Chapter 340

Rock waited for Philip to return to Johannesburg before he had time to see Su Xian. He didn't look for talents, and he didn't meet Su Xian. Leave it to Buck to arrange. This is Buck's job. Rock is inconvenient and doesn't want to interfere.

The reason is very simple, if Roque intervenes in Su Xian's arrangement, then if there is a problem with Su Xian's work in the future, Buck may not be able to deal with it because of Roque's face. Of course, Roque will not make such a mistake.

In the past two days, Rock was actually quite busy, not only dealing with the affairs of the police station, but also dealing with the pressure from the Education Committee.

Johannesburg established an education committee last year, and the chairman is Douglas.

All along, Rock has a good relationship with the Board of Education because of Bigwig School.

But in the recent period, because Douglas was busy with the construction of the medical school, he didn't have much time to take care of the education committee, and then there was a problem with the education committee.

The initial fuse of the incident was still in the "Public Security Management Regulations" announced two years ago.

The "Public Security Management Regulations" was formulated by Rock based on his memory. It was originally a temporary regulation, but after the establishment of the Johannesburg City Government, Philip felt that the "Public Security Management Regulations" were quite good, so it was implemented as a fixed law.

In the "Public Security Management Regulations", there are different punishment regulations for different criminal acts. This punishment has upper and lower limits, which is convenient for law enforcement officers to grasp flexibly.

It is this flexible control that has gone wrong, such as the most common fights, according to the "Public Security Management Regulations": whoever beats others or intentionally injures others will be sentenced to more than 60 hours of public service and less than 120 hours of public service, and will be fined more than one pound. If the circumstances are relatively minor, a public service of less than [-] hours or a fine of less than five pounds shall be imposed.

Public service is a kind of punitive measure, usually sweeping the streets, tiring but not tiring, the key is to lose face, so many people would rather accept rebates than accept public service punishment.

It needs to be emphasized that the law enforcement power of the "Public Security Management Regulations" is not in the courts, but in the police station, so the problem arises.

In Johannesburg, if it is a Chinese who violates the "Public Security Management Regulations", then in most cases, the police station's punishment is the minimum.

If a white or an African violates the "Public Security Management Regulations", then in most cases, the police station's punishment refers to the maximum limit.

If this kind of punishment is handled separately, then there is no problem. The police station's handling method is reasonable and legal, and no one can find fault. But if a conflict breaks out between Chinese and white people, then this kind of differential treatment is quite glaring.

When Rock was still in Nyasaland, there was a fight between Chinese and white people in Johannesburg. Finally, the police arrived and took all the participants back to the police station. All whites who fought were sentenced to 120 hours of public service and a fine of five pounds.

At that time, the penalty result did not cause controversy. As a result, after Rock returned to Johannesburg, the penalty result was learned by William Temple, a member of the Johannesburg Education Committee. After Rock returned to Johannesburg, a public opinion crusade against the police station quietly occur.

Initially, William Temple wrote a review of the Police Regulations, which was published in the Liberal Party's party newspaper, The Liberty, and a debate broke out about the Johannesburg Police Service and the Police Regulations.

Unfortunately, the Johannesburg Police Department at the time did not notice this situation. As a result, when Owen reminded Rock, even Pretoria began to discuss the "Public Security Management Regulations", and Ade had already noticed this problem.

This is beyond Rock's control.

On April [-]st, Ad called Rock to Pretoria and asked Rock to explain the "Public Security Management Regulations".

"Is this an April Fool's Day joke? We are so busy at work, but we have to explain this kind of shit to the governor. What does Lord Fawalt think about this matter?" Rock walked into the Palace of Justice , and still in the mood to joke with Henry.

Rock wanted to give Ade an explanation, and Henry would definitely not be able to escape, because the "Public Security Management Regulations" used by the Johannesburg Police Department is also used by the Pretoria Police Department.

This "Public Security Management Regulations" was originally tossed out by Rock and Henry together.

"No opinion, in Pretoria, everyone breaks the law and treats people equally, and will not be treated differently because of skin color - Lord Niasara, I have to say, you are fierce enough, white people discriminate against people of color all over the world , in Johannesburg, it is white people who are discriminated against, if I were you, I would not be in the mood to joke." Henry squinted at Rock, as if I wanted to watch a good show.

"This is what you said. In fact, white people are not discriminated against, and people of color are not taken care of. Johannesburg is a city where white people and yellow people, black people and want to get along. There is no distinction between each other at all." Roque certainly would not Acknowledge that you are actually white, otherwise this incident will have repercussions all over the world.

It’s not just Rock who thinks that Johannesburg has no truth. Philip, Owen, Douglas, etc., except for some people with ulterior motives, the vast majority of people in Johannesburg believe that there is absolutely no discrimination against white people in Johannesburg.

When Henry said this, he was actually joking with Rock.

"It's useless for you to tell me this, mainly because the governor needs to listen to your explanation." Henry seemed to be preparing to watch the fire from the other side.

"Hehe——" Rock smiled and said nothing, trying to stay out of the matter?

I don't think about it!

Sure enough, when Ade saw Rock and Henry, once he fired, it would be indiscriminate firepower.

"Brain like a pig! Look at what you have done, I thought you two were very smart, and I trusted you both, but that's how you rewarded me. Have your heads been kicked by a donkey——" Ade First, they scolded continuously for 10 minutes. Rock and Henry didn't speak. This is Ade's habit. If Ade is not allowed to vent his anger first, Rock and Henry will have no chance to explain.

"——Now, I need an explanation from both of you!" Ade finally cursed happily, took a sip of coffee, straightened his clothes, and leaned on the back of his chair to look at his two capable men.

This is not an exaggeration. As far as the current Transvaal is concerned, apart from Philip, perhaps the only officials who can be trusted by Ader are Rock and Henry.

Of course, this is also because only Adelaide, Philip, Roque, and Henry have titles in the Transvaal. From this relationship point of view, it is true that only the four of them have the closest relationship with the United Kingdom.

Rock and Henry exchanged glances, and then Henry sold Rock backhand: "My lord, this is not the case in Pretoria."

Under normal circumstances, the title of viscount and baron is the same, both are "Lord".

Rock didn't say a word. Henry's behavior of selling his teammates was what Ade didn't like the most. It's a pity that Henry thought he could stay out of it by doing this.

Oh, simple!

Sure enough, Ade became even angrier after hearing Henry's words: "Stupid! The "Public Security Management Regulations" is being used in Johannesburg, so isn't Pretoria not using it? If this scandal spreads, you will be the leader of the Pretoria Police Department. Get rid of the suspicion? When other people talk about this, it’s not about the Johannesburg Police Service, it’s about the whole of the Transvaal as a whole, and if you don’t understand it, you can go to the Board of Education.”

This proposal is not bad, if Ade is not angry, Rock will definitely applaud.

Henry's face turned into a pig's liver.

"Lord, when the police station makes a judgment, it decides the result based on the facts, not the skin color. The cause of this incident is a fight between Chinese and white people, even the level of 'conflict' No, it’s just that a few drunken alcoholics went crazy at night. The reason for this treatment result is not that the treatment results are different just because of the skin color as some people said, but because it was a drunken white man that night. They took the initiative to make trouble, and physical conflict broke out between them. Strictly speaking, the Chinese were not even responsible because they were not the party responsible for the incident. On the contrary, it was precisely because of their skin color that they were punished together with the Chinese." Rock took the initiative to explain, as for Whether the truth is as Rock said, it doesn't matter.

When dealing with public security cases in Johannesburg, they will not hit [-] boards of the same kind of mud, but the party responsible for the incident will bear full responsibility.

In the fight that caused the controversy, if both parties were white, then perhaps only the perpetrator would be punished, and the other party would not bear any responsibility.

Of course, this is the treatment plan stipulated by the law. As for whether it will be carried out in such a strict manner in accordance with the provisions of the law in actual implementation, there is an applicable principle, and the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail.

"So, there is no problem with the Johannesburg Police Department?" Ade's eyes were sharp.

"No, there is a problem with the Johannesburg Police Department. The root cause of this incident is that the Johannesburg Police Department did not publicize the "Public Security Management Regulations" enough, which caused citizens to not fully understand the "Public Security Management Regulations" and did not know that they violated the "Public Security Management Regulations." This is why similar incidents occurred. After the incident, the Johannesburg Police Department is stepping up publicity in this regard. It is important to let everyone fully understand the consequences of violating the "Public Security Management Regulations". In future law enforcement, The police station will increase vigilance, strictly enforce the law in accordance with the "Public Security Management Regulations", and accept public supervision." Rock said righteously.

Listen, this is the correct attitude to face the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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