Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 352 Made in Germany

Chapter 352 Made in Germany (1400 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

The new general manager of the Antwerp company is called Lawrence Amelia. I don’t know if the shareholders of the Antwerp company want to facilitate communication with Rock. Lawrence Amelia is an Englishman.

On this issue, Rock doesn't sell anyone's face, so whether Lawrence Amelia is British or not has nothing to do with Rock, and Rock doesn't care at all.

Lawrence Amelia did not dare to think this way. What will happen to the former general manager of the Antwerp company? If he wants to stay in the position of general manager, he must establish a good relationship with Rock. , Lawrence Amelia has been staying in Johannesburg, hoping to have a chance to communicate with Rock.

Rock is busy. The farm has already begun to plant medicinal materials. The medical school and the pharmaceutical factory are under construction at the same time. Mood for Lawrence Amelia.

By the way, there are also motorcycles.

In the end, the two motorcycles that Rock brought back could not withstand the ravages of the black buddies. It took less than a week for the two motorcycles to lie down one after another and be sent back to the motorcycle maintenance station next to the police station for maintenance.

Of course, this maintenance station is prepared for the Johannesburg Police Department. In the future, the Johannesburg Police Department will be a big customer of the motorcycle factory, and the motorcycle factory will do everything possible to ensure the use of cars by the police station.

Although there are still problems with motorcycles at this stage, motorcycles have won the unanimous love of black buddies. There are more than 200 African-American policemen in the police station. Whether it is working hours or off-duty hours, there are always people around the playground watching the test of motorcycles. , What Roque brought back to the police station were two three-wheeled motorcycles with sidecars, and the sidecars were detachable. I don’t know which guy accidentally discovered this secret, so the sidecars of the two motorcycles were all removed. After dismantling it, the result is a bit horrible. Rather than saying that the motorcycle was broken, it is better to say that it was broken. These black buddies are really big-hearted. Some people dare to turn the accelerator to the end as soon as they touch the motorcycle. It's a fortune teller if you don't fall to your death.

After Rock found out about this situation, he placed another 50 orders from the motorcycle factory. Based on the current production scale of the motorcycle factory, the order from the police station alone is enough for Bobby Holt and the others to work for a month.

At the end of May, the first batch of ten motorcycles was officially delivered to the police department.

This batch of motorcycles is all black, with a police badge painted on one side of the fuel tank, and the mascot of the Johannesburg Police Department "South African Mastiff" painted on the other side. The overall style is determined by Rock.

What needs to be reminded is that this batch of motorcycles are all three-wheeled motorcycles with sidecars, and the sidecars are not detachable.

Even so, Rock was still shocked by the destructive power of the African-American police, so this batch of motorcycles was allotted to the commandos, and the little blacks could only envy them.

"When will you learn to cherish public property, and when will you be equipped with motorcycles, otherwise you will never touch them in this life. If you really like it, you can spend your own money to buy it. It's not like you don't know Bobby." Rock said Seriously, the little blacks have to change their character, otherwise they will never be popular in this life.

In fact, compared with ordinary blacks, the blacks in the Johannesburg Police Station are pretty good. Rock treats the blacks with a big stick and carrots. Accept punishment, and compared with Chinese police and Boer police, the standard of punishment is even heavier.

In fact, as long as the management is strict, the performance of the African-American police is also good. At least in Johannesburg, there is no need to eat or drink, and there is no delay and buck-passing. The rules and regulations of the police station are very strict, and the blacks can generally be self-disciplined.

Of course, under normal circumstances, under special circumstances, black people are still very impulsive. Motorcycles are a special case. I don’t know if it’s because the color of motorcycles is similar to the skin color of small blacks. Just like seeing relatives, those two dismantled sidecars, Xiao Hei really took them back to his dormitory, and slept in the sidecars at night.

It is really a speechless hobby. I like the sidecar so much, why did I take it down in the first place? ! ! !

"My lord——" Yaya now calls Rock in Chinese, and her voice is not bad at all. If Yaya can put this thought into her work, it won't take long for Yaya to be promoted to inspector.

Of course, it’s just the title, and I’m still babbling in English. It’s been more than a year, and I haven’t improved at all: “— Sir, if I can find a sponsor, can I just go buy a motorcycle ?”

Sponsorship, which is very common in Johannesburg. When Rock built the police station, he asked for sponsorship from the mine owner in Johannesburg.

"Where did you get the sponsorship?" Rock was very curious. If Yaya dared to bluff and deceive under the banner of the police station, Rock would really kill her.

"The Belgian who came to see you every day, yesterday he said he would sponsor a batch of motorcycles for our police station." Yaya cheerfully and honestly recruited, and it seemed that he had taken a lot of benefits from Lawrence Amelia.

"What did the Belgian give you? You helped him speak." Rock remained calm.

"No, no, no, I didn't even take the cigarette he offered—" Yaya knew Rock's attitude in this regard, and hurriedly dismissed it.

Rock didn't talk nonsense, leaned back in his chair and stared at Yaya.

Yaya was frightened by being stared at, thought for a while, and still took the initiative to explain: "I just had dinner together a few times. The Belgian said that as long as he can help him create an opportunity, he will definitely give me a reward——"

"Have you given it?" Rock asked.

"Not yet—" Yaya realized something was wrong.

"Stupid or not? Just because of a promise that has not been fulfilled, you are being used as a gunman. Are you out of your mind? I thought I had given you a lot of benefits, but I didn't expect that it would kill you just for a few meals." I bought it, I'm as stupid as a pig—" Rock kept on talking, playing Ade's level of cursing, scolding Yaya bloody.

Yaya was dejected, but the expression on his face was a little happy. Rock looked even more annoyed, so he simply let Tang En in, and sent Yaya directly to the small black room.

Others looked at the small black house like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but Yaya couldn't help but feel a little bit overjoyed, as if being locked up was a very honorable thing, and she didn't forget to make friends with Tang En when she went out, in exchange for Tang En's saying "It's what you deserve!" .

Rock had a headache, and it was a hell of a thing to have such a treasure on display.

Back in Bigwig Town at night, Bobby Holt came to look for Rock, and Lawrence Amelia actually went to the motorcycle factory to pay the remaining money for the police station.

Rock ordered a total of 20.00 motorcycles, and only paid [-]% of the car price. The next car will be paid one after another. This is not a small amount, and the total price is close to [-] pounds.

This is just the cost price. Both Rock and Bobby Holt want to use the police station to advertise the motorcycle. When it is officially sold, the price will increase. Considering the income level of people in this era, motorcycles The price of the car is indeed not cheap, and it is much more expensive than ordinary passenger horses.

"Mr. Amelia not only wants to pay the final payment for the police station, but also wants to order motorcycles from the factory. Our workers are getting more and more skilled, and the output is getting higher and higher. By next month, our monthly output will be It can break through 5 vehicles, and they can be sold at that time, but before that, we need to build more maintenance points and gas stations, not only in Johannesburg, but also in Pretoria and Bloemfontein. Billy Holt was also under great pressure. In order to produce motorcycles, Rock invested more than [-] pounds in the motorcycle factory. Just buying a motorcycle for Bobby Holt and the others to dismantle and play bought ten Many cars.

"You don't need to worry about maintenance points and gas stations, or even production capacity. You can focus on researching cars and improving motorcycles, and leave the rest of the work to Nicholas." Rock still cared about cars, There is nothing to worry about motorcycles now. The motorcycles in Big Via Town are second to none even in Europe. Rock is not worried about sales at all.

As for Nicholas, this is the general manager hired by the motorcycle factory. He once studied in the management department of Oxford University and worked in a shipyard in England. Later, the shipyard closed down, and Nicholas was unemployed at home.

What needs to be emphasized is that the collapse of the shipyard is not the responsibility of Nicholas. The shipyard is a family-owned enterprise. The shipyard is not too big. There are more managers than workers, and many people don’t go to work with money. Can close down.

In Bigwig Town, this kind of thing will definitely not happen. What Rock hates the most is laymen commanding experts. Some officials will suffocate to death if they don’t express their opinions when encountering things. There are also families with complicated nepotism. In a large-scale enterprise, overstaffed and overstaffed organizations are just basic operations, and it is only a dead end for multiple parties to interfere indiscriminately.

"We have taken that car apart. You must not have imagined that the engine used in that car is not as good as the engine used in our motorcycles. No wonder a car needs a maintenance team. Under normal circumstances, that car Thank goodness for being able to drive a hundred miles without any problems—" Bobby Holt himself couldn't believe that the level of craftsmanship in Europe was so backward.

In fact, it was Rock's high standards and strict requirements that gave Bobby Holt the confidence to despise European craftsmanship.

Objectively speaking, European craftsmanship during this period was quite good, but it depends on who you compare it with. For example, "Made in Germany" is synonymous with rough manufacturing in Europe today. Many German products have to be marked with "" when they enter the British market. "Made in Germany" nameplate, this is not to prove reliable quality, but to remind consumers: this is a German product, please buy carefully!

(End of this chapter)

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