Chapter 399

It may be normal for one person to fire a gun, but it would be a joke for a dozen people to fire their guns together. The level of the Nyasaland Arsenal is not so bad.

The scolding is scolding, and after the scolding is over, it still needs to be dealt with, so Wu Kui sent the sergeant and two other soldiers who escaped across the river to dispose of the few corpses in the tribe.

In the tropical rainforest terrain of Belgian Congo, it is too simple to dispose of a few corpses. Just throw them into the river. After a few days, the corpses will have no bones left. It's normal for things like this to happen at the border if you go missing and come back and find nothing.

It's really normal. After careful calculation, this is not the first time that officers and soldiers of Rhodesia's northern division have misfired. Including this time, such "gun misfires" have occurred at least three times in the past month. The first two times Rhodesia The Northern West Asian Division did not make a statement, and did not deal with the parties involved. It is even less publicized than the Congo. Peace".

Just when the sergeant and two soldiers were about to cross the river, Elijah Lucas came to Wu Kui: "Captain, be careful—"


Why be careful?

"If our soldiers cross the river, it will violate the sovereignty of the Belgian Congo." Elijah Lucas felt bad.

How to put this kind of thing, the officers and soldiers of the northern Rhodesian division must be able to communicate in private, so Wu Kui didn't feel anything unusual.

Elijah Lucas felt completely different from Wu Kui. Officials in Nyasaland had never publicized such things, so ordinary people in Nyasaland did not know that border conflicts would happen so frequently. Ya Lucas has always thought that there is no war on the border, but now this scene happened in front of Elijah Lucas, which finally gave Elijah Lucas the most intuitive understanding of some "rumors" learn.

Diplomacy is no small matter. Even a small border conflict is a conflict. Even if the Nyasaland officials block the news, there will definitely be some "grape information" flowing out through special channels. As a senior talent, Elijah Lucas has already Breaking away from the category of ordinary people, it is normal to have some understanding of border conflicts.

"Understood—" Wu Kui didn't take it seriously at first, but after Elijah Lucas reminded him, Wu Kui immediately became more thoughtful: "Eugene, call those women over and ask them to take the corpse Throw it into the river—”

Eugene is from Tatera, the guide of Wu Kui's team.

Ordinarily, Wu Kui and the others no longer need a guide, but the language of the Terrala people is too difficult to learn, so it is necessary to have a guide.

Eugene was wearing a northern Rhodesian division soldier's tunic with no insignia, just shorts and no shoes.

This is the most common attire for guides in northern Rhodesia. The reward for Eugene and the others as a guide is a blouse. Ask for a top so that you can show off among your friends when you return to the tribe.

After getting the order, Eugene came to the river and snarled to the tribe on the other side of the river.

Wu Kui and the soldiers intentionally or unintentionally started looking for a bunker, and Elijah Lucas and his students were arranged behind a big tree far away from the river bank.

On the border, this kind of big tree is the best shelter. Many big trees have a diameter of more than one meter, and ordinary machine gun bullets cannot penetrate.

The women of the tribe on the other side of the river heard Eugene's call and immediately acted. They knew very well that if this matter was leaked, their entire tribe would suffer disaster.

"There seems to be no problem." The sergeant approached Wu Kui who was observing with a telescope and whispered.

Wu Kui did not speak, and used the telescope to search the situation on the other side of the river inch by inch.

It seems that Elijah Lucas was overly cautious, and Wu Kui didn't find anything, but this doesn't mean there is no problem. It's too easy to hide in the tropical rainforest. If some masters don't want to expose themselves, you just start from Can't find him passing by.

The women in Tailala were quite strong physically. They carried the killed soldiers to the river, and when they threw them into the river, they did not forget to take off the clothes and weapons from the corpses.

Those clothes were actually stained with blood, and some of them were still tattered, but these Terran women didn't dislike them, and some of them were fine to wear.

"Belt, belt, throw that belt to me—" Eugene was very envious of the white officer's belt, and he didn't forget to ask for it at this time.

It took a long time for a Terrara woman to untie her belt and was about to throw it at Eugene when his head exploded.


Then came the sound of gunfire.

Wu Kui suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

This is really an ambush. If it wasn't for Elijah Lucas' reminder, if the sergeant and the others encounter a sudden attack after crossing the river, no matter how skilled the sergeant and the others are in personal tactics, it will be useless.

When a master fights, life and death are in an instant.

Wu Kui and the others attacked the unsuspecting servant army. The servant army was basically powerless to fight back, and they were all killed before they could react.

If the Belgian Congo sends elite troops to attack the patrols of the Northern Rhodesian Division, the patrols of the Northern Rhodesian Division will also be defenseless. Basically all of them are dead.

Wu Kui and the others escaped unharmed, but the key is evidence. If the sergeant and the others had crossed the river just now, it would be tantamount to invading the territory of the Belgian Congo. Whether they were killed or captured, the Northern Rhodesia Division would not be able to deny it. Nyasaland will be fully passive.

"Why is there really an ambush, where is the man? Where is the man?" The first sergeant lay down and set up the light machine gun when he heard the gunshot, but he couldn't find the Belgian after searching for a long time.

"Concealment, concealment, no one is allowed to shoot if you can't see-" Wu Kui reminded loudly that in this environment, unless the Belgians came out of the bunker, it was impossible for Wu Kui and the others to cross the river and attack.

The Belgian on the opposite side was also very calm. After Eugene was killed, the next one to be killed was a woman named Terrara who untied her belt.

At this time, the other Terraras realized that their first reaction was not to cross the river, but to flee back to the tribe. As a result, more and more people were killed.

"Damn it, if you have the ability to come to grandpa—" the sergeant couldn't bear it anymore, provocatively at the top of his voice.

There was no response from anyone on the other side, only sparse gunshots kept coming.

This is definitely intentional. The Belgians on the opposite side are not without the ability to kill all the Terrallas in an instant. They use this method to irritate Wu Kui and the others, hoping that Wu Kui and the others will lose their minds.

"Shut up!" Wu Kui's face was ashen, and he watched helplessly as the Tai Lala people on the other side of the river were knocked down one by one.

Not everyone was killed by a single shot, and some were just injured and could only lie on the ground crying and wailing. In fact, for them, the greatest relief now is to die quickly, so that they can suffer less.

"Platoon leader—" the sergeant's voice was urgent.

"Withdraw!" Wu Kui gritted his teeth.

"Platoon leader!" The sergeant couldn't believe it.

"If you want to cross the river to help, just take off all your clothes and leave your weapons behind. I will approve your retirement from the Rhodesian Northern Division right now. Anything related to our Rhodesian Northern Division is prohibited. Can't appear on the other side of the river." Wu Kui still knows the importance.

The sergeant glanced at the woman who was still howling on the other side, and pulled the trigger on the dense jungle on the other side, emptying all the bullets in the ammunition box, and then got up resentfully.

"There is no marking of our northern Rhodesian division on the warhead—" The sergeant knew that he would be scolded, so he hurriedly defended himself.

"Yes, there is indeed no mark on the bullet head of our Rhodesian Northern Division, but the barrel has a lifespan, you know? I will not settle this account with you. This box of bullets is counted on your head. You will be deducted from next month's salary." Wu Kui is not angry, they are all adults and must be responsible for their actions.

The sergeant was dumbfounded, and wanted to explain but didn't know where to start. The low laughter of other soldiers came from around him, and the sergeant was finally dejected.

Wu Kui glanced at the tribe on the other side again, gritted his teeth, turned around and strode away.

Seeing Elijah Lucas, Wu Kui stood at attention and saluted, expressing his gratitude with the most solemn understanding.

"What's the situation over there—oh—" Elijah Lucas shut up after asking halfway, and the wailing sound could still be clearly heard here.

Everyone is in a bad mood.

Back at the station, Wu Kui reported what happened today. While Anton and Martin felt fortunate, they had a deeper understanding of the insidious Belgian.

"Send a telegram to Lala, let Lala find a way to find out what's going on with the Belgians." Anton will not be passively beaten, but will take the initiative to attack. When it comes to digging holes, this is the British tradition.

"I'm going to find Frank. There must be people from Frank in the Belgian Congo." Martin took another approach. The War Office has trained more than 100 special agents, and now they are all sent to all parts of the world. There are wars even in the Transvaal. The agents of the office, the Belgian Congo is the main target of the War Office, and Frank must have placed a lot of people in the Belgian Congo.

It turned out that Frank was very interested in the border conflict between Nyasaland and the Belgian Congo, and asked to exchange information with the Northern Rhodesian Division.

Martin agreed to Frank's request and submitted part of the report on the border conflict to Frank.

Frank reciprocated and gave Martin information about the Belgian Congo.

It's all a part, in fact, it's all reserved.

Anton and Martin didn't care too much, it's normal to have some reservations, whoever dares to spend their heart and soul on this kind of thing will end up being sold and counting the money sooner or later.

Just a month ago, the Belgian government sent an elite force of no more than [-] people to the Belgian Congo, preparing to set up an ambush on the border to teach the Rhodesian Northern Division a lesson.

This is the legendary secret war.

(End of this chapter)

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