Chapter 369 Isolation and Helplessness

The most creatures on the African savannah are not human beings, but all kinds of wild animals. There are elephants, zebras, antelopes, giraffes and other non-aggressive wild animals, as well as lions, cheetahs, crocodiles, vultures and other beasts. Birds of prey, it's best not to leave the house in Africa at night, because you never know what you're about to face in the next moment.

Modiba knew this truth a long time ago, and now he encountered the most dangerous situation, encountering a hungry lioness on the prairie at night.

Not one, but three, a lioness with her young.

The only thing Modiba can rely on is a Martini Henry without bullets——

The Rhodesian Northern Division has done its job well. The bolt of this Martini Henry has been removed, and Modiba can't use it even if he has bullets.

"Go away, go away, don't come close to me—" Modiba frantically waved the rifle in his hand, trying to hide his panic.

A low growl came from the lioness's throat, and a dangerous cold light shone in her yellow eyes. Two pre-adult cubs jumped around Modiba, as if they were playing a game with Modiba.

Modiba is not in the mood for games. In fact, Modiba is very clear that the reason why the lioness has not attacked until now is not that the lioness wants to let him go, but that the lioness wants to use him to train the hunting ability of the cubs. .

At this moment, no one could understand Modiba's mood. If possible, Modiba would rather be enslaved by Yaya for a lifetime than face the three lions alone.

It's a pity that Modiba has no choice. Two seemingly cute lion cubs bounced around, and finally one of them circled behind Modiba.

"Get away - get away -" Modiba waved the rifle in his hand even more frantically.

The lioness is slowly approaching Modiba.

Although the cub's low roar is still a bit baby-like, the sharp canine teeth have already possessed the ability to attack. The two cubs now have their heads close to the ground, their necks are stretching vigorously, and their tails seem to be cubs seeing their owners. The dog also shook from side to side a few times.

This is not a show of favor, this is an action that is ready to attack.

"Go away—help——" Modiba finally cried out for help, hoping that the Northern Division of Rhodesia would send troops to hunt him down.

Thinking too much, in the middle of the night on the African prairie, Anton and Suo Chao would not send troops to search for an escaped coolie. Maybe Modiba took himself seriously, but for the Rhodesian Northern Division, it was very difficult. Obviously Modiba's importance is not enough.

Before he knew it, three lions surrounded Modiba.

Just when Modiba was facing the lioness, a lion cub behind Modiba jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Modiba viciously.

It's really a pounce. Although the little lion's jump is not high, its momentum is still amazing. There is a quick planing movement in the air with its front paws that have stretched out its nails. The iron-hook-like nails can also slam into the prey, and then throw the prey down with the help of the impact.

Modiba's reaction was also quite quick. While dodging to dodge, he hit the cub's back with the butt of his gun.

So the little lion wailed before it landed, with a lot of aggrieved voice.

This time it was broken, before Modiba could turn around, he was thrown down by a huge force, and Modiba who turned his head in a hurry could only feel a wave of heat mixed with a stench coming towards his face——

After daybreak, the soldiers of the teaching battalion who were in charge of searching Modiba found nothing but a Martini Henry rifle with the butt gnawed off.

It is estimated that one person is not enough for the three lions to share the food. The cub gnawed off the butt of the rifle as if venting his anger.

"Where's the person?" Anton asked habitually after knowing the situation.

"I don't know. This is Africa. Even an elephant can feed you overnight and there is nothing left." Suo Chao frowned. This is destined to be an unsolved case. Maybe Anton can send someone to search nearby.See if you can find lion droppings and maybe find something.

"Forget it, Yaya, you are in charge of taking over Modiba's subordinates, deal with the disobedient ones as soon as possible, and organize the obedient ones into labor camps." Anton didn't care about Modiba's fate, and now those Modiba's subordinates more important.

When Modiba surrendered, there were almost 1500 people around him.

With so many people, it is certainly impossible for all of them to follow the teaching camp. Yaya finally selected 500 people to be responsible for delivering supplies for the teaching camp.

Now, apart from Modiba's confidantes, there are more than 400 rebels who surrendered in panic in the camp, and these people have to be used. Anton is not willing to let the soldiers of the teaching camp clean up the battlefield.

In fact, there is nothing to clean. These rebels are very poor, and many of them have tattered clothes. The only thing they have worth is the rifles they carry with them. For these rebels, as long as they have weapons , then they will not worry about the future.

The Northern Division of Rhodesia looked down on the weapons of the rebels, so the fat jobs in the past became hard work here.

"Okay, sir, I will finish it as soon as possible." Yaya felt guilty before, and it was Yaya's task to manage these coolies. As a result, this kind of thing happened. If Anton wants to pursue responsibility, Yaya is duty bound.

Anton didn't have time to pursue it. On the morning of the 23rd, Anton received a report that there were rebels in the canyon with a large number of women and children attacking the position of the teaching camp.

This formation is very challenging. For the rebels, coercion is just a routine operation, but it is definitely a test for the training camp.

The key is whether to shoot or not. If they don't shoot, the rebels with women and children will definitely be able to break through the defense line of the teaching camp, and maybe cause heavy casualties to the teaching camp.

If you shoot, the offensive of the rebels will certainly be stopped, but the officers and soldiers of the teaching battalion may also become devils after this battle. No matter what time it is in the future, as long as you think of this battle, I am afraid that the officers and soldiers of the teaching battalion will be ashamed. The smile on the face will never be sunny again.

On the real battlefield, it is actually necessary to shoot at such times. Otherwise, after leaving the battlefield, there would not be so many soldiers suffering from post-war psychological syndrome.

Post-war psychological syndrome is a kind of "post-traumatic stress disorder", also known as the sequelae of major blows. The blows here also include psychological blows.

After getting the report, Anton and Suo Chao came to the front line immediately.

At this time, the large rebel army hadn't walked out of the canyon, but through the telescope, it could be clearly seen that there were a large number of women and children mixed with the rebel army.

No, there are a small number of rebels mixed with a large number of women and children.

These women and children must have been forced. They cried and begged as they walked. Some women would throw away their children, not wanting their children to die with them.

But the young child still didn't understand why he was abandoned, so he continued to stumble after his mother.

Anton clearly saw a mother who was reluctant to part with her child in the end. When she went back to look for her child, she was directly shot dead by the rebels in the crowd.

"Beast!" Suo Chao was trembling with anger, wanting to pull out the rebels from the crowd and hang them one by one.

"The rapid-fire guns block the exit of the canyon—distribute weapons to Yaya's subordinates—" Anton said indifferently, trying to block the canyon entrance before the crowd walked out of the canyon.

This is also a helpless solution. When these women and children walk out of the canyon, they will have to face the soldiers of the training camp. Anton does not want the officers and soldiers of the training camp to experience this kind of spiritual test.

So since this is the case, it is most appropriate to let Yaya's men come down to deal with these rebels. Although this is a bit cruel, but dead friends are not dead. When these Zulus rebelled against the Natal government, they should have thought of such a day.

With the roar of bang bang cannon, Yaya ran over with his men and lined up in front of Anton.

Anton didn't speak, and raised his finger to point to the exit of the canyon with a sullen face.

With an excited expression, Yaya took out her pistol and took the lead in walking towards the exit of the canyon.

The gunshots—

Anton and Suo Chao didn't speak, and they didn't even look through the telescope anymore.

You don't need to look at it to know how miserable the exit of the canyon is now. Africans deal with Africans much more ruthlessly than whites. Whites still have to save their labor for colonial slavery. Vendettas between African tribes are often It is cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots.

Rock didn't know what happened on the other side of the canyon. After breaking through the second line of defense of the rebels, some rebels finally walked out of the position tremblingly holding a white flag.

"Surrender now? You're really spineless, at least you'll have to fight us for [-] rounds—" Martin is still regretful. In fact, from the perspective of credit, the credit for the capture is greater than the annihilation.

"They are forced to surrender now. If Anton hadn't taken their way, it would not be so easy to get them to surrender." Rock relaxed. After arriving in Natal, Rock looked The wind is calm, and only Rock himself knows the actual pressure.

This is the first large-scale war mainly conducted by Chinese. The Chinese police participated in the battle during the Boer War, and the siege of the guerrillas in Johannesburg was not large enough and the results were not fruitful enough, so the influence was not enough.

It was different after this battle. The Zulu rebels had already defeated the Natal army and the Cape army successively. It was also difficult for the Transvaal colonial troops to take advantage of the Upper Zulu rebels. At this time, Rhodesia The northern division was born out of nowhere, and thunderously wiped out the Zulu rebels, enough to give everyone a new understanding of the northern division of Rhodesia.

The only thing Rock is worried about now is whether Nyasaland's premature display of strength will make Britain afraid, and then deliberately cause trouble when the democratic representative system is implemented in southern Africa.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this issue. Adele will definitely stand with Nyasaland on this issue.

Rock himself had arrangements, and Nyasaland was not alone in London.

(End of this chapter)

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