Chapter 555

To be precise, Erich von Falkenhayn is famous in the future, an era that not many people know.

From 1896 to 1903, Erich von Falkenhain served in the Qing Dynasty, during which he participated in the war of invasion of China by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

In 1903, Erich von Falkenhain returned to Germany and served in the German General Staff. As the situation in Tanganyika was out of control, the German General Staff urgently needed an experienced person to stabilize the situation in Tanganyika. , So Erich von Falkenhain, who has rich experience in overseas work, was selected by the German General Staff to serve as the commander-in-chief of the German Army in Tanganyika.

Now Erich von Falkenhayn has not arrived in Tanganyika, so the commander-in-chief of the German army in Tanganyika is temporarily held by Governor Leutwein, but Leutwein is not good at military affairs. Therefore, the Tanganyika German army has not moved during this period, and it is estimated that they will not launch a new offensive against the Honor Hold rebels until Erich von Falkenhayn arrives in office.

During World War I, Erich von Falkenhayn served as the chief of staff of the German army. In early 1916, Falkenhayn forcibly launched the Battle of Verdun, hoping to cause a 2:1 casualty ratio and force France to exhaust its strength.

But after paying the price of 25 deaths, this strategic goal failed to be realized, and Falkenhayn was dismissed, and Hindenburg succeeded as chief of staff.

Erich von Falkenhayn was also known as the "Butcher of Verdun" because of the Battle of Verdun.

From this nickname, we can see Erich von Falkenhayn's combat style. In terms of ruthlessness, Erich von Falkenhayn is better than Von Trotta.

Although Erich von Falkenhayn has a great background, Roque is not too worried. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. In the current situation in Tanganyika, even if William II's royal conquest, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive. In a short period of time, the rebellion in Tanganyika was quelled. Erich von Falkenhayn's performance in the First World War was not outstanding, and his status as chief of staff was not commensurate with him. It is estimated that Erich von Falkenhayn has no good way to terminate the assistance to the Tanganyika rebels.

So when Rock faced Neville Chamberlain and Austin Chamberlain, he was extra confident.

If it was the former Nyasaland, Roque might sell some face to Neville Chamberlain and Austin Chamberlain. Now Nyasaland has been incorporated into the self-government of southern Africa and is no longer a territory directly under the British government. However, Roark doesn't have to care too much about the views of these political families in the UK on Nyasaland.

"Locke, I can convey your conditions to Tanganyika through certain channels, but I can't guarantee that the Germans will accept them." Neville Chamberlain was still very immature in politics, and Austin Chamberlain's face was already ugly.

"It's okay Neville, no matter whether the Germans accept it or not, I thank you for your efforts. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for a long time. The last time we met was in London. Come on, we must have a good drink today." Luo Ke doesn't care much about Austin Chamberlain, but Neville Chamberlain once helped Rock, and Rock always remembers it in his heart.

It was precisely because of the great help of Neville Chamberlain and Winston that Rock's fief was Nyasaland.

The implementation of the democratic representative system in the Transvaal and the self-government of southern Africa this time. Neville Chamberlain has helped a lot. Neville Chamberlain was still grateful.

During the dinner, Austin Chamberlain was still able to take the initiative to adjust his emotions, and the atmosphere of the banquet was not bad.

Rock took Stoudemire and Henry for company, and they, along with Neville Chamberlain, also happened to be the four shareholders of Fawalt Iron Works.

The annual profit of Fawalt Iron and Steel Works is more than one million pounds. This amount of money is not too much for Rock, Stoudemire, and Henry, but it is very important for the Chamberlain family who is in a slump. Austin Chamberlain was involved in the political arena. With his own salary, he could not support Austin Chamberlain's expenses at all, and he had to rely on family subsidies to maintain his life in London.

Neville Chamberlain's business ability is just like that. Without the help of Joseph Chamberlain and Austin Chamberlain, it is estimated that Neville Chamberlain would not even be able to support himself. Fawalt Iron and Steel Works is Neville Chamberlain's most successful The annual return on the investment made Neville Chamberlain very satisfied.

Speaking of which, Henry is also very busy during this period. As the Minister of Justice of the federal government, Henry has been staying in Cape Town some time ago, so after seeing Roque, he poured bitterness on Roque, and he is very envious of Roque now life.

"I just now understand why you got a bunch of deputies. During this period of time, meetings were held every day in Cape Town. In name, there are only four regions in southern Africa, but with Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and Basutoland , Swaziland, and Bechuanaland, there are more than a dozen different sets of laws, and the judicial standards are different in each place. I heard that Bloemfontein is also like this, and there are endless quarrels in meetings every day. Now even the draft of the "Constitution" has not been formulated, so our Ministry of Justice has nothing to rely on, so we have to use the previous laws to make up the numbers—" Henry was very angry, and after scolding the judiciary, he scolded the legislation, if Philip was not in charge The speaker of the federal government's parliament estimates that Henry will resign now.

After the establishment of the federal government, the Transvaal Liberal Party unsurprisingly became the largest party in the federal government. Philip became the speaker of the federal government parliament, and together with Adelaide formed the administrative center of the federal government in Pretoria.

Now that the federal government is still in its infancy, there are many situations where a person like Roque holds multiple positions. While Philip is the speaker of the parliament, he is also the prime minister of the Transvaal——

It is no longer the Prime Minister, it is now the Governor of the Transvaal.

The official name of Nyasaland has also been changed to Nyasaland State, and the governor is still Anton.

Rock did not respond to Henry's complaints, but smiled at Stoudemire. Both of them were smart people. The governor of Rhodesia was the general manager of the former South African company, and Stoudemire did not hold any position in the state government.

But this will not affect Stoudemire's status in Rhodesia, just like Roque in Nyasaland, everyone knows that Rhodesia is Stoudemire's territory, so Ade doesn't ask the governor of Rhodesia at all Candidates are whoever Stoudemire says.

"Isn't southern African self-government the goal you have been pursuing?" Austin Chamberlain seemed happy to see such a scene.

"Yes, we have always wanted southern Africa to be self-governing because there are too many self-righteous guys in London." Henry's words were sharp, and Austin Chamberlain once belonged to the self-righteous ranks.

"Come on, let's talk about something pleasant, Locke, can you open the agency right for Nyasaland products now?" Neville Chamberlain was full of money.

When there was no autonomy in southern Africa, Roque had been restricting the export of Nyasaland products in order not to attract attention. He would rather sell cars all the way to India than sell them in the UK on a large scale.

Now that southern Africa has self-government, even if the British government discovers the industrial potential of Nyasaland, it is impossible to nationalize Nyasaland again. Neville Chamberlain’s request is at the right time, even if Neville Chamberlain does not mention it In the future, Roque will also find a way to sell Nyasaland's products to Europe.

No matter how much Rock looks down on Europe, he must admit that Europe is indeed the center of the world now.

Thanks to the colonization of the world for hundreds of years, European countries have accumulated a lot of wealth. It can be said that the top and bottom are full of fat. Instead of waiting for the world war to completely smash Europe and the money is earned by the Americans, Mr. Go make a fortune, and wait until the world war. Anyway, it is impossible for Rock to watch the United States evacuate Europe.

"Okay, what do you want to represent? Write me an order, and I'll give you the best price." Neville Chamberlain still had some face in front of Rock.

"Pharmaceuticals, vodka, furs, cars, trucks, general-purpose machine guns, rapid-fire guns, cloth, cans, provisions—blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, C, B C C C C C E B E D E N E R E N E V E L I want anything that has anything to do with war." Neville Chamberlain had a voracious appetite.

The arms race is not just about dreadnoughts, but an all-round three-dimensional competition, covering everything related to the military.

Therefore, the prices of all materials related to the war in Europe are rising rapidly, but there is almost no change in Nyasaland.

There are indeed many enviable products in Nyasaland, such as the proven penicillin and Baiyao in the Russo-Japanese War, as well as military vehicles that have been widely equipped in the southern African army, and Nyasaland Various weapons produced by the Armory.

Others don't know, but Neville Chamberlain is very clear. With the influence of the Chamberlain family in the British political circle, Chamberlain can indeed get the order.

In fact, as early as the Russo-Japanese War, the products of Nyasaland Armory Factory were well received by both warring parties. At that time, Nyasaland was doing business with both sides at the same time. Sold to the Russians and Japanese, the Rand Bank is still a Russian and Japanese creditor, earning millions of pounds every year in interest alone.

Banks in this period were actually similar to loan sharks. Japan and Russia received loans from the Rand Bank with an annual interest rate of 30.00%, 1000 million pounds, and 300 million interest a year.

And if you don't pay it back when it's due, compound interest will be calculated. This is the real donkey rolling.

 To promote the book "Going to the Sky", the author can have a big brain, but it is still a seedling and needs careful care——



(End of this chapter)

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