That's the thing about dealing with Indians, if you try to treat them as an equal, they will think you are inferior to them.

The British's attitude towards slaves was equality in their customary sense.

Americans still have little contact with Indians. They don’t know the nature of Indians. If they were replaced by southern Africans——

Bah, Southern Africans don't get involved in this kind of thing.

While the supplies were being handed over at the dock, a special transaction was going on at the University of Mumbai, one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in India.

As soon as the sailors went on strike, the Comintern contacted the Bombay Federation of Students, hoping that students from Bombay colleges and universities would take the initiative to go out of school to respond to the sailors' strike.

According to the Communist International, this should be easy to do, because students are the most enlightened group and they should hate British colonization the most, so they should be more actively involved than sailors who have not received much education.

After all, after India's independence, college students with higher education levels will definitely benefit more than sailors.

What the Comintern did not expect was that the sailors' strike had already started for a week and had even turned into a sailors' uprising in Karachi. However, the student groups in Mumbai had not taken action yet and had only produced some propaganda copy and carried out some small-scale propaganda.

It cannot be said that there is no effect, it may be a little better than doing nothing.

But it's not much stronger.

"So, you spent [-] pounds to print only [-] leaflets, and [-] more have not been sent out. Why is this happening?" Strachey, a staff member from the Comintern, really couldn't understand.

Every time France mobilizes, students are the vanguard and the main force, and they have never fallen behind.

The Comintern not only provided work guidance, but also provided activity funds of [-] pounds, which was a lot of money. After all, the Comintern was not as financially strong as the Southern Africa Foundation, so it was difficult to raise funds.

The French Comintern itself is economically strained and faces huge electoral pressure at home. Parties representing traditional forces are putting increasing pressure on the French Comintern.

Under such difficult circumstances, the French Comintern still squeezed out [-] pounds to support the Bombay sailors' strike. Unexpectedly, not only did it not win the gratitude of the Indians, but it actually whetted the appetite of the Indians.

Just yesterday, the Bombay Federation of Students called the Comintern again, hoping that the French Comintern could support more funds so that the student groups in Mumbai could take action and give greater support to the sailors.

The Communist International also has branches in India.

Strachey was an investigator sent by the Comintern.

"You need someone to design a flyer and a printing house to print it. It also takes a lot of people to distribute flyers. We have to make sure that every flyer sent out can be effective, otherwise it will be an ineffective work." Secretary-General of the Municipal Federation of Students, Dickert, has said At 40 years old, Strachey doesn’t know why there are 40-year-old students at the University of Mumbai.

Founded in 1857, the University of Mumbai is one of the three oldest and largest comprehensive universities in India.

Strachey had previously thought that Dict only worked for the Municipal Student Union and was not a student at the University of Bombay.

It wasn't until Dickert showed Strachey his student ID that Strachey confirmed this.

"So have the leaflets you sent out had their intended effect?" Strachey suppressed his anger and bought a leaflet for 2.5 pounds. Your labor costs in India are really expensive.

But this can be explained.

There is a general strike going on in Mumbai and it is difficult to find workers, so it is normal that the cost is higher.

"Of course, each of our leaflets played a positive role, which is why so many people took to the streets. We also purchased a lot of supplies to give to the sailors so that their strike could continue, otherwise they would starve to death - —" Dickert lied without blinking an eye, and if he continued, the reason why the Karachi sailors turned into an uprising was also due to them.

"Why haven't the students taken action yet?" Strachey did not dwell on this issue. There was no way to verify these things, so he could only take what Dickert said.

"The most important task of students is to study. They are the future pillars of the country. Nothing can affect their study." Dickert was serious, just like the Indian college students who really will become what he said after graduation. Like the pillars of the country.

Wait, India is not even a country, it is a British colony.

So who do Indian college students work for after graduation?

For India?
Or for the British colonial government?
This is a very serious question.

"Is this the reason why you don't do anything?" Strachey couldn't bear it.

The hierarchical system in India is very serious. Most of those who are qualified to study in colleges and universities are Brahmins and Kshatriyas with relatively high social status. It is impossible to expect them to start their own rebellion.

The University of Bombay is one of the best universities in India. Students who graduate here will be highly employed by the colonial government. Once they graduate, they will become part of the ruling class.

So how should you persuade those Bombay University students who are just waiting to become masters after graduation to temporarily give up their studies in order to support the sailors' uprising?
This is not giving up on your studies, but destroying your future.

"As you saw when you came in just now, the school closed the school gate and did not allow students to go in or out, so the students could not get out of the school gate at all, and the sailors couldn't hear their shouts at all-" What Dict said was indeed true, but This reason also does not stand up to scrutiny.

The University of Bombay is not open to the outside world, and ordinary people cannot enter the campus. Strachey is French, so he can enter the University of Bombay.

In other words, the ban imposed by Mumbai University is for Indians and is not valid for foreigners.

And closing the school gate does not mean closing. Even if the sailors' strike did not happen, the gate of Bombay University would still be closed.

If you want to go out, just open it!

"So what are your demands?" Strachey's patience was running out, and he felt that the French people's love was being fed to the dogs.

With this money, it is better to distribute some bread to the homeless veterans in Paris, so that at least during the election, those veterans will at least consider the Communist International when casting their sacred vote.

"We need more support, as you can see. As long as there is enough support, we can play a greater role, otherwise we will give up halfway and all our previous efforts will be in vain." Dickert did not mention money. Everything is about money.

"How much do you want?" Strachey laughed angrily, just thinking that the French Communist International was a big grievance.

"If we have a hundred thousand pounds, we can send out all the remaining leaflets. If we have 20 pounds, we can print more leaflets. If we have 30 pounds--" Finally it came to money, Dick Te's eyes are glowing green. "I have a question. How many donations has your city's student union received since its establishment?" Strachey was curious, feeling that Dickert probably believed that the British pound was issued by the French Communist International.

Otherwise, where would you have such a big face?
He opened his mouth to say tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Strachey looked at the cheap suit on Dickert's body and then looked at the brand-new watch on Dickert's wrist. He felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

Bewitched by consumerism, some people will save money and spend tens of thousands or more to buy luxury backpacks, and then carry them on the subway.

There is no way to evaluate this kind of behavior. We can only say that consumerist brainwashing is very successful.

Watches are not cheap in India. With Dickt's suit level, there is a high probability that Dickt cannot afford a watch.

If it were Strachey, if he wanted to package himself, he would use his limited money to buy a well-fitting suit first, indicating that he could wait until he had more money to buy it.

So, where did Dickert get the money to buy the watch?
I bought a watch last year!
"A lot -" Dickert's expression was habitually exaggerated, and he made a huge circle with his hand: "There are so many that cannot be counted, there are them every day."

What this means is that 30 pounds is not much, and you can do whatever you have with the money.

Although Strachey was French, he worked for the Communist International in India and did not know anything about India.

Based on Strachey's knowledge of India, the total cost of all the things done by the Bombay City Students' Union would not exceed one thousand pounds.

"The funds of the Communist International are used to help you, why are you doing this?" Strachey really couldn't understand. If he wrote a report on what happened here and submitted it, the superiors would probably think that Strachey had no idea. I didn’t come to Mumbai, but I hid in my office and made it up.

"Isn't what we did wrong?" Dickert said confidently.

"Look what you have done, fifty thousand pounds! A whole fifty thousand pounds! You just printed [-] leaflets, and then only distributed [-]. How dare you, how can you do this? ?" Strachey finally broke out, not wanting to watch Dickert's poor performance again.

That's what Indians are like. If you don't expose them, they will think that their performances are flawless.

Just when Strachey was getting angry, Dickert finally calmed down. He tried to open his eyes wide and looked at the furious Strachey with innocent and surprised eyes, as if he didn't understand why Strachey was so angry. look.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?" Strachey did not expect Dickert to answer. When Dickert nodded or shook his head, Strachey continued to roar: "The only reason why you are doing this is The consequence is that you will not receive any support in the future, and you will become an isolated island in human society, with a terrible stench!"

"It's not that we haven't done anything, right? It's just because we are facing too many difficulties. If you can give us more assistance, I believe the situation will definitely change." Dickert was still thinking about asking for money at this time.

"What changes will allow you to buy a pair of high-end leather shoes or change into a well-fitting suit?" Strachey said directly. This man is so good at pretending to be stupid that he can trick everyone.

"Are you referring to my watch? I bought this with my own salary. How about it? It's very beautiful!" Dickert happily showed his new watch to Strachey. Strachey really I couldn't understand how Dickter could laugh at this time.

"May I ask, how much is your salary?" Strachey took a deep breath. This person doesn't know what shame is at all, or his standards for shame are different from those of normal people. He cannot use Strachey's moral standards. asked Dict.

"Why are you asking this? Don't you know it's impolite to ask anyone about their salary?" Dickert immediately put away his watch, looking wary.

Strachey is amazing that this guy actually knows such a thing as politeness.

See, it’s not that people don’t know shame, but they know when to be ashamed.

Dickert shrugged and spread his hands, responding to Strachey with a "so what" look.

Strachey had nothing to say and turned around to leave.

That's right, the Indians didn't ask the French Comintern for money. The French Comintern took the initiative to give the [-] pounds to the Bombay Federation of Students.

"Then when will you give us the money that belongs to us?" Dickert was still chasing for money.

"When did our money belong to you?" Strachey was stunned by Dickert's thinking.

"Do you still remember why you came here?" Dickert looked at Strachey with a meaningful look.

"Of course." Strachey patiently waited to see what else this guy could cause.

"If we do well, the Comintern should have follow-up support, right?" Dickert rubbed his fingers and gestured to Stretch.

"That's true, but you didn't do it," Strachey emphasized.

"That's right. Since it's money prepared for us, it belongs to us. So, when will you give us the money that belongs to us?" Dickert's brain circuit is indeed very magical. Strachey thought about it It took a while to figure out what Dickert meant.

Strachey then never spoke to Dickert again.

Afraid of being pissed off by Dickt.

Dickert didn't think what the Bombay Students' Federation was doing was too much. If they didn't give money, they wouldn't give it. Why would they be so angry?

Strachey walked out of the office angrily, looked at the quiet and peaceful campus in front of him, and then looked at the bustling traffic and people outside, and suddenly felt discouraged.

No wonder Nepalis say: India is a sleeping maggot, and when it wakes up, the whole world will feel sick.

Strachey suddenly felt that his work over the years was meaningless, and he decided to apply for a transfer from India, even if it was to go to southern Africa, where work is recognized to be the most difficult.

It is difficult for the Comintern to carry out its work in southern Africa. At least southern Africans can communicate with each other. Even if they don’t believe in the Comintern, they will clearly tell you why you don’t believe it. They will not use clumsy performances like the Indians to try to treat you as a Fools fool.

That's not right, this is not a show at all, the main character is Jiang Taigong, who is fishing for people who want to take the bait.

Walking out of Mumbai University, a group of sailors swaggered through the streets, laughing and joking without anger or slogans. It felt like they were not on strike but celebrating a festival.

Strachey was no longer angry at this point because it wasn't worth it. (End of chapter)

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