Chapter 377 Stability

Cultivating technology is a technical job. Although Rock did not study engineering at university, there are many talents in engineering in this era. As long as he is willing to spend money, many things can be achieved.

For example, the weapon steel requested by Roque. Although Roque does not know the specific formula of the weapon steel in the 21st century, Roque knows that "chromium" can effectively increase the wear resistance of steel. In this way, the laboratory of Fawalt Steel Factory has In the past, they had to experiment slowly to find ways to increase the wear resistance of steel. Now they only need to study how to plate a layer of "chrome" just now.

It is said that the chrome plating process was not invented by the Germans until 1937, and the related patents were not invented by the Americans until 1950.

But this chrome-plating process is really familiar to the Chinese. In March 1994, a batch of bronze swords were unearthed from Pit No. 3 of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. There were 2 bronze swords in this batch. Archaeologists found that the internal organization of these swords was dense and the blades were bright. Smooth, finely ground blades, textures come and go without interlacing, they have been sleeping under the loess for more than 19 years, and when unearthed, they are as bright as new and extremely sharp.

When cleaning the first passage of Pit No. 150, archaeologists found that a bronze sword was bent by a 45-kilogram pottery figurine, and its bending degree exceeded [-] degrees. When people removed the pottery figurine, the A surprising miracle happened: the narrow and thin bronze sword rebounded straight in an instant and recovered naturally.

After testing by scientific personnel, it was found that the surface of the sword had a layer of chromium salt compound 10 microns thick.This discovery immediately caused a sensation in the world, because this chromium salt oxidation treatment method is the legendary chrome plating process.

Wasn't the chrome plating process invented in 1937?

Why did the Qin people more than 2000 years ago?

In many cases, the combination of traditional experience and modern technology will burst out unparalleled energy.

Why was Cao Laosi able to enter the laboratory with a blacksmithing skill, and receive a salary of more than 200 pounds a year like those students who graduated from Cambridge and Oxford?

It is because Cao Lao Si contributed a secret book that their Cao family has regarded as a treasure for generations: quenching with horse urine.

If you want to ask Cao Laosi why horse urine is used for quenching, Cao Laosi will definitely not be able to say 123, but after the researchers in the laboratory know this, they immediately conduct research on horse urine, and the final conclusion is: horse urine The salt contained in it will effectively increase the hardness of the steel.

Is this information valuable?

Indeed, the Cao family has relied on this secret to be blacksmiths for hundreds of years. This information is indeed valuable to the Cao family.

But for Fawalt Iron and Steel Plant, this information is really of little value, because before Cao Laosi "confessed honestly", the staff in the laboratory already knew that quenching with salt can increase the hardness of steel, so this is very important to Cao Laosi. A secret that is "sworn to death" for the family is worthless to the Fawalt Steel Plant. The laboratory now has better quenching materials, and the effect has surpassed that of quenching with salt water.

It can't be said that it is worthless. The laboratory used different materials for experiments, and salt was only one of them. In order to obtain this result, the laboratory probably paid a cost of about one hundred pounds.

Thanks to Mr. Cao's "timely explanation", he was able to find a job in the laboratory. Otherwise, after Mr. Cao went bankrupt and opened a blacksmith shop, he found that the farm tools and weapons he made were not as good as the high-end products produced by the factory. , I don't know if Cao Laosi will regret it when the time comes.

This is the power of industry.

Regardless of the progress of the laboratory, Rock will naturally have Henry to supervise the work in this area. In fact, there are really not many secrets in weapon steel. Until the 21st century, the best weapon steel is nickel-chromium stainless steel. Enough, almost weapon steel is even carbon steel, considering that it is 1903, so Rock really doesn't need to be so troublesome, just use high manganese steel.

As for high manganese steel, Fawalt now has it, and the helmets used by the Northern Division of Rhodesia are made of high manganese steel.

This may be too extravagant for other countries, but it is normal for Transvaal. At one time, more than 80.00% of the manganese mines in the world were in Transvaal. Later, with the continuous discovery of mineral resources However, the proportion of manganese mines in the Transvaal in the world is also gradually declining, but even if it drops further, the manganese reserves in the Transvaal will exceed 1.5 million tons, and Rock can use it as he wants.

Most of the time, Roque wants wind and rain in Johannesburg, but sometimes it is not satisfactory. Not long after the establishment of the new [-]st Cavalry Division, Philip told Rock at a family dinner. It is proposed that the proportion of whites in the new First Cavalry Division should be appropriately increased.

"After all, it is the troops of the Transvaal, not the troops of Rhodesia, so we still have to pay attention to the influence." Philip was still relatively cryptic, and did not directly point out that the Northern Division of Rhodesia was Rock's private soldiers.

In fact, in this era, the control over private soldiers is relatively relaxed. Even the mines in Johannesburg can raise private soldiers. It is not normal for Rock, the Baron of Nyasaland, not to have private soldiers.

Even Henry formed a mercenary force with more than a hundred people in Fawalt.

After all, Fawalt still has a small number of people. Most of them are employees of steel and cement factories, and a hundred or ten people are enough.

"I also want to recruit whites to join the new [-]st Cavalry Division. Unfortunately, the British don't like the new [-]st Cavalry Division. I don't want Boers. There are still few soldiers who are eligible to join the new [-]st Cavalry Division. I even Africans don’t reject them, let alone have prejudice against whites.” Rock explained in detail that there are also about dozens of Africans in the new First Cavalry Division, and they have formed a dissatisfied company to deal with Africans and Africans. human affairs.

In many cases, Roque couldn't settle with one word, just like the Johannesburg Police Department, the new [-]st Cavalry Division could not completely reject the existence of Africans.

In fact, Africans are sometimes good. The Transvaal established a new First Cavalry Division. Although Roque also served as the police chief, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the focus of Roque's work will definitely be on the new First Cavalry. Commander, many Chinese policemen in Johannesburg are unwilling to join the new First Cavalry Division, but the attitude of the Africans is very firm.

Not long after the establishment of the New First Cavalry Division, Yaya took the initiative to find Rock, and would rather be a servant of Rock in the New First Cavalry Division than dawdle in the police station.

What else can Rock say, so the new First Cavalry Division has an extra African company.

"It's not that I'm harsh. Looking at the performance of those Boers in Natal, I feel humiliated for them." Owen added fuel to the side, but he only dared to target the Boers.

Philip didn't speak, and competed with the steak in front of him. While slashing with the knife, he stared at Roque and Owen.

It seems to have a feeling of staying behind for the elderly!

"Okay, okay, I'll form a Boer company later." Rock couldn't bear Philip's resentful eyes, isn't it just a company.

In fact, what Philip said is correct. There are also political correctness these days. Ade has not noticed the personnel structure of the new First Cavalry Division. If Ade notices this problem, Ade will probably remind Rock.

Philip was obviously satisfied with Roque's statement, and seeing Roque's eyes was full of relief.

A son-in-law is half a child, and sometimes a son-in-law is more caring than a son.

After leaving the mayor's mansion, Owen went to Roque's office for a small sit.

"Now I finally know why you and Henry stayed in the police force. It's really easy for you to make money." Owen couldn't help but sigh.

Roque knew that Owen was talking about "umbrella". When the umbrella was established, Roque invited Owen to participate. Owen was still a little bit reluctant, and didn't want to be associated with the identity of "mercenary leader".

Now Owen is really fragrant, and compared with the real benefits, the "mercenary leader" is also quite cute.

Rock just smiled and said nothing, the biggest function of the umbrella is not to make money, don't forget that the person in charge of the umbrella company has received special agent training at the base of the War Office, so if all the mines in Johannesburg sign an agreement with the umbrella company, then in the future Johannesburg has no secrets for Rock.

"The Cape election is about to begin." Owen didn't notice Rock's expression, and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet next to him to pour himself.

Rock knocked on the table very dissatisfied, Owen laughed and poured Rock a glass too.

Rock finally spoke: "Look, this time the Progressive Party should win, but the future is hard to say."

Rock is not optimistic about Cape's future.

In another time and space, the Boers had an advantage in the Transvaal and Orange, and many Cape Boers migrated to the Transvaal and Orange again. Even so, the British did not have the advantage in the Cape. How long will it last.

Now the Transvaal is dominated by British and Chinese. The Boers who should have been in the Transvaal were diverted to Orange and the Cape. That is to say, many Boers will not have the right to vote in this election. Otherwise, the Progressive Party Can't even win this time.

"What should we do?" Owen no longer had a smile on his face, sitting on a chair worried.

"What should I do?" Rock didn't react for a while.

"Election, there will definitely be elections in the Transvaal in the future." This is the reason for Owen's irritability.

Although Ade once vowed that it is up to London to decide when the democratic representative system will be implemented in the Transvaal, but now it seems that the situation is really bad. After the Zulu rebellion in Natal, London did not immediately This attitude speaks volumes for sending troops to Natal.

"Don't worry about the Transvaal, I can guarantee the stability of the Transvaal in the future." Rock was extremely firm, but it seemed that his answer was a bit out of line.

The word stability also depends on how you understand it. The stability controlled by the British is somewhat different from the stability controlled by the Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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