Chapter 450 Mole

The deal between the umbrella company and the Russians was originally scheduled to be fulfilled in mid-December.

The speed of the Russian Pacific Second Squadron was slower than Sam expected. It was not until mid-January that the Pacific Second Squadron arrived late. At this time, the second batch of orders purchased by the Japanese government in Johannesburg had already begun to be issued one after another. It's ready.

The replenishment of the Second Pacific Squadron is carried out by the Nyasaland Ocean Shipping Company. This company is headquartered in Port Edward. The general manager is the senior Boer captain Clive Adolf. Nyasaland Immigration, the company has ten large immigration ships that can transport more than 2000 people at a time, and has enough power to provide supplies to the Pacific Second Squadron.

Next to the wharf in Port Edward, there are many large warehouses, more than half of which belong to the Nyasaland Ocean Shipping Company. Most of these warehouses used to store coal and potatoes, which were used for immigration. Beginning in October last year, the supplies ordered by the Russians began to enter the warehouse in batches, and the security of the warehouse also increased accordingly.

"Be careful, the secrets here will kill a lot of people, no matter who, for any purpose, as long as they dare to break into the warehouse without authorization, they must be secretly arrested. Brad's work does not allow mistakes." Edward The person in charge of Gang Brad is Huo Bing. Last year, the Umbrella Company in Johannesburg made a major mistake in guarding Gabby George, which became a typical example within the Umbrella and Brad. Xia Jiu took the blame and resigned, and a foreigner became the president of the Umbrella Company. Manager, Brad is ashamed of this, Huo Zheng will never allow this to happen to Brad.

"Master Huo, we have mobilized more than 200 people in the warehouse to ensure that no mosquitoes can fly in." Wei Ding, the port manager, has confidence in his subordinates. The situation in Port Edward is very special. Apart from Chinese, there are Africans and whites. As long as they appear in Port Edward, they will be monitored, and it is extremely difficult to sneak into the warehouse.

Huo Zheng glanced at Wei Ding angrily, and the meaning of the warning was obvious: "Your thinking is very dangerous, and most of the time it is because of paralysis that the enemy will take advantage of it. You should know what is stored in these warehouses , if something happens, I can’t afford to sell you, so don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Huo Zheng is a veteran of Brad, and one of the first group of people who went to the War Office to receive training. Strictly speaking, the War Office, which is good at infiltration investigations, is the object of Brad's prevention, which makes Huo Zheng have to be cautious.

As for Wei Ding, his usual work is indeed very good, but it is also because he is too good, so he is inevitably arrogant. Huo Zheng has to beat and beat from time to time, or if something happens, everyone in Brad will accompany him shame.

For Huo Zheng, Wei Ding is still habitually afraid, so he lowered his eyebrows and said honestly: "Don't worry, Master Huo. Sir, if you speak, I will hang myself to apologize to the Sir."

"It's really going to happen, even if we all apologize, it won't help—" Huo Zheng didn't talk nonsense, it's enough to talk about this, Wei Ding's job needs to get rid of the problem, and Huo Zheng can't keep him.

Wei Ding really knew the importance of sending Huo Zheng away. Wei Ding really moved the office directly to the port, called all the team leaders together, and emphasized the importance of security work again, detailing every aspect of security work to People, if something goes wrong, Wei Ding knows what to do without Huo Zheng saying it.

The security work of the entire warehouse area is jointly responsible by Brad and the Port Edward Police Department. The police department is responsible for specific work, and Brad is responsible for inspection and supervision. If problems are found, Brad and the police department have the power to take measures.

The most obvious difference is that all the police officers in the police station are in uniform, while Brad's staff are in suits and leather shoes. In Nyasaland, Brad is the so-called "secret police".

At night, the storage area that has been powered on is brightly lit. In order to prevent it, there are no trees or green belts in the storage area. After nightfall, everyone is prohibited from activities in the storage area. Anyone who trespasses in the storage area without permission will be directly arrested If you dare to arrest them, you will be killed directly. Port Edward is not even a British territory. In name, it is still the land leased by the Nyasaland Agricultural Development Company from the Yao people, so even the British will not be protected in Port Edward. .

Huo Zheng's worry is still very necessary. Since the umbrella began to collect supplies to Port Edward, some people have intentionally or unintentionally appeared in the dock storage area, trying to get close to the warehouse where the supplies are stored. At the beginning of last month, Brad thwarted an infiltration. , A total of three people were killed, but it was a pity that they did not catch them alive and could not follow the vines. This made Huo Zheng very regretful.

Unlike Johannesburg, where the nightlife is quite developed, there are almost no entertainment venues in Port Edward except for a few fixed-group clubs, and there are few people in Port Edward at night. It is still very difficult to infiltrate the warehouse. When the warehouse is replenishing supplies, only then will other people have the opportunity to enter the warehouse.

In fact, most of the warehouses do not store contraband. Only in Warehouse No. [-] are weapons and ammunition prepared for the Russian Pacific Second Squadron stored. If these things are known by the British government and the Japanese government, it will cause serious There was an uproar, so the security around the No. [-] warehouse was the top priority. The militia in Port Edward carried out the delivery of materials by themselves, and the stevedores at the docks could not intervene at all.

At 02:30 in the morning, at the most tiring time of the day, two police officers in charge of the security of Warehouse No. [-] got together to chat.

"Smoking one?" A policeman took out a cigarette.

"You don't want to live anymore. You don't know what's in it?" Another policeman suddenly changed his face. There is a lot of gunpowder stored in No. [-] Warehouse. Anything related to "fire" is everywhere around No. [-] Warehouse. It is not allowed to exist, and the police are not even allowed to bring matches and lighters when they go to work.

"What are you afraid of? It's so far away. It's okay—" Probably because the addiction to cigarettes was difficult to control. At first, the policeman insisted on smoking one.

"If you want to smoke yourself, don't drag me if you want to die." Another policeman was determined and refused to go into the water.

"Then wait for me." The guy who was addicted to cigarettes ran to the corner, and just as he took out the lighter, he heard a gentle voice.

"What are you doing?" It was a Brad member in a black suit who spoke.

The policeman's hands trembled, and the cigarette and lighter fell to the ground at the same time.

The young Brad members looked helpless in their eyes.

"Hold, I'm sorry, it's really boring, I just want to smoke one to refresh myself." The policeman is very embarrassed, this kind of thing is actually quite normal, especially at night, as long as it is not too much, everyone will usually open their eyes. Close your eyes.

Of course, smoking is absolutely not allowed around Warehouse No. [-]. Smoking around Warehouse No. [-] is subject to confinement. In fact, the entire warehouse area is a no-smoking area. Regulations disagree.

"Hey, you know what you're doing, right? Go report to the Military Law Office tomorrow." Another Brad insisted on the principle that he would be punished if he made a mistake.

"Brother, I just wanted to smoke, and I didn't light it up. My brother just took it out to have a dry addiction." Another policeman was still loyal enough.

The principled Brad still wants to talk, but the other Brad is reasonable: "Persist for a while, even if you want to smoke, you can wait until after get off work. Are you about to change shifts?"

If the rules are strictly enforced, the guy who wants to smoke will live in a small black room tomorrow.

"There is still half an hour." The policeman had a clue, and his attitude was very good.

Member Brad nodded without further words, and the two Brad members walked directly to Warehouse No. [-].

The guy who just wanted to smoke to refresh himself suddenly felt refreshed, and the taste of the small black room was not pleasant.

Looking at the backs of the two members of Brad, the policeman with mud was very alert: "Big head, go find the sheriff for reinforcements."

"What's wrong?" The policeman called Datou broke out in a cold sweat.

"There was something wrong with those two guys just now."

"What's wrong?"

"You are so dazed by smoking, if they are really Brad, you just wanted to get by easily?"

"Damn, you're right, wait until I—" Datou finished speaking, and went to the sheriff in no time.

Two "Brad" members came to the No. [-] warehouse, registered according to the procedure, and then prepared to enter the No. [-] warehouse to register materials.

The police guarding the No. [-] warehouse had no doubts. They had just shown their IDs and the verification was correct, and the police had no reason to organize.

"Wait—" The sheriff finally came without delay: "Sorry, who are you?"

"This is our ID." Two Brad members showed their IDs at the same time.

The sheriff took over the ID check, and then suddenly drew his gun: "Don't move, don't make things difficult for me, come with me, wait for your identity to be verified, if you are really Brad, I will apologize to you, if you are not, Haha, then you'd better ask yourselves how lucky you are."

The two Brad members didn't expect that even if they had documents, the sheriff would draw his gun immediately.

At this time, it was too late to resist, and the surrounding policemen had already pulled out and grabbed them. As long as they dared to resist, even if they were really Brad, they would be beaten into a hornet's nest.

Soon, Wei Ding rushed to the scene. The people were indeed real, official members of Brad, but they should not appear in Port Edward. They are members of Brad who belonged to Little Rock. If you are in Port Edward, you must first report to Brad's branch in Port Edward.

The information was immediately reported to Huo Zheng, and by this time the investigation results had come out. These were two moles who were instigated by the War Office.

(End of this chapter)

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