Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 434 Russo-Japanese War

Chapter 434 Russo-Japanese War

The School of Medicine started enrolling students on November 11 last year, and more than 20% of the first batch of students were nurses from the Bigwei Hospital.

Bigwig Hospital pays these nurses’ study fees, and the price is that these nurses have to return to Bigwig Hospital to work after graduation. For these students, this is not like a condition, but more like a welfare, because in the whole of southern Africa, The hospital is the best both in terms of hardware and software facilities and benefits, and the Bigwei Hospital is the best choice for students after graduation.

The fees for medical school are not cheap. To enter medical school, each student costs more than 100 pounds per year. Even so, there are still many people who enroll. This fee is beyond the affordability of most families, but Southern Africa Rich people don't want too much.

Abu's laboratory is now also part of the School of Medicine, and Abu himself is the honorary dean of the School of Medicine. He presides over research while also teaching. Professor Douglas is in charge of the school's routine work.

Now MP Douglas.

"Fortunately, my job is very easy. The specific experiments are now the responsibility of the students. I regard teaching the students as a way to mediate my mood. It is a pleasure to be with those energetic young people They have a lot of wonderful ideas, and sometimes they can also inspire my research work.” Abramovich was very satisfied with the current environment and did not raise his vote with Roque.

Of course, Roque would not ask for trouble. If Abu didn't mention it, Roque would treat it as nothing.

"How is the research on No. [-] going?" Rock was still concerned about the progress of Abramovich's research.

No. [-] is Baiyao. In Johannesburg, it is inappropriate to use the name "Baiyao". The formula of the current "No. [-] drug" is also very different from Baiyao in another time and space. It is more appropriate to use a new name instead.

"It's progressing well. We've now tested hundreds of different formulations, first on animals, and now we've reached the clinical stage. Mr. Harry Spencer has been of great help, and we should all be grateful to him. "Abu is in a good mood, and it may not take long before the final formula can be determined on the [-]st.

When Harry Spencer was mentioned, Rock felt a chill in his heart.

Although it has been a long time since he came to this era, some of Rock's practices in this era are still unacceptable.

such as clinical trials.

Not all of these clinical experiments are carried out in hospitals. Although experiments can also be conducted in hospitals, it is difficult to find experimental subjects. Even if there are suitable experimental subjects, they need to seek their consent.

More clinical experiments are carried out in prisons, which requires the cooperation of the police department. For Rock, this is a very immoral thing, but Abu and Harry Spencer are both used to it.

Even the prisoners in the prison are happy to be the subjects of the experiment, because not only will they be paid for the experiment, but their sentence will also be reduced. This is one of the few ways to make money in the prison.

Rock once worried that in a few years, Abramovich and his laboratory would become as notorious as "731".

After in-depth understanding, Rock realized that this era is still different from the 21st century where human rights organizations are everywhere. Thinking about Zach and Christian's experience in Robben Island Prison, Abramovich is not a big deal at all.

"There is a war going on in the Far East. Don't use the prisoners in the prison as experiments. Determine two fixed formulas as soon as possible, and then sell them to the Japanese and Russians respectively. They are very anxious now." Rock is more 731 than Abu, and went to the prison Prisoners have to be paid for doing experiments in the Far East. Not only can they get more data samples, but they can also earn money by doing experiments in the Far East.

"Is this not too good—" Abu was obviously happy, rubbing his hands still pretending.

In February of this year, because of the ownership of the Liaodong Peninsula, a war broke out between the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire in the northeast of Qing Dynasty.

The scale of the war far exceeded the expectations of both sides. The Japanese Empire had 40 troops participating in the war, and the Russian side had as many as 50 troops participating in the war. This is the first large-scale war in the world since the [-]th century, and it is also a new The Japanese Empire launched a frontal challenge to the decaying Russian Empire, and all countries in the world sent military observers to the Far East.

The Transvaal did not send, and now the Transvaal is not even a country, and it is not qualified to send military observers at all.

When the war broke out, both Imperial Japan and Imperial Russia thought it was a regional conflict that would not be protracted at all, so both sides were a bit underprepared.

As the war progressed, the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire had exhausted their supplies for the war, so arms dealers all over the world started a grand carnival.

Roque has also gained. Although Nyasaland cannot directly sell weapons to the Japanese Empire or the Russian Empire, Roque has headhunting companies in Europe. The weapons eliminated by the [-]st Cavalry Division were sold to the Japanese at a price much higher than the original price.

Some rifles have been ground out and still sell for a higher price than brand new weapons, the Japanese and Russians don't just buy weapons, food, medicine, clothing, gunpowder, etc., everything related to war , are now in high demand.

Among all the needs, trauma drugs undoubtedly occupy the first order. During the entire war, more than 6 people were killed and more than 10 were injured in the Japanese Empire, and more than 7 people were killed and nearly 15 were injured in the Russian Empire. Therefore, Now Japan and Russia have a huge demand for trauma medicines. As long as there are medicines, Japan and Russia will spare no effort.

"The biggest problem now is that the output of raw materials cannot keep up, so the output will not be too high." Abu still has a problem, and the expression on his face is so guilty.

"We don't need to produce too much. Our main purpose is to do experiments, not to save lives or make profits." Even if Rock has medicine, he will not openly sell it to the Japanese and Russians.

Just kidding, for Rock, Rock doesn't care how many Japanese or Russians die.

So Roque mainly sells weapons to the Japanese and Russians, and the medicinal materials are fine.

The main ingredient of No. [-] is Panax notoginseng. The growth cycle of Panax notoginseng is relatively long. The annual Panax notoginseng can usually only be used as seedlings. From the second year onwards, Panax notoginseng can bloom and bear fruit, but it cannot be used at this time , It will take almost three years until the harvest period. Now there are a lot of Panax notoginseng planted on Rock's farm, but they have not yet reached the harvest period. Even if Rock wants to mass-produce No. [-], he has no ability now.

So, let's be an arms dealer with peace of mind.

"Then there is no problem. We can send doctors to the Far East to get better first-hand information." Abu's thinking is relatively simple, and less production does not mean that he will not make money.

The profit of drugs is too great. When penicillin was first invented, the price was comparable to gold. The price of penicillin with the same amount is definitely higher than gold.

The value of No. [-] is also immeasurable. For ordinary soldiers, using No. [-] is definitely a waste, but for those noble officers, the price of No. [-] is whatever the price of life is.

So the value of No. [-] is priceless at all, and Abramovich has no idea how much his research is worth.

"Okay, our medicines can only be kept by our doctors and nurses, and can only be used by our doctors and nurses—by the way, mix some useless medicinal materials into it, and the formula must not be leaked." Rock is also heartbroken , with a larger dose, you may be able to sell for more money.

"It's no problem. I'll ask the doctor to bring more medicinal materials. The formula is different every time. It doesn't matter if the formula is leaked." He can speak and do things but not the brain, but this does not mean that Abu has a problem with his IQ. This is a Nobel laureate, and his IQ is absolutely superb.

After discussing with Abramovich how to cheat the Japanese and Russians, Rock was refreshed, and his steps were much easier when he left the medical school.

It didn't take long, the general election was over, the dust settled, and Rock finally had time to deal with the accident at polling point nine.

During the election period, each polling station has a squad of soldiers and a squad of police officers responsible for maintaining order. Roque’s request is that the box containing the ballots must be watched 24 hours a day, and ballots must be filled at all times. chests are within line of sight.

After the voting time expires, the boxes containing the ballots will be sent to the designated counting point under the joint escort of soldiers and police.

Therefore, during this period, the probability of problems is not high. If there are problems, then the problems should occur during this period of statistics.

What Rock hates the most now is that there is no camera. If there is a camera, this kind of thing can be solved by checking the surveillance. Now we can only use the most stupid method to investigate.

After the statistical results came out, the four staff responsible for counting polling point No. [-] were controlled and accepted a joint investigation by the military and the police.

The investigation is currently underway, and the four staff members are operating in accordance with the procedures. The review of the ballots also shows that there is no error in the statistical results.

The situation that Rock was least willing to see appeared. If there is no problem with the polling place and the counting, then the problem can only appear in the ballot itself.

"Owen, let's conduct a self-examination within the party. The problem may be our own." Rock's mood has not been affected much, and this kind of thing is normal. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. The Liberal Party now has tens of thousands of people , it is normal to have problems.

Owen was not as open-minded as Rock. After knowing the final conclusion, Owen's face was very ugly.

As the leader of the Liberal Party, if there is a problem with the Liberal Party itself, Owen is duty bound.

(End of this chapter)

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