Chapter 431 Goods

For most Johannesburgers, elections are a strange thing. For the first time in their lives, they have the right to participate in politics. Although this right is subject to many restrictions, it is a huge improvement compared to before.

Most of the people here refer to the ethnic Chinese in Johannesburg, but they don't realize how important the votes in their hands are. Many people don't even want to vote, thinking that it's a waste of time, or under Rock's strict requirements, Many ethnic Chinese went to the polling station to cast their sacred vote.

How to put it, most Chinese don't care much about politics. They put all their energy on running their own farms and how to make their family live a good life. They usually keep their officials at arm's length.

Therefore, the overseas Chinese have never had a strong sense of political presence, and the Chinese are not good at using their own political rights, which leads to the fact that the interests of the Chinese are often ignored.

This kind of thing will definitely not happen in Johannesburg. A few months ago, Roque instructed Owen to organize personnel to promote the value of the "sacred vote" to the Chinese in Johannesburg.

On this point, the Chinese are still very good at communicating. Although most Chinese still don't understand the things in the Liberal Party's propaganda, they can still obey Rock's command and are willing to vote for the Liberal Party.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Philip, Owen, Marcus Beaufort, and a group of senior officials from the city of Johannesburg put their votes into the ballot box under the witness of the media and Ade in the largest polling place at the railway station.

This is also a show. As a soldier, Rock has no voting rights, and Stoudemire, a Rhodesian who also has no voting rights, is watching the fun.

"Is this a witness to history!" Stoudemire has a sense of historical participation.

"Of course, Johannesburg has entered a new era from today." Rock was in a very happy mood. In fact, it was not suitable for chatting at this time. Everyone was applauding with sacred faces. Only Rock and Stoudemire were chatting behind the crowd. .

At this time, there was some noise on the street corner not far from the polling station. Rock looked back and found that a few big headscarves were arguing with the police.

At this time, any discordant voices must be suppressed, so the military and police soon came to support them, and several headscarves were taken away.

"It's the Indians who demand the right to vote. They think they are of a high caste and should have the right to vote. It's really fantastic." Harry Spencer's expression was ugly, and there were still loopholes in the security plan, otherwise these big turbans would not be at all. May get mixed up nearby.

Harry Spencer had worked in India before, but he applied to be transferred from India to Johannesburg because he couldn't stand the Indian environment. He didn't have the slightest liking for Indians.

It is well known that Rock does not like Indians. The total number of Indians in Johannesburg now does not exceed 5000, and most of them are still mining in the mines. They are not Johannesburgers at all, and they are usually unwilling to pay taxes. Paying, but now want to fight for the right to vote, this is a joke.

This is also the reason why Rock is wary of the Indians. The UK is now counting the population, but it actually includes India in the statistics. Also as a populous country, India has a population potential no less than that of the Qing Dynasty. Because of the special relationship between the UK and India, It is actually easier for the UK to obtain human resources from India.

The reason why the mine owners in Johannesburg do not like to use Indians has a lot to do with the poor labor efficiency of Indians.

In most cases, the work efficiency of Indian miners is not as good as that of Africans. Africans are representatives of hard work in this era, but Indians call themselves "British" and demand special treatment everywhere. That's why the mine owners in Johannesburg put The target turned to the Chinese in the Qing Dynasty.

"Indians want to have the right to vote, unless a baron can be born among them." Stoudemire laughed loudly. This may sound ugly, but it is true.

Ade and Philip did not stay at the scene for too long. After voting and taking photos, Philip, Ade and a group of senior officials will go to the De Beers Hotel to attend the celebration banquet.

It's amazing, the election is not over yet, the statistical results have not yet appeared, and a celebration banquet is about to be held now, Rock can only say: I wish you a happy time!

Rock is also responsible for maintaining order, so he can't leave yet.

In front of the polling station, the staff of the Socialist Party are still doing their best to promote, trying to persuade voters to vote for the Socialist Party.

This effort is destined to be in vain. The vast majority of voters will vote for the Liberal Party. Many voters have never heard of the Socialist Party before. Most Chinese in Johannesburg cannot understand English. Fill in under the guidance, and you will definitely not make mistakes.

Arnold and Owen are also there, but they will definitely not end in person, and there is no communication between the two.

"Harry, you stay here, I'll go to other places to have a look." Rock didn't want to stay here to watch the excitement. With this time, Rock would rather find a place to rest.

These few days are really too busy, Rock doesn't even have time to go home.

"Don't worry, leave this to me." Harry Spencer was full of energy.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about. Each polling station has a squad of soldiers and a squad of commandos responsible for maintaining law and order. Anyone who wants to make trouble will be thrown into prison for self-reflection. They will not be dealt with until after the election. For example, the few Indians who made trouble just now, it may take some time for them to leave the prison.

The entire poll will last for one day, starting at [-]:[-] am and ending at [-]:[-] pm.

The Election Commission will count the votes overnight. This work will be carried out under the supervision of the London Monitoring Team to ensure that the election results are fair and effective. The upcoming Johannesburg Parliament has 35 seats. The Election Commission will determine the distribution of parliamentary seats based on the election results .

What makes Roque very dissatisfied is that according to the opinion of the monitoring team, no matter how great the advantage of the Liberal Party is, the Liberal Party can only get 70.00% of the parliamentary seats, and the remaining seats should be obtained by other political parties.

This is to prevent the Liberal Party from overwhelming the parliament. In the current situation in Johannesburg, if the parliamentary seats are allocated in accordance with the election results, the Liberal Party may really get all the seats. In this way, the democratic representative system in Johannesburg will become a joke.

The biggest winner is undoubtedly the Socialist Party. Fortunately, Roque reacted quickly after learning about this plan. Almost overnight, several political parties appeared in Johannesburg, all of them to disperse the seats of the society.

Rock was very busy on this day. There were ten polling places in Johannesburg, and the remaining [-] polling places were in the towns around Johannesburg. Because of the large population, there were two polling places in Big Via Town. Inside, ran through these polling places.

The situation is still good, everything is going well, all the polling places are in order, no one dares to jump out to make trouble at this time, the umbrella company has played a huge role, all the company's security personnel are dispatched, they are temporarily hired by the election committee.

At [-]:[-] p.m., all polling stations closed on time, and the boxes containing the ballots were sent back to Johannesburg under the escort of military police, and the staff of the Election Commission began counting the ballots overnight.

"My lord, you should go and take a rest." Harry Spencer was a little worried about Rock's state. Rock's emotions were a little agitated all day, and now his eyes are bloodshot.

"It's okay, we'll probably be busy all night today, and no one can rest until the election result comes out." Rock insisted, and he had already drank a large pot of coffee.

"Wish they'd move faster—" lamented Harry Spencer, who was also having a tense day.

In the era without computers, the efficiency of counting election results was very low. The staff of the Election Commission worked in groups of four, one to sing the votes, one to record, and two to supervise to prevent mistakes. More than 100 people in the entire warehouse were working at the same time. It was very noisy.

As for the staff of the inspection team who were supposed to supervise on-site, they are still attending the dinner party, and it is uncertain whether they will come to perform their duties.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the statistical work was not over yet, Harry Spencer couldn't bear it at first, and went to the temporary lounge next to him to rest.

Luo Keqiang continued to stare at the scene. At this time, the person accompanying Rock had been replaced by Owen.

"The statistics of three polling places have been completed, and there is not much difference from what we predicted. 90.00% of the votes were cast for our Liberal Party. This time we will win!" Owen was also very excited. He is only wearing one now. A white shirt with the cuffs rolled up to the elbows and the collar buttons unbuttoned, such a slovenly look rarely appeared on Owen.

When Owen came to Roque, he brought a bottle of wine. Although Roque knew it was inappropriate, he had a drink with Owen.

"Don't be too happy, before the final statistics come out, no one should be careless." Rock was very cautious at this time, the closer he was to victory, the more accidents would happen.

Sure enough, at two o'clock in the morning, the statistical results of polling station No. [-] showed that the Socialist Party actually surpassed the Liberal Party.

"Calculate again." Rock's face was gloomy. Although this result cannot change the final result, it is still abnormal for this result to appear.

"Yes, my lord—" The four staff in charge of statistics started all over again tremblingly. Owen and Harry Spencer were both alarmed and supervised with Rock.

It seems that there is no error in the statistical results. It is true that the Socialist Party has a higher vote rate than the Liberal Party. For every ten votes, about five votes are for the Socialist Party, four are for the Liberal Party, and one is divided among other parties.

This result seems normal, at least in terms of the distribution of votes, but Rock doesn't think so. Rock is very clear about what the Socialist Party is.

(End of this chapter)

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