After the outbreak of World War II, in order to gain maximum support from India, Britain promised to grant India greater autonomy after the war and even allow India to become independent.

Now that the world war is over, the Indians demand that Britain fulfill its promises, but Mountbatten cannot do so, so he can only hide in the Lion City and refuses to go to India.

The current situation in India is also relatively dangerous. The information An Qi has received shows that the conflicts between various classes in India are deteriorating. If the Indian colonial government does not respond appropriately, direct conflicts similar to those in 1857 may break out in India in the near future. .

This matter also has a lot to do with the ongoing post-war trials in India.

In October 43, a man named Chandra Bose established the Provisional Government of Free India and openly resisted British colonial rule.

Chandra Bose was a follower of Gandhi before, but later had differences with Gandhi. He did not agree with Gandhi's non-violent disobedience and was determined to resist British colonial rule by force.

In 1941, Chandra Bose first arrived in Germany, got in touch with Mustache, and persuaded Mustache to hand over more than 2000 Indian prisoners of war captured in the North African campaign to Chandra Bose, and was founded by Chandra Bose Indian National Army.

Mustache agreed to Chandra Bose's request. In the subsequent cooperation, Chandra Bose discovered that Germany was mainly focused on Europe and had no intention of attacking Asia, so Chandra Bose contacted Fucked the Japanese.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, with the help of the Japanese, the total strength of the Indian National Army led by Chandra Bose reached 9. The Indian National Army cooperated with the Japanese army in Southeast Asia and launched attacks on the British and Indian forces.

After Japan surrendered, Bose's plane crashed while fleeing, killing everyone.

Although Bose died, Britain's pursuit of the Provisional Government of Free India did not stop. During Mountbatten's time in the Lion City, the British and Indian colonial governments were taking responsibility for the Provisional Government of Free India and the Provisional Government of Free India because of their cooperation with Germany and Japan during the war. High-level personnel of the Indian National Army are on trial.

This trial was just, but it was strongly opposed by many Indians.

It has to be said that the thinking of Indians is really weird. The vast majority of Indians do not think that Bose’s cooperation with the Japanese is shameful. Instead, they worship Bose as a national hero. The Indian National Congress even regarded Bose’s death as a national hero. The portrait was hung in the National Assembly Hall and was wildly admired by the members of the National Assembly.

In the military tribunal established by the Allied forces in the Far East, one of the Indian judges, Barr, openly claimed in an interview with reporters some time ago that all Japanese war criminals should be released.

"What's going on with this Barr?" An Qi really couldn't figure out how this person sneaked into the military court.

"This guy is an admirer of the Japanese government, because the Japanese government promised during the war that it would do its best to help India gain an independent status—" William Weber sneered, and Indians are often naive in politics.

Many people don’t know that since the Indian Uprising in 1857, in the past 100 years, there has never been an armed uprising against British colonial rule in India, only Gandhi’s non-violent disobedience.

The Indians' choices when facing difficulties are different from the Chinese. The Chinese are persevering and forging ahead. They have endless descendants and will surely win in the end.

Since India was unable to become independent, it pinned its hopes on the mercy of the British and the help of the Japanese or Germans.

How is this possible? As long as there is room for it, it is absolutely impossible for the British to allow India to become independent.

And independence with the help of the Japanese or Germans is nothing more than replacing British colonization with Japanese or German colonization.

"How did he get into the military court?" An Qi was curious.

"Recommended by the Indian government -" William Weber was accustomed to this kind of operation by the Indian government.

In India, this kind of ridiculous thing is not unique.

When a senior officer of the Indian National Army was put on trial in an Indian court not long ago, the lawyer for the officer defended himself saying: The officers of the National Army did not betray India, but they simply mistook who the Indian government represented. India is a British dependency and they did not betray India. , naturally it is not betraying Britain.

Why did you command the army to attack the British and Indian troops? You didn't betray the British, you just got the wrong target!

This bizarre reason was accepted by the court.

"Let him go back to India, if he doesn't want to die in the Lion City." An Qi doesn't want to hear any more news about this man. Such a judge should let him go back to India to harm Indians, or the British. .

The matter at the military court has not yet been sorted out, and the situation in India is getting more serious as An Qi expected.

Throughout World War II, Britain recruited more than 200 million Indians to join the war, and the record was touching.

During the war, the logistics of the British and Indian troops were provided by the British War Department. Although the performance of the British and Indian troops during the war was hard to describe, the British War Department still worked hard to maintain the logistics support of the British and Indian troops. This made the Indians in the British and Indian troops People want to be treated well.

Now that Britain is undergoing major disarmament, all British and Indian troops will be disbanded according to the plan of the British War Department.

This decision was strongly opposed by all Indian soldiers.

During World War II, Indians frugally saved their food rations and seeds and transported them to Britain to feed cattle, which triggered a great famine in India.

During the war, tens of millions of people starved to death in India. Although the Indian soldiers in the British-Indian army had unpalatable food, poor living conditions, and racist abuse, they could at least survive. This satisfied many Indian soldiers. .

Faced with this situation, Mountbatten did not dare to give direct orders to avoid a strong backlash from Indian soldiers.

However, the British colonial government could not afford to support millions of Indian troops, so Mountbatten could only secretly further reduce the treatment of the British and Indian troops.

Mountbatten wanted the Indian soldiers to leave voluntarily. Since they did not have enough to eat, they had no choice but to fend for themselves.

Unexpectedly, the Indian soldiers did not leave the army as Mountbatten had imagined, but once again resorted to "non-violent non-cooperation".

About a week ago, about 1000 Indian sailors and soldiers signed a petition at a communications base in Mumbai demanding improved treatment and better food.

Jin, the commander of the communications base, suppressed the situation forcefully, denounced the sailors and soldiers as "hard workers and bastards born of cowards", and asked them to work with a normal attitude immediately.

Unable to bear it any longer, the sailors and soldiers went on strike, shouting "Get out of India" and surrounded King's office.

Jin used the emergency contact number in his office to report to the Naval Command. Before the Naval Command could respond, the sailors used the communication equipment of the communication base to send a call to naval bases across India and passed the situation on to the Indian Navy warships. Paradoxically Finally broke out completely.

At this time, the situation had not yet evolved into an uprising. The sailors demanded the release of all imprisoned senior command officials of the Indian National Army, and demanded that Britain withdraw its troops from India and Egypt, improve the wages, treatment standards, and food standards of Indian soldiers, and allow India to become independent. .

Many of these requirements are unreasonable, and some are even self-contradictory.

The Indian National Army has been defined by the Far East Allies as a servant army of the Japanese army. According to regulations, all senior command officials of the Indian National Army should be subject to post-war trials, and no one can escape punishment.

If Britain allows India to become independent, then improving treatment levels has nothing to do with Britain, but is a matter for the Indian government.The most incredible was the demand that Britain withdraw its troops from Egypt.

Does Britain station troops in Egypt? What does it have to do with Indian sailors?
After An Qi learned about these situations, her first reaction was that there was a conspiracy behind it.

Britain's core interest in Egypt is the Suez Canal. Under normal circumstances, the Indian sailors should not pay attention to the ownership of the Suez Canal.

Now that the Indian sailors have made this request, there must be a story behind it.

Angel is certain that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with southern Africa.

Mountbatten didn't think so.

On the second day of the Indian Sailors' Rebellion - the general strike, Mountbatten took the initiative to come to Angel's office, hoping that Angel could send troops to assist the British and Indian colonial government to quell the matter as quickly as possible.

"Sorry, this matter has nothing to do with southern Africa. I don't have the right to give orders-" An Qi's first reaction was to refuse, leaving the British and Indians to resolve the matter themselves.

"You dare to say that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with you in southern Africa?" Mountbatten was angry, and it seemed that southern Africa was the first target of suspicion.


As Southern Africa's interests in the Mediterranean and India grow, the Suez Canal under British control has become a thorn in Southern Africa's side.

At least from Mountbatten's point of view.

"What do you mean?" An Qi's expression turned cold, and her mentality of watching the fun was gone.

"A stable India is more conducive to the balance of East Asia." Mountbatten only suspected, but unfortunately there was no evidence.

"Don't tell me these useless things. What do you mean by what you just said?" An Qi didn't give Mountbatten any room to pull.

"What I mean is that unless you send troops to prove that this matter has nothing to do with you in southern Africa." Mountbatten's reason was as bizarre as the judge of the Far East Military Tribunal.

"Go find General MacArthur, he might be able to help you." Ang Qi laughed. Only such a weird governor can be worthy of the weird India.

Don't say this has nothing to do with southern Africa.

Even if there is a connection, An Qi sending someone to help will only make the situation more complicated.

Mountbatten was also ill and sought medical treatment in a hurry. He probably did not expect that the situation would deteriorate to this extent, let alone that the situation would worsen further.

Britain's backbiting during the two world wars has made India intolerable. The Indian sailors' demands were responded to by the Indians. After the sailors went on strike, the Indian colonial government completely interrupted the logistics supply to the communication base in order to suppress the sailors' strike. Starve the sailors into surrender.

Thousands of Bombay citizens sent onions and tomatoes to the hungry sailors to tide them over and continue their fight against the colonial government.

At the same time, Gandhi, who advocated "non-violent non-cooperation", criticized the sailors for using violent methods in seizing the communication base, which was inconsistent with the purpose of "non-violent non-cooperation", and criticized the strike as unplanned.

Sardar Patel, leader of the Indian National Congress, asked the sailors to "go to work as usual" and end the strike as soon as possible.

The sailors were so aggrieved. How could they work when they were hungry?

It was precisely because of the compromise between Gandhi and Patel that gave London confidence.

On the fourth day of the strike, Prime Minister Attlee ordered that if the strike could not end within 24 hours, troops would be dispatched from the British mainland to suppress the strike.

Attlee was also naive enough. If he didn't issue this order, the striking sailors would probably still feel uneasy.

After Attlee's order was issued, the sailors seemed to have received reassurance. That night they opened the weapons depot in the communications base and distributed weapons and ammunition to the sailors. The strike finally developed into an armed uprising.

While Mumbai is in chaos, the Lion City is peaceful.

On the day the strike broke out, some Indians in the Lion City raised funds for the striking sailors. Then a scandal broke out, claiming that the money raised was not used to support the sailors, but was secretly divided among the fundraisers.

This is not the first time this has happened. During the World War, all participating countries used different methods to raise funds for the troops fighting on the front line, and India was naturally no exception.

Donations from most countries have gone without major problems.

Only India has been exposed to scandals one after another. Not only is the total amount of donations in chaos, but the materials donated to the front line have also been shoddy, mysteriously disappeared, and resold privately, among other bizarre incidents.

It can only be said that Indians are always very talented in this kind of thing.

After the sailors' strike turned into an uprising, Mountbatten finally had no time to harass Angel. He sent fighter jets to patrol around the communication base and dropped leaflets to undermine the confidence of the uprising sailors. He also dispatched two destroyers from Ceylon to Bombay. , at the same time a reinforcement fleet composed of destroyers and cruisers also set off from Alexandria to Ceylon.

Angel was not idle either. Mountbatten didn't know who was behind this incident, but Angel knew it very well.

Since this matter has nothing to do with southern Africa, the biggest suspect is the United States.

Southern Africa views the Suez Canal as a thorn in its side, and so do Americans.

Mountbatten's attention was focused on Bombay during this period and he had no time to pay attention to the small actions of the Americans behind his back.

An Qi had the energy, and as soon as the strike escalated, she sent people to target the US military office in the Lion City.

The Americans were indeed careless. The day after the strike escalated, monitors sent by Angel received news that the U.S. military was secretly providing logistical supplies, weapons, ammunition, and intelligence support to the uprising sailors.

Although the information was available, how to deliver it to Mountbatten was another problem.

This intelligence was not obtained through normal channels, but through monitoring of US military telegrams. Notifying Mountbatten of this situation would mean a serious leakage of southern Africa's intelligence monitoring capabilities. (End of chapter)

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