Chapter 351

During World War I, the British government ordered the Commonwealth of South Africa to send troops to German South West Africa. After the war, German South West Africa became a mandate of the South African Commonwealth.

In 1922, the Federation of South Africa passed a decree identifying the port of Walvis Bay, also known as Walvis Bay, as part of German Southwest Africa.

This will lay the groundwork for the future ownership of Walvis Bay. In the 20s, German Southwest Africa no longer recognized the rule of the South African Federation, and the struggle for national independence was on the rise. The South African Republic at that time was unable to maintain the old colonialism. The ruling order stipulated that from September 70, 1977, Walvis Bay no longer belonged to Southwest Africa, and was reclassified to the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa.

In 1978, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 432, affirming that Walvis Bay belongs to Namibia.

On March 1990, 3, Namibia officially declared its independence and claimed sovereignty over Walvis Bay.

Namibia insisted that it had never signed any treaty agreement with any foreign colonists on the sovereignty of Walvis Bay, so that the British colonization was done by force without any legal effect.

From the point of view of international law, the occupation of Walvis Bay by the Republic of South Africa has no basis in any international treaty, not even the unequal treaties common in the colonial era.

Therefore, the occupation of South Africa is illegal!

After Namibia's independence, the recovery of Walvis Bay will be the top diplomatic mission of the new Namibian government.

On February 1994, 2, the Republic of South Africa handed over Walvis Bay to Namibia.

With the lessons learned from the Republic of South Africa, Roque will definitely not make similar mistakes, so the Yao people reached an agreement with the Tailala people early on. If the Yao people can help the Tailala people drive away the Belgians and establish an independent Congo Free State, then The Congo Free State does not mind sharing power with the Yao.

In other words, the Tailala people don't mind giving part of the Congo Free State, or most of the Congo Free State to the Yao people.

If you think about it, you can understand that the Terrallas have never controlled the entire Congo Free State, so the Terrallas have no ambitions for the entire Congo Free State. The Terrallas only hope to get their own traditional sphere of influence, which is Lomami River Basin, for other areas of the Congo Free State, to be honest, the Tatera people may not even know how big the Congo Free State is now.

Therefore, if Lala attacks Congolese people other than the Tatera people, the Tatera people will not mind, and even the Tatera people will help. Africans have such a clear love and hate on this issue.

In the next few days, the "East Lake" circled around Lake Mweru and sank all the Belgian fishing boats. In Kilwa, south of Lake Mweru, while the "East Lake" sank the fishing boat A fire was triggered, which had a certain impact on Kilwa.

In 1981, Kilwa and Kilwa Island were designated as the United Nations World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. From the 13th century to the 16th century, Kilwa merchants began to engage in gold, silver, pearls, perfume, Arabian porcelain, and Persian pottery. Much of the trade in the Indian Ocean has gone through the hands of these merchants.

It is a pity that the Kilwa people have disappeared now, and only some sporadic relics on Kilwa and Kilwa Island can show that the Kilwa people existed and how glorious they were.

After inspecting Kilwa Island, Anton and Martin decided to place the shipyard on Kilwa Island with an area of ​​about 35 square kilometers.

The ownership of Kilwa Island is now controversial. Kilwa Island is less than six kilometers away from Kilwa. Although Kilwa was determined to be the territory of the Congo Free State after the "Berlin Conference", this At that time, there was no remote sensing satellite, and the division of the territory was not clear, so Anton and Martin simply occupied Kilwa Island in advance, creating a fait accompli, so that even if there were disputes in the future, Nyasaland had already taken the lead.

Rock knew the situation of Lake Mweru the day after the "East Lake" started to clean up Lake Mweru, and then Rock waited for Leopold II's protest.

As a result, he waited until mid-June, but Rock didn't arrive.

Leopold II has a headache now, and he doesn't care about Lake Mweru at all. The international condemnation of Leopold II's atrocities has intensified, and domestic opposition to Leopold II's monopoly of the Congo Free State has been repeated. However, the Belgian government has an ambiguous attitude on this issue. Not only does it not defend Leopold II, but it supports the formation of a joint investigation team to investigate the actual situation in the Congo Free State.

Faced with internal and external troubles, Leopold II had to form a multi-national investigation team to go to the Congo Free State. Now the investigation team is still conducting investigations in the Congo Free State. It may take some time to reach a conclusion.

If Leopold II operated properly during this period of time, as long as the joint investigation team was dealt with, he might still be able to escape.

It is a pity that in mid-May, a batch of articles appeared again in British and French newspapers. This time, there were not only texts, but also photos. In the photo, a child who is obviously not yet an adult even smiled and raised his severed hand to greet the camera.

God knows how many people this photo touched the softest part of their hearts. In just a few days, the condemnation against Leopold II became overwhelming. Organizations, countless people have stood up to demand an end to the brutal rule of Leopold II in the Congo Free State, and even a demonstration against Leopold II broke out in the Belgian capital Brussels.

Faced with the turbulent public opinion, Leopold II finally felt terrified. If the people were not given an explanation, let alone the Congo Free State, Leopold II might not be able to keep the throne.

So now Leopold II really doesn't care about the Congo Free State, how to keep his throne is serious.

Leopold II was not in a hurry, and Rock was naturally even less anxious. He just sank a few fishing boats. This kind of thing happens every day in the world. Anton and Martin still restrained themselves and did not harm Belgium. People, even if Leopold II pursued it, it would be a matter of losing some money, but the objective consequences would be very serious.

Without a boat, the colonists and Congolese cannot fish, and then the obsession with Lake Mweru will slowly begin to fade. When the colonists realize that Lake Mweru cannot provide them with benefits, the colonists will Leave, and then Nyasaland can logically occupy the entire Mweru Lake.

As for the Berlin Conference, who cares? The "Two C Plans" were launched after the Berlin Conference, Germany's "Teutonic Africa Plan" was also launched after the Berlin Conference, and France's "Two S Plans" were also launched after the Berlin Conference. Released afterwards.

All the major powers are ambitious, and they simply ignore the "General Resolution" signed at the end of the Berlin Conference. Countries such as Portugal and Belgium are holding on to the "General Resolution", because they know very well that once the major powers tear up the "General Resolution" , then their overseas colonies will be annihilated in ashes.

Therefore, Britain, France, and Germany did not express clear objections to Roque's tossing about the Congo Free State.

Nyasaland is now a British territory, and the expansion of Nyasaland is equivalent to the expansion of the United Kingdom, so the United Kingdom has no reason to object.

The Germans did not object either. The chief of the Terrallas was still in Tanganyika. Germany had no clear attitude to support the Terrallas against the Belgians, and had no position to express their opinions on this matter.

France will not even object. The core article of the "General Resolution" of the Berlin Conference is Article 36. The countries that signed the agreement, so that these countries can make their own demands if necessary.

This clause fully shows that once Belgium loses control of the Congo Free State, France, which will not shoot a single shot, will also get a share of the pie.

The relationship between European countries is such a red fruit of the jungle.

At the end of May, the Belgian parliament passed a bill for the state to take over the Congo Free State.

Before the bill was passed, Leopold II leased all the land in the Congo Free State to five private companies in which he had shares. The Belgian government was surprised to find that although the Congo Free State ended Leopold II's rule, but the Belgian government only got an empty shell, and the Belgian government could do nothing but raise the Belgian flag in the Congo Free State.

It cannot be said that, at least the tax right now belongs to the Belgian government. In the past, Leopold II had the final say on how much tax private companies in the Congo Free State paid. Now the Belgian government is finally qualified to issue its own opinion on this matter. sound.

It is a pity that the Belgian government has the final say on how much tax you can receive when you have tax rights. Rely on the self-consciousness of private enterprise.

And if a private enterprise can take the initiative to pay taxes voluntarily, sows can climb trees.

Rock ignored the intrigue between Leopold II and the Belgian government. After Leopold II leased the entire territory of the Congo Free State to five private companies, Rock was surprised to find that in the Congo Free State, and The land bordering the territory of Nyasaland all belonged to the Antwerp Company.

Very well, Rock still remembers that it was the employees of the Antwerp company who shot and killed Nyasaland fishermen at will, which led to the conflict between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State.

After the conflict broke out, the Antwerp company's shareholders were furious and changed the management of the Antwerp company from top to bottom. This was certainly not enough to appease Rock's anger. In the past, the Antwerp company hid behind Leopold II, and Rock wanted to There are also some scruples about revenge.

Now there is no need to settle the old and new accounts together.

(End of this chapter)

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