Chapter 405 The Second Update of Being Late

As soon as Duncan was assassinated, Roque sent Duncan to Bigwig Hospital for treatment, and then transferred Buck to be the general manager of Nyasaland Agricultural Company.

Originally, this position should belong to Buck, but when Rock got Nyasaland, Buck really couldn't leave in Bigwig Town, so Rock let Duncan come over.

Now it seems that Duncan's job is still a bit problematic, and only Buck can be qualified for this position under Roque.

On the first day Buck took office, he transferred Martin to the position of Chief of Police in Little Rock. The reason was simple. Someone had to be responsible for Duncan’s assassination. The headquarters of the Assaran Police is in Little Rock.

It doesn't matter. Before that, Gordon was actually the chief of police in Little Rock. Now that Gordon has gone to Port Edward, he can't take care of the police in Little Rock. Buck appointed Martin as the chief of police. Not only did Gordon have no objection, but he was relieved.

Rock, no matter how Buck adjusts the appointment of officials in Little Rock, as long as Buck can stabilize the situation in a short period of time, there is a high probability that Buck has no energy to retaliate against the Belgians, and Rock happens to have plenty of time.

On January [-], Carlos Dewar, the first secretary of Mayor Leopoldville, was shot dead in front of his home. The murderer was extremely calm. After shooting Carlos Dewar's driver, he shot at Carlos Dewar Dewar was shot three times in the head, killing Carlos Dewar instantly.

On January NO.11, Colonel Phoebe Trollope, a friend of the mayor of Leopoldville, was stabbed to death with a table knife in a restaurant in downtown Leopoldville. The murderer was in front of dozens of people In a blatant murder, after stabbing Phoebe Trollope to death, the murderer left a note at the scene with the words "the fate of the conspirators".

On January 12, Kevin Meg, the financial director of Imbi Rubber Company, hanged himself in his bedroom, and a note with the words "traitor" was pasted on his face.

On January 13, the barracks of the garrison in Leopoldville was attacked. The attackers fired at least 150 grenades on the spot, causing nearly a thousand casualties of the Belgian Congolese army.

On the night of January NO.13, Leopoldville Mayor Louis Noah called Frank, hoping to talk to Rock.

"What's there to talk about? The Belgians haven't shed enough blood. I haven't had enough fun yet. This conflict was started by the Belgians. So when it ends, I should have the final say." Rock will not Stop, the Belgians are not really repentant at all, Roque wants to teach the Belgians a profound lesson, so that the Belgians will never dare to make similar provocations again.

"So my lord, when do you want to end this?" In just a few days, Frank seemed to be getting older, with a lot of white hair on his head, deeper wrinkles on his face, and a tired expression. These days Frank is not less tormented.

"When I want to end, let's say, unless Louis Noah now apologises with death, this will continue to happen, and it will intensify." Rock did not hide his anger at all, since the Belgian likes to play super Limit the war, so come on, Roque has not attacked civilians yet, otherwise the Belgian government will be more passive.

Leopoldville, the city that Leopold II named after himself, is now the center of Belgian rule in the Belgian Congo.

"Unrestricted Warfare" is a concept first proposed by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui in 1999. It is estimated that Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui have not yet been born, so the concept of "Unrestricted Warfare" is unfamiliar to most people, including Frank.

The main idea of ​​"Unrestricted Warfare" is to attack the enemy's fortress with small-scale and focused attacks, and then implode inside the fortress to achieve strategic effects.

Therefore, in order to perfectly implement "Unrestricted Warfare", Rock must send people to the mainland of Belgium,

This is a bit difficult for Rock, so Rock's main target of revenge is Leopoldville.

As for whether Carlos Dewar and Kevin Meg committed a crime, or whether it was related to Duncan's assassination, it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that Rock finally has an excuse for revenge.

"Locke, getting revenge on each other is definitely not the way to solve the problem. You can send people to Leopoldville, and the Belgians can also send people to Little Rock. When is it time to retaliate, you have to forgive others." Frank said in Nigeria Asalan has been here for a long time, and he is no stranger to Chinese.

Therefore, it is not whether foreigners can learn Chinese, but whether they are willing to learn it. In Nyasaland, it is really difficult to move without knowing Chinese.

So Rock looked at Frank with a half-smile.

Frank immediately understood what Rock meant. Rock could hire white mercenaries to take revenge, but it was very difficult for the Belgians to take revenge on Rock.

Don’t forget that the largest number of residents in Little Rock are Chinese. Africans are completely rejected by Rock. White people who want to come to Nyasaland must first ask for permission from the Nyasaland Agricultural Company, and during their stay in Nyasaland , subject to nearly 360-degree monitoring without dead ends.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for white people to stay in Little Rock, and it is absolutely impossible for the Belgians to rely on white people to take revenge on Roque.

And the Chinese!

Don't be ridiculous, in Nyasaland, Roque is the patron saint of all Chinese, so it is difficult for the Belgians to fight back, and now they can only be passively beaten.

"Okay, okay, okay, you have the upper hand now, tell me a goal, and I will mediate from it as quickly as possible." Frank has not given up yet.

"Ha, the condition! It's very simple, I want Donghu and Lubumbashi." Rock will not let Lubumbashi go this time. In fact, last time, Rock should ask Leopold II to take East Lake. And Lubumbashi is coming over.

In other words, it was extortion.

"Locke, let's be realistic. The Belgian government just took over the Belgian Congo. If the Belgian government handed over Lubumbashi to you, I'm afraid the King and Prime Minister of Belgium will be in bad luck." Frank tried his best to find a Belgian government. Decent steps.

"They can also try to disagree." Roque didn't care about the life and death of the Belgian king and prime minister.

January NO.15, the Unrestricted War continued. The carriage of the mayor of Leopoldville, Louis Noah, was planted with a bomb. For some unknown reason, the bomb did not explode. Louis Noah escaped by luck. Passed a catastrophe.

Others were not so lucky. On the day of NO.15, someone broke into the Leopoldville City Council and killed three councilors who held a tough attitude towards Nyasaland with a pistol on the spot.

According to Belgian law, "thugs" who broke into the parliament with guns should be brought to court.

Fortunately, Roque did not persuade. On the night of NO.15, at least four congressmen were attacked by unidentified people. None of them died, but everyone was injured. One sprained his foot while escaping, and the other was cut by shrapnel. Cheek, the two are being treated in the hospital.

"Mr. George, your injury is not serious. You only need a simple suture, and you can recover as before." The doctors in the hospital did their duty and prepared to suture the wound on George's face.

The wound was not deep, nor very long, but it looked hideous. The blood stains were unappetizing, and there was a lot of blood. There was no blood station in Leopoldville. If George wanted blood transfusion, he had to go to Purple Wei Hospital.

Of course, even if George went to Bigwig Hospital, he might not be able to receive treatment. Bigwig Hospital is also extremely xenophobic, and there is basically no humanitarian spirit.

"Doctor, can the stitches be more dense? I don't want to have such a big scar on my face in the future." George still had a request, but he didn't seem to notice that the doctor behind him had changed.

"Isn't it normal to have a scar on the face? The scar is a man's military medal." The doctor was wearing a mask, and his voice was a little unclear.

"That's for soldiers!" George was annoyed. Politicians are gentlemen, and they can't be as vulgar as soldiers.

In this era, the military is not a respectable profession. After the Boer War, some people in the British Parliament believed that the local army should be disbanded. The navy is enough.

If it doesn't work, the colonial army can also be mobilized, so it's not surprising that someone made this suggestion.

"Should soldiers be unlucky?" The doctor skillfully used a scalpel to cut off the fat on the wound, carefully found out the sundries in the wound, and applied shaving lotion on George's face.

"You don't need to shave. Damn you know how long I've been growing the beard on my face." George didn't want to shave. People with a little bit of status would have beards at this time, which is a symbol of status.

"Hehe—" the doctor sneered and pushed George directly on the chair.

Only then did George realize that something was wrong, and he turned to look around. The doctor George was familiar with had long since disappeared without a trace.

"You—who are you?" George looked at the doctor with a trembling voice.

"Lord Nyasaran sends his greetings, Mr. George—" The doctor kept his hands on the question while answering the question, and directly pulled a wet towel over George's face.

It was suffocating George to death.

At the juncture of life and death, George was still struggling. Unfortunately, there was a huge power gap between George and the doctor, so George's resistance seemed meaningless.

After a long time, the doctor let go of George and sat down on the chair in front of George.

"Mr. George, I know you, you don't know me, I know you have a beautiful wife, and I know you have three children, they are all in Brussels, it seems that it is far from Nyasaland, but it is not far, You should know that the situation in Brussels is not peaceful these days." The doctor earnestly and kindly.

"Yes, I know—" George was filled with fear, and the doctor was obviously prepared and knew everything about George's situation.

 There are guests at home in the afternoon, and the end is a bit late, so I hurriedly wrote out a chapter, please forgive me, brothers——



(End of this chapter)

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