South African company." The conditions offered by Winston made Stoudemire very tempted.

But wait a minute, the amount of food that the UK needs to import every year is not a small amount. In the past, there were blood transfusions from colonies and overseas territories. After losing this part of resources, there are not many countries that can meet the needs of the UK.

Southern Africa definitely counts as one, the United States also counts as one, and Russia counts as half.

It's not that Russia has no food, but that Russia has to pay a higher price after annexing Eastern Europe and reaching out to North Africa. In contrast, trade with the United Kingdom is not very attractive.

During the two world wars, even though Russia was ostracized by the international community, it did not stop trading with Britain, because Russia needed pounds to buy the materials or technology Russia needed.

Now that Russia has a better substitute for the rand, the need for the pound is less urgent, again a consequence of the weakening of the pound.

From the gold standard to the gold bullion standard, the core interest of the UK is the international currency status of the pound.

During the Great Depression, the pound and gold were decoupled again, and people's confidence in the pound was severely lacking. The rand and the dollar have replaced the pound as the most popular international currency.

"Apart from the South African company, do you have a better choice?" Stoudemire is arrogant. If he has no clothes to wear, he will not go out at most, and if he has no food, he will starve to death.

"If I can't get the desired result from you, then I'll go to New York." Winston was not a soft persimmon, and had already prepared an alternative.

It would be nice to get enough help from here in Southern Africa.

If the conditions in southern Africa are too harsh, then Britain will choose the United States.

Even Russia, is not impossible.

"You can try, is American money so easy to get?" Stoudemire was not worried on the surface, but in his heart he did not want to completely force Britain to the United States.

"The Prime Minister is currently in Washington—" Winston is not afraid of Stoudemire's threat. Britain is also up for grabs now. I will help whoever benefits me more.

Attlee arrived in Washington the day before George VI arrived in Cyprus, also hoping to get more aid from the United States.

So far, Attlee has hit a wall in Russia and southern Africa successively, and the United States is still friendly to Attlee.

The friendship of the United States is conditional. If you want to get assistance from the Americans, you must open the domestic market to the United States. This is a win-win situation.

After the end of the World War, American companies suffered no less than the Great Depression. Numerous factories closed, workers lost their jobs, and farmers would rather pour milk into the river than sell it to the poor. The greedy face of capitalists was fully exposed.

The United Kingdom is in urgent need of various industrial products, but the products produced by American companies cannot be sold. Truman hopes that Attlee can help American companies solve this problem, and then talk about other things.

In the past few years of the World War, the supply of American goods has been in short supply. Basically, as long as they are produced, they can be sold.

This gave American capitalists an illusion that there would never be a market for American goods.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, American companies have suffered heavy losses, especially the military factories that have made a lot of war money in recent years. Because of the loss of orders, a large backlog of goods cannot be sold, and many companies have reached the verge of bankruptcy.

It also deserves it.

In the last year of the World War, military orders from Europe have actually decreased rapidly. Southern African companies have made difficult transitions in accordance with the orders of the Southern African Federation of Africa. American companies have no pressure in this regard. Complacent because of the orders that the transformation cannot undertake.

Isn't it a fool to make money but not make money?

As for future products that cannot be sold, what should we do?
Who cares, anyway, the money earned during the war will have been transferred by then, and the big deal will be bankruptcy.

MacArthur knew that staying in Japan to make political achievements, Truman also needs to prove his ability, if Attlee can help Truman solve this problem, then Truman can take the lead in the presidential election. (end of this chapter)

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