Chapter 349 Bang Bang Cannon (1300 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

While Rock and Buck were obsessed with studying Chinese herbal medicine, Anton and Martin were busy calculating the Belgians.

Since the Congo Free State decided to cede Lake Tanganyika to "Rhodecia", the border area between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State has finally returned to calm.

Compared with Lake Tanganyika, which covers an area of ​​3 square kilometers, Lake Mweru, which covers an area of ​​only 5100 square kilometers, is not so noticeable.

Lake Mweru is also located on the border between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State. When there was a conflict between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State, the Zulu led by Lala once occupied the entire territory of Mweru Lake. Unfortunately, in the end During the peace talks with the Congo Free State, Duncan did not claim the rights to Lake Mweru. As a result, according to international practice, Lake Mweru is half of Nyasaland and the Congo Free State. This made Anton and Martin very dissatisfied .

"Duncan is the old killer who should be killed. He is a good shipbuilder, but he is not good at negotiating. This Lake Mweru is not worse than the North Sea. Why are the Belgians so cheap? No, we have to think about it. There is a way to occupy Lake Mweru." Anton stood on the "East Lake" marine police boat that had just arrived at Lake Mweru, looking at the smoky Lake Mweru with grief.

Lake Mweru is also a freshwater lake, rich in fish and water birds, and also has great development value.

The development of Nyasaland by the Chinese is carried out along lakes and rivers, and Lake Mweru is also in the development plan of Nyasaland.

The marine police boat was just developed by the Nyasaland Shipyard. The ship uses a diesel engine produced locally in Nyasaland. It has a displacement of 300 tons and a fixed crew of 20. The ship is equipped with the Maxim 37 produced by the Nyasaland Arsenal. Millimeter rapid-fire guns, that is, the "bang bang guns" used by the Boers in the Boer War.

The "St. Petersburg Declaration" in 1868 and the "Hague Conference Convention" in 1899 stipulated that the weight of the explosive projectile must be greater than 400g, so the "Bang Bang Cannon" adopted a caliber of 37mm in order to comply with this requirement.

In all fairness, the power of the "Bang Bang Cannon" is pretty good, with a muzzle velocity of 367 meters per second and a maximum range of 4110 meters. The warhead uses a blasting warhead with 17 grams of mixed explosives, and its power is probably similar to that of future grenades.

Like the Maxim heavy machine gun, the Maxim 37mm rapid-fire gun also uses the iconic canvas belt for ammunition and has a wooden magazine. This is actually an enlarged version of the automatic grenade launcher, but the range is shorter than that of the future The grenade launcher was much farther away, and the British Expeditionary Force suffered greatly during the Second Boer War.

Nyasaland now has the ability to produce Maxim heavy machine guns, so it is logical to continue to produce Maxim 37mm rapid-fire guns. Rock has ordered Nyasaland Arsenal to further reduce the weight of Maxim 37mm rapid-fire guns. Find ways to increase the power of the blasting warhead. Before the Nyasaland Arsenal was unable to produce artillery, the Maxim 37mm rapid-fire gun was the heavy weapon of the Nyasaland army.

On the "East Lake", there are a total of three Maxim 37mm rapid-fire guns installed, two at the bow and one at the stern. Because the ship uses a base that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, it can shoot 360 degrees. This is in southern Africa. It is definitely a big killer for the inner lake of Nyasaland, which is very beneficial to the Nyasaland water police to compete for the inner lake in southern Africa.

From the name "East Lake", we can see Nyasaland's ambitions. Within Nyasaland, Lake Tanganyika is now the "North Sea", so Lake Mweru has become the "East Lake". Regardless of what happened to the Congo Free State, Rock first changed the names of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru, that is, Rock was the Baron of Nyasaland, and the name Lake Nyasa could not be changed now Otherwise, Rock would have changed the name of Lake Nyasa together.

"At that time, we were staring at Lake Tanganyika from top to bottom. We didn't even have Lubumbashi, and we gave it back to the Belgians. Who would have thought that Lake Mweru would be so big—" Martin also regretted. Under the leadership of the police, all the officials who came from the police are all brave, they can only go in but not out, and they have to go up and take a bite of any good thing they see.

Rock has already popularized this concept to both Anton and Martin. From now until the end of World War I, Nyasaland is in the barbaric growth period. At this time, the sphere of influence in the world has not been fixed. After the World War, it will be very difficult to expand Nyasaland's territory, so hurry up.

During the First World War, Germany lost its colonies all over the world, including Tanganyika in Africa and German Southwest Africa. These two places will be Tanzania and Namibia in the future. Now Germany is still strong, and Nigeria Asalan has no chance to go up and bite, so the only direction of expansion is the Congo Free State.

Of course, Leopold II was well aware of Nyasaland's ambitions, so when the war between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State ceased, Leopold II used Britain and Germany to impose pressure on Nyasaland. The pressure finally forced Nyasaland to return Lubumbashi to the Congo Free State. Neither Anton nor Martin were reconciled to this loss.

"If it wasn't so difficult to get a boat here, we'd get a dozen or twenty marine police boats here, and if the Belgians dared to go down the lake, we'd blow them to pieces and see who dares to come and rob us. "Anton is also regretful, traffic is the biggest factor restricting the expansion of Nyasara.

To transport the marine police boat from Lake Niassa to Lake Mweru, it has to be transshipped through the Zambezi River and the Luangwa River. This large circle is more difficult than dismantling the marine police boat. The lake is not much smaller when carried to Lake Mweru.

Don’t think it’s unrealistic to carry a marine police boat to Lake Mweru. During the First World War, British Lieutenant Colonel Simpson led a force to transport two gunboats from the Congo Free State by using tractors and carrying hands on their shoulders. It took four months to get to Lake Tanganyika in the territory.

Nyasaland will definitely not be so stupid. Duncan has ordered people to build shipyards on Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru respectively, and directly build ships on the spot to meet the needs of fishing and "land grabbing". In this regard, Germany Neither the Belgians nor the Belgians have set foot yet, and Nyasaland's choice of timing is just right.

"The small fishing boats of the Belgians are not enough for our marine police to practice." Martin is also arrogant. Like Nyasaland, the Belgians developed the Congo Free State along the river. There are still disputes on the river, and now it seems that Nyasaland has the upper hand.

Although Leopold II had occupied the Congo Free State more than ten years ago, Leopold II himself was unable to develop the Congo Free State at all, so Leopold II's development of the Congo Free State only It can rely on commercial companies such as Katanga Company, Antwerp Company, Kasai Company, and Imbi Rubber Company.

These companies, no matter in terms of execution ability or strength, cannot compare with the behemoth of Nyasaland. Their commercial companies are "seeking money", and they will not go head-to-head with Nyasaland. Every company has mercenaries, but the scale is maintained at the level used to suppress the resistance of the Congolese, and it is certainly incomparable with the Rhodesian Northern Division, which is armed to the teeth.

As for the water police in Nyasaland, although it is only a police force now, Rock's requirements for the water police are the same as those of the navy. In order to make the water police form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, Rock hired retired naval officers from the UK with high salaries to serve as water police. The instructors, captains and key positions of the marine police boats are all experienced white people, and each of them has three young and hard-working Chinese marine police as assistants. The police can form combat effectiveness.

After the Rhodesian Northern Division was established, it formed combat effectiveness in a very short period of time. This is due to Rock's long-term emphasis on training.

In fact, as long as there is money and people, it is really easy to train the army. For a soldier who has not received training, from the beginning of training to the completion of all training subjects, that is, two or three months, the water police in Nyasala are from Luoyang. Those selected from the Northern Division of Desia have strong personal technical and tactical level and acceptance ability. After acquiring the relevant knowledge, the rest is a matter of proficiency. This requires years of training, and it is true that it cannot be achieved overnight. fixed.

While Anton and Martin were chatting, a fishing boat appeared on the lake in front of the "East Lake", and Anton and Martin immediately became excited.

Nyasaland's development of the North Sea has just started, and Lake Mweru has not been taken care of, so the fishing boats that appeared in Lake Mweru at this time must be from the Congo Free State.

"David, rush, rush over!" Anton howled at the top of his voice.

"Yes, sir!" David is a 40-year-old middle-aged man, older than both Anton and Martin. Four years ago, David retired from the British Navy. Before retiring, David was already the first officer of a destroyer. .

Ordinarily, 40 years old is the age with the most vigorous energy. At this time, people need energy, experience and experience, and their physical strength is not much worse than that of young people. The so-called backbone of society usually refers to people of this age group. .

The reason why he retired from the British Navy was that David had to leave the British Navy because he injured his leg during an exercise.

The British navy has dominated the ocean for hundreds of years, and the domestic navy has produced a large number of talents, so David was retired because of a leg injury.

Nyasaland did not dislike David, not only offered David twice his salary in the British Navy, but also allowed David to return to work. This is why David accepted Nyasaland's invitation the real reason.

Whether it is money or feelings, there is a lot of one.

On the fishing boat were two Belgians who were fishing. When they saw the "East Lake" rushing over aggressively, the two Belgians actually picked up the rifles on the boat and tried to resist.

Immediately afterwards, they gave up this kind of death-seeking behavior. The 37mm bang bang gun on the "Donghu" looked much more powerful than a rifle.

(End of this chapter)

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