Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 348 Believe in Roque's Evil

Chapter 348 Believe in Roque's Evil

More than 500 people worked together, and the effect is still outstanding. Compared with those Africans working in the mine, at least the Africans in the Locke Farm are not in danger of life, and the logistics of the Locke Farm are not bad, and the salary is paid in a timely manner, so this The work is still very good, at least the Africans on the farm are quite satisfied.

Of course, the good here is to see where it compares with. Compared with those gold mines run by white people, the conditions in Locke Farm are indeed good, but compared with Locke Gold Mine, the treatment in Locke Farm is much worse. For example, the simplest A goulash at Rock Gold Mine might be beef and potatoes, and at Rock Farm it might be beef and potatoes.

It is already very rare, at least the Locke Gold Mine really uses beef leg bones to boil bone soup, which is still real.

"There are one hundred workers in each camp, with five African or Chinese supervisors, two Chinese technicians, and five logistics service personnel. There are a total of five such camps on the farm, and there are two independent houses over there. They are technicians. Generally, their family members are in charge of the logistics. The warehouses here are populated by workers. The farm not only grows herbs, but also properly grows some crops and raises some poultry and livestock. We strive for two years To ensure the self-sufficiency of the farm within a certain period of time." Buck has a detailed plan for the farm, and now the farm still needs to buy food, which is definitely not the norm.

The 66-mu farm has ample arable land, and the planting of Chinese herbal medicines requires the use of rotational farming techniques, which means that after a piece of land is planted with Chinese herbal medicines, it is not suitable to continue planting Chinese herbal medicines within three to five years.

But this period of time does not affect the planting of other crops, such as wheat, corn, soybeans, etc. There are a hundred workers in each camp. things to do.

In fact, the model of Locke Farm is a replica of the farm model implemented by Rock in Nyasaland, except that the farmers in Nyasaland Farm are Chinese, and they become Africans when they arrive in Johannesburg.

The advantage of this model is that it is more planned and more conducive to overall planning, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Fortunately, Rock will not use this model all the time. When the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, Rock will find ways to improve.

As for the Locke farm, this model definitely has huge advantages over ordinary farms. Ordinary farms are limited by human resources, and it is impossible to carry out large-scale planting unless the farms in Johannesburg enter the era of mechanization.

The model of Rock Farm is very conducive to large-scale production. It is actually very easy for a farm to be self-sufficient. More than 100 people plant potatoes. It does not take two or three years. After a few months, relying on potato production will be self-sufficient immediately. Self-sufficiency, it's just that Rock doesn't care about the little money to maintain the operation of the farm at all, and instead of planting Chinese herbal medicines with a lot of "money" to grow potatoes, this is putting the cart before the horse.

"There are two technicians in this camp, one is Li Yan and the other is Ma Xia. Cui Yan's family used to practice medicine for generations in the capital. Although his eldest son is not as skilled as Cui Du, he already has the qualifications to open a clinic to practice medicine. Ma Xia used to be an apprentice, but he hadn't been a teacher before coming to Johannesburg. So I also became a technician—it can’t be helped, we still have a small number of people.” Buck was a little embarrassed, this is the current reality of Johannesburg, there are policies and funds, but no one has no skills.

In 1899, the Second Boer War broke out, and in 1902, the Second Boer War ended.

In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, and in 1901, the war ended.

After the end of the Boer War, the Transvaal and Orange began to enter a state of reconstruction. Although the reconstruction of Orange was slow, the war was finally over completely, and the lives of ordinary people would no longer be affected by the war.

The Eight-Power Allied Forces’ war of aggression against China also caused huge damage to the Qing Dynasty. The degree of damage was no less than that caused by the Boer War to the Transvaal and Orange. Compared with the Transvaal and Orange, the Eight-Power Allied Forces’ war of aggression against China After the end, the northern part of the Qing Dynasty did not enter the state of reconstruction for a long time, but the conflict between the Russians and the Japanese made things worse.

If there are no accidents, by 1904, that is, next year, the Russo-Japanese War will break out between Russia and Japan, and the main battlefield of this war will be in the Qing Dynasty.

The situation in the Qing Dynasty was so bad that more and more Chinese were completely disappointed with the Qing Dynasty, and then chose to leave the Qing Dynasty and come to Johannesburg.

Li Yan and Ma Xia had already been notified by Buck, and they were waiting in front of the wooden office building. It was obvious that Li Yan was a big family, but Ma Xia was alone, very pitiful.

"I have gone to the human resources company to pick up Ma Xia's family, and they will be reunited in Johannesburg after a while." Buck gently reminded Rock.

Rock was still enthusiastic, with a smile on his face from afar.

Li Yan and Ma Xia clasped their fists and bowed to salute from a distance.

With regard to etiquette, Rock will definitely not emphasize it, or even pay no attention to it at all on the surface, but Buck has organized an organization in this area, which is sorting out the traditional etiquette of the Chinese, and is also popularizing it among the Chinese in Johannesburg. However, this non-official approach is actually more conducive to the implementation of etiquette.

"Good afternoon, everyone—" Rock greeted proactively.

"My lord, good afternoon--" The voice of the answer was not neat, but the voice was loud, which startled Rock.

Entering the wooden building, the furnishings are still different from the wooden buildings used by ordinary families. The original kitchen and living room have been opened up to form a reception area, and the bedroom is naturally an office. The second floor is a storage room and reference room, and there is also a lounge for temporary rest for employees. , the function is fairly complete.

When they were seated, Roque was definitely going to be in the main seat, and Li Yan and Ma Xia sat opposite Roque in a regular manner, and their attitudes were more correct than those of the primary school students in Bigwei Public School.

Li Yan's wife took the initiative to serve tea, which was not produced in Qing Dynasty or India, but locally produced in Johannesburg.

Luo Ke asked Liang Dingxin to collect Chinese herbal medicines. Of course, the tea tree will not be forgotten. Tea is not a special product of the Qing Dynasty. The British have secretly brought tea trees to India for a long time, and made a nondescript Indian black tea, which is the British afternoon tea. main character.

The tea production in Johannesburg is currently very low and the quality is not stable enough. This is understandable. Under normal circumstances, tea trees can only be picked in small quantities after three years, and will enter the peak production period after ten years. The current tea trees in Johannesburg are all transplanted from the Qing Dynasty. It will take a few more years to drink tea that is purely from Johannesburg.

Rock thanked him, and Buck took the initiative to find topics, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

"Compared with our Qing Dynasty, the climate in Johannesburg is indeed very different. In our Qing Dynasty, it snows heavily in winter, and it has not snowed here for several years. Some medicinal materials must not be grown. Even if they are forced out, the medicinal effect is the same as before Herbal medicine must be different, if you want to use it, then the prescription handed down from your ancestors must be improved—" When it comes to Chinese herbal medicine, Li Yan can't stop talking, and he can think of improved prescriptions. The old military doctor who sells dog meat is much better.

"But then again, our method of planting Chinese herbal medicine, as long as the climate is suitable, the yield will definitely be no problem. Planting a few acres of a dozen acres at a time can last for many years—" Li Yan still doesn't understand The concept of large-scale planting.

"We don't plant Chinese herbal medicine for the consumption of the pharmacy. You can also see how big our farm is. With so many workers, we don't know how to plant a few acres, but at least tens or hundreds of acres at a time. I People have been looking for pharmacies with remarkable curative effects in the Qing Dynasty. An important task after the medical school is to use these prescriptions to make Chinese patent medicines, and then mass-produce and sell them to the outside world—” The model described by Rock is seen by Li Yan It's almost unheard of.

The practice model of traditional Chinese medicine is medical clinics. It is very difficult to develop to the scale of a hospital. Rock has an unparalleled advantage in this area. Using the power of administration to promote the development of Chinese medicine, the effect is unimaginable to Li Yan.

"The current medical and health care is still in its infancy in the world. The medical and health industry will definitely receive more and more attention in the future, and the social status of doctors will also increase. The method of Western medicine is still It’s rough, it’s incomparable to what our ancestors have passed down, you will go to medical school to study if you have the opportunity in the future, and being a technician here is only temporary—” Rock still painted cakes, which is actually not a bad thing , the key lies in whether the painted cake can be fulfilled.

So far, all the cakes that Roque has drawn have been fulfilled, and Buck has a deep understanding of this aspect.

These technicians on the farm are actually a stopgap measure. Apprentices like Ma Xia are very rare in Johannesburg now. It would be a waste to let them be technicians. After a while, the farm will definitely adjust. Similar to Li Yan, Ma Xia People like Xia still have to go to medical school to study systematically. In terms of technology, it is enough to find time to come and give guidance every few days.

"Do well. You have also seen that our farm has hundreds of thousands of acres of land, all of which are used to grow medicinal materials. We can't finish the work even if we are exhausted. Now there is no vacant land around Johannesburg, so we How many wolves are still staring at these hundreds of thousands of acres of land? If you do well, the Sir will give a part of the land as a reward in the future. The longing will never fade. Compared with the land, the future and money are really not that important.

Compared with the Chinese who came to Johannesburg in the early days, it is becoming more and more difficult for the Chinese to buy farms in Johannesburg, that is, in remote areas. There are still some farms to choose from, and it is impossible to buy farms in the suburbs of Johannesburg.

Those who believed in Rock's "evil" now basically have permanent property, and those who don't believe it will be miserable. They can't catch up with each other, step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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