Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 417 The program is correct

Chapter 417 The program is correct

Almost suddenly, the pace of National Party expansion accelerated.

In just one week, the size of the National Party has tripled, from more than 50 people to 160 people. This result is undoubtedly gratifying. The National Party is very excited from top to bottom. None of the officers has the right to vote, which is still a welcome improvement.

There is no way, the whites in Johannesburg who have the right to vote have been taken one step ahead by the Liberal Party. Even the Chinese who have not yet obtained the right to vote have been absorbed by the Liberal Party. by the Liberal Party.

With Roque in or out, the situation facing the National Party is very different.

When Rock was not in Johannesburg, Owen would still consider the decency among the nobles when doing things, so things would not be so absolute.

Rock is different.

After Rock returned to Johannesburg, at the first meeting held by the Election Commission, Rock launched an outrageous attack.

In fact, Roque didn't say anything. Although Roque was not a member of the Election Committee, Owen, as the chairman of the Election Committee, agreed that Roque should attend the Election Committee's meeting, and then the process of the meeting became a little weird.

The most intuitive change is that the previous members of the committee, who were at both ends of the rat, were hesitant on the issue of whether Chinese Americans should have the right to vote, and their attitudes suddenly became firm. Henry Alsop just expressed his doubts, and was met with Some members of the Election Commission lashed out.

"One question, the election in Johannesburg should be decided by the people of Johannesburg. Henry Alsop and Kevin Trevecomon are neither from Johannesburg nor hold any position in Johannesburg. Why can they be members of the Election Commission? As for their National Party, which has become a joke? Don’t be ridiculous. Even if my cook formed a political party, it might have more supporters than the National Party. I suggest re-examining the qualifications of the members of the Election Committee. Members of the allocation, drive them all out of the election committee, the election in Johannesburg can only be decided by the people of Johannesburg!" Marcos Beaufort, the commissioner of taxation, was the most steadfast, and straightforwardly proposed that Henry Alsop and Kevin Trivikane kicked out of the Electoral Commission.

"I don't want to target anyone. Since the democratic representative system in Johannesburg is a pilot, then we should not make a difference between the upper house and the lower house like the local ones. Then the democratic representative system will have no meaning. Director Beaufort is right. We should Simplify the election process, streamline the selection committee members, some people think that by virtue of their parents' status in Pretoria, they can dictate the election in Johannesburg, what I want to say to them is, fuck you!" Director of Home Affairs James Bernard's attitude is equally radical. James Bernard and Marcus Beaufort are both members of the Liberal Party, and their party numbers are all within one hundred. Of course, they will spare no effort to wave the flag for the Liberal Party.

"Gentlemen, we should not be focusing on the issue of electoral committee membership, but should be discussing whether Chinese people should have the right to vote. Whether we are the Liberal Party or the National Party, at least we are all white. This issue should be more appropriate. Deserves our attention." Henry Alsop tried to bring the conversation back on track.

If this had happened before, maybe Henry Alsop would have succeeded, but this meeting was attended by Rock, so as soon as Henry Alsop finished speaking, Rock immediately stepped forward.

"Mr. President, please speak!"

Roque abides by the rules of the meeting.

The chairman of the election committee is Owen, and Rock's request is just a formality, but before Owen can speak, Kevin Trivecon can't wait to jump out.

"Mr. Chairman, according to the rules of the meeting, people who are not qualified for the election committee have no right to speak. Lord Nyasaland is also Chinese, and he should avoid this issue!" They all forgot that if he strictly followed the regulations, he would not have the right to join the election committee.

"Do you mean that I also have no right to speak? Don't open your mouth to talk about race. What do you want to say? What do you want to express? Chinese Americans should not have the right to vote? Please see for yourself, Two-thirds of Johannesburg's population is ethnic Chinese, and now you want to exclude ethnic Chinese from the election, I doubt your motive." Rock was blunt, and directly launched a sharp counterattack to Kevin Trivecon.

"Some people are always self-righteous, thinking that if they have a good father, they can reach the sky in one step, and they don't look at what they are--" Marcus Beaufort laughed loudly, without any concealment, Kevin Trivecon and Henry Alsop's complexion changed drastically at the same time, they never thought that Marcus Beaufort would be so shameless.


It's a good topic, and Marcus Beaufort wouldn't be so presumptuous if Harry Alsop and Swift Trevecomb were there, Henry Alsop and Kevin Terry After all, Weikang is still not enough weight. These two ignorant second-generation officials may have a higher starting point than others when they entered the officialdom because of the energy of their parents. But in terms of actual working ability, Henry Alsop and Kevin Trivecon is really not as good as old guys like Marcus Beaufort.

That is to say, before Marcus Beaufort didn’t save Henry and Kevin any face. If there was a fundamental conflict of interest, Marcus Beaufort and his veterans who had been on the battlefield could put Henry and Kevin in minutes. Wen and the others, the second generation of officials who relied on the shadow of their parents to enter the officialdom, have swallowed all the scum left.

Now, Henry and Kevin had a fundamental conflict of interest with officials like Marcos Beaufort for years. Marcos Beaufort only made a little effort, and Henry and Kevin were already retreating steadily.

"Back to the original question, Chinese must have the right to vote. Who is in favor? Who is against?" Rock was full of domineering, and did not give these officials any room to evade.

Looking around the audience, almost no one dared to look at Roque.

Rock's gloomy gaze swept over everyone's face, and every member of the election committee who made eye contact with Rock either smiled humbly and flattered, or nodded slightly with a smile on his face, even Kevin Trevy Kang didn't dare to look at Rock, only Henry Alsop——

Henry Alsop's gaze was a bit complicated. He was full of contempt for Roque before. Even though Roque was now a baron of the British Empire, Henry Alsop still had some complaints about Roque.

Henry Alsop does have the capital. He has a father who is the deputy governor. Henry Alsop has the capital to fight Roque, but that is in Pretoria, not in johannesburg.

"It has been a long-standing practice that people of color cannot have the right to vote. We can't just treat all Chinese-Americans just because of certain exceptions." Henry Alsop finally found a way to fight back.

"Shut up, you Luther, according to what you say, the Mahanlais family with French blood should not have a noble title in the British Empire at all, so what right do you have to sit here and talk nonsense?" Luo Kehao Unscrupulously exposing the old background, the foundation of the Ma Hanlai family is not clean, if you really want to talk about blood, everyone's blood is not pure.

"Asshole, this is not the place to discuss this issue!" Henry Alsop finally lost his mind.

"Are you angry? Sorry, if you want to do it, you may regret it-have you seen it, everyone, I didn't provoke them first!" Rock has reached this time, and he still hasn't forgotten to pull other committee members to testify for himself .

In fact, Henry Alsop really didn't mean to do anything. Rock is also famous in this respect. First, he was the police chief, then the commander of the newly created First Cavalry Division, and then he was outstanding in the Natal counter-insurgency. No one on earth dared to fight Rock.

Henry Alsop was about to go mad with rage. He jumped out of his chair and was about to rush at Rock.

Rock smirked and got ready.

It's a pity that Henry Alsop is held back by Kevin Trevikane.

Except for Kevin Trivecon, there was no one around to help, and the other committee members all watched with cold eyes. They slapped the table with their hands while booing everywhere, and they all shot in a frightening rhythm. It was really fun to watch No big deal.

"Quiet, Henry Alsop, sit back for me, don't force me to disqualify you from being a committee member!" Owen slammed on the table with something similar to a gavel, looking at Henry Alsop full of anger.

Henry Alsop was very obedient, and immediately sat back on his chair, staring at Rock angrily with bloodshot eyes.

Rock doesn't care about this kind of people. Regarding the right to vote, Rock naturally has his own way: "Whether Chinese people can get the right to vote, we can decide in a more democratic way. Johannesburg has already implemented a democratic representative system. Someone, or someone The era when a family can decide with one word has passed, let alone a full-time official, what can you be proud of!"

At this point, Rock still hasn't forgotten the sarcasm.

Henry Alsop tried to jump up again, but was held back by Kevin Trivecom.

"Let's vote with a show of hands. Those who are willing to give Chinese Americans the right to vote now raise their hands!" Marcus Beaufort raised his hand before he finished speaking.

Rock sneered and raised his hand.

James Bernard followed Rock in raising his hand.

More people catered one after another, and even Owen raised his hand in agreement.

"This vote is invalid, it does not comply with the rules of the meeting!" Henry Alsop was furious.

"Uh, Henry, this is a collective decision of the Election Committee. We must pay attention to democracy, so this result is valid." Owen pushed back slowly, this is the power of democracy.

(End of this chapter)

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