Chapter 370 The Chief

Rock has always attached great importance to the friendship with Winston and Neville Chamberlain. When Rock and Phyllis got married, although Winston and Neville Chamberlain could not come to Johannesburg to congratulate them in person, they both Send a congratulatory message to Rock, and entrust Stoudemire to give Rock a gift.

Winston's gift to Rock was a saber from the Qing Dynasty, which was said to have been used by the Qing royal family and one of the spoils of war when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China.

Neville Chamberlain's gift to Rock was even more precious. This guy bought two French Schneider M1897 75mm field guns from some unknown source and sent them to Rock.

The Schneider M1897 75mm field gun is the famous "Miss Seventy-Five". This kind of artillery pioneered the use of elastic gun mounts. There is a significant improvement.

Because of its light weight and easy movement, "Miss Seventy-Five" can be used to provide fire support for field troops. It was one of the best rapid-fire guns before World War I and was widely used in World War I.

Artillery is Nyasaland's biggest shortcoming at present. Neville Chamberlain's gift is just in time. Roque has sent the artillery to Nyasaland for disassembly, and requires the fastest imitation, because France People are worried about technology leakage, so this kind of artillery is not patented now, and Nyasaland does not need to worry about imitating it.

The reason why Rock made friends with Winston and Neville Chamberlain was so that Winston and Neville Chamberlain could give Rock some help when necessary. At present, it seems that Rock's investment is still very worthwhile.

The rebel officer who fought in vain came to negotiate. When he saw Roque, the officer saluted very standard, and he probably also received training in Nyasaland.

"My lord, I am here to negotiate with you under the order of Chief Bambata—" the officer spoke fluent English, which confirmed his identity even more.

"Stop, I don't accept any form of negotiation, go back and tell Bambata that unconditional surrender is his only way out, otherwise, you 10 people are ready to be buried with him." Rock does not accept negotiations, Bambata is now With nowhere to go, Rock can at most make Bambata surrender decently.

"My lord, if we surrender, can we guarantee the life of Chief Bambata?" The officer didn't argue, and it was useless to say anything at this time.

"No, I can't guarantee that, but I can give Sheikh Bambata a chance at a fair trial, which can take place in Pretoria if she fears he will be treated unfairly in Natal. "If possible, Rock is not willing to let 10 people be buried with Bambata.

"So, what about the other leaders?" The officer hesitated for a moment, then continued to ask other questions.

In fact, Bambata should also be very clear that it is basically impossible to get a decent result after the matter has come to this point. The condition that Rock asked is already the best result that Bambata can face evil.

Of course, regardless of whether Bambata has hope for the trial in Pretoria or not, Rock knows very well that Bambata is dead this time, the difference is that he will either die silently in Seherabata Bei, or be taken to the execution ground after being tried.

In fact, from Roque's point of view, Roque hoped that Bambata would go to trial.

This is not only because of the [-] rebels in the canyon, but also because Roque, as a policeman, wants to uphold the dignity of the law.

Although for Bambata, the final result will not change much, but the trial, which is easier to warn other Zulus, is important.

"Similarly, I don't guarantee their lives. They can all get a fair trial." Rock was indifferent. These rebel leaders would not let any one go. If it weren't for their selfishness, things would not have changed evolved to where it is today.

To be honest, ambitious people are everywhere, and Rock doesn't hate ambitious people.

What Rock hates are those who coerce public opinion and use other people to achieve their own evil goals. These rebel leaders did not hesitate when they rebelled at the beginning, but now they are forced into a desperate situation and only begin to reflect and repent. This behavior is not worthy of forgiveness.

The officer didn't talk too much nonsense. After confirming Rock's conditions, he returned to the rebel position with a white flag.

"My lord, do you want to continue to attack?" Martin was eager to try. Seeing that the rebels were about to surrender, if they didn't fight, there would be no credit for them.

"Give them one day. If they don't surrender tomorrow, then continue to attack tomorrow." Roque is not in a hurry. Now that the rebels have become a shackle, give them a chance, and Roque will not hold back when they attack again.

That night, the canyon was really lively. The rebels did not dare to provoke Rock, so they launched continuous attacks on the position of the teaching camp.

This time the rebels really kicked the iron plate. Although the firepower of the teaching battalion is not as strong as that of Rock's side, the quality of individual soldiers is much better than that of Rock's side. Four consecutive attacks were launched in the middle of the night without any gains.

At one o'clock in the morning, in a tent in the center of the canyon, Bambata's roar resounded throughout the valley.

"Continue to attack, must continue to attack, stay here, all of us will die, don't think Baron Nyasaland will let us go, it's impossible, we killed so many white people, Nyasaland The baron will never let us go, if we surrender to Baron Nyasaland, then we will still die after being tried, listen to me, breaking through with all our strength is our last hope—” Bambata said like iron The trapped beast in the cage is making its final struggle.

The other rebel leaders in the tent looked at each other in blank dismay, some with madness in their eyes, some with dead silence in their eyes, and more with flickering eyes, not knowing what was going on in their hearts.

"Chief, we don't have the ability to continue to attack. We have lost thousands of people in four consecutive attacks, but we haven't even walked out of the mouth of the canyon. The ones fighting us are not even the British, but the traitors among us. The British are letting us fight our own people, we can't continue to kill each other." Someone in the rebels could see clearly.

"Those damn traitors, when we break through the siege of the British, I will cut off all their heads, and their families, I will burn all their families to death in front of them, all those who betrayed Zululand All those who are involved will be punished with the most severe punishment—" Bambata changed his target to a traitor in the rebel army, and cursed again.

"Chief, I think what we should consider now is, what should we do if we can't break through the encirclement of the British?" A rebel leader asked a sharp question, and Bambata immediately became short of breath.

"What do you mean? Do you want to surrender to the British? As I said just now, if we surrender, the British will kill us all!" Bambata yelled.

"The British are not going to kill us all." The rebel leader who spoke earlier was calm.

"Pinar, what do you mean?" Bambata's eyes flashed dangerously, and he was playing with a table knife in his hand.

"It's nothing interesting. Even if you want to attack, wait until after dawn. The brothers are already very tired. Let them sleep well and have a full meal tomorrow morning before they can break through." Pinar didn't talk nonsense, no Waiting for Bambata to speak, he took the initiative to get up and leave Bambata's tent.

The two rebel leaders who had made good friends with Pinar left Bambata's tent with Pinar.

Bambata didn't say anything, and there was deep frustration in the eyes staring at Pinar's back, the table knife had cut through the palm of his hand without realizing it, and blood dripped from Bambata's hand, "Patta , Patta" was harsh.

At night, the rebels in the canyon fell into their final madness.

In the middle of the canyon, the rebels lit several huge bonfires. Countless rebels got drunk around the bonfires. The women looted by the rebels danced around the bonfire tremblingly. From time to time, the rebels took women from the fire. He dragged her away from the pile, ignored the woman's cries, and carried the woman into the boundless darkness.

The entire camp was shrouded in an atmosphere of madness. No one noticed that more than a hundred heavily armed rebels were walking towards Bambata's tent.

The leader of the rebels was none other than Pinar.

"Stop—" Just as the guard outside Bambata's tent raised his gun, he was surrounded by several people. With the sound of several sharp knives entering his body, everything returned to calm.

Bambata is hugging two women and messing around on the crumpled carpet. These two women are both white, and ordinary rebels will definitely not be able to get their hands on them. The rebels plundered a few whites and were divided up by the rebel leaders. , most of whom are Indians.

Among the four colonies in South Africa, Natal has the largest number of Indians. Apart from Natal, there is Orange. Most of the Indians in Orange are members of the stretcher team led by Gandhi and their families.

"Who!" Bambata was awakened when Pinar and his party rushed into the tent. After seeing the leader of the tent, Bambata was heartbroken: "Pinar, what do you want? You want to do it too." Betray Zululand?"

"Chief Bambata, don't talk about Zululand. You are just an ordinary chief of Zululand. There are many chiefs like you in Zululand, so you are not qualified to represent Zululand." Pina Er's words took off the last fig leaf on Bambata's body, making Bambata feel ashamed and annoyed.

"You bastard, I must—" Bambata said as he wanted to get up.

Pinar didn't give Bambata a chance, and pulled the trigger of the pistol in his hand continuously.

Bah, bah bah——

Bambata fell to the ground without saying a word, his legs twitched unconsciously on the ground for a long time before he calmed down.

From the beginning to the end, the two white women didn't say a word, as if they were unaware of what was happening outside.

 The new book "I Have a Country" from another [-] miles east - this is another badly banned, third-level author, there is no book left -



(End of this chapter)

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