Chapter 350 East Lake

The [-]-ton marine police boat has a small displacement and is not worth mentioning in the sea. It is an invincible behemoth in Lake Mweru. Facing a fishing boat that can only take two people, the marine police boat walks from the fishing boat. Passing by, just the waves stirred up are enough to capsize the fishing boat, let alone hit it directly. If it is really about to hit, the fishing boat is definitely destined to be smashed to pieces, so the rifles are fine. The two Belgians are still smart, and they will immediately Raise your hands to show no hostility.

"Surrender? It's too late to surrender now!" Anton finally caught the opportunity to bully people, and he would not let them go so easily: "Go around them and give me the horn. I will shout to them and let them Also taste the taste of being bullied—”

David's technique was already very good. When the marine police boat passed by the fishing boat, the waves stirred up and splashed two Belgians one by one.

The two Belgians were taken aback. They gestured to the "East Lake" in unison, and started scooping water out after shouting and cursing. They wanted to row the boat away quickly. After turning a corner, he went straight to the fishing boat.

I get it, this is deliberately teasing people.

The two Belgians came to their senses completely, and they stopped resisting or scooping water, and began to scold the "East Lake" wholeheartedly.

In fact, it’s nothing new to go back and forth. Compared with the broad and profound Chinese, there is no Belgian in Belgian. The official languages ​​of Belgium are Dutch, French, and German. They are so powerful that they don’t even have a language of their own country.

Anton certainly didn't know this. Apart from English, Anton didn't know anything, so it was a bit of a chicken-and-duck conversation.

"Listen to the fishing boat on the other side, this is Rhodesian waters, we are the Rhodesian water police, you are now carrying out illegal fishing in our waters, stop your behavior immediately, exit our waters, otherwise we will take necessary measures, Safeguard our rights—" This is Anton's English.

"Fake squid, this is the waters of our Congo Free State, you bloody robbers, it's not enough to rob our Lake Tanganyika, and now you are robbing our Lake Mweru, you should all go to hell, why You don't want to die—" The two Belgians could still understand some English, but it was better not to understand, and they were even angrier if they understood.

In this conversation on the lake, the Belgians did not have the upper hand at all, because the Belgians did not have speakers.

"Sir, it looks like they don't want to follow your order—" David was still fanning the flames, and this is also a big deal for watching the excitement.

"Old Ma, go and shoot them a few times to let them know how powerful we are!" Anton decided to be ruthless.

"Okay——" Martin was terse, and gestured to the ready shooter.

Bah blah blah——

"Bang Bang Pao" really lived up to expectations, the voice was crisp and sweet, and it was actually a little cute.

The two Belgians were taken aback. What kind of trouble did they say that a good gentleman would shoot without using his hands?

The power of the "Bang Bang Cannon" is still good. It has a caliber of 37mm and a warhead weighing more than 400 grams. It contains 17 grams of mixed explosives. What a high splash, a fish that was killed by the blast actually flew onto the fishing boat.

Lake Mweru is rich in aquatic products.

"Okay, okay, okay, let's go, let's go, we'll go right away--" The two Belgians were also bullying and afraid of being tough, and they didn't dare to stand up under the muzzle, so they packed up and rowed to the shore immediately.

The "East Lake" was not in a hurry, and followed the fishing boat leisurely. Anton continued to make noise with a loudspeaker.

"Remember, the entire Lake Mweru belongs to us in Rhodesia. Starting today, all fishing activities in Lake Mweru must be applied for by us, otherwise it will be illegal and will definitely be punished by our Rhodesian waters Not only will your economic interests be lost, but we will also be compensated for our expenses—"Anton is also shameless. He keeps saying that Rhodesia has nothing to do with Nyasaland, and he doesn't even think about it." On the hull of the "East Lake", there is a very conspicuous badge of Baron Nyasaland painted on it, and no one else will recognize it by mistake.

Speaking of badges, this is a symbol of glory and blood in Europe. Every nobleman has a badge representing his own family, such as the Matilda family. Their family badge is a shield pattern composed of roses and lions.

Rock was born in the Huayong camp, so the shape of the badge of Baron Nyasaland is not a shield shape, but the shape of the Tianjin city gate tower that Huayong camp once used. The pattern is a combination of eagle and sword, surrounded by Ringed with ribbons and petals, the whole shape is still very visually impactful.

The key is that there are few such badges. In the whole of southern Africa, only a few nobles have badges. Baron Nyasaland is the most ostentatious, making people want to be impressive.

The two Belgians must have noticed the badge on the hull of the "East Lake", but even if they cursed a hundred times in their hearts at this moment, they would never dare to reply on the surface, and they rowed obediently to the shore.

In fact, it is not far from the shore of the lake, it looks like two or three kilometers, and it will be there in a short while.

There was a colony consisting of more than a dozen houses on the shore. When the "East Lake" came near the colony, there were already people pointing fingers on the shore of the lake.

The two Belgians literally climbed ashore, and then began to cry with snot and tears. The white people in the colony jumped and cursed at the "East Lake", and some even turned back to their rooms to get guns.

Anton noticed that there were more than a dozen fishing boats on the shore of the lake. Thinking of the two Belgians fishing just now, he thought that fishing was the main way for this colony to obtain supplies.

"Old horse, sink all the boats on the shore, and destroy all the docks!" Anton destroyed the boats and docks without leaving any troubles.

Martin was also polite, "Bang Bang Cannon" fired again, a row of shells passed by, and more than a dozen fishing boats and simple wooden docks were all wiped out.

The aggressive Belgians on the shore were dumbfounded. Whether they were cursing or crying, they were all shocked by the determination of the "East Lake". Shooting is another thing. People who just came back with a gun are the most embarrassing. It’s not right to shoot, and it’s not right if you don’t shoot. If you shoot, you may be retaliated. Restraint did not hurt anyone. It would be hard to say if the "East Lake" was attacked. God knows whether the Nyasaland people will go crazy like last time.

But don't shoot--

Leaving aside the issue of face, is it possible to just watch the "Donghu" run amok?

This is the territory of the Congo Free State!

Anton did not give the Belgians a chance to resist at all, and destroyed all the fishing boats and wharves, and then the "East Lake" turned a corner and went away. The distance from the shore was more than 200 meters from the beginning to the end. The Belgians couldn't hit anyone with their guns, it was too far away.

On the way back, Anton and Martin were in high spirits, whispering to each other next to the "boom cannon" at the stern.

"The water police boats are really powerful. I need to ask Duncan for more." Martin is now completely in love with "Bang Bang Cannon". Although the name of this thing is a bit funny, its power is much stronger than that of the Maxim heavy machine gun. This thing is so heavy that Martin wants to eliminate the Maxim heavy machine guns of the Northern Division of Rhodesia and replace them all with "boom cannons".

"It's impossible in the short term. The 'East Lake' is only a test product. The shipyard should continue to improve the design of the marine police ship based on the feedback from the 'East Lake'. The marine police ship will definitely become more and more powerful in the future." Anton knows that the current water police The police ship is not the "final form" of the marine police ship. The "East Lake" class of the marine police ship will only produce a dozen at most, all of which are used in Lake Mweru and the North Sea. Lake Niassa is fine. Now Lake Nyasaland is already the inner lake of Nyasaland. There is no need for marine police boats at all, but there is a lot of demand for patrol boats.

"It's already very good now. Improve while producing. The North Sea is better. The Germans don't even have a patrol boat. The situation on Lake Mweru still has a great demand for marine police boats. The shipyard We have to hurry up there too, there are a lot of fish in this lake, why not ask Lala to catch some Congolese and bring them back, our shipyard will be built first.” Martin is now a standard colonial mentality, and has no intention of oppressing Africans obstacle.

"I think it's okay. The Belgians have already started building colonies by the lake, and we have to hurry up." Anton agreed with Martin's suggestion, and Anton had no psychological barriers to oppressing Africans.

What Anton and Martin both agreed to, Lala moved very quickly. After the truce between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State, the Yao people under Lala did not withdraw from the Congo Free State, but in the Congo Free State. Taking root and sprouting in the tropical rainforest, and preparing to stay permanently in the Congo Free State.

The Belgians haven’t noticed this yet, and I’m afraid even if they do, the Belgians won’t care. In the eyes of the Belgians, the Yao people and the Terrala people look alike, and Lala has already gotten in touch with the Terrala people. , as long as the Belgians can be driven away, the Tailala people don't mind carve up the Congo Free State with the Yao people.

That's right, when African colonies became independent during the Cold War, some disputed areas eventually became victims of national independence, such as Walvis Bay, an enclave of German Southwest Africa. Namibia never signed an agreement with Britain on Walvis Bay. agreement, so Walvis Bay Port is regarded as an integral part of Namibia.

In fact, the Namibians are also messing around. Walvis Bay has always been controlled by the United Kingdom and has never had any relationship with Namibia. Because of the weakness of the South African Federation, Walvis Bay was finally occupied by Namibia.

Nyasaland would not have made such a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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