Chapter 339 Unique Skills

Buck is kind and kind, which can be seen from the thriving Bigwig Town. As a leader, he wants a bowl of water to be level. The uneven water level not only affects the harmony among the residents, but also the prospect of Bigwig Town.

It must be said that during his tenure as the mayor, Buck's work was praised by the residents of Bigwig Town, and everyone could see this, and Buck's prestige was the same for a while.

At the same time, Buck is not pedantic. It used to be better when the number of people in Ziwei Town was small, but when there were more people, the quality must be mixed. At this time, a black-bellied mayor is needed, otherwise the situation will not be able to control the situation. of.

Just like what Barker said, if those Chinese who are somewhat capable are willing to take out their technology and contribute to the development of Bigwig Town, then Bigwig Town will not treat them badly. Hundreds of acres of farm ownership, enough to exchange the secrets of those craftsmen.

If you don't agree, it's very simple. Buck has a lot of ways to force people to submit. Anyone who thinks that Rock is being taken advantage of by selfless dedication is too naive.

The same is true for Su Xian. There are many things in this world that cannot be carefully considered. There are traps and conspiracies everywhere. Rock is a person who only cares about the result and does not care about the process, so, ha ha.

"Don't go too far. As long as you do things in a down-to-earth manner, you must give enough benefits. Even if it's something, you must give enough compensation afterwards. As long as people can see our sincerity, no one will have trouble with money." Luo Ke knew that no one was perfect, so he didn't set too many rules for Buck, otherwise this job would not be possible.

The situation in Johannesburg, the Chinese, the British, the Boers, and the Zulus are all too complicated. If the Chinese want to survive in Johannesburg, it is not advisable to blindly be tough and blindly compromise. The face that should be given must be given. There must be concessions that should be made, and the interests that should be fought for must be firmly fought for. If Buck is really a gentleman of morality, Rock is still worried. Ziwei Town needs Buck, who looks like a pig and has a loud heart.

"Don't worry, my lord, we can't be fooled by ordinary 'unique skills'. Cao Laosi, who came last month, is well-known for his blacksmithing skills in the northern Zhili area. When we arrived in Johannesburg, we thought it was in my Qing Dynasty. Then He even dared to make Joe big with a little skill, but in the end I had someone take him to the steel factory, and then I became an honest technician, and I didn’t dare to say a strange word.” Buck was still proud, similar to Cao Laosi , He thought that he would not be afraid to travel all over the world with his skills, but he was actually a frog at the bottom of a well. His little skills were nothing in the industrial age.

To say that the most impacted by the industrial age are craftsmen like Cao Laosi.

Before the industrial age, people like Cao Laosi might have mastered a certain unknown formula, and then they could forge their unique skills.

The industrial age is all about large-scale production. In the handicraft workshops in the past, the owner had to do everything by himself, and he had to guard against being seen by others. He didn't even dare to experiment and improve. It is true that he kept the craftsmanship handed down from his ancestors. Can feed a family.

The advantages of workshops in the industrial era need not be emphasized. Whether it is finding materials, improving the process, or formulating materials, they are all in charge of special personnel. In the practice of this kind of industrial production, no matter how talented an individual is, It can't match the strength of the team.

So Mr. Cao went to the Fawalt Iron and Steel Works, saw the scale of industrial production, and immediately lost his little thoughts.

To put it bluntly, Cao Laosi didn’t even figure out whether the secret passed down by his ancestors was “manganese” or “chromium”. Compared with scientific researchers who have received scientific training since childhood, his ability is indeed not enough. See, even the proud experience is useless, so naturally there is no reason to take Joe.

"Cao Laosi's situation is special and cannot be generalized. Some people are worth paying attention to. For example, Su Xian who is going to come today is a person with real skills. You can't rush to show his skills. The hospital side Don’t you want to recruit interns? First, give him a dozen or so and let him do what he wants, and when he gets used to this kind of life of being served by others, he won’t even want to let him go.” Of course, Rock’s heart is dark, Buck learned this from Roque, so if Su Xian cooperates with these two, it's okay, but if he doesn't, Su Xian's family will probably be unlucky.

Of course, the current Su Xian doesn't have this self-awareness yet.

Wu Ben took Su Xian to Ziwei Town and handed it over to George, and then Wu Ben returned to Johannesburg, which made Su Xian a little unaccustomed.

It was hard to gain a little understanding of Wu Ben, but now he has changed people, which makes Su Xian feel powerless, as if Nyasaland is a machine, and everyone is a screw on this machine , performing their duties step by step, neither abusing power nor exceeding rules, which made Su Xian very unaccustomed.

Compared with Su Xian, George, who graduated from the University of Paris, is obviously better at dealing with people. After all, he was a diplomat before, and he can see the panic of Su Xian's family at a glance.

"Welcome to Bigwig Town, Mr. Su. I'm George, the deputy mayor of Bigwig Town. I used to work at the customs. Speaking of which, we used to be colleagues, and now we're both fellows. We need to get close to each other in the future—" George The words immediately made Su Xian feel close.

"My lord is accompanying the mayor to inspect the Bigwei Hospital. I'm really busy right now. If Mr. Su doesn't mind, let's go to rest first. After my lord is busy for a while, my lord will talk to you about how to do it in detail. ?” George seemed to be asking for Su Xian’s opinion, but in fact he didn’t leave any room for Su Xian. What else could he do if he talked about it? He couldn’t let Rock abandon the mayor to accompany Su Xian , this is too much.

"You have to work and you have to work hard, brother." Su Xian is not uncommon, and knows how to use titles to get closer.

This is easy to handle. George led Su Xian's family while introducing Ziwei Town.

"Three years ago, a great war broke out between the British Empire and the Boers here. In order to deal with the Boers, the British Empire sent millions of troops from all over the world. It is in this war that our lord became famous, and then we can Buy this Bigwig Town—it is said that when our lord came to Bigwig Town, Bigwig Town was already in ruins. It was our lord who led the police from the police station to build the current Bigwig Town bit by bit. Get up, so without Sir, there would be no Bigwig Town, no good life today—" George was also brainwashing Su Xian, as if Su Xian didn't realize it.

"Three years!" Su Xian couldn't help sighing, the difficulty of building the Ziwei Town in front of me within three years can be imagined.

However, judging by the newness of the buildings in the town, what George said should be correct. Based on Su Xian's experience, the buildings in Ziwei Town should have been built just in the past two years.

"That's right, it only took three years. I also just arrived in Bigwig Town last year. Back then Bigwig Town wasn't that big, and there weren't so many buildings. The Bigwig Girls' School we just passed was just As for the construction site, it is now the most famous school in southern Africa, and some people travel thousands of miles to study at Bigwig Girls' School—" George glanced at the two children behind Su Xian, followed by a somewhat mysterious whisper Said: "——Our Chinese children don't go to the Big Via Public School now, and Sir Alex built a school for miners' children next to the gold mine. Don't dislike the bad name. The conditions in the school are all first-class. In the words of our lord, even the schools in the UK are one level lower than our school for the children of miners."

Not to mention Phyllis on this issue, even George has a say. Don't forget that George also studied in France.

"That's a good thing, I'll ask Mayor Qiao to take care of it in the future." Su Xian directly erased the "deputy" according to the Chinese custom.

Going around along the main road, George brought Su Xian's family to a door.

"Forgive me, Mr. Su. A senior engineer from Germany lived here before. Now he has gone to work in Nyasaland. The house is a bit old, but it has been cleaned. If there is anything inappropriate, please contact me, Mr. Su." Say, I’ll change it for you—” George said politely, but Su Xian didn’t care, the whole town is only three years old, even if the houses are old, how old can they be? Along the way, all the houses, In Su Xian's concept, they are all new houses.

"Actually, the conditions here are very good. The people who live here are all famous people in Bigwei Town. The one who lives opposite is Sheriff Dunn. The one who lives next to him is Professor Bell and Professor Meg. The one who lives behind is Bella. Dean Mi, the gardens of your two families are connected, and you are walking together, so you can get closer in the future—" George emphasized the particularity of the neighbors, and to put it bluntly, it is the specialness of Su Xian. Only talented people are eligible to live here. If it were someone else, George wouldn't have arranged to live here.

"Thank you, thank you. I will visit all the neighbors later, and I will take your time." Su Xian was very grateful. The so-called distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and close neighbors are not as good as the opposite door. Noble residential areas are not unique to Johannesburg, they are common in every city.

After entering the room, Su Xian realized how strong the rules of Nyasaland are. The layout of the houses in Ziwei Town is exactly the same as the house that Su Xian's family lived in at the Nyasaland transit station. It made Su Xian feel like coming home, and a sense of intimacy emerged spontaneously.

"Brother Su, remember to register with the town government later, and then you will be able to receive a special allowance to ensure the life of Brother Su and his family in Ziwei Town during this time-don't worry, this special allowance is enough for Brother Su and his family For the daily expenses, when the Lord sees Brother Su, he will naturally have other uses for Brother Su, and then Brother Su will be able to settle down in Ziwei Town." George reminded Su Xian that no one would come here to see him off After dinner, everything depends on yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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