Chapter 362 Flat Push

The second lieutenant who led the team directly to the opposite side was called Li Wei.

Li Jie was from Zhili in the Qing Dynasty. He was wanted by the Qing Dynasty for committing crimes in his hometown, so he simply came to Johannesburg.

When Roque started training security guards at the Matilda Gold Mine, Li Jie was a member of the security team. Later, Li Jie followed Roque to the Rock Gold Mine, then went to Nyasaland, and finally in Rhodesia When the Northern Division was established, Li Yu served as the second lieutenant platoon leader in Company A of the Northern Division of Rhodesia because of his extraordinary military accomplishment.

When crossing the river, Li Wei's assault boat probably encountered an undercurrent and was washed directly to the opposite bank. It was too late to retreat, so Li Wei simply led ten soldiers ashore, relying on a shoal to establish a beachhead.

"Platoon leader, Lao Zhang is seriously injured—" Li Wei had just thrown himself behind a big rock when he heard soldiers shouting.

"Bandage on the spot, think about what the doctor taught you—" Li Wei didn't have time to help, so he squatted behind a rock and suddenly poked his head out to observe the rebel positions on the river bank. After a glance, he retracted immediately, and then took out a grenade Throw it out according to the direction in your impression.


The violent explosion was accompanied by the screams of the rebels. Li Qi pulled out his pistol and put Lee Enfield behind his back. Just about to charge, he suddenly heard the roar of cannons behind him.

In the past, when he heard the sound of bang bang, Li Wei would probably have laughed a few words, but now he just feels extremely at ease.

At least four bang bang cannons plowed the rebel positions around Li Yu and the others.

Hearing the sound of explosions in all directions, Li Wei had time to take care of the wounded.

"I'm fine, platoon leader, I can't die!" Lao Zhang was sweating profusely, and a hole was opened in his stomach. The bullet hit Lao Zhang's abdomen, and then passed out from behind. Can wrap up the wound first.

"Tie Tou, Lao Dao, both of you, send Lao Zhang back—" Li Wei was very worried about Lao Zhang's injuries. This kind of injury should be treated as soon as possible, and it is easy to be dangerous after a long time.

"Platoon leader, I'm fine—" Lao Zhang was still holding on. There were only eleven people in total, and three were subtracted.

"Don't talk nonsense, iron head, old knife, act." Li Wei didn't delay, this is not the time to bargain.

Tietou and Laodao didn't talk nonsense, they unloaded all the bullets, grenades, supplies, etc. on their bodies, set up Lao Zhang, jumped on the half-deflated assault boat, and rowed back desperately.

Bang Bang Pao is more lively now, even heavy machine guns have joined in, don't care if they can hit people, now the firepower of the rebels is suppressed.

"Platoon leader, what shall we do?" It was impossible for eight people to say that they were not afraid of thousands of rebels.

"Scatter, scatter, let's hold this place, and when our people rush over, we will do a great job!" Li Wei will definitely not back down at this time, and there is no way to retreat.

The strange thing is that the rebels have not launched an attack, and it seems that they have forgotten Li Wei and the others. Even though the firepower of the bang bang cannon was much weaker, Li Wei and the others did not find the rebels.

"Platoon leader, something's wrong—" A sergeant climbed up to Li Wei's side.

"Isn't that right—" Li Wei had poked his head out several times, except for the rebels he found at first, he couldn't see the rebels at all, nor could he hear the rebels' voices.

just like--

It's as if Nuo Da's position is empty.

"Three cannons, fire cover, others are going to charge with me—" Li Qi howled, ready to charge the rebels' position.

"Received the platoon leader—" The third artillery is a machine gun shooter, and the Madsen light machine gun of the Northern Division of Rhodesia has been equipped to the first level of the platoon, and will be equipped to the squad in the next step.

The Madsen light machine gun equipped by the Northern Division of Rhodesia is not the same as the Madsen in Rock's impression.

The main improvement is in the feeding method. The original Madsen light machine gun uses 30 rounds of magazines to feed the bombs. When it comes to Nyasaland, 30 rounds of magazines are definitely not enough, so the Nyasaland Arsenal Referring to the feeding method of the Maxim heavy machine gun, the designer of the company changed the Madsen light machine gun produced by Nyasaran into a one-hundred-round box for feeding.

In addition to the ammunition box, in order to provide better continuity of firepower, Nyasaland Armory also changed the barrel of the Madsen light machine gun into a replaceable barrel that can be quickly disassembled. The task of the assistant shooter is to carry the spare gun Barrels and ammunition boxes. In Nyasaland, each light machine gun is equipped with two deputy shooters. When the troops are dispatched, they can carry two spare barrels and eight ammunition boxes of one hundred bullets. When necessary, other People can also help me back, so I don’t have to worry about the bullets. The engineers at the Nyasaland Arsenal are working on changing the 6.5mm smokeless powder ammunition used by the Madsen light machine gun into a 7.7mm caliber tip that is common to Lee Enfield. The bombing, once successful, will greatly reduce the logistical pressure.

It needs to be emphasized that the Maxim heavy machine gun currently produced by Nyasaland is 7.7 mm in diameter, and it has been used in common bullets with Lee Enfield.

At this time, the firepower of the bang bang finally stopped. Li Qi and the others seized the opportunity and threw a round of grenades at the position of the Zulu rebels, and then Li Qi took the lead and rushed out of the bunker with a pistol in his hand.

The other soldiers did not speak, but rushed forward like Li Wei. At this time, they didn't care about the serpentine movement, and moved forward alternately with the help of cover. It was serious to rush into the woods first.

The situation of the rebel position was the same as Li Wei judged. The whole position was empty. Li Wei even found the body of the rebel who was killed by himself with a grenade, and his gun had been taken away.

"The rebels have escaped, platoon leader, what should I do?" The soldiers gathered around Li Jie. The situation was a bit strange, and the soldiers didn't know what to do.

"Check the position of the rebels and open the passage for the follow-up troops." Li Que did not pursue rashly. If the rebels came back to their carbines again, then Li Que and the others would be out of luck.

Facts have proved that Li Jie's decision was very correct. When Rock, Anton, and Martin crossed the river, Li Jie and his team were immediately received by Rock.

"There are only eight people who have the ability to directly capture the position of the rebels. It's a good job!" Rock praised without hesitation. No matter what the reason behind this incident is, the fact is that the eight of them rushed to the position of the rebels. At the beginning, all the rebels fled, and this is the credit of Li Yu and the others, and no one can take it away.

"My lord, how is Lao Zhang's injury?" Li Wei was still thinking about Lao Zhang.

"It's not a big problem. Your guy has a lot of life. The bullet passed through his stomach and only knocked off two taels of meat. The internal organs and intestines are all fine. After ten days and a half months, he is another good guy!" Luo said. Ke is very happy. So far, the performance of the Rhodesian Northern Division is indeed trustworthy.

"My lord, can we count our contributions together, as well as Wei Chang who died when we crossed the river. I didn't even get his body back, and it was washed away by the water—" Li Wei's expression was sad, victory The joy has been diluted a lot.

"Okay, no problem, I'll give you collective credit." Rock felt uncomfortable, but this is part of the war.

"My lord, do you want to continue the pursuit? The rebels have already fled—" Martin was very unwilling. This battle started inexplicably and ended inexplicably.

"Don't chase, let's go directly to Pietermaritzburg, the Zulus can't escape very far." Rock doesn't take risks, the Rhodesian Northern Division now has the advantage, just push it upright, first get rid of Pietermaritzburg It is a great achievement to solve the siege, and the Zulu rebels can slowly clean up.

Although Anton and Martin had few regrets, they did not question Rock's order. After cleaning the battlefield, the troops continued to march towards Pietermaritzburg.

Rock's judgment was correct. The Zulu rebels were unwilling to fail, and organized another sniper attack on the northern Rhodesian division in Haiko, less than 20 kilometers away from Pietermaritzburg.

This time Rock was not polite. The artillery position and the heavy machine gun position lined up to suppress the firepower. The snipers entered the position to take care of them. The two companies flanked and outflanked. It took less than half an hour for the Rhodesian Northern Division to break through Zulu. In the positions of the rebels, 650 rebels were wiped out, 1500 were captured, and less than 20 people were killed or injured.

The next step is Yimapingchuan. Until the arrival of Pietermaritzburg, the Northern Rhodesian Division never encountered organized resistance. At this time, it was only June 25, the time since the Northern Rhodesian Division left Nicholson Canyon Only four days have passed.

Rock's side was advancing triumphantly, and Pietermaritzburg, which was besieged by the Zulu rebel regiments, lived like a year.

In the entire Pietermaritzburg, there are now less than 1000 soldiers and policemen left. Natal Administrator Isaiah Queller organized the adult men in the city, but there are only about 1500 people, and the rest are old men. Weak women and children.

Relying on the ability of Pietermaritzburg, it has been unable to break through the siege of the Zulu rebels. Fortunately, the Zulu rebels wanted to encircle and fight for aid and did not launch an attack on Pietermaritzburg, so Pietermaritzburg can survive until now.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Pietermaritzburg has now fallen, and it will be a shame to the entire British Empire.

"My lord, thank you, thank you very much. On behalf of the 6500 people in the city, I thank you. If it weren't for your timely reinforcements, I can't even imagine what would have happened—" When Rock appeared under the city of Pietermaritzburg, Isaiah Quiller hugged Rock tightly, almost in tears.

"Sorry, I came too late, please don't worry, I will definitely kill the rebels!" Roque was murderous, and it is probably impossible to kill the weeds, but Roque is sure that after this stop, the Zulus will be killed. Don't dare to make trouble for half a century.

"That's right, we must kill them all, these ungrateful guys, they should all go to hell—" Isaiah Queller hated the Zulu people to the bone, and his revenge was stronger than Rock at the moment too much.

"Don't worry, I will—" What else can Rock say, this is a war, and the war cannot be stopped until one side completely admits defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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