Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2726 The economic situation is not good

France and Italy, the crouching dragon and phoenix, are currently the biggest unstable factors in Europe. If they fall to Russia, the situation in Europe will deteriorate in an all-round way.

Of course, the situation is not out of control. Even if the pro-Russian forces in France and Italy can win the domestic elections, if they cannot meet the demands of the French and Italians, they will still be abandoned by the French and Italians sooner or later.

Although the situation is not good, Roque will not sit idly by, at least not let the pro-Southern forces in France and Italy despair, even if they lose, they must lose more decently.

For southern Africa, a more serious problem is that France and Italy are seeking to establish a pan-European economic cooperation organization. Once this organization is formed, it will have an important impact on Europe.

The two world wars made Europeans fully aware of the destructive power of wars. The previous methods of competition were no longer feasible. Efforts to restore the economy became the consensus of all.

The most serious problem restricting Europe is resources. In the past, Europe relied on foreign colonization to plunder resources. Now this method is becoming more and more difficult. Robert Schuman of France and Arched Gasperi, leader of the Catholic Democratic Party of Italy, hope that Create a supranational agency to coordinate resource issues in Europe.

This is also a heavy blow to the UK.

Continental equilibriumism in the United Kingdom is essentially sowing discord. If European countries can put aside their previous suspicions and develop together, then continental equilibriumism will go bankrupt.

The establishment of such an organization is inseparable from the help of southern Africa, and Gasbury hoped to get Rock's support during this trip.

Economic development is inseparable from steel and oil.

The world's largest steel companies and oil companies are located in southern Africa. As long as Roque nods, Italy can solve these two problems, and the Catholic Democratic Party led by Gasbelli can also use this to consolidate its electoral advantage.

"Russia has publicly promised to support the resources and even funds necessary for the post-war reconstruction of all European countries. Some people in Italy were bewitched by the Russians and hyped the superiority of the Russian model, which attracted the attention of many people." Gass Bailey's words were an ambush. If he doesn't get the support he wants from Rock, then Russia will also become one of the options.

Isn't it just selling dog meat, the British can do it, and so can the Italians.

Russia has taken over European countries, luring them with benefits and threatening them with threats.

Europe, including France and Italy, has entered a state of half-lying, and whoever gives more will help.

Of course, the aid from the Russians is not easy to get, and the additional conditions are as harsh as those in southern Africa.

"Russia itself is hard to protect, how much help can it give you?" Rock said, whether the conditions are good or not is not the most critical issue, the key is the ability to cash out.

Big Beard has lofty aspirations, but Russia's strength cannot match Big Beard's ambition. After all, Russia is also facing a heavy burden of post-war reconstruction.

Southern Africa is definitely capable of helping European countries complete post-war reconstruction, but Gasbury and Robert Schuman don't want to just succumb to it, they hope to strive for better conditions.

"The United States is also planning to aid Europe. As far as I know, most of the American aid plans are free aid." Gasbury seems to have many options, in addition to southern Africa and Russia, there is also the United States.

Rock is no stranger to the American plan, Marshall.

There is indeed a large part of the Marshall Plan that is "free" in name, but those so-called "free" needs to be exchanged by the aided country with harsh conditions. If they accept all of them, then the aided country will be like a colony of the United States about there.

The Marshall Plan initially included Eastern European countries, and even Russia was within the scope of Marshall Plan assistance.

Compared with Western European countries, Russia and Eastern European countries are still relatively tough.

In another time and space, Western European countries accepted aid from the United States because they had no choice, either the United States or Russia.

By accepting US aid, the vested interests in Western European countries can at least survive. Working for someone is not a job.

Accept the Russian model, but you will be hanged by street lights.

"What role did the United States play in the two world wars? Do you still need me to remind you?" Roque was also helpless. Gasbury is already a relatively good politician in Europe at present, and he still can't change his short-sighted attitude. Old problem.

Politicians in a democratic ecology do not need a long-term vision, because the predecessors planted trees for the benefit of future generations.

But no matter for the country or for the family, the consequences of not having long-term planning are extremely serious. If you don't think long-term, you will have immediate worries.

When Gasbury traveled to North Africa to ask for help from Southern Africa, his attitude was not the same now.

"That's why the United States needs to ask for forgiveness from Europe." Gasbury's perspective is strange, so Southern Africa should also respond to Europe's needs.

Rock is not used to this kind of problem. This is not an attitude of asking for help. Now the time is on the southern African side.

Yes, it is time.

With the arrival of winter, this winter is another unprecedented cold winter for Europeans.

Last winter was considered the coldest on record.

This winter is colder than last year.

Last year's war was not over yet. Defeating the Axis powers was the most important task of the Allies. Materials from southern Africa and the United States continued to arrive in Europe, and life was still maintained.

With the end of the war, materials from southern Africa and the United States became increasingly scarce, but industrial production in Europe did not resume in time. The United Kingdom even had to stop some industrial production to meet the coal needs of the people.

The situation was even worse in Germany, where Truman's economic adviser, William Clayton, was blunt in his report to Washington: millions of people were slowly starving to death.

In some remote areas of Germany, people have been frozen to death. If the situation cannot be alleviated in time, then a serious humanitarian disaster will break out in Germany this winter.

Under this situation, France is also actively dismantling coal and steel enterprises in the Ruhr and Saar regions and moving these enterprises to France. French Foreign Minister Jean Monnet hopes to use the resources of the Ruhr and Saar regions to make France Industrial production can reach 150% of pre-war levels.

Italy was much less damaged by the war than Germany, so Gasbury still had the confidence to bargain with Roque.

However, there is not much time left for Gasbelle. Even if they can defeat Winter, Gasbelle and the Catholic Democratic Party led by him will lose to the Russians.

But in that case, Russia's influence will penetrate deep into the hinterland of the Mediterranean Sea, which will seriously affect the interests of southern Africa.

This is probably where Gasbury's greatest confidence lies.

Roque is not too worried. Italy has Russia as an option besides southern Africa and the United States.

Gasperi is not the only "friend" of Roque in Italy, it might be better to change someone.

Rock was worried about leaving this kind of thing to others. Alvin had the most resources and was the best candidate.

"These people in Europe are all waiting for a good price, and now is the time for us to compete with patience—" Alvin's greatest asset is that he is young and can afford to wait.

Rock has worked hard in southern Africa for 40 years to achieve today's situation.

It is up to Alvin and Gavin’s generation to completely break the old pattern.

"How's the result of Attlee's trip to the United States?" Now that Albra is confident, Rock no longer cares about Gasbury.

"The Americans agreed to lend to the UK, but they demanded that the UK open the Commonwealth market to US companies and demand that the UK reduce tariffs." Alvin curled his lips with disgust on his face: "——In return, the US will also reduce taxes on British goods! "

Rock just laughed out loud.

In order to ensure that the British people stay warm, the British government has even stopped industrial production. How many goods can be exported to the United States?
When the economic crisis broke out in the past, the United States would raise tariffs to protect the US market.

Now the United States has taken the initiative to lower tariffs, which shows the extent of the threat Britain poses to the United States.

Why hasn't the United States lowered its tariffs on southern African goods?

"Is the Commonwealth market not open enough?" Rock was surprised. Although Southern Africa is no longer a Commonwealth country, the Commonwealth market is open to Southern African companies.

This is mainly thanks to the cooperation of Australia and Canada.

"Americans also want to learn how we use corpses to resurrect souls -" Alvin must have been lazy when he first took the class. Is this how borrowing corpses to resurrect souls is used?

"Unfortunately, the reputation of American products in the Commonwealth is not good. At the same price level, people are more willing to choose our products." Alvin was triumphant. Presumably, Brad's office should have played a big role in this process.

"So what's the use of lowering tariffs?" Rock knew that it wasn't about tariffs.

"What Washington needs is London's cooperation, or surrender." Alvin sneered, the conditions of the United States are completely humiliating to Britain.

It cannot be said that the United States hopes to further control Britain through loans, and the Hebrews' money is not so easy to get.

"The Americans want to provoke a new war. Do the Russians know about this?" Rock knew that Bullard's office had a secret way to contact Russia.

Although Southern Africa and Russia have not severed ties, it is not easy to directly point out such things. It is better to let Russia "accidentally know". Southern Africa has never been an insider.

"I don't know yet, but I should know soon." Alvin is also the master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

I originally set my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. The Europeans who yearn for peace never imagined that they had just left the dragon pool and entered the tiger's den.

As a holiday paradise, Cyprus is a country with mixed forces. In the words of Europeans, it is the current standard spy capital.

Since there are spies, brokers who sell or exchange information are indispensable. The Jasmine Restaurant at East Cape Wharf is the most frequent information exchange place for intelligence personnel.

The owner of Jasmine Restaurant is a mercenary of the Umbrella Company. After retirement, he settled in Cyprus and opened this restaurant.

Due to the umbrella company background of Jasmine Restaurant, it has become an extrajudicial paradise in Cyprus. Intelligence personnel from many European countries simply live in Jasmine Restaurant, and Kurban from the Ottoman Republic has lived here for a long time.

Kurban is nominally the business manager of an Ottoman grain company. He often travels to countries around the Mediterranean and earns a good income. He spends half of the year in Cyprus.

Consumption in Cyprus is not cheap, so Kurban's business is diverse, as long as he can make money, he also has a lot of resources, and he is very popular in Jasmine Restaurant.

"Whoever can give me enough food now, I can become the president of a country!" Kurban knows the importance of food to a country, but he doesn't have any surplus food for trade.

The largest grain producer in Europe is Russia, but Russia's grain production has not recovered from the war, and it is overwhelmed.

Even if it has spare capacity, Russia will give priority to supplying Eastern European countries. The famine in Europe this year has a lot to do with Russia's cut off supply.

"Paul, there is someone here who needs food, what can you do?" Kurban's friend, Henry from France, laughed wildly.

Paul is the owner of Jasmine Restaurant. He is over sixty years old and has maintained a good figure. It can be seen that he is a self-disciplined person.

Paul, who was mixing drinks behind the bar, turned a deaf ear to it. He could indeed get food from southern Africa, but the price was too high for most people to afford.

People in peacetime don't realize that in wartime, food is the most important strategic material. Food shortage will cause the collapse of the entire country.

Therefore, Stoudemire has accumulated wealth faster than Roque in recent years.

"If I were you, I would go back to France to work in politics. Even if I can't be the prime minister, at least I can be a member of parliament—" Kurban envied the political environment in France.

Although France is a bit chaotic, everyone has a chance.

This is what Kurban thinks.

"Do you think those councilors are all born out of rocks? They can become councilors because their father is a councilor." Henry sneered, who said that there is no such thing as hereditary in a democratic country?

The terrible thing is not hereditary, but ordinary people have no way to cross classes, and people of all classes stop flowing.

"I have news about the United States, are you interested?" Paul came over with two glasses of vodka and gave each of Henry and Kurban a glass.

"What?" Henry and Kurban's eyes lit up immediately.

Before Paul retired, he was a middle-level manager of the umbrella company. He had many friends in the umbrella company and was famously well-informed.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many intelligence officers at Jasmine Restaurant. A lot of information was originally released by Paul on his own initiative.

"Old rules!" Paul rubbed his fingers, he would not scatter hawks if he didn't see a rabbit; "The most expensive one——"

"Brother, why don't you tell me first and listen to see if it's worth the most expensive price." Kurban is in a dilemma. The economic situation this year is not good, and the funds provided by the authorities are not much, so he has to save his money. (End of chapter)

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