Chapter 368 Eyes

Modiba is still a little clever. After being humiliated by Yaya's crowd, Modiba humiliated on the surface, but secretly vowed in his heart that sooner or later, he would pay back the humiliation that Yaya imposed on him today a hundredfold.

Of course, Anton and Suo Chao, as well as all the commanders and fighters of the Northern Division of Rhodesia, and even Rock were hated by Modiba.

Modiba didn’t think he was wrong, after all, soldiers never tire of cheating. That’s what the instructor said when Modiba was receiving training in Nyasaland. Modiba can’t remember the other words that the instructor said clearly now. I remember this sentence very clearly.

On the evening of the 22nd, dinner time.

The dinner for the teaching battalion and the scouts consisted of luncheon meat with bread, fruit, milk, and a small bottle of wine of about 100 grams per person.

The meals of Modiba and his defectors were much worse. Each of them only had one baobab fruit, which they picked themselves.

"The Nyasaland people are too unfair. They have meat and wine, and we have nothing—" In the tent at the farthest corner of the camp, one of Modiba's confidants muttered while eating.

If it’s just that, it’s okay, but the problem is that the officers and soldiers in the teaching camp don’t like to eat luncheon meat, so many officers and soldiers exchanged luncheon meat with Modiba’s men for the fruit of the baobab tree.

Modiba's confidant also wanted to exchange with a sergeant in the teaching camp, but the sergeant refused.

"Don't think so much. Compared with the rebels in the canyon, we are already happy enough now. At least we still have something to eat." Modiba ate quickly, eating the fruit in two bites, and then put the tent curtain Lift a slit and look out.

The Rhodesian Northern Division had strict rules when setting up camp. No matter what the circumstances, as long as it was dark, they were not allowed to go out of the tent without an order from their superiors, and they had to stay in the tent even to go to the toilet.

This regulation seems unreasonable, but it is actually very necessary. The army in this period can only rely on lights to illuminate the camp. If an accident occurs, the lights can easily ignite the tents, and then the camp screams.

The camp is blacked out at night to prevent accidents. If anyone wanders around the camp at this time, they will be regarded as spies and shot dead on the spot.

"If we knew this was the case, we might as well go back to the tribe directly." Another confidant couldn't help complaining that they surrendered with Modiba not for the sake of eating fruit, but for promotion and wealth. Now they are in northern Rhodesia The treatment of the division is not as good as in the rebel army, at least in the rebel army, they are very free.

It is indeed freedom. The Northern Division of Rhodesia may be the most strictly regulated army in the world, and the thing Africans can't bear the most is restraint.

If they are still in the rebels, they may be dancing around the bonfire with their arms around the robbed women, which is the favorite way of life for Africans.

"I don't want to go back to the tribe. I want to go to Johannesburg. I heard that there are gold everywhere and women with white skin. I want to marry a woman with white skin and hire a group of Boers to help me herd cattle—" another An African has ambition, but his ideal is estimated to be impossible to realize.

"It's impossible to go to Johannesburg. It's already dominated by white people. I think we should go back to the tribe, or go to the Congo Free State. I heard that many of our people are doing well in the Congo Free State." The subordinates talked a lot, and finally Someone came to Modiba's side.

"Sir, let's go, don't be bullied by Nyasaland here, as long as we have guns in our hands, we can go anywhere—"

Modiba looked back, in the darkness, there were only pairs of eyes flickering.

Modiba felt restless. In their tent, it really doesn't matter whether the lights are on or not. Anyway, it's pitch black and you can't see anything.

"Our guns have been confiscated, where can we get them?" Modiba didn't want to be offended, but it was a pity that when Modiba surrendered, the Rhodesian Northern Division confiscated the weapons of Modiba and his men. , Modiba and his men are now unarmed.

"The weapons seized during the day are all piled up in the open space at the far east of the camp. I know the location. As long as we get the guns, we can go anywhere—" Someone gave a solution.

"The trail behind the camp leads directly to Sekhonhun. As long as we leave the camp, the Nyasarans will never find us without our guide—"

"Maybe we can cooperate with the troops in the canyon and eat all the Nyasalandians in one go. Then we can eat meat and drink whatever we want—"

"Yes, let's split up and contact other people. I'm going to chop off the head of the Nyasaran and use it as a chamber pot—"

The more Modiba's subordinates talked, the more excited they were, as if they had really wiped out the training camp.

"No, we can't contact other people. If we want to leave, we can only leave secretly, and don't try to eat the Nyasaland people. Even if we tie all of us together, we are not opponents—" Modiba He is still sensible, and now he just wants to escape far away.

"Then let's act, return to the tribe, we will kill the chief, and then sir, you will be the chief, and we will be at ease." Modiba's men are still very convinced of Modiba.

"Ahem, you and Kit go to get the weapon, be careful, take off all your clothes, don't be noticed—" Modiba didn't take any risks, and got the weapon first before talking.

To say that the Nyasaran people are also wicked, all the clothes they wear are dark, which can better blend in with the environment.

But Modiba and his defectors are all dressed in white, which is very conspicuous in the dark.

In fact, it is not difficult to solve this problem. The skin color of Africans is the best protective color. Don’t be afraid of white clothes. Just take off the clothes. Anyway, this clothes represents humiliation to Modiba.

Keke and Kit were indeed not afraid of death. They didn't seem to realize why Modiba didn't take the lead, took off his clothes, raised a corner of the tent, and disappeared into the darkness with the help of the shadow of the tent.

No one spoke in the tent, everyone was very nervous, Modiba realized what he had done at this moment, if Keke and Kit were accidentally captured, and Modiba confessed, then Modiba would die deal.

Yesterday, Yaya people beat Modiba, and Modiba already knew the attitude of Rhodesian Northern Division towards him. If given the chance, the Nyasarans would definitely punish Modiba severely.

Direct shooting is considered light.

For a moment, Modiba really wanted to run away regardless.

But that's meaningless, Modiba still needs these subordinates if he wants to stand out, if he really wants to be alone, Modiba doesn't know what he can do.

You can't be a robber who robs houses. Although Modiba doesn't resist this profession, it's obvious that he hasn't gotten into that role yet.

Only about 5 minutes later, or half an hour later, when Modiba's patience had reached its limit, Keke and Kit finally came back.

Keke is right, he and Kit each carry two rifles.

And a box of bullets.

After opening the box, Modiba can now understand Yaya's mood yesterday, not to mention beatings, Modiba now has the heart to kill.

The gun Keke and Kit brought back was a Martini Henry, but the bullets they brought back were the 7.7mm caliber bullets that Lee Enfield could only use, which didn't match at all.

"The Nyasaland people are too cunning. They didn't put the bullets and guns together. We finally found a box of bullets—" Keke, how aggrieved, he has not been trained in Nyasaland, and he knows how to find Bullets are already pretty good.

Modiba endured and endured, and finally held back the breath.

"Forget it, ahem, you and Kit lead the charge, let's go—" Modiba wanted to make full use of every strength.

Outside the camp, a group of patrolling soldiers passed by holding torches, coughing and trying to get out from under the barbed wire fence beside the camp.

clang lang lang lang——

Suddenly there was a voice in the darkness, and Modiba almost lost his mind.

At this time, Modiba discovered that there were actually many tin lunch boxes of luncheon meat hanging on the barbed wire.

This black lunch box is hung on the black barbed wire. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

The Nyasaland people are really cunning. When Modiba was training in Nyasaland, the Nyasaland instructor did not teach this knowledge.

In fact, it’s really not that Nyasaland’s instructor kept his hand. When Modiba was training in Nyasaland, Rhodesia hadn’t started producing luncheon meat yet.

"Who's there?" the patrol snarled, as someone pulled the bolt of a gun.

"Rush, rush, rush—" At this time, there was no retreat, and Modiba could only rush forward.


The patrol opened fire decisively.

Keke fell to the ground.

Modiba didn't care to check Keke's injury, and backhanded Kit still on the barbed wire, and then stepped on Kit to jump out of the barbed wire amidst Kit's screams, and then ran desperately.

"Stop!" The guards had already arrived and fired shots immediately while warning.


Modiba felt his ass was bitten by something, but strangely, he didn't feel any pain. Modiba didn't dare to stop, and ran desperately towards the dark wilderness in the distance.

More patrols rushed over, and there was a lot of gunfire. Modiba's men were not as agile as Modiba. Before they climbed out of the barbed wire, they were shot dead one after another, including being thrown by Modiba onto the barbed wire. .

This is actually a relief for Kit. The barbed wire in Nyasaland has barbs. Kit dresses gracefully in order not to be noticed by others. As a result, the barbs have pierced into Kit’s body, and it is very difficult to pull them out. It is impossible to bring out a large piece of meat.

The Rhodesian Northern Division will certainly not waste medical resources on Kit, so Kit is dead, or it is just torture for Kit.

When the gunfire gradually subsided, Modiba had disappeared into the dark wilderness.

Looking back at the already brightly lit camp, Modiba wanted to laugh out loud.

Looking back, Modiba found that not far from him, there were two faintly shining eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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