Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 432 Civil Service System

Chapter 432 Civil Service System (Debt Repayment Tenth)

Under normal circumstances, if one out of every ten votes is cast for the Socialist Party, Arnold would probably be crazy about it.

The results of other polling points prove this point. Except for the ninth polling point, the gap between the Socialist Party and the Liberal Party is relatively large in the statistical results of all other polling points. Only the result of the ninth polling point has a deviation.

"This doesn't prove anything, if the Socialist Party intentionally concentrates votes at polling point No. [-]—" Harry Spencer subconsciously said something, and then he felt that it was unlikely.

If it is in the UK, it may indeed be possible, but in Johannesburg, this situation is basically impossible.

In Johannesburg, the Socialist Party simply didn’t have such strong organizational capabilities, not even the National Party before. The Socialist Party had just been formed a week before the general election. How many voters could Arnold get?

There are no more than [-] voters for the Socialist Party now, but in the counting results of polling point No. [-], there are already more than [-] people who voted for the Socialist Party.

"Will there be election bribery?" Owen lowered his voice and said in Rock's ear. If this kind of thing got out, it would be a scandal.

Rock wanted to get to the bottom of it, but as soon as Owen finished speaking, Rock immediately became alert.

Don't forget that there are countless eyes on the election in Johannesburg, so even if the result of polling station [-] is questionable, now is not the time to be held accountable.

"Seal all the ballots and register them according to the normal statistical results." Rock remained calm. Anyway, this deviation will not affect the normal statistical results. The most important thing now is not to cause side effects. As long as the final result is still the victory of the Liberal Party, Roque will wait until the election dust settles.

Even if it is to be investigated, there will be plenty of time to investigate slowly in the future. Wait until the inspection team and those watching the fun leave Johannesburg.

Owen was unwilling, but he also knew that Rock's handling method was the most appropriate.

Harry Spencer has lingering fears, whether it is the victory of the Liberal Party or the Socialist Party, it has nothing to do with Harry Spencer, but if there is a problem during the election, Harry Spencer is duty-bound.

With this little episode, everyone was completely sleepless, and there were no surprises in the subsequent statistical results. At four o'clock in the morning, Rock finally got the final statistical results.

The Liberal Party undoubtedly won the final victory. Among the more than 34000 votes cast, the Liberal Party got 80.00%[-], the Socialist Party got [-]%, and the remaining votes were divided among other political parties.

"—The voter turnout rate exceeded 90.00%, the result was real and effective, and the Liberal Party won!" Although he had expected it, Owen was still very surprised when he got the result.

All the staff involved in the statistics are applauding and cheering. Most of them are Liberals. Although there are some accidents in the process of statistics, the final result is still good.

"Congratulations, Owen." Arnold also appeared in the warehouse, and his expression looked very happy. As far as the current results are concerned, the Socialist Party can also get four parliamentary seats, which has exceeded Arnold's expectations.

"Thank you, Arnold, and congratulations to you and the Socialist Party." Owen's expression was also happy. Although he lost some seats, under the premise of the democratic representative system, this did not shake the advantage of the Liberal Party.

As the chairman of the election committee, Owen will report to Adelaide and Joseph Chamberlain next.

Rock didn't leave with Owen. He called a team of soldiers to protect the warehouse and all the ballots before going to rest.

It is indeed necessary to take a break. Although Rock knew that the Liberal Party had a huge advantage, the election was also the first time for Rock. He did not relax after many days of tension until he got the election results. It is necessary to take a break.

Rock didn't wake up until night, and there was another banquet in the evening, this time it was a real celebratory dinner, and it was hosted by the Liberal Party.

Rock is very crooked. The evil consequences of the democratic representative system have actually appeared now. Nyasaland does not necessarily hold a banquet a year, and Johannesburg has held more than a dozen times in the past week. No wonder the British government is inefficient. Spent on a dinner party and have the energy to work is hell.

In fact, the purpose of this kind of buffet banquet in the West is not for eating, but for socializing. After a banquet, basically there is not much to eat. Every time Rock attends a dinner, he has to come back for another meal, or just It's a waste of time in Roque's view to simply go after eating.

But it’s impossible not to go. Since the Liberal Party won the election, the next step is to decide the ownership of the parliamentary seats. Although Roque himself will not enter the parliament, Roque will also place candidates in the parliament, so Roque must communicate with Owen in advance. Next, to avoid "uneven distribution of spoils" when you get it.

When Rock arrived, the dinner had already started. This time, instead of borrowing the banquet hall of the De Beers Hotel, it was held on the rooftop of the Liberal Party headquarters. The atmosphere was still very good.

As one of the founders of the Liberal Party, Rock has a high status in the Liberal Party. After arriving at the banquet, he immediately became the center of the venue.

Rock didn't want to be the focus, so he entered the lounge to rest after showing up at the banquet. In the lounge, Owen was talking with the bigwigs in the Liberal Party.

"After the establishment of the Parliament, we will reform the government. The previous government officials were all appointed by London or the Governor's Palace. This is not appropriate. Next, we may try to implement the civilian appointment system to completely end this kind of political party. The fertilizer distribution system." Owen still has ideals, and now the British mainland has begun to implement the civil service system, and Johannesburg should follow suit.

The political party fertilizer distribution system is a very strange system. It is an inevitable product of the democratic representative system. In previous elections, if a party won, then government official positions would be taken out as rewards and distributed to those who had contributed to the election. minister.

Everyone knows the disadvantages of doing this, but there has been no good solution until the emergence of the civil service system, and the political party fertilizer distribution system was gradually ended.

However, the end was not complete. Until the 21st century, the political party fat distribution system still existed in many countries, and the cabinet system was actually a political party fat distribution system.

Compared with the political party fat distribution system, the civil service system has huge advantages. At least the civil service system can guarantee that no matter which political party wins the final election, it will not cause government agencies to paralyze.

Hearing Owen's words, everyone had different reactions. Some people were disappointed, but more people were ecstatic.

Regardless of what other people think of Owen, his attitude is still firm: "After the general election, the parliament will hold an exam. Except for members of the parliament, all positions in the parliament must be determined by the results of the exam. For example, the secretary-general of the parliament, no matter which party it is in the future If you win the election, the secretary-general of the parliament will not be easily replaced, so as to ensure that the basic functions of the parliament can be maintained, and you won’t be able to steal a high position because of a close relationship with the speaker because of an ignorant guy.”

These words are frank. The Liberal Party has now won the general election. The leader of the party, Irving, will definitely serve as the speaker of the parliament. Now it is tantamount to Owen voluntarily giving up his rights.

Of course, speaking frankly doesn’t necessarily make people like it. All the bigwigs here certainly can’t enter the parliament. Some people are still waiting to win the general election and sit in the back row. As a result, Owen is going to take the exam now, which is a bit of a burden. Donkey mean it.

"It's not good to do this. These rights should originally belong to our Liberal Party, not determined by the results of the exam." Some people raised objections.

"Currently this method is only applicable to the parliament, and it will be extended to the government in the future, so friends, this is a greater opportunity for us. If you miss it, don't blame me for not reminding you." Owen has deep meaning.

Immediately someone understood what Owen meant.

Although nominally everyone has the right to take the exam, but in this era, most ordinary people are unable to take the exam. Many civilians are forced to live without going to school for a few days. They can write their own names. Not bad, so this "civilian system", although nominally facing everyone, is actually biased towards those who have more opportunities to receive education.

It is not only the children of the upper class who have the opportunity to receive education. Children from middle-class families also have the opportunity to receive a relatively good education. Therefore, the final result of the "civilian system" is that the upper class monopolizes parliamentary seats and the middle class monopolizes the government. Public officials, real children of civilians, will never have a chance.

This is not necessarily the case. Many people must not know that there are thousands of Chinese children studying hard in the school for the children of miners in Ziwei Town. After they graduate, the civil service system should have become more common.

Of course, Roque supports Owen unconditionally, so Roque's attitude is also very clear: "The civil service system is the general trend. What we have to do is to conform to the times, not go against the trend. Under the civil service system, our children will also have more opportunities. .”

The "children" play a huge role. In this era, there is no family planning. Everyone in the family has more than one child. Three or five are normal.

Even for a nobleman like Roque, there is only one child who is eligible to inherit the title, so what about the others?You can't fend for yourself. Entering the government department and serving as a grassroots official is actually a very good choice. That's what Owen did in the past.

Both Rock and Owen agreed, and the others dared not speak up even if they objected, so they quickly unified their voices.

"Okay gentlemen, now we should celebrate, and save these annoying things for tomorrow, there are so many people waiting outside, we should share our joy with everyone—" Rock suggested.

The crowd responded with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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