Chapter 449 God of War (Debt Repayment Chapter 15)

On January 1905, 1, Baron Nyasaland finally had a legitimate heir to the first title.

Philip hoped that the child would be called Bowen, which means "educated nobleman".

Both Rock and Phyllis didn't like this name, and Rock was too embarrassed to directly propose it, but Phyllis directly vetoed it unceremoniously, and then named the child "Gavin".

Gavin's name means "Eagle of Victory", and this name entrusts Rock and Phyllis' best wishes to Lun.

"Gavin Locke, this name is not bad—" Rock is very satisfied with this name, and it is estimated that Rock's descendants will use "Locke" as the family form in the future.

"He's so cute, with the same black hair as you." Phyllis looked at Gavin intently, and Roque could feel that his status in the family would plummet in the future.

In fact, the newborn child was not good-looking at all, with sparse hair and not black at all, and his body was covered with vernix, making him look dirty.

Dr. Kay Mallory didn't even know the function of vernix. When Gavin was just born, Dr. Kay Mallory wanted to wash off the vernix on Gavin's body.

Rock resolutely refused. The original function of vernix was to protect the fetal skin from the infiltration of amniotic fluid. Without this layer of vernix, the fetal skin would be festered.

After the fetus is born, the fetal fat can still protect the baby's skin and reduce the occurrence of skin diseases. Generally, within a day or two, this layer of fetal fat will be absorbed by the baby, so there is no need to wash it at all.

This is basically common sense in the 21st century, but at the beginning of the [-]th century, the best doctors in Johannesburg didn't know it.

"Yes, I think so too—would you like an apple?" Rock was very attentive at the moment, putting aside all the big things, and the children and wives were the most important.

"I don't want to eat—" Phyllis was still very weak, and she had to eat a nutritious meal prepared by Dr. Kai Mallory for every meal.

Rock didn't mind, he peeled an apple and ate it slowly, but after taking a few bites, Phyllis couldn't help it, so Rock handed the half-eaten apple to Phyllis, and he was peeling another apple .

Then Phyllis was very dissatisfied, and insisted that she would not eat what Roque had eaten, and wanted to eat a new one.

Rock doesn't argue, he is the biggest kid in the world.

At noon, Henry, Stoudemire, and Owen would take turns to eat with Rock. Rock was very happy. Lacey and Karina often came to accompany Phyllis. As a result, Rock was disgusted and stayed at home for less than one On Sunday, Phyllis drove her to work.

In fact, there is really nothing good to do in the class, and it’s not that. During the time when Rock was at home, the training of the new First Cavalry Division was going on normally. With the allocation of funds, the size of the new First Cavalry Division has now been expanded to 2000 men.

The size of the new First Cavalry Division is expanding, and the garrison led by General Hopkins is being drawn down. When the Transvaal Provisional Government was established, General Hopkins had nearly 2 people under his command. With the expansion of a cavalry division, most of General Hopkins' troops were transferred to Cape and Natal, leaving less than 8000 people left in the Transvaal. It is estimated that the democratic representation system will be fully implemented in the Transvaal At this time, all the former colonial troops will withdraw from the Transvaal.

If the Transvaal spends all the military expenditure on the new First Cavalry Division, then the size of the new First Cavalry Division can be easily expanded to 5000 men, which is enough to deal with any situation that arises in the Transvaal.

Rock had very strict requirements on the new First Cavalry Division, especially the newly established artillery unit, and Rock placed great hopes on this unit.

Artillery is known as the god of war. A unit without artillery is incomplete and can only survive in the rat-carrying nests of southern Africa. If Rock wants to make a difference in World War I, he must pay attention to the artillery unit Therefore, the artillery unit in the new 350st Cavalry Division has a very high starting standard. Among the [-] artillery officers and soldiers, more than [-]% of the highly educated members have college degrees.

"We are now cooperating with the School of Medicine to organize our forces to prepare firing tables. However, the professors of the Medical School are not professional artillery experts. This work is progressing very slowly, and our current firing tables are limited to 75mm infantry rapid-fire guns. For research on large-caliber artillery, can you buy some 105mm or 120mm artillery? The caliber of 75mm rapid-fire guns is still too small for division-level troops. Our companies are now equipped with 60mm caliber mortars. 75mm Millimeter rapid-fire guns are quite suitable for regiment-level troops, but division-level troops are really shabby.” Suo Chao also prefers the larger the caliber of the artillery. A few years ago, the mainstream artillery caliber in European countries was still 60 to 90 mm. Now It has quickly climbed to a caliber of more than 100 mm, and the 75 mm caliber is like a toy compared with those large-caliber artillery.

"Practice the current artillery first, and talk about the large caliber later." Rock is not in a hurry. Of course, large caliber artillery is good. Everyone wants it. As long as it is still a question of whether it is suitable or not, there is no need for the new First Cavalry Division now. Equipped with large-caliber heavy artillery, there is no opponent worthy of using heavy artillery in Africa.

Of course, this does not mean that Rock does not pay attention to heavy artillery. The Nyasaland Arsenal is currently researching a 120mm caliber artillery. This artillery combines the advantages of Krupp and Miss 75 of France. It is estimated that it will be installed in the army after two years. .

Relatively speaking, Rock pays more attention to mortars. Compared with heavy artillery, even Miss 75, mortars have huge advantages. Even Miss 75, which is known for its lightness and compactness, has a total weight of more than one ton. The engineers of the Nyasaland Arsenal tried every means to improve the 75mm rapid-fire gun, but it only reduced the weight from about 1.2 tons to about one ton.

In contrast, the 60mm caliber mortar does not weigh more than 40 kilograms. After the barrel and the rear seat are separated, two soldiers can easily carry it to accompany the infantry. Miss 75 needs at least one squad to move Pushing and dragging, considering the bad traffic conditions of this era, if it is rainy, it is not easy to go up a row.

Therefore, Rock's ideal infantry support weapon is a mortar. As for Miss 75, it is a transitional product for the Rhodesian Northern Division and the new First Cavalry Division. Rock's ideal division-level support artillery should have a caliber of More than 120 mm, Miss 75 is too "petite".

In 1901, Germany knew for the first time that the French army was equipped with the Miss 75, and was shocked by the rate of fire of the Miss 75. At this time, the average rate of fire of the Armstrong breech-loading guns mainstream in European countries was two rounds per minute, equipped with a retreat machine The Miss 75 can fire fifteen rounds per minute, and the extreme state can reach an astonishing rate of fire of thirty rounds per minute.

Because of the hatred of the Franco-Prussian War, France refused to authorize the drawings of Miss 75 to Germany. Germany was forced to go to the road of large-caliber and long-range.

Large caliber and long range are easy to say, but difficult to achieve. Most of the artillery of this era, including the gun mount, weighs about one to four tons. The reason is also very simple: the bigger the gun, the pack horse can’t drag it. .

This is not a problem in Nyasaland, because Nyasaland now has trucks. In theory, no matter how heavy the artillery is, Nyasaland's trucks can drag it around casually.

Therefore, Nyasaland has an absolute advantage in the development of heavy artillery. Heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 75 mm has a huge advantage over Miss [-]. The killing effect of heavy artillery no longer depends on the steel balls and single-headed fragments carried in the warhead, but A high-explosive grenade filled with explosives. This kind of grenade will generate a huge shock wave when it explodes. At that time, the enemy will not be killed by the blast, but will be killed by the shock, and there is nowhere to escape in the bunker.

"Brothers have worked very hard. They have to train during the day and study at night. They try their best to shoot their backs every day. Many brothers do their backs when they eat. Our brothers haven't gone to school for a few days, and now they can only die. Kung Fu." Suo Chao couldn't help it, the cultural gap cannot be caught up in a day or two, but fortunately, the artillery doesn't need systematic learning, it only needs to memorize it by rote, which is much simpler.

"You have to recite when you should. If you become a qualified artilleryman, your salary will be doubled, your benefits will be better, and it's worth the hard work." Rock will definitely not feel bad at this time. He will be beaten if he lags behind, and he will Work harder than others.

Those college graduates of the newly formed First Cavalry Division can each receive an annual salary of more than 100 pounds per year. This salary is not low in the UK, at least they are middle-class. In the newly formed First Cavalry Division, officers and soldiers Basically, there is no place to spend money, that is to say, these salaries can be taken home as much as they earn. If they are not willing to do this, Rock can only hehe.

In fact, the salaries of soldiers in this era are very low. Soldiers can only get a salary of 12 shillings a week, which is 31 pounds and 50 shillings a year. Johannesburg is a colony, and soldiers will have special allowances, and their salaries will be higher. The military expenses of the new First Cavalry Division are sufficient. The annual salary of each soldier can reach about 100 pounds, and the salary of the artillery can be doubled to [-] pounds. What is there to be dissatisfied with!

"That is, in the past few months, our brothers have basically moved their families to Johannesburg. Many brothers do not want salary, and they are more willing to exchange their salary for land to buy a farm for their family. Unfortunately, the nearby farms are now being destroyed. It’s sold out, and if you want to buy it, you can only go to the outer suburbs, and the price of the farm has also doubled and increased, and the brothers who started early have the foresight.” Suo Chao was very proud when he said this, and he also belonged to the one who started early. A group of farms with more than a thousand acres under their name, just next to the Locke gold mine, the location is very superior.

When Socha bought the farm, it cost less than a pound an acre.

Don't even think about the price now, the price of the farm next to Bigwig Town has already exceeded ten pounds per acre, and it is impossible for those Chinese who came to Johannesburg later to afford it.

 I owed a total of 13 changes, and I accidentally repaid 15. Brothers, this sincerity is enough——



(End of this chapter)

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