Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2727 not doing business

Russia is a miraculous country. You can call it rich. During World War II, it was beaten to the brink of poverty. Soldiers at the front could only eat bread mixed with sawdust.

You say he is poor, the bearded man's state banquet menu has a full 50 pages, just to take care of diabetics, there are more than 200 kinds of snacks for diabetics.

Does seeing here highlight a desire for extravagance?
Actually no, this happened in a different era. When Rock went to Russia for a meeting, he never saw the legendary 50-page menu.

Russia does not have enough funds for intelligence personnel. Many Russian intelligence personnel even have to work part-time to earn living expenses in order to work in a high-consumption place like Cyprus.

But Russians are optimistic by nature, and even in this case, few Russian intelligence agents are treasonous.

There are also very few instances of intelligence operatives in southern Africa turning back.

There are more in the United States and the United Kingdom, otherwise the United States and the United Kingdom would not be infiltrated by Russia like a sieve.

The Russian side did not pay attention to the provocative behavior of the US military, but it did not attract the attention of the Russians.

If it is a threat from the US military, it should keep the Russians awake at night and cheer up from top to bottom.


The Russians really didn't care.

The peninsula has always been a vassal of the Central Plains Dynasty in history. It was reduced to a Japanese colony after the Sino-Japanese War, and was later annexed by Japan. If Japan was not defeated, the peninsula would have no chance of independence.

Such a country does not deserve the respect of Russia at all, so when the Russians discussed the fate of the people in the peninsula, they did not consult the opinions of the people in the peninsula.

Molotov’s opinion is very straightforward. Since the peninsula was acquired by Japan through foreign wars, referring to the way Germany’s overseas colonies were handled after World War I, the peninsula should be entrusted to the Allied countries for management.

Considering the contribution of the Allied countries to the world war, Molotov believed that the peninsula should be entrusted to Russia.

This plan was strongly opposed by MacArthur. MacArthur believed that Russia's contribution to World War II mainly occurred in Europe, and Russia's contribution to the war in East Asia was minimal, so even if it is managed, it should be managed by the United States.

When it comes to contribution, An Qi also has something to say.

The contribution of the United States and Russia to the world war is indeed not small.

But Southern Africa is not without its contribution. Simply speaking from the East Asian battlefield, Southern Africa's contribution is no less than that of the United States. Therefore, if it is to be managed, it should be managed by Southern Africa.

"Yeah, after the end of the First World War, Southern Africa took over Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, and then Southwest Africa and Tanganyika became an integral part of Southern Africa. It's really good that you managed—" MacArthur was sour. If the United States insisted at that time, at least one of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika should be managed by the United States.

"Southwest Africa and Tanganyika passed a referendum, and Southwest Africans and Tanganyika people jointly decided to join Southern Africa. The procedure is legal and reasonable. Do you have any comments?" Angie did not allow MacArthur to be presumptuous on this issue. Dare to question the legitimacy of the annexation of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika to Southern Africa, which is tantamount to waging war on Southern Africa.

For An Qi, although southern Africa is large, there is no extra inch of land.

"The Germans in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika were sent back to Germany in batches by you, and the indigenous people were all driven away by you. The so-called Southwest Africans and Tanganyika people you call are completely southern Africans. What's the point of the referendum?" MacArthur did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and was still talking nonsense.

"If you want to say that, then let's talk about the Alaska issue." Angie was blunt. The way Southern Africa obtained Southwest Africa and Tanganyika is not normal. The United States has developed from the original thirteen states in North America to the present. In all 50 states, is the process fair?
The United States acquired Louisiana from Napoleon in 1803, Florida from Spain in 1819, Texas, New Mexico, Oregon, and California through the Mexican-American War from 1845 to 1853, and purchased from Russia in 1867. After Alaska was annexed in 1898, the United States came into being after the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands.

Let’s not talk about those places in Texas and New Mexico, after all, the sufferer is not present.

Molotov was present as the sufferer. If the Russians are asked to buy Alaska back for $720 million now, the Russians will spend the money even if they sell the pot.

No problem even with interest.

"What does the issue we are discussing have to do with Alaska?" MacArthur did not expect Angel to be so ruthless.

"Then what does our discussion of the peninsula have to do with Southwest Africa and Tanganyika?" Angie jumped up, pressed MacArthur's nose, glared fiercely at MacArthur's eyes, and sprayed MacArthur all over his face with saliva.

Molotov did not speak, picked up the coffee and crossed his legs leisurely, clearly watching the excitement.

It was Alexander II who sold Alaska to the Americans. It has nothing to do with Russia today. Russia has no intention of buying Alaska back. If this thing falls, it will be over. All countries in the world have bad foundations.

"You have to give me an explanation for this matter, otherwise it will become a diplomatic dispute." Angie will not let MacArthur go easily. This kind of matter must be taken seriously, otherwise anyone can question whether Southern Africa owns Southwest Africa And the legitimacy of Tanganyika, there will be endless troubles.

It is as accidental as the United States that southern Africa can reach today's level.

The United States drove away the British, French, and Mexicans, and eliminated the Indians, so that the United States became what it is today.

In southern Africa, the British, Portuguese, and Germans were driven away, and the Boers were sent away, so that southern Africa is now.

You mean the natives of southern Africa?

Southern Africa has no natives.

"Even if you make a fuss about the League of Nations, Southwest Africa and Tanganyika are also mandated territories." MacArthur was still speaking stubbornly, which meant that he had begun to feel guilty.

"Ha——" Angie laughed back angrily. MacArthur is not perfect. On the contrary, he has a bad debt, leaving too many loopholes for Angie. It's not that Angie has nowhere to start, but just doesn't know where to start The most suitable.

This is probably also a realistic portrayal of having too many lice but not itching.

"Does my presence keep you tied up, do you need me to avoid it?" Molotov was uneasy and kind, because he was disappointed that he did not see Angie and MacArthur fighting on the spot.

"Shut up and drink your coffee." MacArthur's attitude towards Molotov was very bad, which was provoked by the Russians. "You'd better apologize to me for what you said just now, otherwise I will let you know the consequences of what you say." Angie also gave MacArthur a step down, and the Russians must not let the Russians take advantage of it.

The conflict between Angie and MacArthur, Angie and MacArthur will resolve it privately, and will not give Molotov a chance to watch the excitement.

"Okay, okay, I apologize—" MacArthur's apology was not sincere.

An Qi's expression did not soften. Who could she fool by being so perfunctory?

"I'm sorry, I can't help but think that Southwest Africa and Tanganyika are an inseparable part of Southern Africa—" MacArthur's words basically satisfied Angie, but this guy immediately added: "Is that okay? ?”

"Do you know why you have no chance to become the President of the United States?" Angie didn't stop, she had to touch her soul.

"This has nothing to do with you!" MacArthur's expression was stiff, and this was MacArthur's real Achilles' heel.

MacArthur didn't care about the defeat of the Philippines and the Bataan Death March, otherwise he wouldn't have escaped in a submarine and left the US-Philippines coalition forces to the Japanese.

What MacArthur cared about most was the presidential campaign. The first half of this guy's life was smooth sailing, and the presidential election was his biggest setback.

"If you don't get rid of your unscrupulousness, you will never have a chance to become the president of the United States." Angie continued to stab MacArthur in the wound.

MacArthur's face was livid. This was not a reminder, but more like a curse.

"Gentlemen, let's go back to the original question—" Now that there was nothing to watch, Molotov also began to return to normal.

"Even if the peninsula is managed, it will not be taken over by Russia." MacArthur expressed his attitude bluntly. His personality is indeed not suitable for the president.

"Then the people of the peninsula will establish their own country, and we will not interfere, and let the people of the peninsula decide their own destiny." Molotov retreated, referring to the fate of Eastern European countries. Using this method, the result will definitely make people Russia is more satisfied.

A large number of countries in Eastern Europe have become vassals of Russia in the name of independent statehood. Although they are not colonies, their status is not much stronger than that of colonies.

Southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and France are not without action. Unfortunately, the forces in Eastern Europe supported by the Allied forces on the Western Front have not lived up to their expectations and have lost in domestic competitions. Now Eastern Europe has completely become Russia's sphere of influence.

"We might as well listen to the opinions of the people in the peninsula." Angie dug holes for Molotov and MacArthur at the same time. How could such a matter be discussed openly? It was all a secret operation.

"Agree—" MacArthur probably felt that this method was more democratic and should be able to achieve a more favorable result for the United States.

The peninsula people in the Russian-occupied area are still trying to escape to the U.S.-occupied area. Some people even swam across the sea abruptly by bypassing the blockade. Many floating corpses are washed ashore every day.

The trawlers of the Russian Far East Fleet can't hit the American cruisers, and they are extremely efficient when dealing with those peninsula people who swim from the sea to the US-occupied area.

The Russians never show mercy when dealing with traitors.

"It should be so!" Molotov was not afraid. In terms of the efficiency of democracy, Russia is much higher than the United States.

The large number of countries in Eastern Europe established themselves independently, and they were basically elected by Eastern Europeans one vote at a time. There was no civil war at all, and there were even few large-scale conflicts.

The core of the Russian model is that the common people are the masters of the country. Who wouldn't want to live in such a country.

Although southern Africa and the United States also shouted that everyone is equal, Roque and Roosevelt did not send their sons to the front line during the war.

Therefore, the high status of the bearded man is not all washed out. He has truly made a contribution to the country, has no reservations about the issue of fighting against Germany, and has successfully won the respect of the Russians.

Britain also let princes and princesses join the army during the war. Most of the time it was just for show. The princes and princesses never went to the front line in person, and they were active in newspapers most of the time.

After his son was captured, the bearded man cleanly rejected the German's request for a prisoner change. This alone can make the Russians brag for 50 years.

Now that both MacArthur and Molotov agreed, let's try it.

To the surprise of MacArthur and Molotov, the people of the peninsula did not want to entrust the management to Russia or the United States, but they did not agree with the way of mandated rule at all, and they hoped to establish an independent country.

This confuses Angie.

Why do the people of the Peninsula think that with the strength of the Peninsula, they can be independent in such a harsh environment in East Asia?

It’s okay if it’s on the European side, after all, there are a lot of small countries in Quer. With mutual checks and balances, and the continental balance of the United Kingdom, the small countries of Quer have their own way of survival.

There are a total of four countries in Northeast Asia, two of which are huge giants, and one is Japan, which once completely annexed the peninsula and was forced to spit it out by the Allied forces. The peninsula is caught in the middle, which is more pitiful than a mouse in a bellows. No matter how you look at it, you can only survive by relying on a certain big country.

The peninsula people did not seek refuge in Russia, nor did they want to hug the thighs of the United States, but chose the most difficult path. This made An Qi not help but sigh with emotion. The peninsula people were indeed the same as Roque described, Yelang arrogant.

An Qi didn't waste too much energy on the peninsula, he had more important things to deal with, so many Japanese war criminals were waiting in line for trial, this was what An Qi cared most about.

"The military tribunal in the Far East has been established, and the trial of Japanese war criminals can be started at any time. The most controversial thing at present is whether to classify the king of Japan as a war criminal. The attitude of the British on this issue is basically the same as that of the Americans. They disagree. Trial the king as a war criminal.” Sir William Webb, the president of the Far East Military Tribunal from Australia, was at a loss. If this problem is not resolved, the trial work cannot be carried out.

As the biggest war criminal, there is no doubt that the king was included in the list of war criminals in Angie's view. Although Hirohito defended himself through MacArthur many times, Angie and William Weber both agreed that Hirohito, as the king of Japan, must fight for Japan in World War II. Responsible for a series of crimes committed during the period.

Therefore, not only should Hirohito be included in the list of war criminals, but according to Angie and William Weber, Hirohito should be sent to the guillotine directly.

"Lord Mountbatten hasn't gone to India yet?" Angie's opinion of Mountbatten is getting worse and worse. As the British Governor in India, staying in the Lion City all day is simply not doing business. (end of this chapter)

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