Chapter 416 A Bit of a Taste (Debt Repayment Sixth)

Both Dick and Lance are members of the National Party. Their daily job is to promote in Johannesburg to attract more people to join the National Party.

This work is not going well. Basically, those who have voting rights in Johannesburg have joined the Liberal Party. No one is interested in the National Party. When those Liberal Party members hear Dick and Lance promoting the National Party, they often Cynically, there is usually no one on a day-to-day basis who wants to join the National Party.

Three days ago, Dick and Lance received new regulations. Regardless of whether they have the right to vote, as long as they live in Johannesburg, they can join the National Party. This was impossible before. Only people with the right to vote and a certain status Talent is eligible to join the National Party.

Of course, the latter clause has never been strictly enforced. Strictly speaking, although Dick and Lance have the right to vote, their status is not high. party.

Dick and Lance were really excited when the National Party released their identity restrictions. They got bonuses for recruiting people to join the National Party. For every person they recruited to join the National Party, they could get five shillings as a reward. Not a small number.

Unfortunately, even though the National Party has opened the door, there are still not many people who are willing to join the National Party.

For three whole days, Dick and Lance did not convince anyone to join the National Party.

"I'm desperate. This is the world of the Liberal Party. No one wants to join the National Party, or any other party. Even if the local Liberal Party comes, it's useless—" Lance sat down with a large stack of materials On the flower platform in front of the headquarters of the Liberal Party, there was a look of despair.

Right in front of Lance, two white men just entered the Liberal Party headquarters and completed the membership registration. Before Lance tried to introduce the National Party to them, they didn't even read the information Lance sent. One of them even said something ugly. If that was the case, Lance almost ran away, but when he saw the guards staring at the door of the Liberal Party headquarters, Lance finally controlled himself and did not do any irrational behavior.

The guards at the entrance of the Liberal Party headquarters are not decorations. On the first day Lance went to work, he had experienced the strength of the guards.

At that time, Lance claimed that the National Party also had a backer, pestering a white man who wanted to enter the headquarters of the Liberal Party, but was severely taught by the guards.

After Henry Alsop found out about this, he didn't go to trouble the Liberal Party as Lance had imagined. He just gave Lance two pounds as compensation, which Lance remembered deeply.

"I think we underestimated the influence of the Liberal Party on Johannesburg. You said that if we leave Johannesburg and go to the surrounding farms, will there be any gains?" Dick took a different approach. Johannesburg is now occupied by the Liberal Party. It wasn't that the Johannesburg election required the residence of voters, and Dick wanted to go to Orange to pull the head.

"What are you thinking, the farms around are Chinese, they listen to that Lord Nyasaland in everything, Lord Nyasaland asked them to join the Liberal Party, they will join the Liberal Party, Lord Nyasaland asked them to join The National Party, they will join the National Party, go to the farmers around, we might as well go to Lord Nyasaland—” Lance said this, feeling disheartened, and went to Lord Nyasaland Obviously it doesn't help that Lord Nyasaland himself was one of the founders of the Liberal Party.

At this time, a few Indians walked past Lance and Dick talking and laughing, and their destination was obviously the headquarters of the Liberal Party.

Neither Dick nor Lance went up to introduce the mood of the National Party.

It's useless to go up and introduce them. Indians are very smart, so they won't join the National Party.

"I don't think there's any point in what we're doing. Even if these non-suffrage people join in, it won't help the election. Why don't we go back to Pretoria and run Pretoria? That might More people will join the National Party." Dick was really not reconciled.

"Heh, first of all, we have to build momentum first, as you know, our National Party now only has a few dozen people, with such a small number of people, it is less than one percent of the Liberal Party, and it is impossible to attract more people. "Lance doesn't know enough about the situation of the Liberal Party. His ratio is obviously low, but Dick has no intention of correcting it.

At this moment, the few Indians who had just passed in front of Dick and Lance had a dispute with a Liberal Party worker.

Dick and Lance took a few steps forward and could finally hear what they were arguing about.

"Sorry, if you don't live in Johannesburg, then you can't join the Liberal Party." The staff member's expression was impatient, and there was a movement of his hand in front of his nose.

This is actually a very insulting action, but several Indians did not express any objection.

This is probably because the guards at the entrance of the Liberal Party headquarters have very serious expressions. If you say that the Liberal Party also attaches great importance to security work, there are a total of four guards at the entrance of the headquarters. Watching a few Indians.

"We have just arrived in Johannesburg, and soon we will apply for residency in Johannesburg, so residency is not a problem." An Indian with good English argued hard.

"You have to get the right of residence first, and then you can apply to become a member of the Liberal Party. Don't get this causal relationship wrong." The staff still explained patiently.

"That's why we came here hoping to join the Liberal Party. We need your help before we can get residency." The Indian still slipped.


Dick and Lance suddenly realized almost at the same time.

After arguing for a long time, these Indians have not yet obtained the right of residence in Johannesburg, so they want to join the Liberal Party, and then hope to use the relationship between the Liberal Party and the Johannesburg City Government to help them obtain the right of residence.

Sounds like nothing logically wrong!

As far as Dick and Lance know, the right of residence in Johannesburg is very rare. Except for the first few months, Johannesburg restricts the inflow of people, unless they own property in Johannesburg or find a job. residency to Johannesburg, otherwise you can only stay in Johannesburg as a tourist.

However, tourist status in Johannesburg will be subject to many restrictions, even renting a house is not possible, so it is not easy to become a permanent resident of Johannesburg, unless you are a wealthy person, you can directly buy real estate in Johannesburg.

Looking at the appearance of these Indians, they don't look like rich people.

"That is to say, you have asked the Liberal Party to provide services to you before you have made any contribution to the Liberal Party? What did the Liberal Party do to give you this illusion?" The staff also looked collapsed, looking at a few Indians His eyes were like looking at a fool.

"Although we have not yet had time to contribute to the Liberal Party, but believe us, as long as we get the residency in Johannesburg, we will join the Liberal Party and then cast our sacred vote for the Liberal Party." Several Indians vowed, The expression is both sincere and confident.

"Don't dream, even if you get the right of residence in Johannesburg now, you can't get the right to vote." The staff now simply look disgusted.

"Why? Are you talking about our skin color? We are also Asians, and even the Chinese are about to get the right to vote. Why don't we have it?" The Indian spoke uprightly, trying to get the staff to admit their mistakes.

The staff gave up communicating and called the guard who was watching the excitement over: "Li, tell him what is the difference between you."

Only then did Dick and Lance notice that the guards in front of the Liberal Party headquarters today were actually Chinese.

"The difference between me and you is that I have real estate in Johannesburg and Bigwig Town, and a farm in the suburbs of Johannesburg. What do you have? Just because of this big beard? By the way, the biggest difference between me and you is I have a gun and a baton in my hand, get the hell out of me right now!" Li's personality is a bit irritable, and he probably has long been impatient.

"How can you do this—" the Indian had just argued.

Lee immediately drew his baton.

The Indians ran away.

This scene was a bit too funny, Lance was still laughing, but Dick ran after some Indians.

"Hey, you want to get residency in Johannesburg, don't you? Why don't you find out about our National Party?" Dick had a hunch that maybe his luck was about to change.

"The National Party—"

"There's still a National Party in Johannesburg?"

"You guys are not kidding, haven't you heard of—"

Dick finally understood why Li was so irritable just now. To be honest, Dick wanted to throw the information in his hands on the faces of these Indians.

"Listen to me, the father of our chairman is Mr. Harry Alsop, Lord Mahanlais, Deputy Governor of the Transvaal. You better show some respect, or you will lose this opportunity." Dick Qiang Endure the nausea and continue to talk to a few Indians.

At this moment, Dick can also understand why the staff member wanted to cover his nose just now——

Nima's smell is really too strong, as if these people didn't wipe their buttocks after going to the toilet, and they never changed their clothes, and they haven't taken a bath since they saved it——

Dick is white, and his own body odor is very strong, which can make Dick feel unbearable. One can imagine how severe the body odor of these Indians is.

"Really? That's great, we are willing to join the National Party!" Several Indians didn't notice Dick's expression, and surrounded Dick.

Dick couldn't stand it immediately, it was like falling into a cesspit!

(End of this chapter)

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