Chapter 361 Overshooting

Modiba is from Fryhead in Zululand. During the Boer War, Modiba was recruited by the British Expeditionary Force and served as a scout for the British Expeditionary Force.

After the end of the Boer War, Modiba did not get the cattle and sheep promised by the British Expeditionary Force, but only got property equivalent to four pounds, which was the compensation for Modiba’s fifteen-month service for the Expeditionary Force.

It must be said that the Boer War opened a new door for Modiba. Modiba, who had never been out of Zululand before, realized the prosperity of big cities through the Boer War, and also fell in love with the feeling of the heartbeat of the war. , So when Rock recruited mercenaries to go to Portuguese East Africa, Modiba responded immediately.

After a short military life, Modiba returned to Zululand again, just as the conflict between Zululand and the Natal government intensified, so Modiba joined the rebel army again, and became a rebel army with his excellent military skills leader.

Modiba, who has been fighting north and south for the past few years, is well aware of the importance of military discipline. After taking over the army, other rebel leaders were busy fighting for power, burning, killing and looting, but Modiba kept himself clean. Strict discipline restrains the troops, and also uses the knowledge learned from his own troops to train the troops as much as possible. Soon, Modiba's troops emerged among the rebels.

Some time ago, it was Modiba's troops who ambushed the patrol of the Cape Colonial Army. After that battle, Modiba became famous and was hailed as the best warrior among the young generation of Zululand.

It was the troops led by Modiba who attacked the Rhodesian Northern Division on the banks of the Mui River.

Regrettably, when the Northern Division of Rhodesia was established, Modiba had already left Portuguese East Africa and returned to Zululand, so Modibah did not know that the Northern Division of Rhodesia was the Nyasaland Militia. Diba has already fled.

Even so, when Modiba saw the flag of the Northern Division of Rhodesia, he still couldn't help muttering.

The flag of Rhodesia’s Northern Division is an eagle that spreads its wings. Whether it is a white eagle on a black background or a golden eagle on a black background, it is very similar to the badge of Baron Nyasaland. Modiba has been to Nyasaland. See The Badge of Baron Nyasaland, and even the medal awarded to Modiba by the Yao people, the front pattern is an eagle. Modiba is really impressed by this eagle.

"Modiba, there are no more than 5000 British people on the opposite side. We can attack while they are crossing the river." Nkanga, the leader of another rebel army, suggested to Modiba.

Among the rebels, Nkanga's status is similar to that of Modiba. Their subordinates are about 2000 people. This time, there are four rebel troops in charge of sniping the northern division of Rhodesia in the Mui River. Around 7000 people.

"Don't worry, this army is different from the Cape army we defeated before. Their lineup is very strict, and they didn't panic when they were attacked. We should be more cautious." Modiba observed the river with a telescope On the other side of the Rhodesian Northern Division, this telescope was seized by Modiba from a British officer. At that time, Modiba stripped the British officer's clothes and then hanged the British officer. On a cross, the Yao people used to do it in Portuguese East Africa before, and Modiba didn't think there was any problem with it.

"I don't think it's any different. We should make a charge. Maybe we can knock them out. Then we can enjoy those English women. These English people are stupid. They take women into battle. Don't they know How will we treat those women—" Another rebel leader named Buuma laughed wildly, not paying attention to the northern Rhodesian division.

This Buuma’s eyes probably are not very good. Although the northern Rhodesian division is equipped with medical soldiers, all of these medical soldiers are men, not a single woman. The northern Rhodesian division’s headquarters in Nyasaland There are indeed female doctors and nurses in the hospital, but it is impossible for those doctors and nurses to come to Natal with the army.

Buuma's words provoked wild laughter from several rebel leaders, but Modiba did not laugh, but observed carefully with a telescope.

According to Buuma's understanding of the British army, the British army will not be equipped with front-line medical soldiers, so the army on the opposite side——

Buuma finally discovered that the army on the opposite side seemed to have black hair and yellow skin.

Bah, bah, bah——

The bang bang guns of the Rhodesian Northern Division began to show their power at this time.

The sound of the bang bang cannon is indeed a bit cute, but its power is not weak at all. Amidst the giggling screams of the rebel leader, several shells landed in the rebel machine gun position, and the Maxim heavy machine gun was blown up seventy-eight times. Falling, several shooters were either killed or injured.

The leader of the rebel army, who had been acting viciously just now, was stunned.

"What the hell is going on here?" Buuma muttered to himself, before anyone could answer, Buuma's head exploded suddenly.

Then Modiba heard a gunshot.


It seems to be Martini Henry. This thought just flashed in Modiba's mind, and Nkonga's head also exploded.


The gunshots came belatedly.

"The devil, there are devils on the opposite side, this is magic—" A rebel leader went crazy, dropped the binoculars in his hand, stumbled and fled into the distance, and fell to the ground before running a few steps away.

"Conceal, conceal, don't be spotted by the precise shooters on the opposite side—" When Modiba was training in Nyasaland, the Nyasaland militia had no snipers at that time, and the highest-level shooters were precision shooters.

After finishing speaking, Modiba crawled to the back of a big tree lying on the ground. Within a short distance of more than ten meters, Modiba was sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"Sir, what should we do?" A mid-level rebel officer yelled at Modiba in a tearful voice.

As early as when he was serving the British army, Modiba was very envious of those who were entitled to be called "sir". After returning to Zululand, Modiba asked his subordinates to call himself "sir" as well. It seems that in this way, Modiba can be closer to those "gentlemen".

Now, Modiba finally understands the responsibility of this title.

"What should I do, Mr. Hurry up and make up your mind, the troops on the opposite side are starting to cross the river—" More people exclaimed, and some people had already subconsciously fired, and then they were heavily taken care of by the heavy machine guns and cannons on the opposite side.

Modiba used the cover of the bushes to observe secretly. The army on the other side of the river was indeed preparing to cross the river. The tools they used to cross the river were very familiar to Modiba. Now Modiba can finally confirm that the army on the other side of the river must be the same as Niah Saran is related.

After understanding this fact, Modiba gave the last order to the troops: "Everyone will go to their own troops, shoot, shoot, drive the enemy back—"

Looking back, Modiba called his confidants over and ordered his troops to start retreating.

"Retreat—the enemy is crossing the river, it's not good for us to retreat at this time—" Modiba's confidant hesitated a little.

"Fuck, if you don't want to leave, you can die here. Do you know who the troops on the opposite side are? This is the Nyasaland militia, the Baron Nyasaland's troops. If we stay here, We're dead, let's go, we'll retreat to the mountains to fight against them, if we can't fight, we'll surrender—" Modiba didn't want to fight Nyasaland's troops, not at all.

Modiba knew very well that in the face of the colonial troops, the Zulu rebels might still be able to win, but in the face of Nyasaland's troops, the Zulu rebels had no chance at all. Withdrew before being broken through, so that some vitality might be preserved.

The leader of the rebel army died and ran, and the battle went on very strangely.

At the beginning of crossing the river, the rebels resisted quite resolutely, and the firepower was quite fierce. Three assault boats were sunk while crossing the river. A dozen soldiers were washed away by the panting river water, and another dozen soldiers were killed or injured. .

After the firepower points of the rebels were exposed, the heavy machine guns of the Rhodesian Northern Division suppressed the firepower of the rebels, and then focused their strikes to clear the firepower points of the rebels one by one.

Soon, the few firepower points of the rebel army were all destroyed, the tentative attack achieved its goal, and the forced troops withdrew to prepare for the next attack.

At this time, a small accident occurred. The two assault boats did not know what kind of shit luck they had, but they rushed to the opposite bank in one breath, occupied a small shoal on the opposite bank, and established a beachhead.

"What the hell is going on? Bang bang, bang bang, cover fire, cover fire—" Anton was going crazy, waving his pistol to kill the undisciplined non-commissioned officer.

A squad of Rhodesian Northern Division consists of twelve people. When crossing the river, they will be divided into two assault boats. In other words, in this attack, Company A successfully deployed a squad of troops to the opposite bank. For as long as an hour, he alone carried the attack of thousands of rebels.

"Anton, calm down, Captain, let me introduce the situation on the other side—" Rock remained calm. There are always many accidents in battle, and it is impossible for everyone to develop according to the predetermined plan. At this time, the commander must be tested. adaptability.

"Yes, my lord. During our attack, we found that there was a section of firepower gap on the other side. We actually worked harder just now. We can all rush over. The rebels don't know what happened. There is a section of position that is unguarded—" The captain provided The news surprised Rock and Anton.

"Quickly, organize the next attack immediately. We need to break through the enemy's position in one go. Hurry up and move!" Rock realized that this was a good opportunity, and he couldn't give the rebels time to adjust.

So just 10 minutes later, the battle started again. This time, a total of three companies participated in the attack, including a company from the teaching battalion.

(End of this chapter)

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