Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 376 Money is the last word

Chapter 376 Money is the last word

Practicing lawyers are really good. Less than a week after the opening of the umbrella company, the contract signed is as high as 35000 pounds per month, which is more than the military expenditure of the newly formed [-]st Cavalry Division.

It was at this time that Rock knew why there would be so many mercenary companies in the future. This industry is indeed making money.

For example, Adam Stephen’s mine has more than 4000 miners. In order to ensure the work of these miners, plus the safety expenditure of the mine managers, before cooperating with the umbrella company, the mine is used for security every month. spending over £[-].

In fact, there must not be so many. Rock himself also has a mine, and he is very clear about the expenditure in this area. There are less than 150 security guards and supervisors in Adam Stephen's mine, and the monthly expenses will definitely not More than 3000 pounds, where did the extra part go——

Just think about it.

After Adam Stephen signs the contract, the umbrella company will deposit five hundred pounds into Adam Stephen's account at Rand Bank every month.

Then, Umbrella only needs to send 80 security guards and supervisors to Adam Stephen’s gold mine, which is enough to maintain the operation of the mine. If an accident occurs, Umbrella can increase manpower at any time, and the cost of increasing manpower will be calculated separately.

For the gold mine, the cost of security has not increased, and of course it will not decrease. The remaining 2 pounds belong to the newly formed First Cavalry Division. Rock finally received [-] pounds per month in military expenses , which is enough for the new [-]st Cavalry Division.

"Not only is it enough, the newly formed First Cavalry Division only has 500 people, and this money is enough to maintain a 5000-man army. The Rhodesian Northern Division does not have such sufficient military expenses as you." Stoudemire was really sour. , Rock's status has risen again, but the South African company is still the same. London seems to have forgotten that the Rhodesian Northern Division is a unit of the South African company, and Stoudemire has no part in rewarding meritorious deeds.

London's speed this time is still very fast. After the Rhodesian Northern Division successfully assessed the Zulu rebellion, London responded as quickly as possible. Including Anton and Martin, the Rhodesian Northern Division has a total of 12 people He was knighted, Rock himself received a special award from King Edward, and all the combatants received bonuses. The only one who was forgotten was Stoudemire.

Stoudemire is also used to it. Apart from having no status in Rhodesia, Stoudemire is equivalent to the king of Rhodesia. Therefore, regardless of how outstanding Stoudemire is, London will not consider knighting Stoudemire.

"How is it possible? It's not enough to just pay the troops. Training, logistics, equipment, which one is free?" Rock disagreed with Stoudemire's words. 2 pounds can indeed be expanded, but it can be expanded to 1000 at most. People, just like the current Rhodesian Northern Division, any more is wishful thinking.

"What else can I say, General Hopkins's men can only earn 3.5 pounds a month, your men earn at least five pounds a month, and those extra equipment expenses, is it possible in southern Africa? Is it really necessary?" Stoudemire also disapproved of Roque's way of building an army, Roque was too extravagant.

Regarding salary, soldiers in this period, even those in the UK, could only earn about 12 shillings per week, which is 31 pounds and 4 shillings per year when converted into adults.

Of course, this is the British mainland. If the colonial allowance is added, it should be higher, but no matter how high it is, it will not be higher than 50 pounds per year.

If it was purely a colony-formed army, then each soldier would probably not earn more than 20 pounds a year. When Rock was in the Huayong Camp, the annual salary of each soldier was only 10 pounds.

The salaries of soldiers are so low, and the salaries of officers are not much higher. When Rock was a non-commissioned officer in the Huayong Camp, his annual salary was only 13.5 pounds, which was limited higher than that of soldiers.

The British will definitely not treat southern Africa as harshly as they treat the Chinese. No matter what, the Boers are also white. Therefore, the British formed the Boers-dominated troops in Cape, and the treatment of ordinary soldiers was about 3.5 pounds per month. .

Converted into an adult, it is 42 pounds per year.

"You can't calculate it like this. The Rhodesian Northern Division and the New First Cavalry Division have the lowest ranks as corporals. It's normal for them to earn a lot. What's more, the Rhodesian Northern Division has proved by their record that they deserve this salary. ” Rock refused to give an inch on this issue, who made most of the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Division of the New Cavalry to be of Chinese descent, and Rock will definitely not treat them badly.

"Hehe, it's not up to you to decide what rank they are—" Stoudemire was still complaining.

Rock was also dissatisfied this time, quietly watching Stoudemire without speaking.

"Okay, okay, I don't mean to object." Stoudemire voluntarily backed down.

"If you have time, go to Krupp to buy formulas. The arsenal can produce artillery now. We will start training artillery." Rock finally put artillery on the agenda. Artillery training is very complicated and the cost is too high. Rock has not been able to form artillery until now.

"God, I can hardly believe that we are in Africa, not in Europe. There are hostile forces in Africa that are worth using artillery? What's more, if the number of artillery produced is relatively small, it is most cost-effective for us to buy steel directly from Krupp. There is no need to buy the formula." Stoudemire also said that it is better to buy than to make, and it is better to rent than to buy.

On the surface, there is indeed no hostile force in Africa that is worth using artillery. Rock can't just tell Stoudemire directly that a world war will break out in ten years, and he must prepare for it from now on.

Therefore, Rock can only be emotional and reasonable: "Cecil, if there is no one now, it does not mean that there will be no future. We must plan ahead and avoid when we need it, but we are caught off guard because we cannot produce."

Stoudemire is now a little immune to Rock's rhetoric. Although he is not opposed to it, he is still reluctant: "I don't even know what you are preparing. Also, the Fawalt Steel Plant also has a laboratory. If we need special steel, can’t we develop it ourselves? I heard that there are already quite a few rare formulas, maybe we can go to the Fawalt Iron and Steel Plant to have a look.”

After all, Stoudemire still doesn't want to spend money.

What Roque wanted was not patent licensing. Patent licensing during this period was very expensive. For example, Krupp's patent licensing may cost about the same as the cost of the product itself.

Of course, if you buy Krupp's products directly, the price will be more expensive. Krupp will not let go if it doesn't want three or five times the profit.

Therefore, it is best to directly buy out the patent for what Rock is looking at, just like Rudolf Diesel's diesel engine.

Roque also bought out the patent of the Luger pistol, but the Luger produced by the Nyasaland Arsenal can only be sold in Africa and is not allowed to enter other markets.

Rock has no objection to this point. This restriction is actually almost the same as no restriction. The fault lies in the lack of vision of the German weapons and ammunition arsenal. I don’t know how big the market prospect of Ruger guns is. I know that the Nyasaland Arsenal wants to buy it. After the patent of the Luger pistol, the German Weapons and Ammunition Arsenal did not hesitate at all, and sold the patent to the Nyasaland Arsenal for a transfer fee of 2000 pounds.

Of course, out of reciprocity considerations, the German arms and ammunition arsenal promised not to let its products enter the African market.

This commitment is also the same as not having one.

"Is there any result in the laboratory?" Rock almost forgot that there is also a laboratory in Fawalt Iron and Steel Works.

"Who knows—you can send a telegram to Henry to ask." Stoudemire is not the owner of the steel plant, but just a shareholder, so Stoudemire really doesn't know the specific situation of the steel plant.

Rock didn't hesitate, and immediately sent a telegram to Henry.

The result is really there.

The gun steel required by Rock is wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, with both hardness and strength. Rock does not require the level to reach the level of the 21st century, at least not much worse than the current mainstream gun steel in European countries.

Knowing that there are finished products in the laboratory, Rock immediately asked Fawalt Iron and Steel Works to send the samples to Nyasaland Arsenal for testing as quickly as possible, and asked that if the laboratory had any results in the future, it would be sent to Niasaland immediately. Saran Armory Test.

Looking back, Rock didn't forget to go to Bobby Holt's motorcycle factory to order motorcycles, and urged Rudolf Diesel to get the truck out as soon as possible.

It is said that now that there are tractors and coast guard ships, there is no technical problem in researching the truck, it is a problem of thinking and integration.

In this regard, Roque has sufficient experience. Although Roque does not know how to build trucks, Roque knows what trucks are. After conveying the specific requirements to Rudolf Diesel, Roque just waits for the results of the experiment. up.

In Rock's concept, only when equipped with motorcycles and trucks can the mechanization of the new [-]st Cavalry Division be realized.

As for whether the name is appropriate at that time, don't worry about this kind of problem. The United States still has cavalry divisions until the 21st century. At that time, American soldiers had already been riding helicopters.

On September 835st, Ade came to Johannesburg to participate in the formation ceremony of the new 1109st Cavalry Division. Like the Northern Rhodesian Division, the new [-]st Cavalry Division has a teaching battalion with [-] people, plus The total number of logistics personnel in the division is [-].

Don't worry about the large number of people in the back office. This is because Roque has tried his best to keep the scale down to this level. Otherwise, the number of people in the division's hospital alone may be seriously overstaffed.

The divisional hospital in Rock's concept is different from the divisional hospital in this period. The army in this period already had military doctors and nurses, but these military doctors and nurses served the officers. Ordinary soldiers were injured, and most of them It is unable to enjoy sufficient medical resources.

Rock certainly would not allow this to happen to the New First Cavalry Division. Now the New First Cavalry Division has six official doctors and 24 nurses. If a war breaks out, these people are enough to form a standard field hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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