Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 353 Active Exposure

Chapter 353 Active Exposure

All countries in the world have to take the path of copycats first and then research and development in the development of industry. This is the case in the United States in the past, and it is the same in Germany now. Only the Transvaal has blazed a path that is completely different from other countries, surpassing including In all countries including the UK, this is something that no one thought of.

For example, motorcycles. If Rock wants to sell motorcycles to Europe, then it is really simple. The motorcycles produced in those workshops in Europe are completely incomparable with the motorcycles produced in Bigwig Town, whether it is appearance or In terms of performance, the motorcycles produced in Bigwig Town surpassed those produced in Europe by a large margin. Under Rock's guidance, in terms of appearance alone, the motorcycles produced in Bigwig Town were already comparable to the famous German BMW motorcycles during World War II. There is not much difference, that is, the production capacity of the motorcycle factory is not enough, so Rock deliberately does not sell products to Europe, and when the production of motorcycles in Bigwig Town comes up, Rock will dump them to Europe.

Selling to Europe now will leave opportunities for those motorcycle manufacturers in Europe to improve their products. Roque would not be so stupid. Back then, Roque knew that he bought a motorcycle and disassembled it for research. The motorcycle manufacturers in Europe must have known it too. In terms of performance, the motorcycles produced in Bigwig Town are not qualitatively improved compared to the motorcycles produced in Europe, so Rock still has to hide his capabilities and bide his time.

It is enough. After the Johannesburg Police Station orders are completed, there are Pretoria Police Stations and Rhodesian Police Stations queuing up behind them. The Bloemfontein Police Station also has a demand for motorcycles, and orders from Southern Africa alone , It’s enough for Bobby Holt to toss until Christmas. By then, the production of motorcycles will reach a certain level. Maybe the next generation of motorcycles has already appeared. would really widen the gap.

Here Rock also wants to comfort Bobby Holt, so that Bobby Holt won't think about it.

"I understand my lord. Our main task now is to expand productivity and train more skilled workers. We have already recruited a lot of people, and the number of workers in the factory exceeds [-]. Before Christmas, this number is estimated to increase. Double it." Bobby Holt was not in a hurry, and the order from the police station was also profitable.

Almost all the workers in the motorcycle factory are of Chinese descent. In industrial production, the advantages of Chinese descent are even more obvious. The same process, if an African, may not be able to master it for a week, and it will be handed over to the Chinese for at most one morning.

As time goes by, the efficiency gap between Chinese workers and African workers becomes more obvious. For the same processing of one part, Chinese workers can process ten or twenty per day. As proficiency increases, the efficiency will increase steadily.

African-American workers are not good. Under the same conditions, the efficiency of African-American workers is more than twice that of Chinese workers. Compared with Chinese workers who concentrate on their work, African-American workers are very good at wasting time. To describe it in slow motion, it can actually be described carefully, but the pass rate of parts processed by African-American workers is far lower than that of Chinese-American workers. Therefore, after the initial inspection, the motorcycle factory completely abandoned African-American workers. , all use Chinese workers.

Because the profits of motorcycles are relatively high, the salaries of Chinese workers are still relatively high. Generally speaking, a Chinese worker can earn more than five pounds a month, which is higher than that of workers in gold mines. The salary is the same as that of British native workers.

"Okay, ignore the Belgians and concentrate on your work." Rock sent Bobby Holt away. As for Lawrence Amelia, Rock really doesn't want to talk to him now.

Going to work the next day, Philip called Roque to the city hall, and the Belgian government finally protested to the British government.

"I don't know much about this matter. I will find out later." Rock didn't say anything. Anton and Martin have actually controlled Lake Mweru now. It is not easy for Rock to give up Lake Mweru again. .

"In the previous conflict, Nyasaland has gained huge benefits, so stop when it's time to stop, and don't make too much noise." Philip reminded lightly, as for whether Roque would listen or not, that was Roque's business .

As Roque expected, Philip did not strictly ask Roque to stop, but just reminded him as a routine, and the attitude shown by the British government was also ambiguous.

Some things, everyone tacitly.

"No, the Congo Free State ceded Lake Tanganyika to Rhodesia. Nyasaland did not take advantage of this conflict. It just used this conflict to integrate its troops." Rock Disclosed some news in this regard to Philip a little bit, so as to get a vaccination first, so that Philip will not be caught off guard in the future.

"You mean the northern division of Rhodesia?" Philip really knew the details of the northern division of Rhodesia.

In fact, many people know, even Ade, but if Rock doesn't make it clear, Philip will pretend not to know.

After all, we are a family, so we can talk about anything.

"Yes, the Rhodesian Northern Division was formed by the Nyasaland militia, and the instructors trained were all from Europe. During the conflict with the Congo Free State, the Rhodesian Northern Division has basically been able to fight. Leo The mercenaries formed by Pod II were wiped out by the Northern Division of Rhodesia." Rock was not afraid that Philip would make trouble, but before, Rock had to keep a low profile, but not now. In Natal, Zulus and Relations with the Natal government were increasingly tense, and Ader had ordered the colonial forces in the Transvaal to be ready for battle, ready to deal with a possible conflict in Natal.

After the Natal government forced London to resign collectively and thus obtained judicial power, it shot and executed the Zulus who attacked the police as quickly as possible.

This did not deter the Zulus, but instead led to increasingly tense relations between the Zulus and the Natal government.

Just a week ago, in the same tribe that attacked the police, there was a nasty incident of confrontation between tribal warriors and Natal police.

The Natal police were fairly restrained, and the conflict did not erupt immediately. This led to the arrogance of the Zulu tribe. At least six tribes formed an alliance to try to win more rights from the Natal government.

The Natal government will never give in, and has already sent an application to Pretoria for assistance, so Adelaide has prepared for the war.

Rock knew this news through Henry, Henry's father-in-law, General Hopkins, who was in charge of the Transvaal garrison.

"What do you want to do? Form an army?" Philip asked knowingly. Rock's behavior was actually against the rules to a certain extent.

"Otherwise, what can we do? Nyasaland is surrounded by wolves, not only Belgians, but also Germans and Yao people. Although the Yao people are very quiet now, in fact, these Africans are not familiar with them." White-eyed wolf, they are incapable now, so they have to submit to our rule. In the future, when they have a certain strength, they will definitely ask for more rights like the Zulu people in Natal. Then we will give it or not Give? I said a long time ago, look at the current Portuguese, we must have a certain ability to counter." Roque does not hide his ambitions, and the situation in Natal is enough to make the Transvaal more vigilant.

In fact, compared with Natal, the hidden dangers in the Transvaal are more serious.

Don't forget that in the gold mines of Johannesburg, there are 10 young and strong Africans. They look harmless to humans and animals now, but no one can guarantee their loyalty. The same demand for more rights is a real disaster for officials like Roque.

"In this situation, we really need to be more vigilant—" Philip was also worried. Perhaps in Philip's heart, he was worried not only about Africans, but also about the growing number of Chinese, and even the Boers who had temporarily died down.

No way, there are too few British people in southern Africa. Even if Africans are not considered, they do not account for 30.00% of the total population. Once war breaks out, the British government may not have the determination to fight the second Boer War.

"If a conflict really breaks out in Natal, I hope the Governor can agree to send the Northern Rhodesian Division to join the battle. I can guarantee that the Northern Rhodesian Division will be able to restore Natal to normal as quickly as possible and control the damage. In the smallest range." Rock took the initiative to ask for a fight, and the troops needed to fight more in order to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness.

"I will bring it up to the governor, and hope that the conflict will break out later." Philip also knew that the conflict was inevitable, but he hoped that the conflict would break out later.

After all, in a few days, Roque and Phyllis will be married, and it is not a good sign for conflicts to break out at this time.

Rock is now a baron, and he is also the chief of the Johannesburg Police Department, so it is estimated that many people will come to Rock's wedding. In the past few days, Rock's old friends in the Cape Town Police Department have already prepared to go here Hurry up, Winston and Neville Chamberlain, who were far away in London, also sent telegrams to Rock respectively. Because of the distance, they could not make it in time to attend Rock's wedding, but they both expressed their congratulations to Rock through telegrams.

Rock doesn't care about these red tapes. If possible, Rock even hopes to have a simple wedding. Henry and Lacey got married before, and Rock already knows how complicated the wedding is at this time. Rock doesn't want Phyllis to suffer from this. crime.

Among other things, Felice's wedding dress alone is enough for Felice. Fortunately, it is winter in Johannesburg. Although it does not snow, it is much more comfortable than summer. If the wedding is held in summer, It is estimated that Rock can be forced to death.

(End of this chapter)

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