Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2721 Create a threat without a threat

Enterprises can go bankrupt after the outbreak of the economic crisis, but the final trouble has to be borne by the US government. Now this mess is a headache for Truman.

To keep these companies from going bankrupt, the demand side must be revived. In other words, the war must continue.

But looking at the whole world, there are not many countries that can still fight. If the United States can't end up fighting with southern Africa in person, it will be cheaper for Russia.

Speaking of Russia——

Truman still has a little opinion of Russia.

Russia's contribution to World War II is unquestionable, but Russia is not the only country that contributed to World War II. At least Truman believed that the United States' contribution to World War II was not much smaller than Russia.

However, compared with Russia, the United States gained little after the war.

Although Russia lost a lot, it got the whole of Eastern Europe as compensation.

As part of the Allied forces on the Western Front, the United States did not benefit as much as southern Africa, which made Truman very angry.

Forget about southern Africa, which is in the same Western camp as the United States, and it is not appropriate to tear your face directly.

Russia becomes the most suitable enemy.

"From the perspective of long-term interests, we need to establish a new threat to Europe, so that all European countries can be united and reunited under the banner of democracy and freedom." Truman hopes that Britain will become the spokesperson of the United States in Europe, which is also in line with the British Interests.

The continental balance policy that Britain has insisted on for hundreds of years has now come to an end. With its own capabilities, the UK can no longer continue to play and is on the verge of bankruptcy.

With the help of the United States, the United Kingdom can continue to carry water and hide outside the European continent to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Europe can't afford any new wars, including Britain." Attlee said bitterly, I'm here for a loan, not to continue applying for an arms race.

If the UK can return to the old path of the Continental Equilibrium Policy, the British will not choose Attlee, and it would be better to choose Winston.

On the one hand, the choice of Attlee was completely terrified by the two world wars, and on the other hand, he was attracted by the welfare society described by Attlee. If Attlee’s performance as prime minister does not meet the expectations of the British, Then Attlee would be abandoned by the British like Winston.

"Threats are just threats." Truman was also helpless. The old brains of British gentlemen really couldn't keep up with the new era.

In the eyes of Americans, Britain's continental balance policy is actually very clever, but deviations occurred in actual implementation, which led to two world wars.

The point of exaggerating threats is to exaggerate, not to end the battle personally, let alone rushing to the forefront. In the two world wars, the United States did not participate in the war until the last moment. This is the ultimate continental balance.

Attlee remained silent, not wanting to plunge Britain into a new vortex.

The United Kingdom has enough troubles now, if it follows the United States to hype up the Russian threat, the consequences will be unpredictable.

"Because orders from Europe have decreased and the U.S. economy is not healthy, I need a good reason to convince Congress." Truman implicitly threatened that if he didn't obey, he would lose the loan.

Convincing Congress is not to exaggerate the Russian threat theory in Congress, but to exchange with American interest groups in exchange for the support of Congress.

The arms dealers in the United States are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. They only care about whether there is an order, and they don't care who the enemy is.

So what about Russia, Russia's tens of millions of troops cannot swim across the Atlantic Ocean to attack the mainland of the United States.

The super bomb in southern Africa can directly threaten the continental United States.

If it was just a super bomb, Truman would not be so nervous.

The key point is that southern Africa still has more advanced precision-guided bombs than the United States, which is very tricky.

Americans never fight unprepared.

In other words, if there is no preparation for victory, the Americans will not do it. Americans have always been very rational in this regard.

"If it's just a threat, then the parliament will not agree." Attlee also has a parliamentary obstacle here, ordinary people are easy to incite, and the masters of the parliament are all smart people.

"Then make the threat more real." Truman had already made a decision, and it was not too difficult to influence Congress.

Attlee was elected after the end of the war. There is still a gap between Truman and Truman in terms of decisiveness in killing, and he has not experienced a real test.

Truman regarded whether he could lead the United States through the economic crisis safely as a big test. If he performed well, he could continue to be president. If he did not perform well, he would leave the White House and give way to Thomas Dewey.

"Have you got a plan?" Attlee wondered how far Truman could go.

"It's being perfected." Truman smiled, as if everything was under control, but when Attlee asked again, Truman just laughed and said nothing.

That's right, Attlee hasn't agreed to board the ship yet, so it's certainly impossible for Truman to reveal the whole plan.

Leaving the White House, Attlee was on his way back to the British embassy in the United States. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin handed over a copy of the just-published "Chicago Tribune".

Attlee frowned, this is the Chicago Tribune's survey prediction on the presidential election.

Although this is not the final result, it can also fully demonstrate the difficult situation Truman is currently facing.

"Almost all newspapers predict that Thomas Dewey will defeat Truman in the next general election." Ernest Bevin smiled with contempt.

Coincidentally, what the British Labor Party is best at is elections.

"Even if Dewey can win, it will be two years later and has nothing to do with the current United Kingdom." Attlee calmed down, there was no need to visit Dewey now.

The post-war economic crisis was also a big test for Attlee. If he could not pass it smoothly, Attlee might not be able to wait for Dewey.

"I mean, we can put pressure on Truman through Dewey." Ernest Bevin didn't miss any factor that could be exploited.

Relations with Europe, and especially Britain, have always played a very important role in the US presidential election.

Attlee didn't even need to have in-depth exchanges with Dewey. He only needed to meet Dewey once to increase Truman's sense of crisis.

Of course, it may also cause Truman's disgust.

Attlee carefully weighed the benefits, then shook his head slowly.

Edley came to the United States to ask for help, and it cannot have any connection with the US presidential election, otherwise it will arouse Americans' resentment.

The American media even dared to fabricate rumors about the president, so most of them would not speak for Attlee.

Then we still have to find a way from Truman. After all, it is a multi-billion business, and Truman also needs time.

Attlee was most concerned about Truman's plan.

"The only ones who are qualified to be the enemies of the United States are southern Africa and Russia." What Ernest Bevin hopes most is not that the United States exaggerates the theory of the Russian threat, but a fight with southern Africa.

Playing up the threat of Russia has limited effect. The whole world knows that Russia suffered heavy losses in the World War and has no ability to continue to fight the Third World War.

Of course, this depends on how it is said. Whether Russia is capable of fighting three wars is one thing, but whether it wants to fight or not is another matter.

At least from the tough external performance of the bearded man, Russia hopes to maintain its strong military power.

now it's right.

If it was not for the purpose of launching the Third World War, why didn't Russia disarm as much as Southern Africa and the United Kingdom and the United States, but instead maintain a strong force deterrence.

Every man is innocent of his guilt.

"It's impossible in southern Africa, it can only be Russia." Attlee didn't even use the method of exclusion, and directly delineated Russia.

If you want to exaggerate Southern Africa as a threat to Europe, you don't need Southern Africa to clarify it, and you need European countries to believe it.

Now, including the United Kingdom, all European countries are waiting for southern Africa to help. At this time, unless they are crazy, they will use southern Africa as a target.

"We can't fight Russia—" Ernest Bevin set himself on fire with terror on his face.

The tens of millions of troops are not a joke. The key is that the tens of millions of troops who have gone through bloody battles can easily flatten Europe.

At the beginning, Germany could easily flatten Europe with such a little strength, but now it is replaced by Russia.

"Russia thinks so too." Attlee was not too worried about this issue.

If it conquers Europe, Russia is not worried about the United Kingdom, but the southern Africa and the United States behind the United Kingdom.

From this perspective, Britain is safe.

The only hidden danger is being shot by the Americans at the forefront.

"It would be perfect if France could participate." Bevan was imaginative, habitually cheating on France.

"Not in Europe." Attlee had made a decision, no matter what, Britain would not be involved.

It is okay to wave the flag, but Britain will never do stupid things like the first and second world wars.

The two world wars broke Britain from the empire on which the sun never set to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If it happens again, only Great Britain will be left.

Bevin frowned, not knowing where Truman's plan would start.

An Qi didn't know either, but she keenly sensed that the atmosphere in East Asia has suddenly become weird recently.

With the surrender of Japan and the complete end of the world war, the next step should be a complete liquidation, Caesar's to Caesar, God's to God.

Unlike the liquidation in the European battlefield, the liquidation in East Asia is extremely difficult.

Mustache commits suicide before defeat strikes, setting the reckoning in Europe and no one gets away with it.

The controversy over whether Hirohito was included in the list of war criminals in East Asia has not yet subsided. It has been reported that the US military on the peninsula and the Russian military have frequent conflicts. Both sides are mobilizing troops, and conflicts are imminent.

They are all victorious countries in World War II, and they are proud of their great victories. The Russians hate the Americans for sitting on the western front and watching Russia and Germany fight to the death.

If the Allies on the Western Front had been proactive in attacking Germany, Russia's losses would not have been so great.

Throughout East Asia, only the peninsula, where the Russian army actually controls, borders the US military's line of control.

So even if Russia hates southern Africa, hates France, or hates Britain, it can't reach it. Only the Americans are close at hand, dangling in front of them every day, so who else will they fight if they don't fight the United States?

The U.S. military in East Asia and the U.S. military in Europe are two completely different parts. Russia has played miserably in Europe. Not to mention that it has made almost no contribution in East Asia. The final stage is coming to an end. The Kwantung Army grabbed it, which made the US military in East Asia very unwilling.

Among the allied forces in East Asia, the U.S. military suffered the most damage. Not to mention the loss of half of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Bataan was slaughtered by the Japanese as a pig, and its face was lost to the Pacific Ocean.

The Allied counteroffensive in East Asia was dominated by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, and the Americans had no reason to vent their grievances on the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

At this time, the appearance of the Russians attracted all the firepower of the US military in East Asia.

A few months ago, because the U.S. military used materials to lure the peninsula people in the Russian-occupied area to go to the U.S.-occupied area, it aroused strong dissatisfaction from the Russian side.

It’s okay to use material temptations. The key is to attribute the behavior of the people on the peninsula to the US-occupied areas to the fear of Russia’s retaliation, so they were forced to flee. This is the real reason for the dissatisfaction of the Russians.

Not only did MacArthur fail to restrain the behavior of the US military, but instead publicized the flight of the Peninsulars as a political achievement.

The Russian side maintained a rare restraint and took the initiative to build a separation zone between the Russian-occupied area and the US-occupied area, and the matter came to an end.

Although the friction on land came to an end, the disputes on the sea began again.

After the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian Navy fell into a slump, and its Far East Pacific Fleet was almost wiped out, and it has not recovered its strength until now.

Russia is a country with traditional land power and does not attach importance to the navy. Although the Far East Pacific Fleet was restored in the Red Russia era, there were not many warships. Let alone the United States, it could not even beat Japan.

Compared with the previous leaders of Russia, the bearded man's ambitions not only exist on land, but also on the sea.

After defeating the Kwantung Army, Russia did not stop. After taking back the islands seized by Japan in the Russo-Japanese War, it sent warships of the Far East Pacific Fleet to sea and continued to advance towards the Japanese mainland.

In 1855, Japan and Russia signed the "Japan-Russia Peace Treaty" and divided up the Kuril Islands. The two countries agreed to use the strait between Iturup Island and Urup Island as the boundary, and the south of the strait is called the South Thousand Islands. Islands, owned by Japan.

Japan was defeated and surrendered. Russia sent warships to occupy the South Kuril Islands, and then sent warships to approach Hokkaido, where they were finally intercepted by the US Navy.

The U.S. Navy can accept Russia's occupation of the South Kuril Islands, but it is impossible to give up Hokkaido to Russia.

Compared with the U.S. Pacific Fleet at its peak, the poor warships of the Russian Far East Pacific Fleet are like scrap metal. A Russian military trawler was even overturned by the waves stirred up by the U.S. warship galloping past.

Although the Russian soldiers on the fishing trawler were rescued in time, the tension between the two parties was completely broken.

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