Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 433 not doing business

Chapter 433 not doing business

As the freshly-baked speaker of the parliament, Owen is very popular, and he is the center of the crowd wherever he goes.

Rock didn't join in the fun, and had the mentality of a big hermit. He found a sofa and slumped down comfortably, ready to go back to sleep.

Stoudemire refused to let Rock get what he wanted, and stayed in the conference room chatting with Rock one after another.

This is actually an unpopular thing. Everyone knows that London doesn't like South African companies, so they don't dare to get in touch with Stoudemire, lest they get bad luck.

"Do you have any ideas about the council?" Stoudemire wanted to confirm Rock's request, and then adjust his plan appropriately.

"Of course there is. The management rights of Bigwig Town don't matter." Rock's requirements are not high, and he doesn't have any ideas of fighting for power and profit. The main thing is to protect his own interests.

Under normal circumstances, Roque should also ask for four to five MP seats. Although this is not enough to change the shape of parliamentary power, it is enough to make his own voice heard.

Rock didn't ask for it because there were already four to five congressional seats that Rock could arrange at will, so Rock simply stopped embarrassing Owen.

According to the requirements of the monitoring team, the Liberal Party can only get 70.00% of the seats at most, and the remaining seats must be divided among other political parties.

Of the remaining 30.00%, the Socialist Party will take half, and the rest will belong to "other parties". These "other parties" are arranged by Roque. Two thousand votes, so Rock has a lot of confidence.

"Ha, you're really easy to talk to!" Stoudemire couldn't help joking that a partner like Rock is indeed rare in a hundred years.

"What about you?" Rock knew that Stoudemire must also have requirements, as long as the requirements are not excessive, Owen should satisfy Stoudemire.

"The Bureau of Mines, nothing else matters." Stoudemire's demands are neither high nor low. The economic pillar of Johannesburg is the mine, and the position of the Bureau of Mines is still very important.

Owen should satisfy Stoudemire for this requirement. Even though Stoudemire is a Rhodesian, he does not have a strong sense of presence in Johannesburg. One-third of the gold mines in Johannesburg belong to De Beers Consolidated Mining Company, so Stoudemire’s economy The strength is simply daunting. Apart from Roque, Stoudemire is the person who is most likely to influence the political situation in Johannesburg.

"You're not happy with Blake Nelson?" Rock and Blake Nelson have a pretty good relationship.

Blake Nelson is the former director of the Department of Internal Affairs, who was dismissed because of the municipal engineering fraud case, and later returned to serve as the director of the Bureau of Mines.

This is also helpless. In fact, there are only a few people with heads and faces in Johannesburg. Although Blake Nelson's butt is not clean, the others are not much better, so Blake Nelson can make a comeback.

If the civil service system is implemented, this situation will become less and less, and the promotion, appointment and dismissal of officials will be carried out according to a fixed procedure. Even the mayor is not qualified to directly decide the main leadership positions of the directly subordinate organs of the city.

"That's not the case. Director Nelson is very good, but it would be better if it was replaced by my own people." Stoudemire must have a problem with Blake Nelson, otherwise he would not have raised this issue openly.

Rock doesn't care. Although Rock has a good relationship with Blake Nelson, he has a better relationship with Stoudemire. It doesn't matter if the director of mines is replaced by Stoudemire. Rock believes that Rock's interests will not be affected by that time. influences.

To put it bluntly, as long as Roque has someone in the parliament, he will not worry about the loss of interests, otherwise the [-] Chinese in Johannesburg will never agree.

Stoudemire is not as powerful as Rock in Johannesburg, but the mining alliance is also very strong, so Owen should meet his request. Regardless of the good words of the civil service system, in fact, it is still political spoils.

After the banquet, Rock was finally able to return to Bigwig Town to relax for a while. The new First Cavalry Division was doing well, and Bigwig Town was thriving. Rock really had nothing to worry about, so he just stayed at home with Felice to raise his baby.

Phyllis had a severe pregnancy reaction some time ago, and she vomited all day at home. Now it is almost 20 weeks, and it has finally eased, and her appetite has improved a lot.

Rock invited Marvin, who was already the boss, to his home, and carefully arranged Felice's diet. During this time, Felice was in a good mood, but she couldn't stay at home again. Roque doesn't interfere with the public school run. For pregnant women, the most important thing is to be in a good mood.

In fact, Roque couldn't stay idle at home, and there was an endless stream of people who came to visit Roque every day. Johannesburg was also a bit lively during this period, and many people wanted to follow Roque's footsteps.

In fact, it's useless. If you don't pay attention to building a good relationship, you can't keep up with the warm ones. People who really have a good relationship with Roque, Roque has already made arrangements. no energy.

Those who are eligible to enter the parliament include Duncan and George, Douglas who is becoming more and more like a politician, Colin Bellamy from Bigwig Hospital, Hawley who represents the Rock Gold Mine, and Xia Jiu from the Umbrella Company, Johannesburg There are only 33 seats in the parliament, and Rock's people account for six. If the interests of the Chinese cannot be guaranteed, then Rock can retire.

"Joe, come back and make a proposal to try to make Chinese the official language of Johannesburg. There are so many Chinese in Johannesburg, and the interests of the Chinese must be guaranteed." Of course, Rock also has demands. According to the "Peace Agreement", the The official language should be English and Boer, but in Rock's operations, there are very few Boers in the Transvaal, so Boer is just a decoration, and few people use it in the Transvaal, so change it to As it should be in Chinese.

In fact, the Boer language, even the Boers are beginning to disagree with it.

After the war, both Orange and Cape established the "African Language Association". The Boers now not only do not recognize the Boer language, but even the identity of the Boers. Now many Boers think they are African and African. Lika people, and no longer "Dutch peasants", so the term "Boer" is exclusive.

This has a lot to do with the composition of the Boer coalition forces during the war. At that time, the Boer coalition forces included not only Boers, but also other white immigrants from the Transvaal and Orange, as well as "international friends" who came from Europe to join the war. There is a strong sense of identity with each other after the war, so the Boers have begun to transition to the Afrikaners.

This kind of thing will never happen to the Chinese. The Chinese who immigrated overseas, no matter at any time, are of Chinese descent, not anyone else. Of course, there are people who have forgotten their ancestors, but that is only an isolated phenomenon. Most of the time, the Chinese still agree. own identity.

Therefore, Rock wants to strengthen the status of the Chinese language, which is conducive to enhancing the national identity of the Chinese.

"Let me try—" George was obviously unconfident, but he would not refuse. This proposal was somewhat excessive in George's opinion.

Even if the proportion of Chinese in Johannesburg is relatively high, it is still a white world in name, and the interests of the Chinese can be guaranteed only in southern Africa.

George used to study at the University of Paris. The more people who have studied abroad in Europe, the more they understand the status of the Chinese in the world. Therefore, in George's opinion, the chance of this proposal being passed should be low.

"Try it, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised." Roque didn't say too much, he already has a democratic representative system, if even the congressmen don't have confidence, it is impossible to better protect the interests of the Chinese.

Confidence still needs to be accumulated slowly, and Roque's bloody battle is not as useful as Chinese becoming the official language of Johannesburg.

Take your time. Since Rock made this proposal, of course he is sure of passing it. The current parliament is relatively easy to operate. The members are all newbies and know how to take care of the overall situation.

When the congressmen become veterans, Roque will have to pay a price that is many times higher than it is now if he wants to pass this kind of proposal. Therefore, some things are best determined in legal form now, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

"In Bigwig Town, someone proposed that a general election should also be held to determine the members of the management committee—" Duncan hesitated a little, as if he was not sure whether he should report to Rock.

"Who made such a proposal?" Rock's face immediately turned cold. In this election, the voters of Bigwig Town also fulfilled their vocation. It seems that some people are not satisfied and want to implement a democratic representative system in Bigwig Town. .

Rock has the final say on whether or not the Democratic Representative System will be implemented in Bigwig Town. In theory, Bigwig Town is Rock's private property, and even the Johannesburg City Government has no control over it. So Rock is curious as to who is so reckless.

"It was mentioned to me by some professors in the medical school——Professor Abu." Duncan's face was a little embarrassing, and Roque felt a little tricky. The professors in the medical school are still different. It is indeed possible for these old scholars to make such opinions.

Most of the professors have a bit of a problem with the world, and there are very few people like Douglas.

After all, people's energy is limited, and if more energy is spent on learning, then there will be a lack of sophistication in the world, which is normal.

"How is Professor Abu's research going?" Rock found another way. If Professor Abu was free, Rock would find something for Abu to do.

"It doesn't seem to be there. I heard that we have encountered a bottleneck now—" Duncan said in a pleasant way. To be precise, Abu's research will encounter bottlenecks every day, and every step forward is extremely difficult.

"Then let Professor Abu focus more on research. Professor Abu doesn't know anything about elections, so don't let him meddle in it." Rock also tried his best to say nicely, if a person like Professor Abu really If you become a politician, it probably won't take long before you will be swallowed up to the point where there is nothing left.

(End of this chapter)

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