Chapter 371 Bear Child

Rock did not expect that the Zulu surrendered so simply and neatly.

At the time of the final statistics, there were still more than 9 rebels, and there were more than 4000 young and middle-aged people. They still had the strength to resist to the end, but the Zulu people gave up so easily, just like they resisted Natal back then. The government is like a joke.

In the final surrender, the performance of Zulu men was not as good as that of Zulu women. Most Zulu men behaved very submissively, no different from those Zulu men who were submissive in the past.

On the contrary, when Yaya's subordinates entered the canyon, those Zulu women did not lie to Yaya's subordinates. Many Zulu women cursed at Yaya's subordinates, and some Zulu women even threw stones at Yaya's subordinates.

Those Zulu women were also obedient when they faced the officers and soldiers of the northern Rhodesian division, but facing the traitors among the Zulu people, those Zulu women hated them from the bottom of their hearts and showed fearlessness. After shooting several people, the Zulu women were still fearless. In the end, Rock had no choice but to let Yaya's men withdraw from the canyon and stop participating in the count of the number of rebels.

When the Rhodesian Northern Division brought Bambata's body back to Pietermaritzburg, there was a sensation in the city. Countless people rushed out of the city, wanting to see what the man who turned Natal upside down looked like.

The officers and soldiers of the Rhodesian Northern Division received a warm welcome, and wherever they went, they were almost "harassed" by the residents of Pietermaritzburg everywhere. The whole city showed great kindness to the black-haired and yellow-skinned people. The status of Indians has risen.

You must know that in the past, the social status of Indians in Natal was similar to that of Zulus.

Rock doesn't care about this, and doesn't even participate in the trial of the rebel leader. What Rock cares about is the more than 4000 adult Zulu males. According to Isaiah Queller's suggestion, all the more than 4000 people should be shot Or exile to imitate others, but Rock has different opinions.

"Whether it is shooting or exile, it is a great waste of human resources. Why can't the shooting or exile be changed to hard labor? This rebellion, Natal has been greatly damaged, and it will definitely need to be rebuilt next. The reconstruction of the Transvaal and Orange has not been completed. We need more people to participate in the reconstruction. If these Zulus participate in the reconstruction, it will not only save us costs, but also allow those Zulus to participate in the reconstruction. Full self-reflection during labor is much better than shooting or exile." Rock is definitely not willing, this is more than 4000 people, everyone knows how short people are in southern Africa, and now it is so easy to send these 2 people To be shot or exiled is a crime in itself.

"Hehe, Isaiah, listen to Locke, Lord Nyasaland is famous for rebuilding, look at the current Transvaal, not so much the rebuilding of the Transvaal as Governor Milner Under the leadership, it is better to say that it was carried out under the leadership of Locke, otherwise why is it also under the leadership of Governor Milner, the reconstruction of Orange is a mess—” Hopkins is Henry’s father-in-law, Rock He is the best man in Henry and Lacey's wedding. Even if Roque's identity is not considered, Hopkins will maintain the same position as Roque.

This is the importance of the network. In the Transvaal, Rock's connections can be said to be everywhere, which is why Rock is fearless in the Transvaal.

"Hehe, general, you and your lord did not understand what I meant. I meant to exile those captives, but the specific location of exile can be discussed—" Isaiah Queller sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, as Natal The Chief Executive, Isaiah Queller certainly knew the importance of human resources.

It should be noted that although Natal has abundant human resources, most of them are located in Basutoland. Considering the relationship between the Natal government and the Zulu people, the Natal government did not directly obtain resources from Basutoland. The right to mobilize human resources, the Natal government has to pay for every Zulu hired.

Although the Zulu rebellion brought a certain degree of damage to Natal, objectively speaking, it also brought an opportunity to the Natal government. In the future, the Natal government can justifiably strengthen the management of the Zulu people. So it's hard to say whether the Zulu rebellion was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Hehe—" Rock finally understood what Isaiah Queller meant.

"Hehe—" Hopkins picked up his wine glass tacitly.

The next thing is easy to say, the trial of the trial, the exile of the exile, on August [-], Anton and Martin led the Rhodesian Northern Division to return to Nyasaland, and Roque went directly to Pretoria .

Rock still has to report to Ade.

To put it bluntly, this report is to give credit to the relevant personnel of the Northern Division of Rhodesia.

When Ade saw Rock, his expression was very complicated. After listening to Rock's report, Ade was a little absent-minded and didn't speak for a long time.

Rock didn't speak. Anyway, now Rock is qualified to sit in a chair in front of Ade. He sits well and doesn't feel tired.

"Locke, can you promise to be loyal to the British Empire forever?" Finally, Ade still asked this question.

"Yes, I promise with my honor—" Rock responded quickly. This guarantee may not be convincing in the 21st century, but in the early [-]th century, honor was more important than life.

In fact, in the 21st century, honor is still more important than life, but unfortunately, many people do not realize this.

It doesn't matter, those who don't realize this will understand this truth sooner or later, for example, a fish head fully realizes the importance of timely updates, but there are always many uncontrollable accidents in life, such as power outages——

Ade nodded and didn't say much.

After leaving the Governor's Mansion, Rock went to Henry's house with Henry as usual.

"Northern Rhodesian Division, this time the performance is too surprising, Locke, you are in the limelight this time, Winston said that Congress is still discussing whether to send more troops to Natal, and Congress has not yet discussed As a result, the rebellion has been quelled on your side, you don't know, after the Congress heard the news, it was quiet for a full minute." Henry was still a little envious of Roque, although for Henry, he was satisfied with getting the title.

For Henry, the title of baron is enough.

Henry is different from Rock. Rock needs a higher title to ensure the status of Chinese in southern Africa.

As an Englishman, Henry did not have such a big burden. At this moment in 1903, "the whole world" belonged to Britain, and Henry only needed to guarantee his own interests.

In fact, Henry's attitude is a good thing for Rock. If Henry, like Ade, wholeheartedly considers the British Empire, then Rock really has to reconsider his relationship with Henry.

"It's not that the northern division of Rhodesia is strong, it's that the Zulu rebels are too weak. If the previous Boer coalition had [-] points, then the Zulu rebels can at most be thirty." Rock despised the Zulus in a more concrete way.

"If the Zulu rebels are thirty, what is the score of Natal and Cape's army?" Henry immediately turned black, and Rock's blow was too big.

"You can't do that. The Zulu rebel army has 10 people. How many troops are there in Natal and Cape? Quality is important, but quantity is more important. Too many ants can kill an elephant." Rock refused to accept Tal and Cape's army scored, this is not easy to fight, no matter how many points Roque gave, Henry's next question must be how many points the Transvaal army scored.

Hopkins is Lacey's father. If Rock's score is low, then Rock won't even be able to get a job at Henry's house.

If it is high-

Shame on my conscience!

"Hmph, you're smart—" Henry was very satisfied with Rock's answer.

Lacey is also very satisfied, her belly is already big, and the due date is in August, if it wasn't for Rock's visit, Lacey would never have come forward to entertain her.

"By the way, I heard that you got more than 2 Zulus this time?" Henry finally remembered to talk about business.

"What do you want?" Rock immediately became alert.

"Give me some, I don't want too much, just give me the change." Henry also came to take advantage, and this meal cannot be entertained for nothing.

"No, there is no one." Rock firmly refused. The fraction was more than 4000 people, and he wanted to take it away with just a word—

I don't think about it!

"I'll give you money—" Henry immediately turned into a slave trader.

"I don't want it." Rock resolutely refused to go along with Henry.

"Okay, that's what you said." Henry dipped the corner of his mouth gracefully with a napkin, which was an annoying aristocratic etiquette.

Regarding aristocratic etiquette, in fact, Roque really needs to learn this aspect. For example, a simple wipe of the mouth needs to be dipped bit by bit according to the aristocratic etiquette, and Roque simply wipes it off.

Of course, this is also because Roque is relatively relaxed at Henry's house. When it comes to formal occasions, Roque will also pay attention to these things. Don't do things you don't understand. Watch how others do it and do it yourself. You will definitely not be rude .

Not Henry, this guy has been trained in etiquette since he was a child, and etiquette has become a habit.

It cannot be changed.

"What are you going to do?" Rock immediately had a headache. If Henry really acted like a monster, Rock would really have a headache.

There is no way, the steel and cement that Nyasaland needs now are all produced by Fawalt. If Henry cuts off the supply, Rock will be really dumbfounded.

Don't say that Henry can't do this kind of thing, Henry can definitely do it.

"Hehe, I suddenly don't want to give money anymore." Henry was triumphant, and it was rare for him to gain the upper hand in front of Rock.

"Very well, don't forget that I'm your child's godfather—" Rock was determined not to give in. If Henry dared to threaten Rock, after Henry's child was born, Rock would dare to teach Henry's child to be a bear.

"I'm still your child's uncle!" Henry was almost annoyed.

"Can you two stop being so childish?" Lacey was very helpless, men, many times they will never grow up.

 Sorry, the reason for being so late, it is written in this chapter——



(End of this chapter)

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