Chapter 400 Mozambique (Debt Repayment Part [-])

Anton and Martin were outraged that the War Office, knowing of the arrival of new troops in the Belgian Congo, had failed to alert the Northern Rhodesian Division.

Frank did not explain that it was normal for the Belgians to send more troops to the Belgian Congo. When Frank got the information, he didn't know that this mercenary was going to set up an ambush against the patrol team of the Northern Rhodesia Division. It was just a normal rotation. , so the Rhodesian Northern Division was not alerted.

However, after this incident, an intelligence sharing mechanism should be established between the Rhodesian Northern Division and the War Office, which will be more conducive to the cooperation between the two parties.

Regardless of the cooperation between Anton and Frank, Roque, Zha Zha came to Port Edward as quickly as possible after receiving the telegram, listened to the teachings, and brought a boat of ivory, two lions, and two leopards to Roque , and two nearly extinct aye-aye monkeys.

The aye-aye is not only as big as a finger. The juvenile aye-aye is indeed about the size of a finger. The adult aye-aye is about the size of a cat, with a body length of about 50 centimeters, a tail length of 60 centimeters, and a weight of about two kilograms.

The aye-aye got its name because of its peculiar middle finger and ring finger, which are as thin as wire but extremely hard and can be used to pick up food.

In Madagascar, there is a superstition that when the aye-aye appears in a village, it will bring disaster to the village. Therefore, the aye-aye is almost extinct in Madagascar, and the stocks on the African continent are also decreasing.

Rock didn't have much special feelings for aye-aye monkeys, but Phyllis liked these small animals very much, so Rock planned to send a telegram to Liang Dingxin, asking Liang Dingxin to find a way to get some pandas for Phyllis, compared with pandas. , the aye-aye is really not that cute.

Zha Zha was very humble when he saw Rock, just like when he saw Rock for the first time, he knelt down and kissed Rock's shoes.

It seems that Zha Zha's life is really good during this period of time. Compared with the last meeting, Zha Zha's body is a little fatter, and his face is more radiant. The clothes on his body are loose silk, just like the Arabs. The kind of robes are similar.

When Zhaza sat down, Rock inadvertently discovered that Zhaza was not wearing underwear, so Rock immediately gave Zhaza a kick, and asked Zack to bring a set of military uniforms from the Northern Division of Rhodesia, and let Zhaza put on.

Probably because of the special significance of this action, Zha Zha's eye circles were a little red, and he began to change clothes in front of Rock.

Fortunately, there are no maids around Rock, otherwise this scene is really eye-catching.

After changing clothes, I can finally see the dregs, and now Rock is in the mood to talk.

"Are you going to be a local emperor in this life?" Luo Ke still has some demands on the Yao people. It doesn't matter if Zha Zha doesn't make progress. It's a pity for those Yao warriors to sink like this.

Yao warriors are actually quite good. Although Africans have various problems, Africans are not spoiled. Although they have a weak sense of responsibility and lack of hard work, they still have no problem with rough jobs. For example, as cannon fodder.

Although Rock now has the Northern Rhodesian Division and the new First Cavalry Division in his hands, cannon fodder is still necessary. Rock is definitely not willing to let Chinese soldiers be cannon fodder, and it is unrealistic for white soldiers to be cannon fodder, so Africans are the best choice. Compared with the Zulu people, Roque still trusts the Yao people more. After all, the British are the masters of the Zulu people in name, and the slag has always regarded himself as Roque's servant. .

"My lord, you have the final say on who I am, and I will do whatever you want me to do." Zha Zha's attitude is very correct, even if he has more than 100 wives and dozens of children, this has not changed.

"Do you really have more than 100 wives?" Xiaosi was more curious about these gossips.

"Almost—" Zha Zha smiled honestly, but what he said was very annoying. He probably didn't even know how many wives he had. If there were more than ten wives, Zha Zha probably couldn't count them.

"Then you are really amazing!" Xiao Si couldn't help sighing.

Stoudemire's wife is also of noble origin, and stays in Salisbury most of the time. Rock and Stoudemire have such a good relationship, that is, they only met Stoudemire's wife at the wedding.

The British are better at this point. No matter how many lovers there are, there is only one wife, and generally they will not get divorced. This is the way most British families get along.

"After we go back, we plan to establish a country, and the name will be called Mozambique." It would be better for Rock to give up communicating with Zha Zha and give orders directly.

"Mozambique, yes, we have a port called Mozambique." Zha Zha is right, Rock can do whatever he wants, but his focus is a bit peculiar.

"Whether you want to be a president or a king, if you don't know how to manage the country, I will send someone to help you manage it. You build up the army first, and I will send someone to help you train." Rock established directly according to his own will. Mozambique, as for what kind of freak Mozambique will become in the future, that is not within the scope of Rock's consideration.

"Of course it is to be a king. I like being a king." Zha Zha subconsciously chose a way that is more beneficial to him. There are still more kings these days, and there are not many democratic countries in the world.

"Very well, then you will be the king, get out now and wash yourself clean, and smell what smells on you? You can't smell it yourself?" Rock was really speechless, and changing clothes didn't solve the problem. His body odor is heavier than that of the white man who is said to be a biological weapon.

After driving the slag out of the office, Rock opened the window to ventilate, and then he felt better.

Stoudemire didn't react much, looking at Rock thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?" Rock asked casually.

"Mozambique, is this the ideal state of your country?" Stoudemire now deeply feels the gap with Roque. A few words can decide the fate of a nation with a total population of millions. Probably the king of England is not like this Big boldness.

This is not an exaggeration. After the UK implemented a constitutional monarchy, the rights of the king were greatly affected. The Congress and the government will jointly restrict the royal family, and the king cannot do whatever he wants.

Of course, compared with the 21st century, the current British king is still very powerful. In the 21st century, the British royal family has become a mascot. The whole world cares about whether the crown prince has a chance to succeed, and does not care about the power of the royal family at all.

"How is it possible? Of course, our constitutional monarchy is better." Roque said this sincerely, but as a British nobleman, Roque must also pay attention to political correctness.

"How much better can a constitutional monarchy be? It's just jumping from one muddy pit to another." Xiaosi sighed. Anyway, he is not an aristocrat, and it doesn't matter if he is politically correct or not.

However, Stoudemire was not too entangled, and his attention quickly shifted to other aspects: "How are you going to help Mozambique, just like Rhodesia helped Nyasaland?"

When Rock first got Nyasaland, Stoudemire really gave Rock a lot of help. Without Stoudemire's help, Rock would not have been able to build Nyasaland to the present level in such a short period of time. .

Of course, Stoudemire's help is not free. Now Rhodesia's products are unimpeded in Nyasaland. Rock will not repeat investment in any industry that Stoudemire is involved in. Rhodesia has now obtained Cecil. Rhodes' dream of getting out to the sea, and this outlet alone is enough to satisfy Stoudemire.

"I didn't ask you to help train the army——" Rock didn't accept Stoudemire's favor, and Rock had already paid off all the debts owed: "When the Portuguese just signed the agreement with the Yao people, I reminded the scum You need to stay vigilant and prepare to attack Tanganyika. Look at how this guy does it. He has more than 100 wives, and he is not afraid of dying of exhaustion on the bed. It will go round and round."

Rock also hates slags, but from another angle, this is also a good thing. If slags are powerful and powerful, then Rock has to beware of slags now. The current slags are pretty good, not very ideal, no No matter how powerful he is, Rock can safely push Zhaza to a higher position without worrying about Zhaza losing control.

Of course, there is another possibility, maybe Zha Zha is acting so unbearably now because he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

However, this possibility is very small. It's not that Rock looked down on the scumbags. If the scumbags had scheming, they wouldn't be able to drive the Portuguese out of Portuguese East Africa with the support of Cecil Rhodes.

"Aren't you worried that the slag will lose control in the future?" Stoudemire still has the usual colonial mentality.

"It's unlikely. As long as Mozambique cannot be self-sufficient, Mozambique can only rely on us." Rock really doesn't worry about this problem.

In fact, European countries have a good positioning for Africa. Roque now regards Mozambique as a source of raw materials. After the Yao people became independent, after the initial chaotic period, they began to steadily supply various production materials to Port Edward. Roque built Port Edward. Most of the stone and wood used came from areas controlled by the Yao people.

The way Rock controls the Yao people is no different from the colonists in European countries. Although Rock knows that the simple processing of wood and stones will save more shipping costs, Rock still insists on not letting the Yao people process it, even if it will be more expensive. It's troublesome, the cost is higher, and Rock doesn't leave any chance for the Yao people to upgrade their industries.

The only thing the Yao people can support themselves now is food, which has nothing to do with the productivity of the Yao people. In Africa, even if the Yao people don’t farm the land, they will not starve to death. Except for food, any industrial products that the Yao people need It needs to be exchanged from Nyasaland. In this case, the Yao people want to get out of Rock's control, unless there is also a traverser among the Yao people.

(End of this chapter)

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