Chapter 554

Before the reinforcements from Southwest Africa arrived in Tanganyika, Germany formed a servant army of two divisions in Tanganyika, one division was stationed in Usumbula on the North Sea coast, and the other was stationed in the coastal town of Tanganyika Safe Harbor.

Safe Harbor is the future Dar es Salaam. It was built in 1862 and became the center of German rule in Tanganyika in 1891. Now the official residence of Governor Leutwein is in Safe Harbor.

According to the German army establishment at this time, the division-level troops adopt the system of two brigades and four regiments. The total strength of a division should be about 7000, and the total strength of the support troops can reach about 4.

The size of the colonial servant army is definitely different from that of the local regular army. The size of a division of the German servant army in Tanganyika is only about 5000 people. After all, the colonial servant army has to face the colonial natives, not the regular army of the old colonial country. , so there is no need to adopt formal compilation at all.

It is said that Germany is now almost desperate for the arms race. All its forces are concentrated on the construction of the navy. There is no spare power to take care of the army, let alone the colonial servant army. Whether it is in terms of equipment or training, it is two different things from the real local elite.

Of course, the militias in Tanganyika and the militias in Nyasaland are two different things. The militias in Nyasaland also require one month of formal training every year, and militias in various places will regularly check the training of militia members.

Forget about the militia in Tanganyika. Tanganyika now needs local subsidies to maintain the colonial rule of Tanganyika. If you really need regular training, it is estimated that you can’t even afford bullets, so it’s all about money.

With the configuration of the Tanganyika servant army, it can indeed be used to deal with the aborigines in the colonies. After all, the aborigines in the colonies do not have advanced weapons, and they are still primitive equipment like spear spears. A Maxim is enough to form an overwhelming force against the aborigines in the colonies. Advantage.

But against the Honor Hold rebels backed by Nyasaran, Tanganyika's colonial forces were not enough.

Speaking of this, I have to sigh again. The British empire on which the sun never sets is indeed strong. Not long after Lee Enfield appeared, the UK has the ability to fully re-equip. All front-line troops have been equipped with Lee Enfield, even the southern Colonial troops in Africa, because of the Boer War, were also able to equip Lee Enfield with the most advanced weapons in the world.

The strength of Germany is much worse than that of the United Kingdom. At present, when magazine-style rifles are popular, the regular German army still uses the old-fashioned single-shot Mauser rifles, let alone the colonial servants. In order to support Glory, Nyasaland Fort rebels, I don't know where to find some Martini Henry from the corner of the warehouse. This kind of rifle that has been completely eliminated in the British army can still be regarded as an advanced weapon in Tanganyika.

As for Maqqin, the entire Tanganyika, the troops of the two divisions are equipped with a total of six, there are no rapid-fire guns, the number of grenades is very small, and the supply of bullets is not sufficient, so now the Tanganyika servants are equipped with It is said that they are far behind the Honor Hold rebels.

So it is really understandable why the German government would threaten Nyasaland with war.

Of course, this war threat is just a threat. It is unlikely that Germany will actually declare war on Nyasaland for Tanganyika. There is only one brigade of 6000 people. Perhaps in the eyes of the German government, this is enough to quell the rebellion in Tanganyika, but the number of rebels in Tanganyika has exceeded [-] before this force arrives. Man, this situation is finally getting tricky for Von Trotta.

In early December, Eagle Castle had two special guests, Neville Chamberlain and his brother Austin Chamberlain.

In the British general election of the previous year, the Conservative Party represented by Joseph Chamberlain lost, and Austin Chamberlain joined the Conservative Party with most members of the Liberal Union Party, intending to make a comeback four years later.

What Austin Chamberlain absolutely did not expect was that the Conservative Party did not win until after the outbreak of the First World War and the formation of a coalition government in Britain, so Austin Chamberlain and most of the Conservative Party members were excluded from the British government .

Now Austin Chamberlain is not aware of the cruel situation he is about to face. This time he came to Roque. Austin Chamberlain represented Tanganyika Governor Leutwein and hoped that Roque could stop the rebellion in Tanganyika. Army assistance, so that Tanganyika can quell the rebellion in the territory as soon as possible.

Rock never expected that the dignified ministers of the empire, members of the famous Chamberlain family in British politics, would actually come to lobby Nyasaland for the Germans.

But thinking of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy in the future, Roque seemed to understand something.

Don't get me wrong, Austin Chamberlain is definitely not a traitor of the British government, but Austin Chamberlain definitely did not completely stand on the British position when considering issues.

To put it bluntly, it's all for profit.

"The arms race is intensifying and has seriously affected the lives of citizens. We cannot allow the Liberal government to drag the British Empire into the abyss of war. We must stop this irrational behavior and get the country back on track, otherwise we will become Sinners of the state—” Austin Chamberlain raves, though his starting point seems flimsy.

"Your Excellency, the rebellion in Tanganyika will have a serious impact on Germany's arms race. If Germany can't sustain it, it would be better for us to stop the arms race on its own initiative?" Rock followed the meaning of Austin Chamberlain Said, in fact, it is the same goal by different routes.

"Lord Nyasaland, you don't seem to realize that even if Germany can't hold on, it won't take the initiative to stop the arms race, but will start a war with all-in-one bet, which will be an unprecedented disaster for the civilized world ——” Austin Chamberlain is still very sober and fully aware of the consequences of the arms race.

"Think about what would happen to Nyasaland, to southern Africa, to our colonies of the British Empire all over the world if the rebel rebellion in Tanganyika was successful and the Germans were forced to withdraw from Tanganyika. What kind of catastrophic impact will be produced, I am afraid that all colonies will follow suit, and the civilized world system that we have established and maintained for hundreds of years will completely collapse, which is absolutely unacceptable to us.” Austin Chamberlain is also worried The aftermath of the Tanganyika Rebellion.

Unlike Winston and Neville, Austin Chamberlain did not approve of colonial self-government, and tried his best to implement the tariff policy advocated by Joseph Chamberlain, trying to strengthen the control of the economies of the dominions of the British Empire, advocating protective tariff policies, and implementing the imperial preferential system.

This runs counter to the interests of Nyasaland. Rock does not want to break away from the Commonwealth, but he is also unwilling to let London dictate everything about southern African affairs. federal market.

"Your Excellency, the rebellion in Tanganyika will not affect Nyasaland. You should have seen that although Tanganyika is limited to chaos, Nyasaland is still stable and has not been affected by Tanganyika. influence.” Rock believes that the problem is far less serious than what Austin Chamberlain described. Even if a rebellion breaks out in Nyasaland, as long as there is no support from external forces, the Nyasaland government is fully capable of resolving the situation in a short period of time. stabilize the situation.

"Okay gentlemen, let's talk about something practical, Locke, what should Tanganyika do so that you will stop supporting the rebels in Tanganyika?" Neville Chamberlain and Rock are more familiar, Ask Rock directly what is required.

That's right, Rock has spent tens of thousands of pounds for the rebels in Tanganyika, and it is absolutely impossible for Rock to stop without any benefit.

"Neville, can you represent the government of Tanganyika?" General Rock.

"Of course not, I don't represent anyone, I just want to hear your opinion on Tanganyika, that's all." Neville Chamberlain is not fooled, if the purpose of the two brothers is spread, the political reputation of the Chamberlain family That's all.

"Then it's very simple. I ask Tanganyika to cede the entire North Sea and recognize Nyasaland's interests in the North Sea. At the same time, within ten kilometers of Tanganyika and the border with Nyasaland should become non-military The Tanganyika government cannot station troops in this area. At the same time, the Tanganyika government should guarantee the rights of the Tatera people in the territory. It must stop the massacre of the Tatera people, and reflect on the previous brutal behavior. The Tatera people will make compensation." Rock opened his mouth like a lion, in order to offer conditions absolutely unacceptable to the Germans, so that Rock would have a reason to continue supporting the rebels in Tanganyika.

Neville Chamberlain obviously didn't expect that Rock's request was so excessive. He exchanged a tacit look with Austin Chamberlain, and Neville Chamberlain said after hesitation: "Rock, be realistic. These conditions of yours, Germany People will never agree."

"I didn't expect the Germans to agree. Ever since Von Trota came to Tanganyika, the Tanganyika military has become more and more excessive. Originally, Lord Bilov's visit to Nyasaland effectively improved the situation. The relationship between Nyasaland and Tanganyika, but the arrival of Fonte Rota ruined the good situation created by Lord Bilov's visit to Nyasaland, and it is Fonte Rota who is really responsible for all this "Rock is blunt, just now Rock didn't mention the responsibility of Feng Trota, because the German General Staff has removed Feng Trota's position as commander-in-chief of Tanganyika, and the new commander-in-chief is the famous Egyptian. Rich von Falkenhayn.

(End of this chapter)

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