Chapter 430 Follow

Regarding colonial taxation, the British government did not actually take much away, and most of the part taken away was used to pay for the maintenance of the colonial government and the garrison. On this point, Rock was actually changing the concept secretly.

What really depressed Rock was that the British government controlled the minting power of the British pound. No matter how much gold the Rand Bank had, it was impossible to convert the gold into British pounds in time. If the Transvaal was self-governing, the Transvaal The government can decide its own currency, which is how South Africa's "Rand" came about in history.

Rand is actually "Rand". From this point, we can see the significance of the Rand Gold Mine to southern Africa. Now the Rand Gold Mine is basically controlled by the Johannesburg Mining Union. The death of Rhodes led to the loss of the power of the Mining Alliance. In this time and space, there is no need to worry about it. Stoudemire and Rock have joined forces to basically firmly control the Mining Alliance. No one can take the Mining Alliance away.

In the evening, Philip held a welcome dinner for Joseph Chamberlain in his official residence, and Roque met Louis Botha and Jan Smudge at the dinner.

Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz came to Johannesburg to learn from the experience, and like the Liberal Party in Johannesburg, the People’s Party founded by Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz also had a huge advantage in Orange, although within Orange There are also other political parties, but none of them can shake the position of the People's Party in Orange.

"Thank you very much, Minister Smotz. All Johannesburgers should be grateful to you." Roque said this sincerely. Yang Smotz is indeed powerful. Originally, Roque expected that the democratic representative system would wait until 1906 The implementation of the democratic representative system will be implemented in the next year, and Yang Shi Mozi's efforts have brought forward the implementation of the democratic representative system by one and a half years.

At least in Johannesburg.

"You're welcome, I'm not doing this for Johannesburg, but for southern Africa." Yang Smother's expression was cold, and he probably didn't feel well in his heart. Probably, Yang Smudge never expected that he was running around in London , but let Johannesburg pick the peaches.

Rock was not embarrassed, and continued to exchange greetings with Louis Botha. Stoudemire, Henry, and Owen next to him were all smiling. If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, these people would probably have already raised their glasses to celebrate.

"My lord, I would like to congratulate you anyway. Johannesburg and Bigwig Town are really impressive." Louis Botha's attitude is good, at least in terms of economic development and urban construction, Louis Botha admires Rock very much .

In fact, on the battlefield, Louis Botha did not take advantage of Roque, and almost became Roque's captive.

All of this has passed, and now Rock and Louis Botha are not actually enemies. On the contrary, they have a common enemy which is the British government, so Rock and Louis Botha can put themselves in the right position.

As for the others—

It's not important, it's not important.

"Orange is also good. In fact, Orange also has very good conditions. Christian Exploration Company has discovered some mineral deposits in Orange. If the Orange government agrees, I think we, the Johannesburg Mining Union, are willing to submit to Orange Investment." Rock expressed his favor. The Boers were good at fighting wars, but they were amateurs in mining. There are also a lot of mineral deposits in Orange, but they are all in an undeveloped state.

The key is that there is no technology and no money. Mineral resources still require a lot of cost to develop. Otherwise, there would not be so many gold diggers who have discovered gold mines, but they can only sell gold mines to big companies, and only big companies Only then can it be developed, including the Orange government.

In southern Africa, there is no such thing as a public-owned economy. The government does not participate in the operation and only maintains the environment. This protects the interests of the private economy to the greatest extent, but it loses its dominance over the economy.

In other words, in situations like the Transvaal and Orange, even if new mines are discovered in the territory, the government cannot invest.

No investment means no profit, no ability to improve infrastructure, improve hardware and software facilities, all profits generated by mines are taken away by big companies and big capitalists, and there are very few benefits that really fall on ordinary people.

This is no way, after all, capitalists are not philanthropists.

So don’t advocate the benefits of the private economy. Just look at Russia in the 21st century. Once the private economy becomes popular, the entire country will be controlled by capital, and ordinary people will lose their interests.

"The mineral resources in our Orange territory will naturally be developed by our Orange people." Before Louis Botha had time to respond, Yang Smozi interjected first.

Rock just smiled and said nothing, and Stoudemire, Henry, and Owen didn't care much. This kind of thing can't be done just by talking about it. It takes real money to invest in the network to see the effect. Let's not talk about whether the Orange government has the capital , even if there is, at the level of Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz, if you really want to open a mine, you will probably lose money.

It's like everyone is Rock.

"You are very welcome. I think we will have a very pleasant cooperation." Louis Botha pretended not to hear what Yang Smother said, and Rock was not defenseless. There is no mention of any mine or where it is located. If the Orange government wants to come by itself, I am afraid that it will not be able to afford the exploration costs.

"First of all, I think we should talk about the democratic representative system." After all, Rock was still impatient, and he was not in the mood to go around in circles with Louis Botha.

"Of course, of course, this is our common wish." Louis Botha spoke in front of Yang Smother, preventing him from interjecting.

Then Roque and Luis Botha went to the balcony.

After all, there were still too many people in the hall.

There is a little breeze on the balcony. It is winter in Johannesburg in August, and the weather is still a bit cool at night.

Rock didn't realize it, and his attention was on the upcoming general election.

"The Liberal Party will definitely win the election. Even when the elections start in the Transvaal, the Liberal Party will still be able to win. The crux of the problem is what to do after winning—" Roque looked at Louis Botha with sharp eyes. , The tone immediately became harsh: "We are not enemies now, we should cooperate for win-win results, the fate of southern Africa should be in our own hands, not the MPs in London, the democratic representative system is just the beginning, definitely not the end, I Hopefully we can reach a consensus on this issue instead of silos like we are now."

Roque said it very bluntly, he almost said that southern Africa should be self-governing.

Louis Botha didn't speak, and lay on the railing, smoking a cigar desperately. It is estimated that the inner struggle was a bit fierce.

Rock is not in a hurry, anyway, the bait has already been laid, it depends on Louis Botha whether he bites the bait or not, Louis Botha should be more anxious than Rock, this can be seen from the fact that Yang Smother went to London early to lobby figure it out.

"Lord, do you think it is possible for us to form a unified Southern African Autonomous Union?" Louis Botha finally bit the bait.

"Why is it impossible? Canada and Australia have already become self-governing, and the profits generated in southern Africa can't make up for the expenses of maintaining the government in southern Africa. If things go on like this, London will definitely not be able to bear it." Rock values ​​Yang Small very much. If Yang Smolzi can continue to go to London to fight for more loans, then London will avoid it sooner or later.

After the establishment of the Transvaal and Orange Provisional Government, the British government, in order to support the Transvaal and Orange Provisional Government, provided compensation and grants, plus loans to the Transvaal and Orange Provisional Government, It has already exceeded 5000 million pounds, which has almost reached its limit. If the Transvaal and Orange interim governments are still unable to support their own profits and losses in a short period of time, then London will definitely abandon the Transvaal and Orange interim governments. government.

That's what Rock thinks. Since the British government has reached its limit and Yang Smolzy's lobbying ability is still so good, let Yang Smolzy continue to go to London. It's good to get more loans, but he can't. It doesn't matter, just make the MPs in London afraid of Jan Smoltz.

"Heh, after all, let's lobby London, and then you Johannesburg will take advantage of it." Louis Botha really doesn't like this kind of unequal exchange, but unfortunately, Orange doesn't have it now. Too many chips.

Rock didn't speak, just looked at Louis Botha and smiled. Although Rock desperately wanted the autonomy of the Transvaal, Orange had more urgent needs in this regard than the Transvaal, so Rock had time now.

The hall had become a sea of ​​joy by the time Rock and Louis Botavan Lake Hall had arrived, and Governor Ader had arrived in Johannesburg from Pretoria in time to attend a welcome dinner for Joseph Chamberlain.

Philip delivered a speech as the host, and Joseph Chamberlain thanked him as the guest of honor. The atmosphere was very warm.

Yang Smozi was drinking in a corner of the hall. The enthusiasm here had nothing to do with Yang Smozi. He exuded the aura of keeping strangers away, and there was no one within a three-meter radius.

Seeing Rock coming back, Stoudemire leaned over calmly.

Rock nodded to Stoudemire, then raised the wine glass in his hand as a gesture.

Xiao Si almost looked up to the sky with a long smile, picked up the cup in his hand and drank it down in one gulp.

The first dance of the party was performed by Philip and Phyllis. Due to physical reasons, Philip chose a court dance with small movements.

The music of the band was melodious, and people were clapping rhythmically around the dance floor. Phyllis smiled happily, and while dancing, she was looking for Rock among the crowd.

As a result Philip was very dissatisfied.

On August [-]st, the election officially began. As the first trial in the Transvaal and Orange, the election in Johannesburg attracted the attention of the whole of southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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