Chapter 341 Controversy (1100 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

In the face of problems, it is not advisable to blindly shirk responsibility. Since a problem occurs, there must be a problem in some aspect, and it is not the responsibility of the subordinates. Is it still the responsibility of the leader?

But you also need to be skillful in assuming responsibility. You can't take all the responsibilities on yourself. That's not being responsible but stupid.

Rock is definitely not stupid, so Rock has no responsibility, at least not subjectively, and this is a salvageable object.

Adelaide is not stupid, so Adelaide does not need to take "leadership responsibility". The person who invented this word must not be a leader, at least not a qualified leader. A leader cannot be held accountable.

The police in the Johannesburg Police Department are also not responsible. They act according to the regulations. As for publicizing the legal provisions to the public, that is not their duty, that is the job of the city government.

Even the perpetrators, their responsibility, after they accept the punishment, becomes insignificant.

So who is responsible?

It's the guys who deliberately stir up trouble on this issue.

"The scope of application of the "Public Security Management Regulations" is those criminal acts that violate the law but do not need to be tried in court. At this stage, the power of the court is still limited, and the judges do not have more time and energy to waste on these crimes. For trivial matters, the city government does not want to increase expenditures in this area, so it gives this part of power to the police station; the police station may have insufficient consideration when exercising this part of power, but the starting point for dealing with the problem is definitely not because of skin color , but to punish criminals based on the severity of the crime; if citizens have opinions on the implementation of the police station, then I think they should respond to the city government or the police station instead of writing articles and publishing them in newspapers , This kind of behavior is absolutely inadvisable and must be resolutely put an end to it." Rock is now going to pursue responsibility, no matter what reason William Temple provoked this incident, Rock will not let him go.

"Report to the police station that the police violated the law. Do you think this is the solution to the problem?" Ade obviously didn't think so, so the irony was obvious.

"Reporting to the police station can't solve the problem. You can also report to the higher-level leadership of the police station. If it doesn't work, you can also report to the Governor's Office. This is a normal way to respond to the problem. In any case, the problem cannot be directly handed over to the public for discussion. , This is an irresponsible attitude, and it is not conducive to the solution of the problem in the end, and it may aggravate the conflict, so this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable." Rock insisted that the Education Committee is also a government agency, and he directly published the article In newspapers, it is tantamount to internal disclosure, and the consequences are very serious.

Both the police station and the education committee are under the management of the city government. If the members of the education committee have any opinions on the work of the police station, besides communicating directly with Roque, they can also respond to Philip. This is a normal way.

Directly publishing the article in the newspaper is tantamount to turning the table. Not only Rock is opposed, but the entire bureaucratic group should be opposed to this behavior.

Not to mention that William Temple's behavior has caused serious consequences. Even if Rock doesn't say it, Ade shouldn't let William Temple go. If everyone is like William Temple, then everyone should stop working Yes, do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, it’s not bad if you don’t do it.

The most realistic reason is that William Temple exposed the work violations of the police station. Conversely, the police station can also expose the inaction of the Education Committee. Everyone’s buttocks are not clean, so they back to back and hide their buttocks from the outside world. , If you expose your buttocks face to face, then everyone will lose face.

Speaking of the inaction of the Board of Education, this is actually related to the overall environment.

Sargent, the director of education in Transvaal and Orange, was sent by London. In order to better assimilate the Boers, Sargent implemented the British school policy in Transvaal and Orange.

As a result, the British teaching policy was strongly resisted by the Boers in Orange. The Boers refused to let their children go to schools built by the government, and even established the "African Language Association" to fight against Sargent.

Sargent's attention was on Orange during this time, and he didn't care about the Transvaal at all.

As for Johannesburg, the schools built by the government have lost their appeal because of the presence of the Bigwig School. Even government officials want to send their children to the Bigwig School, leaving only ordinary citizens in public schools. And the children of general government employees go to school.

Therefore, William Temple's public opinion offensive against the Johannesburg Police Department really cannot be carefully considered.

Ade also knows that the problem is very serious, but in the current situation, Ade actually has nothing to do.

As the governor, Ade’s work is not limited to education and security. Economic development, social stability, and people’s aspirations are the main issues Ade considers. Education and security have to be sidelined. After all, Ade’s energy is limited. It is impossible to have so many jobs going hand in hand.

But education and security cannot be left alone. Without good security, there will be no economic development and social stability.

Education is more related to the long-term stability of southern Africa. If the Boers cannot be successfully assimilated, then the Boers will find trouble sooner or later, so Ade now thinks of William Temple. His teeth are a little itchy. To the police station, really—

So Ade pretended not to hear that Rock wanted to hold William Temple accountable.

"No matter what you do, solve this problem first. If similar incidents happen again in the future, then you all go back to your fief for the elderly!" Ade was ruthless. This may be a threat to Henry, but to Luo ke-

To be honest, when Rock heard Ade say this, the first reaction in his heart was not panic, but joy.

Now Johannesburg, without these 10,000+ Chinese, would not be as attractive to Rock as Nyasaland.

During the few months in Nyasaland, Roque was really satisfied and relaxed.

In Johannesburg, no matter what Roque does, he is subject to the restraint of the city government and the Governor's Palace.

In Nyasaland, Roque didn't have any scruples, he could do whatever he wanted, he didn't need to ask someone's opinion, he didn't need to consider someone's reaction, and he didn't need to worry about other people's eyes. Within a month, Rock had fallen in love with Nyasaland, and when he returned to Johannesburg, Rock felt even heavier than going to the grave.

When he walked out of the Governor's Mansion, Henry was still a little anxious: "What should we do? Should we go back and revise the "Public Security Management Regulations?"

Henry was really frightened by Adelaide's threat. Compared with the thriving Nyasaland, Fawalt was a steel factory in addition to a cement factory. Henry didn't want to burn cement in addition to steelmaking for the rest of his life.

"Why do you want to revise it? The current "Public Security Management Regulations" is very reasonable, and the governor didn't tell us to revise it." Rock is not willing to modify it. The current "Public Security Management Regulations" are perfect for the Chinese, and there is no need for Rock to ask for it. trouble.

In fact, Cape Town also has regulations similar to the "Public Security Management Regulations". The reason why Rock is unwilling to use them is because there are a large number of discriminatory regulations against people of color. The Regulations have been deleted one by one, so the Chinese can enjoy themselves in the Transvaal.

"But the governor said that if similar incidents happen again, the two of us will be in trouble!" Henry was in chaos if he cared about himself.

"Hmph, the governor has indeed said so, then prohibit similar incidents from happening." Rock will "uncompromisingly" carry out Ade's orders. Of course, for Ade's orders, Rock and Henry have a different understanding Certain deviations.

"What the governor means is that if someone speaks nonsense again in the newspaper, then the newspaper office will be blocked, and the responsible persons will be arrested. In short, don't try to run away for a month." Rock was murderous.

"Did the governor really say that?" Henry was a little confused, as if he and Roque were not the same governor.

"Yes, that's what I said!" Rock vowed, and when he returned to Johannesburg, Rock began to deal with William Temple.

Of course, before that, Rock first went to Owen.

"Why did William Temple's article appear in the newspaper of the Free Press?" Roark did not believe that Owen was William Temple's accomplice, but a charge of oversight could not be escaped.

"It's impossible for me to read all the articles before the newspaper is published." Owen was really wronged. The leader of the Liberal Party is also very busy, and it is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper to review articles.

I have to say that the newspapers of this era are still very powerful. Look at Leopold II, who is now in a state of desperation, because the British Morel and Casement published a series of articles that thoroughly exposed Leopold II. It was the atrocities committed by King II in the Congo Free State that shocked the international community, which in turn aroused the international community's attention to the Congo Free State.

Faced with overwhelming accusations, Leopold II denied everything and organized a multinational investigation team to the Congo Free State to investigate the truth.

Although there are no investigation results yet, it is beyond people's expectations that things can develop to this point.

"Then find someone who has the time and energy to tell which articles are good for us and which articles are not good for us to sit in that position before the newspaper is published." Rock is engaging in news censorship. This is not in line with the general environment of liberalism, but in this special time period, it is really necessary to implement news control.

"Locke, we can't do that. Don't forget that we are the Liberal Party." Owen is also naive. Could it be that the Liberal Party can't do anything against freedom under the banner of "freedom"?

If it were really that simple, there wouldn't be so many controversies in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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