When Angel was worried about Bombay, the striking naval soldiers knew nothing. They were extremely happy these days and enjoyed unprecedented freedom and happiness.

Mumbai is India's largest city and largest port, providing more than 300% of India's jobs. There are about 137 million people living in this city, far exceeding the capital New Delhi, which has a population of only about [-] million.

The reason why they are all "approximately" is because the Indian colonial government never knew how many people there were in India, including big cities like Mumbai and New Delhi.

As the economic and industrial center of India, Mumbai is the pride of all Indians. Many Indians stubbornly believe that Mumbai is the largest, most populous, and most economically developed city in the world.

There is no need to laugh at their lack of knowledge, because those people have never been to New York or Los Angeles, or even left India. They are just a bunch of stubborn pathetic people who have no idea how big the world is.

Under the rule of the British, Indian sailors lived a life worse than dogs. The "worse than dogs" here is not an exaggeration, but a specific description, because even the military dogs in the British and Indian troops were treated much better than the Indian sailors. .

Although the treatment was so harsh, the Indian sailors did not dare to make excessive demands. The trigger of this uprising was just to improve the treatment of the sailors, and there was no higher political demand.

From this perspective, Gandhi knew the Indian sailors very well, so at the first moment of the Mumbai sailors' strike, Gandhi publicly criticized this unplanned uprising as meaningless for India's fight for independence.

After getting help from "enthusiastic citizens", the sailors' original goal was actually achieved. They received fruits, milk, vegetables and bread from the enthusiastic citizens. After filling their stomachs, the rebellious sailors lost their goal. .

Just after Lieutenant General John Henry Godfrey, Commander of the Royal Navy of India, issued the "Submit or Die" order, the sailors were unaware of it. They left the naval base and went to downtown Mumbai to join the mass rally, wandering aimlessly. , some people even commit violent crimes because they possess a large number of advanced weapons from southern Africa.

To be precise, it was produced in southern Africa. As for how it got into the hands of the Indian sailors, no one can tell.

There is nothing we can do about it. During the world war, no one can tell how much foreign aid and weapons were sold to southern Africa.

At the end of the war, southern Africa had a large stockpile of weapons and ammunition, with more than 2 million new and unopened Nyasaland rifles alone.

We are lucky to only have 2 million. Most of them have already paid deposits, but with the end of the world war, there will be some losses, but not much, and the companies that produce these rifles can still accept it.

It is not entirely speculated that in just one week, more than [-] pistols flowed into Bombay alone, which far exceeded the number of naval soldiers participating in the strike.

At first, only 1000 navy soldiers participated in the strike. As time went by, workers in Mumbai textile factories also began to participate, and the Municipal Federation of Students also received the task of distributing promotional materials.

The forces behind the strike became increasingly complex as workers and students became involved.

In a villa in the wealthy area of ​​Colaba Island, several clerical staff from Brad's office were working. Just now, gunshots were heard not far away, which meant that the chaos had spread to the wealthy area.

Mumbai has the largest number of poor and rich people in India, and the slums that can be seen everywhere are one of Mumbai's characteristics.

The slums and the rich areas are clearly separated, maybe only by a road. On one side of the road are the slums with a bad environment and no planning at all, and on the other side are the rich areas with a beautiful environment and good public security.

Indians are still very responsible. People at the bottom are content with the status quo and have no motivation to improve their lives. They envy the lives of the rich but are not jealous. They pray all day long and hope to be born into a rich family in their next life. This is why most Indians strive to improve their lives. way of life.

Therefore, a few days before the strike began, the wealthy areas of Mumbai were not affected. Everything was as usual, and the years were peaceful.

"Those Indian soldiers are not very good. They don't even have the motivation to rob. All they need is stuttering. They are drunk today and drunk tomorrow." Carroll from the former Gurkha Rifles expressed a relaxed expression. During the North African campaign, he Retired due to injury, and then transferred to Brad's office to work.

Carol looks no different from most Indians.

Carroll firmly believes that he is Chinese and has nothing to do with India because he was born in southern Africa.

"If those Indians dare to enter the rich area to rob, then the patrolling soldiers will not stand by and watch -" Allen, who came from East India, raised his freshly brewed coffee to signal to Carol, who waved his hand and said no. .

Mumbai is so magical now. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a chaos of demons. They are all soldiers. Some have revolted, some are just on strike, and some are loyal to their duties. No wonder Godfrey has such a tough attitude.

With this performance, even if the Americans and Russians come to blows in person, nothing will happen.

"The Americans and Russians will probably be disappointed. The Indians gave them such a surprise!" The director of the office is Kelly from Cape Town. Brad's office has never Didn't expect anything from Indians.

When Rock led his troops to counter rebellion in India, he had already seen how bad India was. From that time on, the Southern African federal government crossed India off its cooperation list.

In recent years, there have been businessmen from southern Africa who do not believe in evil and have come to India with great ambitions, hoping to develop the Indian market. After all, India's population base is here, and at least on the surface it has huge potential.

Before the outbreak of the world war, India had at least 4 million people, making it the most populous country in the world.

4 million people need an astronomical amount of daily necessities. Even if it is only one ten thousandth of a type, it is enough to support a company.

The reality is that all businessmen who go to India with good expectations end up disappointed. The vast majority of Indians’ life requirements are too low and cannot be measured by normal standards.

Being qualified to serve in the Royal Indian Navy is already relatively outstanding among Indians.

It is estimated that at the beginning of the naval strike, Americans and Russians were still looking forward to the naval soldiers. They hoped that the strike launched by the naval soldiers could overthrow the British colonial rule like Russia did and put the final shovel in the coffin of the British Empire. Soil, so I spare no effort.

There are no exceptions to the result. India has never disappointed anyone.

"The key is still India's elite. Now I doubt that non-violent non-cooperation can really win India's independent status?" Allen is still young and does not understand the sinister nature of people's hearts.

The essence of non-violent non-cooperation, so praised by the Indians, is to get something for nothing without paying any price, so that the British give up on their own initiative.

This sounds unreliable.

However, there are many weird things in India. Ordinary Indians can imagine being reborn into a wealthy family in their next life. Gandhi can also imagine that one day the British will be unbearable.

"How is it possible? The British will never give up India." Carroll was more pragmatic than Gandhi.

"Nothing is absolutely impossible. Think about how our southern Africa became independent." Kelly has a correct attitude, which is called a miracle.

Southern Africa went from autonomy to independence by making the British intolerable.

Gandhi's method may seem stupid, but as long as the British realize that the costs of colonizing India far outweigh the benefits, the British will wake up sooner or later.

This is also closely related to the national environment.The fundamental reason why India is called the biggest jewel in the crown by the British lies in India's nearly endless human resources.

In both world wars, Britain recruited more than 200 million British-Indian troops from India, the largest number of participants among all Commonwealth countries.

The results of the British general election showed that most British people were tired of the war.

The emergence of super weapons has made everyone aware of the tragic consequences of war.

Germany and Japan are now completely emasculated and no longer have the ability to wage war.

These factors indicate that India's value to Britain is declining rapidly.

Once human resources lose their value and the Indians do not use non-violence and non-cooperation, the British will release India.

As for cheap labor——

Compared with workers in other countries around the world, Indians are also unqualified as workers.

In short, this country sucks from top to bottom.

"So, we should help Britain and maintain British colonial rule in India." Ross, the only one who did not speak, also participated. He was an intelligence analyst and thought more.

"Shouldn't India help India seek compensation from the British? The British should be made to pay for hundreds of years of colonization." Allen burst out with justice.

"If I were a British person, the prerequisite for allowing India independence would be to wipe out the previous grievances." Carroll was cunning and did not give the Indians a chance to claim compensation. But then he became frustrated and overturned his own reasons: "If the Indians If so, even if it is agreed to now, it can be overturned in the future.”

"The latest situation is that a French merchant ship has entered the port, and a container on the ship contains explosives." Joania, the operator working next door, sent the latest information, and several people became nervous instantly.

Just because it's French doesn't mean it was sent by the French, although France also has motives.

Although France is very unlucky, if it can make Britain look embarrassed, the French will still be happy to help. After all, life itself is already so difficult and needs to be spiced up with happiness.

Now is not the time to worry about whether the French are involved or not. What was sent before were weapons and ammunition with limited power. Now the situation is escalating and becoming more and more complicated.

Explosives are not necessarily dynamite. If they are artillery or missiles, wealthy areas will no longer be safe.

"Everyone, take action, we need to know what's on the ship." Kelly ordered, and several people became busy instantly.

As the largest port in India, Mumbai is far ahead in throughput in India. There are countless ships entering and leaving the port every day.

The naval base of the strike is on Colaba Island. There are speedboats available, and the exchange of supplies is very convenient.

Colaba Island is one of the seven islands outside Mumbai. Navy soldiers had previously received daily necessities from Mumbai via speedboats from "enthusiastic citizens".

People are like rice and steel, and they will starve if they don't eat three meals a day. The striking navy officers and soldiers have no plan at all, let alone live within their means. The daily necessities sent by the "enthusiastic citizens" are quickly consumed, but the navy soldiers are not worried. Because God will help them.

Yes, although the navy soldiers received help from the "enthusiastic citizens", they were not grateful because they insisted that the gift was not due to the kindness of the "enthusiastic citizens" but God's will.

In the Royal Indian Navy, there are not many Indian soldiers who can drive speedboats, so Pritam is responsible for driving speedboats.

"What are you getting today? Is there chicken? Is there wine?" Pritam was not very satisfied with the things sent by the "enthusiastic citizens" in the past few days. How could it only be done with vegetables and fruits? Chicken can serve naval soldiers They provide more nutrition and give them energy to wander around Mumbai.

There was a group of Indian sailors on the speedboat driven by Pritam.

They are not here to move things, but to be a smooth sailing boat.

As soon as the speedboat docked, these people happily took the bus to the city. They were actually asked to buy tickets when they got on the bus. The bus conductor was really cool.

"Only beef and pork, no wine." Henry, who was very enthusiastic a few days ago, looked indifferent.

Don't worry about the bad name, it's definitely fake.

Anyone who sticks to a cold butt with enthusiasm will not last long.

Henry had encouraged the sailors to fuck the British when he was delivering things a few days ago, but now he didn't even bother to say anything.

What are you doing? Tie up the British and send them to the Indian sailors. It is estimated that the Indians will not dare to do it.

"Why beef? Our teachings do not allow us to eat beef, and many brothers' teachings do not allow them to eat pork. Only chicken is allowed by the teachings!" Pritam screamed, as if he was greatly insulted.

Henry sneered, and when he was about to say whether he wanted love or not, Tom pulled Henry behind him.

"Henry just remembered it wrong, these are chickens." Tom stared and said nonsense, the nose of the plane was too big.

"It's just chicken. Thank God, we can finally have a full meal." Pritam had no intention of thanking Henry and Tom at all.

"Don't your teachings not allow you to drink?" Henry still couldn't hold it back. People without self-respect do not need to be respected.

"When did I say wine? I said alcohol, alcohol, you know, right? It's used to treat wounds-" Pritam's words made Henry almost feel smokey and his hands were shaking.

Pritam hugged his arms and smiled, with no intention of reaching out to help move things.

So Henry's hand shook, and half of the fat chicken accidentally fell into the sea.

"Oh oh oh, why are you so careless?" Tom smiled and didn't mean to blame at all, nor did he reach out to salvage it.

"This is God's will too!" Henry laughed, and his great revenge was finally avenged. (End of chapter)

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