Chapter 404 Simply Quick

The sound of the super revolver firing a grenade is very small, like the sound of a small hammer hitting an iron sheet: 嘡, 嘡, 嘡——

It sounds quite crisp and sweet.

More than a dozen super revolvers fired at the same time, and the dense grenades seemed to overwhelm the sky. As soon as the mercenaries rushed out of the tent, they were knocked down by shrapnel and steel balls flying around. The scene was really horrible.

No effective resistance can be organized at all. The mercenaries in name are all elites from various countries, and they can be considered battle-tested, but they have never experienced such a situation before. This is beyond their understanding of war. The mercenaries even thought that a large-scale war broke out, and more people were directly killed in the first round of attacks.

These people are considered happy because they don't have to go through the next suffering.

Almost at the same time when the grenade shooter just opened fire, the infantry quickly attacked in squads. At this time, the infantry had not forgotten to maintain their formation, but it was obvious that they were overly cautious. The infantry did not receive any resistance until they entered the combat position .

Wei Zhen did not participate in the charge. He held a telescope to observe the situation in the store from a high place.

Right next to Weizhen, there are more than a dozen precision shooters in charge of sniping. They use Martini Henry with scopes installed. rifle.

The precision rifle is actually a Lee Enfield rifle. Compared with the Lee Enfield equipped by ordinary soldiers, the high-precision Lee Enfield used by precision shooters has smaller errors between parts and the processing accuracy of each part , have almost reached the highest level at this time, and the Lee Enfield combined in this way will be greatly improved in accuracy compared with ordinary Lee Enfield.

Of course, the increase in accuracy also means an increase in cost. Nyasaland Armory estimates that the cost of a precision rifle is more than twice that of an ordinary rifle. As for the selling price——

Sorry, Nyasaland will not sell precision rifles in the short term, and even if it will be sold in the future, the price will be more than ten times that of ordinary rifles.


Don't think it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it if you think it's too expensive.

For precision shooters, the significance of a high-precision rifle does not need to be discussed. An ordinary soldier may need 100 rounds of bullets to kill an enemy, but a precision shooter can do it with one bullet. This is not only a technical gap, but also the role of weapons. Very important.

Even the most common bullets, the bullets used by precision shooters are different from the bullets used by ordinary soldiers. Although the same caliber is 7.7mm, the bullets used by precision shooters are all handmade, and the bullets are more accurate than ordinary rifle bullets. Heavy, in order to ensure shooting accuracy, the bullets of precision shooters use only one material, while the bullets of ordinary bullets use two materials.

Better technology, more advanced weapons, and more mature combat methods, combined together, is an overwhelming advantage.

Wei Zhen clearly saw that at the beginning of the battle, there were officers among the mercenaries who were organizing a counterattack, but these officers who gave orders were killed by precise shooters at the first time, and then the mercenaries fell into chaos.

As for the two Maxim heavy machine guns equipped by the mercenaries, they are the focus of the precision shooters. As long as anyone tries to use the heavy machine guns to fight back, they will be killed by the precision shooters immediately. After five or six consecutive shooters are killed, all The mercenaries were all far away from the two heavy machine guns, and no one tried to fight back.

The officers and soldiers of Company D are also ruthless. After arriving at the combat position, the officers and soldiers of Company D did not rush to destroy the enemy, but shouted "1, 2, 3" and threw the grenade together first. After throwing the grenade, it was an incendiary bomb. After two rounds, the storehouse was completely silent.

Even the voices of Shen Jin from the wounded disappeared.

In the end, Company D still failed to complete the task assigned by Anton. When Company D set off, Anton demanded that all the enemies be hanged. As a result, after the battle was over, the officers and soldiers of Company D cleaned the battlefield and found that many mercenaries were directly burned into coke. Even the two heavy machine guns were burned into two piles of scrap iron.

Undoubtedly a complete victory, the mercenaries were quickly surrounded and annihilated by the officers and soldiers of Company D before they even had time to escape.

Word came back to Nyasaland that on January 1904, 1, Rock announced the news at a New Year's gala dinner in Little Rock.

The officials of Nyasaland have become accustomed to it. As early as the mercenaries crossed the border to attack, the officials of Nyasaland never worried that the Rhodesian Northern Division would lose. Now the Rhodesian Northern Division once again proved that Without strength, Nyasaland officials just had a drink together at Roque's mention, and then lost interest in those mercenaries.

"It really made you do it. Now I really suspect that your subordinates are all knights of the round table." Frank expressed a complicated expression when he raised his glass to Rock.

This metaphor is not quite appropriate. Legend has it that the Knights of the Round Table were under the command of King Arthur of England. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, King Arthur led his Knights of the Round Table to unify the British Isles and achieved mythology. Later, he was honored as King Arthur.

Rock is an English baron. It is treasonous for Frank to compare Rock with King Arthur. Fortunately, Nyasaland's agents are all Frank's subordinates. It is estimated that no one reported Frank.

"How is it possible? First of all, the Rhodesian Northern Division is not my subordinate, it is Cecil's troops - secondly, the officers and soldiers of the Rhodesian Northern Division will also be injured when they are attacked, but no matter who it is, as long as they dare to provoke Rhodesia Northern Division, then we must be prepared to be retaliated by the Rhodesian Northern Division, who is the king of Belgium? Leopold II, right, he is going to be unlucky!" Rock will not just Forget it, although this matter probably has nothing to do with Leopold II, Rock does not intend to let Leopold II go.

"Lock, what do you want to do? I have to remind you, don't mess around, the majesty of the royal family cannot be violated." Frank was very nervous. Rock was not joking. Frank knew very well that Rock was really capable of doing it.

If Roque wanted to do something, he didn't need Roque to take action at all. Could it be that only Leopold II and the Belgian government could find mercenaries?If Roque waved a check, there would still be a large group of mercenaries working for Roque. That is to say, Roque still maintained restraint. Otherwise, not to mention the Belgian Congo, Roque would have the ability to spread the flames of war to Belgium.

"Frank, I regard you as a friend, what do you mean? I can only be beaten passively, but I can't fight back. Are you the director of the war office of the British Empire or the war office of the Kingdom of Belgium?" Rock directly questioned Frank's position, no matter what, Frank should be consistent with Rock.

"Of course I am the Director of the War Office of the British Empire, but it has nothing to do with my position—" Frank's expression was broken. This hat is too big for anyone to wear.

"Why doesn't it matter, as the director of the British Empire War Office, shouldn't you protect the interests of the Imperial Baron?" Stoudemire was still singing along side by side.

"We must launch a counterattack. This is also to maintain the dignity of the British Empire. No one can retreat unscathed after offending the British Empire." Anton added fuel to the fire.

"Lord Nyasaland, we are ready. As long as you give an order, we can crush Leopoldville." Martin was yelling wildly, playing the role of a fanatical general who launched a war without a brain.

Frank is a real headache. With hawkish leaders like Rock and Stoudemire, and militants like Anton and Martin, the Belgian government is still provoking life and death. Frank really wants to leave him alone and let him be in Belgium. life and death of people.

But it is impossible to ignore it. If Roque expands the scale of the war, it may trigger an all-out war between Britain and Belgium. This is something the British government absolutely does not want to see.

After the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia replaced France and became the overlord of the European continent. The current national policy of the United Kingdom is to unite with France to suppress Germany, and Belgium is the younger brother of France. If a war breaks out between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State, it will definitely affect the United Kingdom. cooperation with Belgium.

"My lord, I hope you will exercise restraint. If possible, you can leave this matter to me, and I will definitely give you an answer that you can accept." Frank knows how to satisfy Rock, as long as Belgium If the government gives Nyasaland part of its territory, Roque will be satisfied.

In Frank's view, there is nothing unacceptable. In the Berlin Conference, Leopold II became the biggest winner. After that, the major countries realized that they had been fooled by the Belgians.

For weak countries, the result of the Berlin Conference is a talisman. For strong countries, the result of the Berlin Conference is the toilet in the bedroom. Therefore, in the plans announced by the United Kingdom and Germany after the Berlin Conference, the Congo Free State is in their own plans part.

In other words, as long as the situation is favorable, Britain and Germany will tear up the decision of the Berlin Conference at any time.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news, Frank." Rock didn't care, after all, this matter still needs to speak with strength.

After Frank returned to the base of the War Office, Ma Shan contacted London, hoping to make contact with Belgium.

It's a pity that the news from London has not yet come, and another vicious incident happened. On January [-]th, Duncan, the general manager of Nyasaland Agricultural Company, was assassinated while inspecting the North Sea.

Although Duncan is only the general manager of a company in name, in Nyasaland, Duncan is actually the chief executive of Nyasaland. This is a troublesome situation. Even if Frank wants to mediate, it is estimated that Rock will not let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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